Patrick O'brien fdeecbf106 Fix insert and randomize errors, fix time.Time
* MySQL requires timeParsing enabled
* Update readme to reflect this requirement
2016-09-19 15:22:32 +10:00

276 lines
6.9 KiB

id_two int NOT NULL,
id_three int,
bool_zero bool,
bool_one bool NULL,
bool_two bool NOT NULL,
bool_three bool NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
bool_four bool NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
bool_five bool NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
bool_six bool NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,
string_zero VARCHAR(1),
string_one VARCHAR(1) NULL,
string_two VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL,
string_three VARCHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT 'a',
string_four VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'b',
string_five VARCHAR(1000),
string_six VARCHAR(1000) NULL,
string_seven VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL,
string_eight VARCHAR(1000) NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefgh',
string_nine VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefgh',
string_ten VARCHAR(1000) NULL DEFAULT '',
string_eleven VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
big_int_zero bigint,
big_int_one bigint NULL,
big_int_two bigint NOT NULL,
big_int_three bigint NULL DEFAULT 111111,
big_int_four bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 222222,
big_int_five bigint NULL DEFAULT 0,
big_int_six bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
int_zero int,
int_one int NULL,
int_two int NOT NULL,
int_three int NULL DEFAULT 333333,
int_four int NOT NULL DEFAULT 444444,
int_five int NULL DEFAULT 0,
int_six int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
float_zero float,
float_one float,
float_two float(2,1),
float_three float(2,1),
float_four float(2,1) NULL,
float_five float(2,1) NOT NULL,
float_six float(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 1.1,
float_seven float(2,1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.1,
float_eight float(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 0.0,
float_nine float(2,1) NULL DEFAULT 0.0,
bytea_zero binary,
bytea_one binary NULL,
bytea_two binary NOT NULL,
bytea_three binary NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a',
bytea_four binary NULL DEFAULT 'b',
bytea_five binary(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh',
bytea_six binary(100) NULL DEFAULT 'hgfedcbahgfedcbahgfedcba',
bytea_seven binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
bytea_eight binary NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
time_zero timestamp,
time_one date,
time_two timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
time_three timestamp NULL,
time_eleven date NULL,
time_twelve date NOT NULL,
time_fifteen date NULL DEFAULT '19990108',
time_sixteen date NOT NULL DEFAULT '1999-01-08'
CREATE TABLE magicest (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
aa json NULL,
bb json NOT NULL,
kk double precision NULL,
ll double precision NOT NULL,
mm tinyint NULL,
nn tinyint NOT NULL,
oo tinyint(1) NULL,
pp tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
qq smallint NULL,
rr smallint NOT NULL,
ss mediumint NULL,
tt mediumint NOT NULL,
uu bigint NULL,
vv bigint NOT NULL,
ww float NULL,
xx float NOT NULL,
yy double NULL,
zz double NOT NULL,
aaa double precision NULL,
bbb double precision NOT NULL,
ccc real NULL,
ddd real NOT NULL,
eee boolean NULL,
fff boolean NOT NULL,
ggg date NULL,
hhh date NOT NULL,
iii datetime NULL,
jjj datetime NOT NULL,
kkk timestamp NULL,
mmm binary NULL,
nnn binary NOT NULL,
ooo varbinary(100) NULL,
ppp varbinary(100) NOT NULL,
qqq tinyblob NULL,
rrr tinyblob NOT NULL,
sss blob NULL,
ttt blob NOT NULL,
uuu mediumblob NULL,
vvv mediumblob NOT NULL,
www longblob NULL,
xxx longblob NOT NULL,
yyy varchar(100) NULL,
zzz varchar(100) NOT NULL,
aaaa char NULL,
bbbb char NOT NULL,
cccc text NULL,
dddd text NOT NULL
create table owner (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255) not null
create table cats (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255) not null,
owner_id int references owner (id)
create table toys (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255) not null
create table cat_toys (
cat_id int not null references cats (id),
toy_id int not null references toys (id),
primary key (cat_id, toy_id)
create table dog_toys (
dog_id int not null,
toy_id int not null,
primary key (dog_id, toy_id)
create table dragon_toys (
dragon_id varchar(100),
toy_id varchar(100),
primary key (dragon_id, toy_id)
create table spider_toys (
spider_id varchar(100) primary key,
name varchar(100)
create table pals (
pal varchar(100) primary key
create table friend (
friend varchar(100) primary key
create table bro (
bros varchar(100) primary key
create table enemies (
enemies varchar(100) primary key
create table tigers (
id binary primary key,
name binary null
create table elephants (
id binary primary key,
name binary not null,
tiger_id binary null unique,
foreign key (tiger_id) references tigers (id)
create table wolves (
id binary primary key,
name binary not null,
tiger_id binary not null unique,
foreign key (tiger_id) references tigers (id)
create table ants (
id binary primary key,
name binary not null,
tiger_id binary not null,
foreign key (tiger_id) references tigers (id)
create table worms (
id binary primary key,
name binary not null,
tiger_id binary null,
foreign key (tiger_id) references tigers (id)
create table pilots (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255)
create table airports (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255)
create table languages (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255)
create table jets (
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(255),
pilot_id integer,
airport_id integer,
foreign key (pilot_id) references pilots (id),
foreign key (airport_id) references airports (id)
create table pilot_languages (
pilot_id integer not null,
language_id integer not null,
primary key (pilot_id, language_id),
foreign key (pilot_id) references pilots (id),
foreign key (language_id) references languages (id)
create table byte_pilots (
id binary primary key not null,
name varchar(255)
create table byte_airports (
id binary primary key not null,
name varchar(255)
create table byte_languages (
id binary primary key not null,
name varchar(255)
create table byte_jets (
id binary primary key not null,
name varchar(255),
byte_pilot_id binary unique,
byte_airport_id binary,
foreign key (byte_pilot_id) references byte_pilots (id),
foreign key (byte_airport_id) references byte_airports (id)
create table byte_pilot_languages (
byte_pilot_id binary not null,
byte_language_id binary not null,
primary key (byte_pilot_id, byte_language_id),
foreign key (byte_pilot_id) references byte_pilots (id),
foreign key (byte_language_id) references byte_languages (id)