Aaron 64ec06b4b4 Rename some functions.
- Use more efficient implementation of the template funcs.
2016-03-01 08:34:57 -08:00

15 lines
663 B

{{- $tableName := .TableName -}}
// {{titleCase $tableName}}FieldsAll retrieves the specified columns for all records.
// Pass in a pointer to an object with `db` tags that match the column names you wish to retrieve.
// For example: friendName string `db:"friend_name"`
func {{titleCase $tableName}}FieldsAll(db boil.DB, results interface{}) error {
{{$varName := camelCase $tableName -}}
var {{$varName}} []*{{titleCase $tableName}}
err := db.Select(&{{$varName}}, `SELECT {{selectParamNames $tableName .TableData}}`)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("models: unable to select from {{$tableName}}: %s", err)
return {{$varName}}, nil