483 lines
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483 lines
13 KiB
package boil
import (
var (
bindAccepts = []reflect.Kind{reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Struct}
const (
loadMethodPrefix = "Load"
relationshipStructName = "R"
// BindP executes the query and inserts the
// result into the passed in object pointer.
// It panics on error. See boil.Bind() documentation.
func (q *Query) BindP(obj interface{}) {
if err := q.Bind(obj); err != nil {
// Bind executes the query and inserts the
// result into the passed in object pointer
// Bind rules:
// - Struct tags control bind, in the form of: `boil:"name,bind"`
// - If "name" is omitted the sql column names that come back are TitleCased
// and matched against the field name.
// - If the "name" part of the struct tag is specified, the given name will
// be used instead of the struct field name for binding.
// - If the "name" of the struct tag is "-", this field will not be bound to.
// - If the ",bind" option is specified on a struct field and that field
// is a struct itself, it will be recursed into to look for fields for binding.
// Example Query:
// type JoinStruct struct {
// // User1 can have it's struct fields bound to since it specifies
// // ,bind in the struct tag, it will look specifically for
// // fields that are prefixed with "user." returning from the query.
// // For example "user.id" column name will bind to User1.ID
// User1 *models.User `boil:"user,bind"`
// // User2 will follow the same rules as noted above except it will use
// // "friend." as the prefix it's looking for.
// User2 *models.User `boil:"friend,bind"`
// // RandomData will not be recursed into to look for fields to
// // bind and will not be bound to because of the - for the name.
// RandomData myStruct `boil:"-"`
// // Date will not be recursed into to look for fields to bind because
// // it does not specify ,bind in the struct tag. But it can be bound to
// // as it does not specify a - for the name.
// Date time.Time
// }
// models.Users(qm.InnerJoin("users as friend on users.friend_id = friend.id")).Bind(&joinStruct)
// For custom objects that want to use eager loading, please see the
// loadRelationships function.
func Bind(rows *sql.Rows, obj interface{}) error {
return BindFast(rows, obj, nil)
// BindFast uses a lookup table for column_name to ColumnName to avoid TitleCase.
func BindFast(rows *sql.Rows, obj interface{}, titleCases map[string]string) error {
structType, sliceType, singular, err := bindChecks(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
return bind(rows, obj, structType, sliceType, singular, titleCases)
// Bind executes the query and inserts the
// result into the passed in object pointer
// See documentation for boil.Bind()
func (q *Query) Bind(obj interface{}) error {
return q.BindFast(obj, nil)
// BindFast uses a lookup table for column_name to ColumnName to avoid TitleCase.
func (q *Query) BindFast(obj interface{}, titleCases map[string]string) error {
structType, sliceType, singular, err := bindChecks(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := ExecQueryAll(q)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "bind failed to execute query")
defer rows.Close()
if res := bind(rows, obj, structType, sliceType, singular, titleCases); res != nil {
return res
for _, toLoad := range q.load {
toLoadFragments := strings.Split(toLoad, ".")
if err = loadRelationships(q.executor, toLoadFragments, obj, singular); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadRelationships dynamically calls the template generated eager load
// functions of the form:
// func (t *TableR) LoadRelationshipName(exec Executor, singular bool, obj interface{})
// The arguments to this function are:
// - t is not considered here, and is always passed nil. The function exists on a loaded
// struct to avoid a circular dependency with boil, and the receiver is ignored.
// - exec is used to perform additional queries that might be required for loading the relationships.
// - singular is passed in to identify whether or not this was a single object
// or a slice that must be loaded into.
// - obj is the object or slice of objects, always of the type *obj or *[]*obj as per bind.
// It takes list of nested relationships to load.
func loadRelationships(exec Executor, toLoad []string, obj interface{}, singular bool) error {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(obj).Elem()
if !singular {
typ = typ.Elem().Elem()
current := toLoad[0]
r, found := typ.FieldByName(relationshipStructName)
// It's possible a Relationship struct doesn't exist on the struct.
if !found {
return errors.Errorf("attempted to load %s but no R struct was found", current)
// Attempt to find the LoadRelationshipName function
loadMethod, found := r.Type.MethodByName(loadMethodPrefix + current)
if !found {
return errors.Errorf("could not find %s%s method for eager loading", loadMethodPrefix, current)
// Hack to allow nil executors
execArg := reflect.ValueOf(exec)
if !execArg.IsValid() {
execArg = reflect.ValueOf((*sql.DB)(nil))
methodArgs := []reflect.Value{
resp := loadMethod.Func.Call(methodArgs)
if resp[0].Interface() != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(resp[0].Interface().(error), "failed to eager load %s", current)
// Pull one off the queue, continue if there's still some to go
toLoad = toLoad[1:]
if len(toLoad) == 0 {
return nil
loadedObject := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
// If we eagerly loaded nothing
if loadedObject.IsNil() {
return nil
loadedObject = reflect.Indirect(loadedObject)
// If it's singular we can just immediately call without looping
if singular {
return loadRelationshipsRecurse(exec, current, toLoad, singular, loadedObject)
// Loop over all eager loaded objects
ln := loadedObject.Len()
if ln == 0 {
return nil
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
iter := loadedObject.Index(i).Elem()
if err := loadRelationshipsRecurse(exec, current, toLoad, singular, iter); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadRelationshipsRecurse is a helper function for taking a reflect.Value and
// Basically calls loadRelationships with: obj.R.EagerLoadedObj, and whether it's a string or slice
func loadRelationshipsRecurse(exec Executor, current string, toLoad []string, singular bool, obj reflect.Value) error {
r := obj.FieldByName(relationshipStructName)
if !r.IsValid() || r.IsNil() {
return errors.Errorf("could not traverse into loaded %s relationship to load more things", current)
newObj := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(current)
singular = reflect.Indirect(newObj).Kind() == reflect.Struct
if !singular {
newObj = newObj.Addr()
return loadRelationships(exec, toLoad, newObj.Interface(), singular)
// bindChecks resolves information about the bind target, and errors if it's not an object
// we can bind to.
func bindChecks(obj interface{}) (structType reflect.Type, sliceType reflect.Type, singular bool, err error) {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
kind := typ.Kind()
for i := 0; i < len(bindAccepts); i++ {
exp := bindAccepts[i]
if i != 0 {
typ = typ.Elem()
kind = typ.Kind()
if kind != exp {
if exp == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Struct {
structType = typ
singular = true
return nil, nil, false, errors.Errorf("obj type should be *[]*Type or *Type but was %q", reflect.TypeOf(obj).String())
switch kind {
case reflect.Struct:
structType = typ
case reflect.Slice:
sliceType = typ
return structType, sliceType, singular, nil
func bind(rows *sql.Rows, obj interface{}, structType, sliceType reflect.Type, singular bool, titleCases map[string]string) error {
cols, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "bind failed to get column names")
var ptrSlice reflect.Value
if !singular {
ptrSlice = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj))
foundOne := false
for rows.Next() {
foundOne = true
var newStruct reflect.Value
var pointers []interface{}
if singular {
pointers, err = bindPtrs(obj, titleCases, cols...)
} else {
newStruct = reflect.New(structType)
pointers, err = bindPtrs(newStruct.Interface(), titleCases, cols...)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := rows.Scan(pointers...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to bind pointers to obj")
if !singular {
ptrSlice.Set(reflect.Append(ptrSlice, newStruct))
if singular && !foundOne {
return sql.ErrNoRows
return nil
func bindPtrs(obj interface{}, titleCases map[string]string, cols ...string) ([]interface{}, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
ptrs := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
for i, c := range cols {
names := strings.Split(c, ".")
ptr, ok := findField(names, titleCases, v)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("bindPtrs failed to find field %s", c)
ptrs[i] = ptr
return ptrs, nil
func findField(names []string, titleCases map[string]string, v reflect.Value) (interface{}, bool) {
if !v.IsValid() || len(names) == 0 {
return nil, false
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if v.IsNil() {
return nil, false
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, false
var name string
var ok bool
name, ok = titleCases[names[0]]
if !ok {
name = strmangle.TitleCase(names[0])
typ := v.Type()
n := typ.NumField()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
f := typ.Field(i)
fieldName, recurse := getBoilTag(f, titleCases)
if fieldName == "-" {
if recurse {
if fieldName == name {
names = names[1:]
if ptr, ok := findField(names, titleCases, v.Field(i)); ok {
return ptr, ok
if fieldName != name || len(names) > 1 {
fieldVal := v.Field(i)
if fieldVal.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return fieldVal.Addr().Interface(), true
return fieldVal.Interface(), true
return nil, false
func getBoilTag(field reflect.StructField, titleCases map[string]string) (name string, recurse bool) {
tag := field.Tag.Get("boil")
name = field.Name
if len(tag) == 0 {
return name, false
var ok bool
ind := strings.IndexByte(tag, ',')
if ind == -1 {
name, ok = titleCases[tag]
if !ok {
name = strmangle.TitleCase(tag)
return name, false
} else if ind == 0 {
return name, true
nameFragment := tag[:ind]
name, ok = titleCases[nameFragment]
if !ok {
name = strmangle.TitleCase(nameFragment)
return name, true
// GetStructValues returns the values (as interface) of the matching columns in obj
func GetStructValues(obj interface{}, titleCases map[string]string, columns ...string) []interface{} {
ret := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj))
for i, c := range columns {
var fieldName string
if titleCases == nil {
fieldName = strmangle.TitleCase(c)
} else {
fieldName = titleCases[c]
field := val.FieldByName(fieldName)
if !field.IsValid() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find field with name: %s\n%#v", fieldName, obj))
ret[i] = field.Interface()
return ret
// GetSliceValues returns the values (as interface) of the matching columns in obj.
func GetSliceValues(slice []interface{}, titleCases map[string]string, columns ...string) []interface{} {
ret := make([]interface{}, len(slice)*len(columns))
for i, obj := range slice {
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(obj))
for j, c := range columns {
var fieldName string
if titleCases == nil {
fieldName = strmangle.TitleCase(c)
} else {
fieldName = titleCases[c]
field := val.FieldByName(fieldName)
if !field.IsValid() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to find field with name: %s\n%#v", fieldName, obj))
ret[i*len(columns)+j] = field.Interface()
return ret
// GetStructPointers returns a slice of pointers to the matching columns in obj
func GetStructPointers(obj interface{}, titleCases map[string]string, columns ...string) []interface{} {
val := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
var ln int
var getField func(reflect.Value, int) reflect.Value
if len(columns) == 0 {
ln = val.NumField()
getField = func(v reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value {
return v.Field(i)
} else {
ln = len(columns)
getField = func(v reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value {
var fieldName string
if titleCases == nil {
fieldName = strmangle.TitleCase(columns[i])
} else {
fieldName = titleCases[columns[i]]
return v.FieldByName(fieldName)
ret := make([]interface{}, ln)
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
field := getField(val, i)
if !field.IsValid() {
// Although this breaks the abstraction of getField above - we know that v.Field(i) can't actually
// produce an Invalid value, so we make a hopefully safe assumption here.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not find field on struct %T for field %s", obj, strmangle.TitleCase(columns[i])))
ret[i] = field.Addr().Interface()
return ret