- This feature remains undocumented because it's not a good idea in most cases but it enables us to replace a template. This is especially useful when using sqlboiler as a library since testmain problematically loads config in it's own magical way, divorced from even the way sqlboiler in "normal" mode loads it. This enables replacement of that mechanism by replacing it's template.
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package boilingcore
import (
// templateData for sqlboiler templates
type templateData struct {
Tables []bdb.Table
Table bdb.Table
// Controls what names are output
PkgName string
Schema string
// Controls which code is output (mysql vs postgres ...)
DriverName string
UseLastInsertID bool
// Turn off auto timestamps or hook generation
NoHooks bool
NoAutoTimestamps bool
// Tags control which
Tags []string
// StringFuncs are usable in templates with stringMap
StringFuncs map[string]func(string) string
// Dialect controls quoting
Dialect queries.Dialect
LQ string
RQ string
func (t templateData) Quotes(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", t.LQ, s, t.RQ)
func (t templateData) SchemaTable(table string) string {
return strmangle.SchemaTable(t.LQ, t.RQ, t.DriverName, t.Schema, table)
type templateList struct {
type templateNameList []string
func (t templateNameList) Len() int {
return len(t)
func (t templateNameList) Swap(k, j int) {
t[k], t[j] = t[j], t[k]
func (t templateNameList) Less(k, j int) bool {
// Make sure "struct" goes to the front
if t[k] == "struct.tpl" {
return true
res := strings.Compare(t[k], t[j])
if res <= 0 {
return true
return false
// Templates returns the name of all the templates defined in the template list
func (t templateList) Templates() []string {
tplList := t.Template.Templates()
if len(tplList) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]string, 0, len(tplList))
for _, tpl := range tplList {
if name := tpl.Name(); strings.HasSuffix(name, ".tpl") {
ret = append(ret, name)
return ret
// loadTemplates loads all of the template files in the specified directory.
func loadTemplates(dir string) (*templateList, error) {
pattern := filepath.Join(dir, "*.tpl")
tpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(templateFunctions).ParseGlob(pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &templateList{Template: tpl}, err
// loadTemplate loads a single template, uses tpl as a base template if provided
// and creates a new base template if not.
func loadTemplate(tpl *template.Template, name, filename string) (*template.Template, error) {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed reading template file: %s", filename)
if tpl == nil {
tpl = template.New(name)
} else {
tpl = tpl.New(name)
if tpl, err = tpl.Funcs(templateFunctions).Parse(string(b)); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse template file: %s", filename)
return tpl, nil
// set is to stop duplication from named enums, allowing a template loop
// to keep some state
type once map[string]struct{}
func newOnce() once {
return make(once)
func (o once) Has(s string) bool {
_, ok := o[s]
return ok
func (o once) Put(s string) bool {
if _, ok := o[s]; ok {
return false
o[s] = struct{}{}
return true
// templateStringMappers are placed into the data to make it easy to use the
// stringMap function.
var templateStringMappers = map[string]func(string) string{
// String ops
"quoteWrap": func(a string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, a) },
// Casing
"titleCase": strmangle.TitleCase,
"camelCase": strmangle.CamelCase,
// templateFunctions is a map of all the functions that get passed into the
// templates. If you wish to pass a new function into your own template,
// add a function pointer here.
var templateFunctions = template.FuncMap{
// String ops
"quoteWrap": func(s string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, s) },
"id": strmangle.Identifier,
// Pluralization
"singular": strmangle.Singular,
"plural": strmangle.Plural,
// Casing
"titleCase": strmangle.TitleCase,
"camelCase": strmangle.CamelCase,
// String Slice ops
"join": func(sep string, slice []string) string { return strings.Join(slice, sep) },
"joinSlices": strmangle.JoinSlices,
"stringMap": strmangle.StringMap,
"prefixStringSlice": strmangle.PrefixStringSlice,
"containsAny": strmangle.ContainsAny,
"generateTags": strmangle.GenerateTags,
"generateIgnoreTags": strmangle.GenerateIgnoreTags,
// Enum ops
"parseEnumName": strmangle.ParseEnumName,
"parseEnumVals": strmangle.ParseEnumVals,
"isEnumNormal": strmangle.IsEnumNormal,
"shouldTitleCaseEnum": strmangle.ShouldTitleCaseEnum,
"onceNew": newOnce,
"oncePut": once.Put,
"onceHas": once.Has,
// String Map ops
"makeStringMap": strmangle.MakeStringMap,
// Set operations
"setInclude": strmangle.SetInclude,
// Database related mangling
"whereClause": strmangle.WhereClause,
// Relationship text helpers
"txtsFromFKey": txtsFromFKey,
"txtsFromOneToOne": txtsFromOneToOne,
"txtsFromToMany": txtsFromToMany,
// dbdrivers ops
"filterColumnsByDefault": bdb.FilterColumnsByDefault,
"filterColumnsByEnum": bdb.FilterColumnsByEnum,
"sqlColDefinitions": bdb.SQLColDefinitions,
"columnNames": bdb.ColumnNames,
"columnDBTypes": bdb.ColumnDBTypes,
"getTable": bdb.GetTable,