.github | ||
bittorrent | ||
cmd/chihaya | ||
dist | ||
docs | ||
frontend | ||
middleware | ||
pkg | ||
storage | ||
.golangci.yaml | ||
.markdownlint.yaml | ||
.yamllint | ||
Dockerfile | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum | ||
LBRY Tracker
The LBRY tracker is a server that helps peers find each other. It was forked from Chihaya, an open-source BitTorrent tracker.
Installation and Usage
Building from HEAD
In order to compile the project, the latest stable version of Go and knowledge of a working Go environment are required.
git clone git@github.com:lbryio/tracker.git
cd tracker
go build ./cmd/chihaya
./chihaya --help
The following will run all tests and benchmarks.
Removing -bench
will just run unit tests.
go test -bench $(go list ./...)
The tracker executable contains a command to end-to-end test a BitTorrent tracker. See
tracker --help
Configuration of the tracker is done via one YAML configuration file.
The dist/
directory contains an example configuration file.
Files and directories under docs/
contain detailed information about configuring middleware, storage implementations, architecture etc.
This is an example for an UDP server running on 6969 with metrics enabled. Remember to change the private key to some random string.
announce_interval: "30m"
min_announce_interval: "15m"
metrics_addr: ""
addr: ""
max_clock_skew: "10s"
private_key: ">>>>CHANGE THIS TO SOME RANDOM THING<<<<"
enable_request_timing: false
allow_ip_spoofing: false
max_numwant: 100
default_numwant: 50
max_scrape_infohashes: 50
name: "memory"
gc_interval: "3m"
peer_lifetime: "31m"
shard_count: 1024
prometheus_reporting_interval: "1s"
Running from Docker
This section assumes docker
and docker-compose
to be installed on a Linux distro. Please check official docs on how to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose.
Docker Compose from lbry/tracker
In order to define a tracker service and let Docker Compose manage it, create a file named docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
image: lbry/tracker
command: --config /config/conf.yml
- .:/config
network_mode: host
restart: always
Unfortunately the tracker does not work without network_mode: host
due some bug with UDP on Docker. In this mode, firewall configuration needs to be done manually. If using ufw
, try ufw allow 6969
Now, move the configuration to the same directory as docker-compose.yml
, naming it conf.yml
. If it is not ready, check the configuration section above.
Start the tracker by running the following in the same directory as the compose file:
docker-compose up -d
Logs can be read with:
docker-compose logs
To stop:
docker-compose down
Building the containter
A Dockerfile is provided within the repo. To build the container locally, run this command on the same directory the repo was cloned:
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile . -t some_name/tracker:latest
It will produce an image called some_name/tracker
, which can be used in the Docker Compose section.
Running from source as a service
For ease of maintenance, it is recommended to run the tracker as a service.
This is an example for running it under as the current user using systemd
Description=Chihaya BT tracker
ExecStart=/home/user/github/tracker/chihaya --config dist/example_config.yaml
To try it, change /home/user/github/tracker
to where the code was cloned and run:
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
# PASTE FILE IN ~/.config/systemd/user/tracker.service
systemctl --user enable tracker
systemctl --user start tracker
systemctl --user status tracker
Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, please check this link.
LBRY's code changes are MIT licensed, and the upstream Chihaya code is licensed under a BSD 2-Clause license. For the full license, see LICENSE.
We take security seriously. Please contact security@lbry.com regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is here if you need it.
The primary contact for this project is @shyba.