Changed peer schema and added additional tests
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 541 additions and 232 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
package cache
package cache
import (
import (
@ -16,8 +15,6 @@ import (
var (
var (
drivers = make(map[string]Driver)
drivers = make(map[string]Driver)
ErrTxDone = errors.New("cache: Transaction has already been committed or rolled back")
ErrTxConflict = errors.New("cache: Commit interrupted, update transaction and repeat")
type Driver interface {
type Driver interface {
@ -57,15 +54,9 @@ type Pool interface {
Get() (Tx, error)
Get() (Tx, error)
// Tx represents an in-progress data store transaction.
// The transmit object is the interface to add, remove and modify
// A transaction must end with a call to Commit or Rollback.
// data in the cache
// After a call to Commit or Rollback, all operations on the
// transaction must fail with ErrTxDone.
type Tx interface {
type Tx interface {
Commit() error
Rollback() error
// Reads
// Reads
FindUser(passkey string) (*models.User, bool, error)
FindUser(passkey string) (*models.User, bool, error)
FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error)
FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error)
@ -86,4 +77,6 @@ type Tx interface {
RemoveTorrent(t *models.Torrent) error
RemoveTorrent(t *models.Torrent) error
AddUser(u *models.User) error
AddUser(u *models.User) error
RemoveUser(u *models.User) error
RemoveUser(u *models.User) error
WhitelistClient(peerID string) error
UnWhitelistClient(peerID string) error
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ package redis
import (
import (
@ -32,10 +31,11 @@ var (
ErrCreatePeer = errors.New("redis: Incorrect reply length for peer")
ErrCreatePeer = errors.New("redis: Incorrect reply length for peer")
ErrMarkActive = errors.New("redis: Torrent doesn't exist")
ErrMarkActive = errors.New("redis: Torrent doesn't exist")
SeederSuffix = ":seeders"
SeederPrefix = "seeders:"
LeecherSuffix = ":leechers"
LeecherPrefix = "leechers:"
TorrentPrefix = "torrent:"
TorrentPrefix = "torrent:"
UserPrefix = "user:"
UserPrefix = "user:"
PeerPrefix = "peer:"
type driver struct{}
type driver struct{}
@ -77,11 +77,15 @@ func (p *Pool) Close() error {
func (p *Pool) Get() (cache.Tx, error) {
func (p *Pool) Get() (cache.Tx, error) {
return &Tx{
retTx := &Tx{
conf: p.conf,
conf: p.conf,
done: false,
done: false,
Conn: p.pool.Get(),
Conn: p.pool.Get(),
}, nil
// Test valid connection before returning
_, err := retTx.Do("PING")
return retTx, err
type Tx struct {
type Tx struct {
@ -99,37 +103,6 @@ func (tx *Tx) close() {
func (tx *Tx) Commit() error {
if tx.done {
return cache.ErrTxDone
if tx.multi == true {
execResponse, err := tx.Do("EXEC")
if execResponse == nil {
tx.multi = false
return cache.ErrTxConflict
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error {
if tx.done {
return cache.ErrTxDone
// Undoes watches and multi
if _, err := tx.Do("DISCARD"); err != nil {
return err
tx.multi = false
return nil
func createUser(userVals []string) (*models.User, error) {
func createUser(userVals []string) (*models.User, error) {
if len(userVals) != 7 {
if len(userVals) != 7 {
return nil, ErrCreateUser
return nil, ErrCreateUser
@ -163,7 +136,7 @@ func createUser(userVals []string) (*models.User, error) {
return &models.User{ID, Passkey, UpMultiplier, DownMultiplier, Slots, SlotsUsed, uint(Snatches)}, nil
return &models.User{ID, Passkey, UpMultiplier, DownMultiplier, Slots, SlotsUsed, uint(Snatches)}, nil
func createTorrent(torrentVals []string, seeders map[string]models.Peer, leechers map[string]models.Peer) (*models.Torrent, error) {
func (tx *Tx) createTorrent(torrentVals []string) (*models.Torrent, error) {
if len(torrentVals) != 7 {
if len(torrentVals) != 7 {
return nil, ErrCreateTorrent
return nil, ErrCreateTorrent
@ -192,14 +165,32 @@ func createTorrent(torrentVals []string, seeders map[string]models.Peer, leecher
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
return &models.Torrent{ID, Infohash, Active, seeders, leechers, uint(Snatches), UpMultiplier, DownMultiplier, LastAction}, nil
seeders, err := tx.getPeers(ID, SeederPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
leechers, err := tx.getPeers(ID, LeecherPrefix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.Torrent{ID, Infohash, Active, seeders, leechers, uint(Snatches), UpMultiplier, DownMultiplier, LastAction}, nil
// Prevents adding duplicate peers, and doesn't return error on dup add
// hashkey relies on combination of peerID, userID, and torrentID being unique
func (tx *Tx) addPeer(infohash string, peer *models.Peer, suffix string) error {
func (tx *Tx) setPeer(peer *models.Peer, peerTypePrefix string) error {
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash + suffix
hashKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + getPeerHashKey(peer)
_, err := tx.Do("SADD", setKey, *peer)
_, err := tx.Do("HMSET", hashKey,
"id", peer.ID,
"user_id", peer.UserID,
"torrent_id", peer.TorrentID,
"ip", peer.IP,
"port", peer.Port,
"uploaded", peer.Uploaded,
"downloaded", peer.Downloaded,
"left", peer.Left,
"last_announce", peer.LastAnnounce)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -207,8 +198,8 @@ func (tx *Tx) addPeer(infohash string, peer *models.Peer, suffix string) error {
// Will not return an error if the peer doesn't exist
// Will not return an error if the peer doesn't exist
func (tx *Tx) removePeer(infohash string, peer *models.Peer, suffix string) error {
func (tx *Tx) removePeer(peer *models.Peer, peerTypePrefix string) error {
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash + suffix
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + strconv.FormatUint(peer.TorrentID, 36)
_, err := tx.Do("SREM", setKey, *peer)
_, err := tx.Do("SREM", setKey, *peer)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -216,21 +207,42 @@ func (tx *Tx) removePeer(infohash string, peer *models.Peer, suffix string) erro
return nil
return nil
func (tx *Tx) addPeers(infohash string, peers map[string]models.Peer, suffix string) error {
func (tx *Tx) removePeers(torrentID uint64, peers map[string]models.Peer, peerTypePrefix string) error {
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash + suffix
for _, peer := range peers {
for _, peer := range peers {
err := tx.Send("SADD", setKey, peer)
hashKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + getPeerHashKey(&peer)
_, err := tx.Do("DEL", hashKey)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
delete(peers, peer.ID)
// Only delete the set if all the peer deletions were successful
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + strconv.FormatUint(torrentID, 36)
_, err := tx.Do("DEL", setKey)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
func createPeer(peerString string) (*models.Peer, error) {
func getPeerHashKey(peer *models.Peer) string {
peerVals := strings.Split(strings.Trim(peerString, "{}"), " ")
return peer.ID + ":" + strconv.FormatUint(peer.UserID, 36) + ":" + strconv.FormatUint(peer.TorrentID, 36)
func (tx *Tx) addPeers(peers map[string]models.Peer, peerTypePrefix string) error {
for _, peer := range peers {
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + strconv.FormatUint(peer.TorrentID, 36)
_, err := tx.Do("SADD", setKey, getPeerHashKey(&peer))
if err != nil {
return err
tx.setPeer(&peer, peerTypePrefix)
return nil
func createPeer(peerVals []string) (*models.Peer, error) {
if len(peerVals) != 9 {
if len(peerVals) != 9 {
return nil, ErrCreatePeer
return nil, ErrCreatePeer
@ -269,12 +281,21 @@ func createPeer(peerString string) (*models.Peer, error) {
func (tx *Tx) getPeers(infohash string, suffix string) (peers map[string]models.Peer, err error) {
func (tx *Tx) getPeers(torrentID uint64, peerTypePrefix string) (peers map[string]models.Peer, err error) {
peers = make(map[string]models.Peer)
peers = make(map[string]models.Peer)
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash + suffix
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + strconv.FormatUint(torrentID, 36)
peerStrings, err := redis.Strings(tx.Do("SMEMBERS", setKey))
peerStrings, err := redis.Strings(tx.Do("SMEMBERS", setKey))
for peerIndex := range peerStrings {
if err != nil {
peer, err := createPeer(peerStrings[peerIndex])
return peers, err
// Keys map to peer objects stored in hashes
for _, peerHashKey := range peerStrings {
hashKey := tx.conf.Prefix + peerTypePrefix + peerHashKey
peerVals, err := redis.Strings(tx.Do("HVALS", hashKey))
if err != nil {
return peers, err
peer, err := createPeer(peerVals)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, err
@ -297,18 +318,28 @@ func (tx *Tx) AddTorrent(t *models.Torrent) error {
return err
return err
tx.addPeers(t.Infohash, t.Seeders, SeederSuffix)
tx.addPeers(t.Seeders, SeederPrefix)
tx.addPeers(t.Infohash, t.Leechers, LeecherSuffix)
tx.addPeers(t.Leechers, LeecherPrefix)
return nil
return nil
func (tx *Tx) RemoveTorrent(t *models.Torrent) error {
func (tx *Tx) RemoveTorrent(t *models.Torrent) error {
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + t.Infohash
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + t.Infohash
_, err := tx.Do("HDEL", hashkey)
_, err := tx.Do("DEL", hashkey)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
// Remove seeders and leechers as well
err = tx.removePeers(t.ID, t.Seeders, SeederPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.removePeers(t.ID, t.Leechers, LeecherPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
@ -330,7 +361,7 @@ func (tx *Tx) AddUser(u *models.User) error {
func (tx *Tx) RemoveUser(u *models.User) error {
func (tx *Tx) RemoveUser(u *models.User) error {
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + u.Passkey
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + u.Passkey
_, err := tx.Do("HDEL", hashkey)
_, err := tx.Do("DEL", hashkey)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -352,6 +383,7 @@ func (tx *Tx) FindUser(passkey string) (*models.User, bool, error) {
return foundUser, true, nil
return foundUser, true, nil
// This is a mulple action command, it's not internally atomic
func (tx *Tx) FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error) {
func (tx *Tx) FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error) {
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash
hashkey := tx.conf.Prefix + TorrentPrefix + infohash
torrentStrings, err := redis.Strings(tx.Do("HVALS", hashkey))
torrentStrings, err := redis.Strings(tx.Do("HVALS", hashkey))
@ -361,9 +393,7 @@ func (tx *Tx) FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
return nil, false, nil
seeders, err := tx.getPeers(infohash, SeederSuffix)
foundTorrent, err := tx.createTorrent(torrentStrings)
leechers, err := tx.getPeers(infohash, LeecherSuffix)
foundTorrent, err := createTorrent(torrentStrings, seeders, leechers)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return nil, false, err
@ -372,7 +402,19 @@ func (tx *Tx) FindTorrent(infohash string) (*models.Torrent, bool, error) {
func (tx *Tx) ClientWhitelisted(peerID string) (exists bool, err error) {
func (tx *Tx) ClientWhitelisted(peerID string) (exists bool, err error) {
key := tx.conf.Prefix + "whitelist"
key := tx.conf.Prefix + "whitelist"
return redis.Bool(tx.Do("ISMEMBER", key, peerID))
return redis.Bool(tx.Do("SISMEMBER", key, peerID))
func (tx *Tx) WhitelistClient(peerID string) error {
key := tx.conf.Prefix + "whitelist"
_, err := tx.Do("SADD", key, peerID)
return err
func (tx *Tx) UnWhitelistClient(peerID string) error {
key := tx.conf.Prefix + "whitelist"
_, err := tx.Do("SREM", key, peerID)
return err
// This is a mulple action command, it's not internally atomic
// This is a mulple action command, it's not internally atomic
@ -407,28 +449,66 @@ func (tx *Tx) MarkActive(torrent *models.Torrent) error {
return nil
return nil
func (tx *Tx) AddLeecher(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) AddLeecher(torrent *models.Torrent, peer *models.Peer) error {
return tx.addPeer(t.Infohash, p, LeecherSuffix)
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + LeecherPrefix + strconv.FormatUint(torrent.ID, 36)
_, err := tx.Do("SADD", setKey, getPeerHashKey(peer))
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.setPeer(peer, LeecherPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
if torrent.Leechers == nil {
torrent.Leechers = make(map[string]models.Peer)
torrent.Leechers[peer.ID] = *peer
return nil
// Setting assumes it is already a leecher, and just needs to be updated
// Maybe eventually there will be a move from leecher to seeder method
func (tx *Tx) SetLeecher(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) SetLeecher(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
return tx.addPeer(t.Infohash, p, LeecherSuffix)
return tx.setPeer(p, LeecherPrefix)
func (tx *Tx) RemoveLeecher(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) RemoveLeecher(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
return tx.removePeer(t.Infohash, p, LeecherSuffix)
err := tx.removePeer(p, LeecherPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(t.Leechers, p.ID)
return nil
func (tx *Tx) AddSeeder(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) AddSeeder(torrent *models.Torrent, peer *models.Peer) error {
return tx.addPeer(t.Infohash, p, SeederSuffix)
setKey := tx.conf.Prefix + SeederPrefix + strconv.FormatUint(torrent.ID, 36)
_, err := tx.Do("SADD", setKey, getPeerHashKey(peer))
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.setPeer(peer, SeederPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
if torrent.Seeders == nil {
torrent.Seeders = make(map[string]models.Peer)
torrent.Seeders[peer.ID] = *peer
return nil
func (tx *Tx) SetSeeder(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) SetSeeder(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
return tx.addPeer(t.Infohash, p, SeederSuffix)
return tx.setPeer(p, SeederPrefix)
func (tx *Tx) RemoveSeeder(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
func (tx *Tx) RemoveSeeder(t *models.Torrent, p *models.Peer) error {
return tx.removePeer(t.Infohash, p, SeederSuffix)
err := tx.removePeer(p, SeederPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(t.Seeders, p.ID)
return nil
func (tx *Tx) IncrementSlots(u *models.User) error {
func (tx *Tx) IncrementSlots(u *models.User) error {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Benchmarks two different redis schemeas
package redis
import (
var (
ErrTxDone = errors.New("cache: Transaction has already been committed or rolled back")
ErrTxConflict = errors.New("cache: Commit interrupted, update transaction and repeat")
// Maximum number of parallel retries; depends on system latency
const MAX_RETRIES = 9000
// Legacy JSON support for benching
func (tx *Tx) initiateWrite() error {
if tx.done {
return ErrTxDone
if tx.multi != true {
tx.multi = true
return tx.Send("MULTI")
return nil
func (tx *Tx) initiateRead() error {
if tx.done {
return ErrTxDone
if tx.multi == true {
panic("Tried to read during MULTI")
return nil
func (tx *Tx) Commit() error {
if tx.done {
return ErrTxDone
if tx.multi == true {
execResponse, err := tx.Do("EXEC")
if execResponse == nil {
tx.multi = false
return ErrTxConflict
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (tx *Tx) Rollback() error {
if tx.done {
return ErrTxDone
// Undoes watches and multi
if _, err := tx.Do("DISCARD"); err != nil {
return err
tx.multi = false
return nil
func ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(passkey string, t TestReporter) (*models.User, bool) {
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + passkey
userVals, err := redis.Strings(testTx.Do("HVALS", hashkey))
if len(userVals) == 0 {
return nil, false
verifyErrNil(err, t)
compareUser, err := createUser(userVals)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
return compareUser, true
func BenchmarkRedisTypesSchemaRemoveSeeder(b *testing.B) {
for bCount := 0; bCount < b.N; bCount++ {
//TODO this needs to be updated
func BenchmarkRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(b *testing.B) {
// Ensure successful user find ( a failed lookup may have different performance )
testUser := createTestUser()
testTx := createTestTxObj(b)
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + testUser.Passkey
reply, err := testTx.Do("HMSET", hashkey,
"id", testUser.ID,
"passkey", testUser.Passkey,
"up_multiplier", testUser.UpMultiplier,
"down_multiplier", testUser.DownMultiplier,
"slots", testUser.Slots,
"slots_used", testUser.SlotsUsed)
if reply == nil {
b.Log("no hash fields added!")
verifyErrNil(err, b)
for bCount := 0; bCount < b.N; bCount++ {
compareUser, exists := ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(testUser.Passkey, b)
if !exists {
b.Error("User not found!")
if testUser != *compareUser {
b.Errorf("user mismatch: %v vs. %v", compareUser, testUser)
@ -5,21 +5,56 @@
package redis
package redis
import (
import (
// Maximum number of parallel retries; depends on system latency
var (
const MAX_RETRIES = 9000
testTorrentIDCounter uint64
testUserIDCounter uint64
testPeerIDCounter int
const sample_infohash = "58c290f4ea1efb3adcb8c1ed2643232117577bcd"
func createTestTorrentID() uint64 {
const sample_passkey = "32426b162be0bce5428e7e36afaf734ae5afb355"
return testTorrentIDCounter
func createTestUserID() uint64 {
return testUserIDCounter
func createTestPeerID() string {
return "-testPeerID-" + strconv.Itoa(testPeerIDCounter)
func createTestInfohash() string {
uuid := make([]byte, 40)
n, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, uuid)
if n != len(uuid) || err != nil {
return string(uuid)
func createTestPasskey() string {
uuid := make([]byte, 40)
n, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, uuid)
if n != len(uuid) || err != nil {
return string(uuid)
// Common interface for benchmarks and test error reporting
// Common interface for benchmarks and test error reporting
type TestReporter interface {
type TestReporter interface {
@ -35,28 +70,6 @@ func verifyErrNil(err error, t TestReporter) {
// Legacy JSON support for benching
func (tx *Tx) initiateWrite() error {
if tx.done {
return cache.ErrTxDone
if tx.multi != true {
tx.multi = true
return tx.Send("MULTI")
return nil
func (tx *Tx) initiateRead() error {
if tx.done {
return cache.ErrTxDone
if tx.multi == true {
panic("Tried to read during MULTI")
return nil
func createTestTxObj(t TestReporter) *Tx {
func createTestTxObj(t TestReporter) *Tx {
testConfig, err := config.Open(os.Getenv("TESTCONFIGPATH"))
testConfig, err := config.Open(os.Getenv("TESTCONFIGPATH"))
conf := &testConfig.Cache
conf := &testConfig.Cache
@ -72,8 +85,6 @@ func createTestTxObj(t TestReporter) *Tx {
//testDialFunc := makeDialFunc(&testConfig.Cache)
//testConn, err := testDialFunc()
txObj := &Tx{
txObj := &Tx{
conf: testPool.conf,
conf: testPool.conf,
done: false,
done: false,
@ -83,85 +94,53 @@ func createTestTxObj(t TestReporter) *Tx {
verifyErrNil(err, t)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
// Test connection before returning
// Test connection before returning
//txObj := Tx{&testConfig.Cache, false, false, testConn}
_, err = txObj.Do("PING")
_, err = txObj.Do("PING")
verifyErrNil(err, t)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
return txObj
return txObj
func createTestUser() models.User {
func createTestUser() models.User {
testUser := models.User{214, "32426b162be0bce5428e7e36afaf734ae5afb355", 1.01, 1.0, 4, 2, 7}
testUser := models.User{createTestUserID(), createTestPasskey(), 1.01, 1.0, 4, 2, 7}
return testUser
return testUser
func createSeeders() []models.Peer {
func createTestPeer(userID uint64, torrentID uint64) models.Peer {
testSeeders := make([]models.Peer, 4)
testSeeders[0] = models.Peer{"testPeerID0", 57005, 48879, "testIP", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 6}
return models.Peer{createTestPeerID(), userID, torrentID, "", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 11}
testSeeders[1] = models.Peer{"testPeerID1", 10101, 48879, "testIP", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 6}
testSeeders[2] = models.Peer{"testPeerID2", 29890, 48879, "testIP", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 6}
testSeeders[3] = models.Peer{"testPeerID3", 65261, 48879, "testIP", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 6}
return testSeeders
func createLeechers() []models.Peer {
func createTestPeers(torrentID uint64, num int) map[string]models.Peer {
testLeechers := make([]models.Peer, 1)
testPeers := make(map[string]models.Peer)
testLeechers[0] = models.Peer{"testPeerID", 11111, 48879, "testIP", 6889, 1024, 3000, 4200, 6}
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
return testLeechers
tempPeer := createTestPeer(createTestUserID(), torrentID)
testPeers[tempPeer.ID] = tempPeer
return testPeers
func createTestTorrent() models.Torrent {
func createTestTorrent() models.Torrent {
testSeeders := createSeeders()
torrentInfohash := createTestInfohash()
testLeechers := createLeechers()
torrentID := createTestTorrentID()
seeders := make(map[string]models.Peer)
testSeeders := createTestPeers(torrentID, 4)
for i := range testSeeders {
testLeechers := createTestPeers(torrentID, 2)
seeders[testSeeders[i].ID] = testSeeders[i]
leechers := make(map[string]models.Peer)
testTorrent := models.Torrent{torrentID, torrentInfohash, true, testSeeders, testLeechers, 11, 0.0, 0.0, 0}
for i := range testLeechers {
leechers[testLeechers[i].ID] = testLeechers[i]
testTorrent := models.Torrent{48879, sample_infohash, true, seeders, leechers, 11, 0.0, 0.0, 0}
return testTorrent
return testTorrent
func ExampleRedisTypeSchemaRemoveSeeder(torrent *models.Torrent, peer *models.Peer, t TestReporter) {
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
setkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + "torrent:" + torrent.Infohash + ":seeders"
reply, err := redis.Int(testTx.Do("SREM", setkey, *peer))
if reply == 0 {
t.Errorf("remove %v failed", *peer)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
func ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(passkey string, t TestReporter) (*models.User, bool) {
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + passkey
userVals, err := redis.Strings(testTx.Do("HVALS", hashkey))
if len(userVals) == 0 {
return nil, false
verifyErrNil(err, t)
compareUser, err := createUser(userVals)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
return compareUser, true
func TestFindUserSuccess(t *testing.T) {
func TestFindUserSuccess(t *testing.T) {
testUser := createTestUser()
testUser := createTestUser()
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + sample_passkey
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + testUser.Passkey
_, err := testTx.Do("DEL", hashkey)
_, err := testTx.Do("DEL", hashkey)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
err = testTx.AddUser(&testUser)
err = testTx.AddUser(&testUser)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
verifyErrNil(err, t)
compareUser, exists := ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(sample_passkey, t)
compareUser, exists := ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(testUser.Passkey, t)
if !exists {
if !exists {
t.Error("User not found!")
t.Error("User not found!")
@ -183,11 +162,11 @@ func TestAddGetPeers(t *testing.T) {
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
testTx := createTestTxObj(t)
testTorrent := createTestTorrent()
testTorrent := createTestTorrent()
setkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + "torrent:" + testTorrent.Infohash + ":seeders"
setkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + SeederPrefix + strconv.FormatUint(testTorrent.ID, 36)
testTx.Do("DEL", setkey)
testTx.Do("DEL", setkey)
testTx.addPeers(testTorrent.Infohash, testTorrent.Seeders, ":seeders")
testTx.addPeers(testTorrent.Seeders, SeederPrefix)
peerMap, err := testTx.getPeers(sample_infohash, ":seeders")
peerMap, err := testTx.getPeers(testTorrent.ID, SeederPrefix)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
} else if len(peerMap) != len(testTorrent.Seeders) {
} else if len(peerMap) != len(testTorrent.Seeders) {
@ -195,67 +174,7 @@ func TestAddGetPeers(t *testing.T) {
func BenchmarkRedisTypesSchemaRemoveSeeder(b *testing.B) {
// Legacy tests
for bCount := 0; bCount < b.N; bCount++ {
// Ensure that remove completes successfully,
// even if it doesn't impact the performance
testTx := createTestTxObj(b)
testTorrent := createTestTorrent()
setkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + "torrent:" + testTorrent.Infohash + ":seeders"
testSeeders := createSeeders()
reply, err := redis.Int(testTx.Do("SADD", setkey,
if reply == 0 {
b.Log("no keys added!")
verifyErrNil(err, b)
ExampleRedisTypeSchemaRemoveSeeder(&testTorrent, &testSeeders[2], b)
func BenchmarkRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(b *testing.B) {
// Ensure successful user find ( a failed lookup may have different performance )
testUser := createTestUser()
testTx := createTestTxObj(b)
hashkey := testTx.conf.Prefix + UserPrefix + sample_passkey
reply, err := testTx.Do("HMSET", hashkey,
"id", testUser.ID,
"passkey", testUser.Passkey,
"up_multiplier", testUser.UpMultiplier,
"down_multiplier", testUser.DownMultiplier,
"slots", testUser.Slots,
"slots_used", testUser.SlotsUsed)
if reply == nil {
b.Log("no hash fields added!")
verifyErrNil(err, b)
for bCount := 0; bCount < b.N; bCount++ {
compareUser, exists := ExampleRedisTypesSchemaFindUser(sample_passkey, b)
if !exists {
b.Error("User not found!")
if testUser != *compareUser {
b.Errorf("user mismatch: %v vs. %v", compareUser, testUser)
func TestReadAfterWrite(t *testing.T) {
func TestReadAfterWrite(t *testing.T) {
// Test requires panic
// Test requires panic
defer func() {
defer func() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
package redis
import (
func panicErrNil(err error) {
if err != nil {
func createTestTx() cache.Tx {
testConfig, err := config.Open(os.Getenv("TESTCONFIGPATH"))
conf := &testConfig.Cache
testPool, err := cache.Open(conf)
txObj, err := testPool.Get()
return txObj
func TestUser(t *testing.T) {
tx := createTestTx()
testUser1 := createTestUser()
testUser2 := createTestUser()
foundUser, found, err := tx.FindUser(testUser1.Passkey)
if !found {
t.Error("user not found")
if *foundUser != testUser1 {
t.Error("found user mismatch")
foundUser, found, err = tx.FindUser(testUser2.Passkey)
if found {
t.Error("user found")
err = tx.RemoveUser(&testUser1)
foundUser, found, err = tx.FindUser(testUser1.Passkey)
if found {
t.Error("removed user found")
func TestTorrent(t *testing.T) {
tx := createTestTx()
testTorrent1 := createTestTorrent()
testTorrent2 := createTestTorrent()
foundTorrent, found, err := tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent1.Infohash)
if !found {
t.Error("torrent not found")
// Incomplete comparison as maps cannot be compared
if foundTorrent.Infohash != testTorrent1.Infohash {
t.Error("found torrent mismatch")
foundTorrent, found, err = tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent2.Infohash)
if found {
t.Error("torrent found")
foundTorrent, found, err = tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent1.Infohash)
if found {
t.Error("removed torrent found")
func TestClient(t *testing.T) {
tx := createTestTx()
testPeerID1 := "-lt0D30-"
testPeerID2 := "TIX0192"
found, err := tx.ClientWhitelisted(testPeerID1)
if !found {
t.Error("peerID not found")
found, err = tx.ClientWhitelisted(testPeerID2)
if found {
t.Error("peerID found")
found, err = tx.ClientWhitelisted(testPeerID1)
if found {
t.Error("removed peerID found")
func TestPeers(t *testing.T) {
tx := createTestTx()
// Randomly generated strings would be safter to test with
testTorrent1 := createTestTorrent()
testTorrent2 := createTestTorrent()
foundTorrent, found, err := tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent1.Infohash)
if found {
testTorrent1 = *foundTorrent
} else {
foundTorrent, found, err = tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent2.Infohash)
if found {
testTorrent2 = *foundTorrent
} else {
testSeeder1 := createTestPeer(createTestUserID(), testTorrent1.ID)
testSeeder2 := createTestPeer(createTestUserID(), testTorrent2.ID)
if testSeeder1 == testSeeder2 {
t.Error("seeders should not be equal")
if _, exists := testTorrent1.Seeders[testSeeder1.ID]; exists {
t.Log("seeder aleady exists, removing")
err := tx.RemoveSeeder(&testTorrent1, &testSeeder1)
if err != nil {
if _, exists := testTorrent1.Seeders[testSeeder1.ID]; exists {
t.Error("Remove seeder failed")
panicErrNil(tx.AddSeeder(&testTorrent1, &testSeeder1))
if seeder1, exists := testTorrent1.Seeders[testSeeder1.ID]; !exists {
t.Error("seeder not added locally")
} else if seeder1 != testSeeder1 {
t.Error("seeder changed")
foundTorrent, found, err = tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent1.Infohash)
if !found {
t.Error("torrent should exist")
if seeder1, exists := foundTorrent.Seeders[testSeeder1.ID]; !exists {
t.Error("seeder not added")
} else if seeder1 != testSeeder1 {
t.Error("seeder changed")
// Update a seeder, set it, then check to make sure it updated
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
testSeeder1.Downloaded += uint64(r.Int63())
panicErrNil(tx.SetSeeder(&testTorrent1, &testSeeder1))
foundTorrent, found, err = tx.FindTorrent(testTorrent1.Infohash)
if seeder1, exists := foundTorrent.Seeders[testSeeder1.ID]; !exists {
t.Error("seeder not added")
} else if seeder1 != testSeeder1 {
t.Errorf("seeder changed from %v to %v", testSeeder1, seeder1)
@ -197,12 +197,6 @@ func (s Server) serveAnnounce(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
peer.IP = ip
peer.IP = ip
// If the transaction failed, retry
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
// Generate the response
// Generate the response
seedCount := len(torrent.Seeders)
seedCount := len(torrent.Seeders)
leechCount := len(torrent.Leechers)
leechCount := len(torrent.Leechers)
Add table
Reference in a new issue