Aaron L 09ed5709e5 Fix template spacing with new output
- The old templates used to output \n\n after each run, with the
  previous changes this is no longer the case and as such the templates
  all must be formatted correctly.
2016-09-24 00:52:18 -07:00

114 lines
3.7 KiB

{{- if .Table.IsJoinTable -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $dot := . -}}
{{- range .Table.FKeys -}}
{{- $txt := txtsFromFKey $dot.Tables $dot.Table . -}}
{{- $foreignNameSingular := .ForeignTable | singular | camelCase -}}
{{- $varNameSingular := .Table | singular | camelCase}}
{{- $schemaTable := .Table | $dot.SchemaTable}}
// Set{{$txt.Function.Name}} of the {{.Table | singular}} to the related item.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to related.
// Adds o to related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}.
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Set{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executor, insert bool, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
var err error
if insert {
if err = related.Insert(exec); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to insert into foreign table")
updateQuery := fmt.Sprintf(
"UPDATE {{$schemaTable}} SET %s WHERE %s",
strmangle.SetParamNames("{{$dot.LQ}}", "{{$dot.RQ}}", {{if $dot.Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}1{{else}}0{{end}}, []string{{"{"}}"{{.Column}}"{{"}"}}),
strmangle.WhereClause("{{$dot.LQ}}", "{{$dot.RQ}}", {{if $dot.Dialect.IndexPlaceholders}}2{{else}}0{{end}}, {{$varNameSingular}}PrimaryKeyColumns),
values := []interface{}{related.{{$txt.ForeignTable.ColumnNameGo}}, o.{{$dot.Table.PKey.Columns | stringMap $dot.StringFuncs.titleCase | join ", o."}}{{"}"}}
if boil.DebugMode {
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, updateQuery)
fmt.Fprintln(boil.DebugWriter, values)
if _, err = exec.Exec(updateQuery, values...); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update local table")
o.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}} = related.{{$txt.Function.ForeignAssignment}}
{{if .Nullable -}}
o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true
{{- end}}
if o.R == nil {
o.R = &{{$varNameSingular}}R{
{{$txt.Function.Name}}: related,
} else {
o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} = related
{{if .Unique -}}
if related.R == nil {
related.R = &{{$foreignNameSingular}}R{
{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}: o,
} else {
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = o
{{else -}}
if related.R == nil {
related.R = &{{$foreignNameSingular}}R{
{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}: {{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}Slice{{"{"}}o{{"}"}},
} else {
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = append(related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}, o)
{{- end}}
return nil
{{- if .Nullable}}
// Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}} relationship.
// Sets o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} to nil.
// Removes o from all passed in related items' relationships struct (Optional).
func (o *{{$txt.LocalTable.NameGo}}) Remove{{$txt.Function.Name}}(exec boil.Executor, related *{{$txt.ForeignTable.NameGo}}) error {
var err error
o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = false
if err = o.Update(exec, "{{.Column}}"); err != nil {
o.{{$txt.LocalTable.ColumnNameGo}}.Valid = true
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to update local table")
o.R.{{$txt.Function.Name}} = nil
if related == nil || related.R == nil {
return nil
{{if .Unique -}}
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = nil
{{else -}}
for i, ri := range related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} {
{{if $txt.Function.UsesBytes -}}
if 0 != bytes.Compare(o.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}}, ri.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}}) {
{{else -}}
if o.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}} != ri.{{$txt.Function.LocalAssignment}} {
{{end -}}
ln := len(related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}})
if ln > 1 && i < ln-1 {
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}[i] = related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}[ln-1]
related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}} = related.R.{{$txt.Function.ForeignName}}[:ln-1]
{{end -}}
return nil
{{end -}}{{/* if foreignkey nullable */}}
{{- end -}}{{/* range */}}
{{- end -}}{{/* join table */}}