Aaron L 711ecbbe8d Use pg-specific schema tables for fkey detection
- Postgres doesn't care about names for uniqueness of keys unlike mysql
  because internally it keeps "oid" values to keep track of everything.
  Unfortunately this means that the information_schema standard is
  inadequate to differentiate between constraints that are named the
  same (which isn't possible in mysql, but is in pg). Hence we have to
  dip into the pg specific schemas for better or worse.
- Fix naming of the sample schema in the README since it would fail for
  mysql due to duplicate naming.
- Mark test schema up so we don't fix the bad names so we catch
  regressions here.
- Fix 
2017-01-06 17:53:10 -08:00

427 lines
12 KiB

package drivers
import (
// Side-effect import sql driver
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
// PostgresDriver holds the database connection string and a handle
// to the database connection.
type PostgresDriver struct {
connStr string
dbConn *sql.DB
// NewPostgresDriver takes the database connection details as parameters and
// returns a pointer to a PostgresDriver object. Note that it is required to
// call PostgresDriver.Open() and PostgresDriver.Close() to open and close
// the database connection once an object has been obtained.
func NewPostgresDriver(user, pass, dbname, host string, port int, sslmode string) *PostgresDriver {
driver := PostgresDriver{
connStr: PostgresBuildQueryString(user, pass, dbname, host, port, sslmode),
return &driver
// PostgresBuildQueryString builds a query string.
func PostgresBuildQueryString(user, pass, dbname, host string, port int, sslmode string) string {
parts := []string{}
if len(user) != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("user=%s", user))
if len(pass) != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("password=%s", pass))
if len(dbname) != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("dbname=%s", dbname))
if len(host) != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("host=%s", host))
if port != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("port=%d", port))
if len(sslmode) != 0 {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("sslmode=%s", sslmode))
return strings.Join(parts, " ")
// Open opens the database connection using the connection string
func (p *PostgresDriver) Open() error {
var err error
p.dbConn, err = sql.Open("postgres", p.connStr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Close closes the database connection
func (p *PostgresDriver) Close() {
// UseLastInsertID returns false for postgres
func (p *PostgresDriver) UseLastInsertID() bool {
return false
// TableNames connects to the postgres database and
// retrieves all table names from the information_schema where the
// table schema is schema. It uses a whitelist and blacklist.
func (p *PostgresDriver) TableNames(schema string, whitelist, blacklist []string) ([]string, error) {
var names []string
query := fmt.Sprintf(`select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = $1`)
args := []interface{}{schema}
if len(whitelist) > 0 {
query += fmt.Sprintf(" and table_name in (%s);", strmangle.Placeholders(true, len(whitelist), 2, 1))
for _, w := range whitelist {
args = append(args, w)
} else if len(blacklist) > 0 {
query += fmt.Sprintf(" and table_name not in (%s);", strmangle.Placeholders(true, len(blacklist), 2, 1))
for _, b := range blacklist {
args = append(args, b)
rows, err := p.dbConn.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var name string
if err := rows.Scan(&name); err != nil {
return nil, err
names = append(names, name)
return names, nil
// Columns takes a table name and attempts to retrieve the table information
// from the database information_schema.columns. It retrieves the column names
// and column types and returns those as a []Column after TranslateColumnType()
// converts the SQL types to Go types, for example: "varchar" to "string"
func (p *PostgresDriver) Columns(schema, tableName string) ([]bdb.Column, error) {
var columns []bdb.Column
rows, err := p.dbConn.Query(`
case when c.data_type = 'USER-DEFINED' and c.udt_name <> 'hstore'
select 'enum.' || c.udt_name || '(''' || string_agg(labels.label, ''',''') || ''')'
from (
select pg_enum.enumlabel as label
from pg_enum
where pg_enum.enumtypid =
select typelem
from pg_type
where pg_type.typtype = 'b' and pg_type.typname = ('_' || c.udt_name)
limit 1
order by pg_enum.enumsortorder
) as labels
else c.data_type
) as column_type,
e.data_type as array_type,
c.is_nullable = 'YES' as is_nullable,
(select exists(
select 1
from information_schema.table_constraints tc
inner join information_schema.constraint_column_usage as ccu on tc.constraint_name = ccu.constraint_name
where tc.table_schema = $1 and tc.constraint_type = 'UNIQUE' and ccu.constraint_schema = $1 and ccu.table_name = c.table_name and ccu.column_name = c.column_name and
(select count(*) from information_schema.constraint_column_usage where constraint_schema = $1 and constraint_name = tc.constraint_name) = 1
)) OR
(select exists(
select 1
from pg_indexes pgix
inner join pg_class pgc on pgix.indexname = pgc.relname and pgc.relkind = 'i' and pgc.relnatts = 1
inner join pg_index pgi on pgi.indexrelid = pgc.oid
inner join pg_attribute pga on pga.attrelid = pgi.indrelid and pga.attnum = ANY(pgi.indkey)
pgix.schemaname = $1 and pgix.tablename = c.table_name and pga.attname = c.column_name and pgi.indisunique = true
)) as is_unique
from information_schema.columns as c
left join information_schema.element_types e
on ((c.table_catalog, c.table_schema, c.table_name, 'TABLE', c.dtd_identifier)
= (e.object_catalog, e.object_schema, e.object_name, e.object_type, e.collection_type_identifier))
where c.table_name = $2 and c.table_schema = $1;
`, schema, tableName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var colName, colType, udtName string
var defaultValue, arrayType *string
var nullable, unique bool
if err := rows.Scan(&colName, &colType, &udtName, &arrayType, &defaultValue, &nullable, &unique); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to scan for table %s", tableName)
column := bdb.Column{
Name: colName,
DBType: colType,
ArrType: arrayType,
UDTName: udtName,
Nullable: nullable,
Unique: unique,
if defaultValue != nil {
column.Default = *defaultValue
columns = append(columns, column)
return columns, nil
// PrimaryKeyInfo looks up the primary key for a table.
func (p *PostgresDriver) PrimaryKeyInfo(schema, tableName string) (*bdb.PrimaryKey, error) {
pkey := &bdb.PrimaryKey{}
var err error
query := `
select tc.constraint_name
from information_schema.table_constraints as tc
where tc.table_name = $1 and tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.table_schema = $2;`
row := p.dbConn.QueryRow(query, tableName, schema)
if err = row.Scan(&pkey.Name); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return nil, err
queryColumns := `
select kcu.column_name
from information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu
where constraint_name = $1 and table_schema = $2;`
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, err = p.dbConn.Query(queryColumns, pkey.Name, schema); err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
var columns []string
for rows.Next() {
var column string
err = rows.Scan(&column)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
columns = append(columns, column)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
pkey.Columns = columns
return pkey, nil
// ForeignKeyInfo retrieves the foreign keys for a given table name.
func (p *PostgresDriver) ForeignKeyInfo(schema, tableName string) ([]bdb.ForeignKey, error) {
var fkeys []bdb.ForeignKey
query := `
pgc.relname as source_table,
pgasrc.attname as source_column,
dstlookupname.relname as dest_table,
pgadst.attname as dest_column
from pg_namespace pgn
inner join pg_class pgc on pgn.oid = pgc.relnamespace and pgc.relkind = 'r'
inner join pg_constraint pgcon on pgn.oid = pgcon.connamespace and pgc.oid = pgcon.conrelid
inner join pg_class dstlookupname on pgcon.confrelid = dstlookupname.oid
inner join pg_attribute pgasrc on pgc.oid = pgasrc.attrelid and pgasrc.attnum = ANY(pgcon.conkey)
inner join pg_attribute pgadst on pgcon.confrelid = pgadst.attrelid and pgadst.attnum = ANY(pgcon.confkey)
where pgn.nspname = $2 and pgc.relname = $1 and pgcon.contype = 'f'`
var rows *sql.Rows
var err error
if rows, err = p.dbConn.Query(query, tableName, schema); err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var fkey bdb.ForeignKey
var sourceTable string
fkey.Table = tableName
err = rows.Scan(&fkey.Name, &sourceTable, &fkey.Column, &fkey.ForeignTable, &fkey.ForeignColumn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fkeys = append(fkeys, fkey)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return fkeys, nil
// TranslateColumnType converts postgres database types to Go types, for example
// "varchar" to "string" and "bigint" to "int64". It returns this parsed data
// as a Column object.
func (p *PostgresDriver) TranslateColumnType(c bdb.Column) bdb.Column {
if c.Nullable {
switch c.DBType {
case "bigint", "bigserial":
c.Type = "null.Int64"
case "integer", "serial":
c.Type = "null.Int"
case "smallint", "smallserial":
c.Type = "null.Int16"
case "decimal", "numeric", "double precision":
c.Type = "null.Float64"
case "real":
c.Type = "null.Float32"
case "bit", "interval", "bit varying", "character", "money", "character varying", "cidr", "inet", "macaddr", "text", "uuid", "xml":
c.Type = "null.String"
case `"char"`:
c.Type = "null.Byte"
case "bytea":
c.Type = "null.Bytes"
case "json", "jsonb":
c.Type = "null.JSON"
case "boolean":
c.Type = "null.Bool"
case "date", "time", "timestamp without time zone", "timestamp with time zone":
c.Type = "null.Time"
case "ARRAY":
if c.ArrType == nil {
panic("unable to get postgres ARRAY underlying type")
c.Type = getArrayType(c)
// Make DBType something like ARRAYinteger for parsing with randomize.Struct
c.DBType = c.DBType + *c.ArrType
if c.UDTName == "hstore" {
c.Type = "types.HStore"
c.DBType = "hstore"
} else {
c.Type = "string"
fmt.Printf("Warning: Incompatible data type detected: %s\n", c.UDTName)
c.Type = "null.String"
} else {
switch c.DBType {
case "bigint", "bigserial":
c.Type = "int64"
case "integer", "serial":
c.Type = "int"
case "smallint", "smallserial":
c.Type = "int16"
case "decimal", "numeric", "double precision":
c.Type = "float64"
case "real":
c.Type = "float32"
case "bit", "interval", "uuint", "bit varying", "character", "money", "character varying", "cidr", "inet", "macaddr", "text", "uuid", "xml":
c.Type = "string"
case `"char"`:
c.Type = "types.Byte"
case "json", "jsonb":
c.Type = "types.JSON"
case "bytea":
c.Type = "[]byte"
case "boolean":
c.Type = "bool"
case "date", "time", "timestamp without time zone", "timestamp with time zone":
c.Type = "time.Time"
case "ARRAY":
c.Type = getArrayType(c)
// Make DBType something like ARRAYinteger for parsing with randomize.Struct
c.DBType = c.DBType + *c.ArrType
if c.UDTName == "hstore" {
c.Type = "types.HStore"
c.DBType = "hstore"
} else {
c.Type = "string"
fmt.Printf("Warning: Incompatible data type detected: %s\n", c.UDTName)
c.Type = "string"
return c
// getArrayType returns the correct boil.Array type for each database type
func getArrayType(c bdb.Column) string {
switch *c.ArrType {
case "bigint", "bigserial", "integer", "serial", "smallint", "smallserial":
return "types.Int64Array"
case "bytea":
return "types.BytesArray"
case "bit", "interval", "uuint", "bit varying", "character", "money", "character varying", "cidr", "inet", "macaddr", "text", "uuid", "xml":
return "types.StringArray"
case "boolean":
return "types.BoolArray"
case "decimal", "numeric", "double precision", "real":
return "types.Float64Array"
return "types.StringArray"
// RightQuote is the quoting character for the right side of the identifier
func (p *PostgresDriver) RightQuote() byte {
return '"'
// LeftQuote is the quoting character for the left side of the identifier
func (p *PostgresDriver) LeftQuote() byte {
return '"'
// IndexPlaceholders returns true to indicate PSQL supports indexed placeholders
func (p *PostgresDriver) IndexPlaceholders() bool {
return true