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# Configuration
Chihaya's behaviour is customized by setting up a JSON configuration file.
Available keys are as follows:
##### `httpListenAddr`
type: string
default: "localhost:6881"
The listen address for the HTTP server. If only a port is specified, the tracker will listen on all interfaces. If left empty, the tracker will not run a HTTP endpoint.
##### `httpRequestTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The duration to allow outstanding requests to survive before forcefully terminating them.
##### `httpReadTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The maximum duration before timing out read of the request.
##### `httpWriteTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The maximum duration before timing out write of the request.
##### `httpListenLimit`
type: integer
default: 0
Limits the number of outstanding requests. Set to `0` to disable.
##### `udpListenAddr`
type: string
default: "localhost:6881"
Then listen address for the UDP server. If only a port is specified, the tracker will listen on all interfaces. If left empty, the tracker will not run a UDP endpoint.
##### `createOnAnnounce`
type: bool
default: true
Whether to register new torrents with the tracker when any client announces (`true`), or to return an error if the torrent doesn't exist (`false`).
##### `purgeInactiveTorrents`
type: bool
default: true
If torrents should be forgotten when there are no active peers.
##### `announce`
type: duration
default: "30m"
The announce `interval` value sent to clients. This specifies how long clients should wait between regular announces.
##### `minAnnounce`
type: duration
default: "30m"
The announce `min_interval` value sent to clients. This theoretically specifies the minimum allowed time between announces, but most clients don't really respect it.
##### `defaultNumWant`
type: integer
default: 50
The default maximum number of peers to return if the client has not requested a specific number.
##### `allowIPSpoofing`
type: bool
default: true
Whether peers are allowed to set their own IP via the various supported methods or if these are ignored. This must be enabled for dual-stack IP support, since there is no other way to determine both IPs of a peer otherwise.
##### `dualStackedPeers`
type: bool
default: true
True if peers may have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, otherwise only one IP per peer will be used.
##### `realIPHeader`
type: string
default: blank
An optional HTTP header indicating the upstream IP, for example `X-Forwarded-For` or `X-Real-IP`. Use this when running the tracker behind a reverse proxy.
##### `respectAF`
type: bool
default: false
Whether responses should only include peers of the same address family as the announcing peer, or if peers of any family may be returned (i.e. both IPv4 and IPv6).
##### `clientWhitelistEnabled`
type: bool
default: false
Enables the peer ID whitelist.
##### `clientWhitelist`
type: array of strings
default: []
List of peer ID prefixes to allow if `client_whitelist_enabled` is set to true.
##### `torrentMapShards`
type: integer
default: 1
Number of internal torrent maps to use. Leave this at 1 in general, however it can potentially improve performance when there are many unique torrents and few peers per torrent.
##### `reapInterval`
type: duration
default: "60s"
Interval at which a search for inactive peers should be performed.
##### `reapRatio`
type: float64
default: 1.25
Peers will be rated inactive if they haven't announced for `reapRatio * minAnnounce`.
##### `apiListenAddr`
type: string
default: "localhost:6880"
The listen address for the HTTP API. If only a port is specified, the tracker will listen on all interfaces. If left empty, the tracker will not run the HTTP API.
##### `apiRequestTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The duration to allow outstanding requests to survive before forcefully terminating them.
##### `apiReadTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The maximum duration before timing out read of the request.
##### `apiWriteTimeout`
type: duration
default: "4s"
The maximum duration before timing out write of the request.
##### `apiListenLimit`
type: integer
default: 0
Limits the number of outstanding requests. Set to `0` to disable.
##### `driver`
type: string
default: "noop"
Sets the backend driver to load. The included `"noop"` driver provides no functionality.
##### `statsBufferSize`
type: integer
default: 0
The size of the event-queues for statistics.
##### `includeMemStats`
type: bool
default: true
Whether to include information about memory in the statistics.
##### `verboseMemStats`
type: bool
default: false
Whether the information about memory should be verbose.
##### `memStatsInterval`
type: duration
default: "5s"
Interval at which to collect statistics about memory.
##### `jwkSetURI`
type: string
default: ""
If this string is not empty, then the tracker will attempt to use JWTs to validate infohashes before announces. The format for the JSON at this endpoint can be found at [the RFC for JWKs]( with the addition of an "issuer" key. Simply stated, this feature requires two fields at this JSON endpoint: "keys" and "issuer". "keys" is a list of JWKs that can be used to validate JWTs and "issuer" should match the "iss" claim in the JWT. The lifetime of a JWK is based upon standard HTTP caching headers and falls back to 5 minutes if no cache headers are provided.
#### `jwkSetUpdateInterval`
type: duration
default: "5m"
The interval at which keys are updated from JWKSetURI. Because the fallback lifetime for keys without cache headers is 5 minutes, this value should never be below 5 minutes unless you know your jwkSetURI has caching headers.
#### `jwtAudience`
type: string
default: ""
The audience claim that is used to validate JWTs.