216 lines
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216 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
package redis
import (
var (
testTorrentIDChannel chan uint64
testUserIDChannel chan uint64
testPeerIDChannel chan int
func init() {
testTorrentIDChannel = make(chan uint64, 100)
testUserIDChannel = make(chan uint64, 100)
testPeerIDChannel = make(chan int, 100)
// Sync access to ID counter with buffered global channels
go func() {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
testTorrentIDChannel <- uint64(i)
go func() {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
testUserIDChannel <- uint64(i)
go func() {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
testPeerIDChannel <- i
func createTestTorrentID() uint64 {
return <-testTorrentIDChannel
func createTestUserID() uint64 {
return <-testUserIDChannel
func createTestPeerID() string {
return "-testPeerID-" + strconv.Itoa(<-testPeerIDChannel)
func createTestInfohash() string {
uuid := make([]byte, 40)
n, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, uuid)
if n != len(uuid) || err != nil {
return string(uuid)
func createTestPasskey() string {
uuid := make([]byte, 40)
n, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, uuid)
if n != len(uuid) || err != nil {
return string(uuid)
func panicErrNil(err error) {
if err != nil {
func createTestRedisTx() *Tx {
testConfig, err := config.Open(os.Getenv("TESTCONFIGPATH"))
conf := &testConfig.Cache
testPool := &Pool{
conf: conf,
pool: redis.Pool{
MaxIdle: conf.MaxIdleConns,
IdleTimeout: conf.IdleTimeout.Duration,
Dial: makeDialFunc(conf),
TestOnBorrow: testOnBorrow,
txObj := &Tx{
conf: testPool.conf,
done: false,
Conn: testPool.pool.Get(),
// Test connection before returning
_, err = txObj.Do("PING")
return txObj
func createTestUser() *models.User {
return &models.User{ID: createTestUserID(), Passkey: createTestPasskey(),
UpMultiplier: 1.01, DownMultiplier: 1.0, Slots: 4, SlotsUsed: 2, Snatches: 7}
func createTestPeer(userID uint64, torrentID uint64) *models.Peer {
return &models.Peer{ID: createTestPeerID(), UserID: userID, TorrentID: torrentID,
IP: "", Port: 6889, Uploaded: 1024, Downloaded: 3000, Left: 4200, LastAnnounce: 11}
func createTestPeers(torrentID uint64, num int) map[string]models.Peer {
testPeers := make(map[string]models.Peer)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
tempPeer := createTestPeer(createTestUserID(), torrentID)
testPeers[models.PeerMapKey(tempPeer)] = *tempPeer
return testPeers
func createTestTorrent() *models.Torrent {
torrentInfohash := createTestInfohash()
torrentID := createTestTorrentID()
testSeeders := createTestPeers(torrentID, 4)
testLeechers := createTestPeers(torrentID, 2)
testTorrent := models.Torrent{ID: torrentID, Infohash: torrentInfohash, Active: true,
Seeders: testSeeders, Leechers: testLeechers, Snatches: 11, UpMultiplier: 1.0, DownMultiplier: 1.0, LastAction: 0}
return &testTorrent
func comparePeers(lhPeers map[string]models.Peer, rhPeers map[string]models.Peer) bool {
if len(lhPeers) != len(rhPeers) {
return false
for rhKey, rhValue := range rhPeers {
lhValue, lhExists := lhPeers[rhKey]
if !lhExists || lhValue != rhValue {
return false
for lhKey, lhValue := range lhPeers {
rhValue, rhExists := rhPeers[lhKey]
if !rhExists || rhValue != lhValue {
return false
return true
func torrentsEqual(lhTorrent *models.Torrent, rhTorrent *models.Torrent) bool {
fieldsEqual := lhTorrent.Infohash == rhTorrent.Infohash &&
lhTorrent.ID == rhTorrent.ID &&
lhTorrent.Active == rhTorrent.Active &&
lhTorrent.Snatches == rhTorrent.Snatches &&
lhTorrent.UpMultiplier == rhTorrent.UpMultiplier &&
lhTorrent.DownMultiplier == rhTorrent.DownMultiplier &&
lhTorrent.LastAction == rhTorrent.LastAction
if !fieldsEqual {
return false
return comparePeers(lhTorrent.Seeders, rhTorrent.Seeders) && comparePeers(lhTorrent.Leechers, rhTorrent.Leechers)
func TestValidPeers(t *testing.T) {
testTx := createTestRedisTx()
testTorrentID := createTestTorrentID()
testPeers := createTestPeers(testTorrentID, 3)
panicErrNil(testTx.addPeers(testPeers, "test:"))
peerMap, err := testTx.getPeers(testTorrentID, "test:")
if len(peerMap) != len(testPeers) {
t.Error("Num Peers not equal ", len(peerMap), len(testPeers))
panicErrNil(testTx.removePeers(testTorrentID, testPeers, "test:"))
func TestInvalidPeers(t *testing.T) {
testTx := createTestRedisTx()
testTorrentID := createTestTorrentID()
testPeers := createTestPeers(testTorrentID, 3)
tempPeer := createTestPeer(createTestUserID(), testTorrentID)
testPeers[models.PeerMapKey(tempPeer)] = *tempPeer
panicErrNil(testTx.addPeers(testPeers, "test:"))
// Imitate a peer being removed during get
hashKey := testTx.conf.Prefix + getPeerHashKey(tempPeer)
_, err := testTx.Do("DEL", hashKey)
peerMap, err := testTx.getPeers(testTorrentID, "test:")
// Expect 1 less peer due to delete
if len(peerMap) != len(testPeers)-1 {
t.Error("Num Peers not equal ", len(peerMap), len(testPeers))
panicErrNil(testTx.removePeers(testTorrentID, testPeers, "test:"))