335 lines
11 KiB
335 lines
11 KiB
var Node = {
child: require('child_process'),
crypto: require('crypto'),
fs: require('fs'),
os: require('os'),
path: require('path'),
process: process,
util: require('util')
function attempt(attempts, command, options, end) {
if (typeof attempts !== 'number' || Math.floor(attempts) !== attempts || attempts < 0) {
return end(new Error('Attempts argument should be a positive integer.'));
// The -n (non-interactive) option prevents sudo from prompting the user for
// a password. If a password is required for the command to run, sudo will
// display an error message and exit.
Node.child.exec('/usr/bin/sudo -n ' + command,
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (/sudo: a password is required/i.test(stderr)) {
if (attempts > 0) return end(new Error('User did not grant permission.'));
if (Node.process.platform === 'linux') {
// Linux will probably use TTY tickets for sudo timestamps.
// If so, we cannot easily extend the sudo timestamp for the user.
// We prefer this since a single prompt can be used for multiple calls.
// Instead, we have to use a single prompt for each call.
return linux(command, options, end);
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
attempt(++attempts, command, options, end); // Cannot use ++ suffix here.
} else if (!error && /^sudo:/i.test(stderr)) {
end(new Error('Unexpected stderr from sudo command without corresponding error: ' + stderr));
} else {
end(error, stdout, stderr);
function copy(source, target, end) {
source = escapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.normalize(source));
target = escapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.normalize(target));
var command = '/bin/cp -R -p "' + source + '" "' + target + '"';
Node.child.exec(command, end);
function escapeDoubleQuotes(string) {
return string.replace(/"/g, '\\"');
function exec() {
if (arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 3) {
throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments.');
var command = arguments[0];
var options = {};
var end = function() {};
if (typeof command !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Command should be a string.');
if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (Node.util.isObject(arguments[1])) {
options = arguments[1];
} else if (Node.util.isFunction(arguments[1])) {
end = arguments[1];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected options or callback.');
} else if (arguments.length === 3) {
if (Node.util.isObject(arguments[1])) {
options = arguments[1];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected options to be an object.');
if (Node.util.isFunction(arguments[2])) {
end = arguments[2];
} else {
throw new Error('Expected callback to be a function.');
if (/^sudo/i.test(command)) {
return end(new Error('Command should not contain "sudo".'));
if (typeof options.name === 'undefined') {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
// If name is a string, it has been set and verified by setName.
options.name = name;
} else {
var title = Node.process.title;
if (validName(title)) {
options.name = title;
} else {
return end(new Error('options.name must be provided (process.title is not valid).'));
} else if (!validName(options.name)) {
return end(new Error('options.name must be alphanumeric only (spaces are allowed).'));
if (typeof options.icns !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof options.icns !== 'string') {
return end(new Error('options.icns must be a string if provided.'));
} else if (options.icns.trim().length === 0) {
return end(new Error('options.icns must be a non-empty string if provided.'));
if (Node.process.platform !== 'darwin' && Node.process.platform !== 'linux') {
return end(new Error('Platform not yet supported.'));
attempt(0, command, options, end);
function linux(command, options, end) {
function(error, binary) {
if (error) return end(error);
linuxExecute(binary, command, options, end);
function linuxBinary(end) {
var index = 0;
// We prefer gksudo over pkexec since it gives a nicer prompt:
var paths = ['/usr/bin/gksudo', '/usr/bin/pkexec', '/usr/bin/kdesudo'];
function test() {
if (index === paths.length) {
return end(new Error('Unable to find gksudo, pkexec or kdesudo.'));
var path = paths[index++];
function(error) {
if (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOTDIR' || error.code === 'ENOENT') {
return test();
} else {
return end(error);
} else {
end(undefined, path);
function linuxExecute(binary, command, options, end) {
var string = '';
string += '"' + escapeDoubleQuotes(binary) + '" ';
if (/gksudo/i.test(binary)) {
string += '--preserve-env ';
string += '--sudo-mode ';
string += '--description="' + escapeDoubleQuotes(options.name) + '" ';
} else if (/pkexec/i.test(binary)) {
string += '--disable-internal-agent ';
string += command;
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error && /Request dismissed|Command failed/i.test(error)) {
error = new Error('User did not grant permission.');
end(error, stdout, stderr);
function macIcon(target, options, end) {
if (!options.icns) return end();
copy(options.icns, Node.path.join(target, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'applet.icns'), end);
function macOpen(target, options, end) {
target = escapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.normalize(target));
var command = 'open -n -W "' + target + '"';
Node.child.exec(command, end);
function macPrompt(hash, options, callback) {
var temp = Node.os.tmpdir();
if (!temp) return callback(new Error('Requires os.tmpdir() to be defined.'));
if (!Node.process.env.USER) return callback(new Error('Requires env[\'USER\'] to be defined.'));
var source = Node.path.join(Node.path.dirname(module.filename), 'applet.app');
var target = Node.path.join(temp, hash, options.name + '.app');
function end(error) {
function(errorRemove) {
if (error) return callback(error);
if (errorRemove) return callback(errorRemove);
function(error) {
if (error && error.code === 'EEXIST') error = undefined;
if (error) return end(error);
copy(source, target,
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
macIcon(target, options,
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
macPropertyList(target, options,
function(error) {
if (error) return end(error);
macOpen(target, options, end);
function macPropertyList(target, options, end) {
// Value must be in single quotes (not double quotes) according to man entry.
// e.g. defaults write com.companyname.appname "Default Color" '(255, 0, 0)'
// The defaults command will be changed in an upcoming major release to only
// operate on preferences domains. General plist manipulation utilities will
// be folded into a different command-line program.
var path = escapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.join(target, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'));
var key = escapeDoubleQuotes('CFBundleName');
var value = options.name + ' Password Prompt';
if (/'/.test(value)) {
return end(new Error('Value should not contain single quotes.'));
var command = 'defaults write "' + path + '" "' + key + '" \'' + value + '\'';
Node.child.exec(command, end);
var name = null;
function prompt(options, end) {
function(error, hash) {
if (error) return end(error);
if (!prompting.hasOwnProperty(hash)) prompting[hash] = [];
// Already waiting for user to enter password...
// We expect that exec() may be called multiple times.
// If a prompt is already pending, then we wait for the result of the prompt
// and do not trigger another permission request dialog.
if (prompting[hash].length > 1) return;
function done(error) {
// We must clear prompting queue before looping, otherwise sudo calls which
// are synchronously issued by these callbacks may fail to be executed.
var callbacks = prompting[hash];
delete prompting[hash];
for (var index = 0, length = callbacks.length; index < length; index++) {
var callback = callbacks[index];
if (Node.process.platform === 'darwin') return macPrompt(hash, options, done);
if (Node.process.platform === 'linux') return linuxPrompt(hash, options, done);
end(new Error('Platform not supported (unexpected, should have been checked already).'));
var prompting = {};
function remove(target, end) {
if (!target) return end(new Error('Target not defined.'));
target = escapeDoubleQuotes(Node.path.normalize(target));
var command = 'rm -rf "' + target + '"';
Node.child.exec(command, end);
function setName(string) {
// DEPRECATED to move away from a global variable towards a functional
// interface. Otherwise using setName could have rare race conditions when
// multiple calls need to use different names.
if (!validName(string)) {
throw new Error('Name must be alphanumeric only (spaces are allowed).');
name = string;
function touch(end) {
// DEPRECATED to reduce the surface area of the interface.
// Better to call exec() directly as this supports the options argument.
// touch() may fail if process.title is not valid.
// Depends on setName() which has also been deprecated.
// This is a convenience method to extend the sudo session.
// This uses existing sudo-prompt machinery.
exec('echo touchingsudotimestamp', {},
function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) return end(error);
end(); // Do not pass stdout and stderr back to callback.
function validName(string) {
// We use 70 characters as a limit to side-step any issues with Unicode
// normalization form causing a 255 character string to exceed the fs limit.
return /^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i.test(string) && string.trim().length > 0 && string.length < 70;
function version(options, end) {
function(error, buffer) {
if (error) return end(error);
var hash = Node.crypto.createHash('SHA256');
hash.update('sudo-prompt 2.0.0');
end(undefined, hash.digest('hex').slice(-32));
function versionReadICNS(options, end) {
if (!options.icns || Node.process.platform !== 'darwin') {
return end(undefined, new Buffer(0));
// options.icns is supported only on Mac.
Node.fs.readFile(options.icns, end);
module.exports.exec = exec;
module.exports.setName = setName;
module.exports.touch = touch;