2017-12-29 16:55:48 -05:00

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package storage
import (
var (
driversM sync.RWMutex
drivers = make(map[string]Driver)
// Driver is the interface used to initialize a new type of PeerStore.
type Driver interface {
NewPeerStore(cfg interface{}) (PeerStore, error)
// ErrResourceDoesNotExist is the error returned by all delete methods and the
// AnnouncePeers method of the PeerStore interface if the requested resource
// does not exist.
var ErrResourceDoesNotExist = bittorrent.ClientError("resource does not exist")
// ErrDriverDoesNotExist is the error returned by NewPeerStore when a peer
// store driver with that name does not exist.
var ErrDriverDoesNotExist = errors.New("peer store driver with that name does not exist")
// PeerStore is an interface that abstracts the interactions of storing and
// manipulating Peers such that it can be implemented for various data stores.
// Implementations of the PeerStore interface must do the following in addition
// to implementing the methods of the interface in the way documented:
// - Implement a garbage-collection strategy that ensures stale data is removed.
// For example, a timestamp on each InfoHash/Peer combination can be used
// to track the last activity for that Peer. The entire database can then
// be scanned periodically and too old Peers removed. The intervals and
// durations involved should be configurable.
// - IPv4 and IPv6 swarms must be isolated from each other.
// A PeerStore must be able to transparently handle IPv4 and IPv6 Peers, but
// must separate them. AnnouncePeers and ScrapeSwarm must return information
// about the Swarm matching the given AddressFamily only.
// Implementations can be tested against this interface using the tests in
// storage_tests.go and the benchmarks in storage_bench.go.
type PeerStore interface {
// PutSeeder adds a Seeder to the Swarm identified by the provided
// InfoHash.
PutSeeder(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, p bittorrent.Peer) error
// DeleteSeeder removes a Seeder from the Swarm identified by the
// provided InfoHash.
// If the Swarm or Peer does not exist, this function returns
// ErrResourceDoesNotExist.
DeleteSeeder(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, p bittorrent.Peer) error
// PutLeecher adds a Leecher to the Swarm identified by the provided
// InfoHash.
// If the Swarm does not exist already, it is created.
PutLeecher(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, p bittorrent.Peer) error
// DeleteLeecher removes a Leecher from the Swarm identified by the
// provided InfoHash.
// If the Swarm or Peer does not exist, this function returns
// ErrResourceDoesNotExist.
DeleteLeecher(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, p bittorrent.Peer) error
// GraduateLeecher promotes a Leecher to a Seeder in the Swarm
// identified by the provided InfoHash.
// If the given Peer is not present as a Leecher or the swarm does not exist
// already, the Peer is added as a Seeder and no error is returned.
GraduateLeecher(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, p bittorrent.Peer) error
// AnnouncePeers is a best effort attempt to return Peers from the Swarm
// identified by the provided InfoHash.
// The numWant parameter indicates the number of peers requested by the
// announcing Peer p. The seeder flag determines whether the Peer announced
// as a Seeder.
// The returned Peers are required to be either all IPv4 or all IPv6.
// The returned Peers should strive be:
// - as close to length equal to numWant as possible without going over
// - all IPv4 or all IPv6 depending on the provided peer
// - if seeder is true, should ideally return more leechers than seeders
// - if seeder is false, should ideally return more seeders than
// leechers
// Returns ErrResourceDoesNotExist if the provided InfoHash is not tracked.
AnnouncePeers(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, seeder bool, numWant int, p bittorrent.Peer) (peers []bittorrent.Peer, err error)
// ScrapeSwarm returns information required to answer a Scrape request
// about a Swarm identified by the given InfoHash.
// The AddressFamily indicates whether or not the IPv6 swarm should be
// scraped.
// The Complete and Incomplete fields of the Scrape must be filled,
// filling the Snatches field is optional.
// If the Swarm does not exist, an empty Scrape and no error is returned.
ScrapeSwarm(infoHash bittorrent.InfoHash, addressFamily bittorrent.AddressFamily) bittorrent.Scrape
// stop.Stopper is an interface that expects a Stop method to stop the
// PeerStore.
// For more details see the documentation in the stop package.
// log.Fielder returns a loggable version of the data used to configure and
// operate a particular PeerStore.
// RegisterDriver makes a Driver available by the provided name.
// If called twice with the same name, the name is blank, or if the provided
// Driver is nil, this function panics.
func RegisterDriver(name string, d Driver) {
if name == "" {
panic("storage: could not register a Driver with an empty name")
if d == nil {
panic("storage: could not register a nil Driver")
defer driversM.Unlock()
if _, dup := drivers[name]; dup {
panic("storage: RegisterDriver called twice for " + name)
drivers[name] = d
// NewPeerStore attempts to initialize a new PeerStore instance from
// the list of registered Drivers.
// If a driver does not exist, returns ErrDriverDoesNotExist.
func NewPeerStore(name string, cfg interface{}) (ps PeerStore, err error) {
defer driversM.RUnlock()
var d Driver
d, ok := drivers[name]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrDriverDoesNotExist
return d.NewPeerStore(cfg)