2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
// Copyright 2016 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http
import (
2016-02-15 19:49:25 -05:00
2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
2016-02-15 19:49:25 -05:00
func writeError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) error {
message := "internal server error"
chihayaErr, ok := err.(*errors.Error)
if ok {
if chihayaErr.Public() {
message = err.Error()
2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
return bencode.NewEncoder(w).Encode(bencode.Dict{
2016-02-15 19:49:25 -05:00
"failure reason": message,
2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
2016-02-15 19:49:25 -05:00
func writeAnnounceResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, resp *chihaya.AnnounceResponse) error {
2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
bdict := bencode.Dict{
"complete": resp.Complete,
"incomplete": resp.Incomplete,
"interval": resp.Interval,
"min interval": resp.MinInterval,
// Add the peers to the dictionary in the compact format.
if resp.Compact {
var IPv4CompactDict, IPv6CompactDict []byte
// Add the IPv4 peers to the dictionary.
for _, peer := range resp.IPv4Peers {
IPv4CompactDict = append(IPv4CompactDict, compact(peer)...)
if len(IPv4CompactDict) > 0 {
bdict["peers"] = IPv4CompactDict
// Add the IPv6 peers to the dictionary.
for _, peer := range resp.IPv6Peers {
IPv6CompactDict = append(IPv6CompactDict, compact(peer)...)
if len(IPv6CompactDict) > 0 {
bdict["peers6"] = IPv6CompactDict
return bencode.NewEncoder(w).Encode(bdict)
// Add the peers to the dictionary.
var peers []bencode.Dict
for _, peer := range resp.IPv4Peers {
peers = append(peers, dict(peer))
for _, peer := range resp.IPv6Peers {
peers = append(peers, dict(peer))
bdict["peers"] = peers
return bencode.NewEncoder(w).Encode(bdict)
2016-02-15 19:49:25 -05:00
func writeScrapeResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, resp *chihaya.ScrapeResponse) error {
2016-01-25 00:41:39 -05:00
filesDict := bencode.NewDict()
for infohash, scrape := range resp.Files {
filesDict[infohash] = bencode.Dict{
"complete": scrape.Complete,
"incomplete": scrape.Incomplete,
return bencode.NewEncoder(w).Encode(bencode.Dict{
"files": filesDict,
func compact(peer chihaya.Peer) (buf []byte) {
buf = []byte(peer.IP)
buf = append(buf, byte(peer.Port>>8))
buf = append(buf, byte(peer.Port&0xff))
func dict(peer chihaya.Peer) bencode.Dict {
return bencode.Dict{
"peer id": peer.ID,
"ip": peer.IP.String(),
"port": peer.Port,