Because of the requirement of storing multiple ports, Announce.Port has been abolished and Announce.IPv4/IPv6 have been replaced with the Endpoint type. HTTP has been updated to support this model. UDP has been updated to support the latest draft of BEP45 and most of the optional-types described in BEP41.
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// Copyright 2015 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
package http
import (
// newAnnounce parses an HTTP request and generates a models.Announce.
func (s *Server) newAnnounce(r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) (*models.Announce, error) {
q, err := query.New(r.URL.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
compact := q.Params["compact"] != "0"
event, _ := q.Params["event"]
numWant := requestedPeerCount(q, s.config.NumWantFallback)
infohash, exists := q.Params["info_hash"]
if !exists {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
peerID, exists := q.Params["peer_id"]
if !exists {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
port, err := q.Uint64("port")
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
left, err := q.Uint64("left")
ipv4, ipv6, err := requestedEndpoint(q, r, &s.config.NetConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
var ipv4Endpoint, ipv6Endpoint models.Endpoint
if ipv4 != nil {
ipv4Endpoint = *ipv4
// If the port we couldn't get the port before, fallback to the port param.
if ipv4Endpoint.Port == uint16(0) {
ipv4Endpoint.Port = uint16(port)
if ipv6 != nil {
ipv6Endpoint = *ipv6
// If the port we couldn't get the port before, fallback to the port param.
if ipv6Endpoint.Port == uint16(0) {
ipv6Endpoint.Port = uint16(port)
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
downloaded, err := q.Uint64("downloaded")
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
uploaded, err := q.Uint64("uploaded")
if err != nil {
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
return &models.Announce{
Config: s.config,
Compact: compact,
Downloaded: downloaded,
Event: event,
IPv4: ipv4Endpoint,
IPv6: ipv6Endpoint,
Infohash: infohash,
Left: left,
NumWant: numWant,
Passkey: p.ByName("passkey"),
PeerID: peerID,
Uploaded: uploaded,
}, nil
// newScrape parses an HTTP request and generates a models.Scrape.
func (s *Server) newScrape(r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) (*models.Scrape, error) {
q, err := query.New(r.URL.RawQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if q.Infohashes == nil {
if _, exists := q.Params["info_hash"]; !exists {
// There aren't any infohashes.
return nil, models.ErrMalformedRequest
q.Infohashes = []string{q.Params["info_hash"]}
return &models.Scrape{
Config: s.config,
Passkey: p.ByName("passkey"),
Infohashes: q.Infohashes,
}, nil
// requestedPeerCount returns the wanted peer count or the provided fallback.
func requestedPeerCount(q *query.Query, fallback int) int {
if numWantStr, exists := q.Params["numwant"]; exists {
numWant, err := strconv.Atoi(numWantStr)
if err != nil {
return fallback
return numWant
return fallback
// requestedEndpoint returns the IP address and port pairs for a request. If
// there are multiple in the request, one IPv4 and one IPv6 will be returned.
func requestedEndpoint(q *query.Query, r *http.Request, cfg *config.NetConfig) (v4, v6 *models.Endpoint, err error) {
var done bool
if cfg.AllowIPSpoofing {
if str, ok := q.Params["ip"]; ok {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints(str, v4, v6, cfg); done {
if str, ok := q.Params["ipv4"]; ok {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints(str, v4, v6, cfg); done {
if str, ok := q.Params["ipv6"]; ok {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints(str, v4, v6, cfg); done {
if cfg.RealIPHeader != "" {
if xRealIPs, ok := r.Header[cfg.RealIPHeader]; ok {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints(string(xRealIPs[0]), v4, v6, cfg); done {
} else {
if r.RemoteAddr == "" && v4 == nil {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints("", v4, v6, cfg); done {
if v4, v6, done = getEndpoints(r.RemoteAddr, v4, v6, cfg); done {
if v4 == nil && v6 == nil {
err = errors.New("failed to parse IP address")
func getEndpoints(ipstr string, ipv4, ipv6 *models.Endpoint, cfg *config.NetConfig) (*models.Endpoint, *models.Endpoint, bool) {
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(ipstr)
if err != nil {
host = ipstr
// We can ignore this error, because ports that are 0 are assumed to be the
// port parameter provided in the "port" param of the announce request.
parsedPort, _ := strconv.ParseUint(port, 10, 16)
if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip != nil {
ipTo4 := ip.To4()
if ipv4 == nil && ipTo4 != nil {
ipv4 = &models.Endpoint{ipTo4, uint16(parsedPort)}
} else if ipv6 == nil && ipTo4 == nil {
ipv6 = &models.Endpoint{ip, uint16(parsedPort)}
var done bool
if cfg.DualStackedPeers {
done = ipv4 != nil && ipv6 != nil
} else {
done = ipv4 != nil || ipv6 != nil
return ipv4, ipv6, done