This causes packets that have bad connection IDs to not be recorded as a bad request in our stats. These types of errors to be expected and should balloon our stats. Fixes #72.
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// Copyright 2015 The Chihaya Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the BSD 2-Clause license,
// which can be found in the LICENSE file.
package udp
import (
const (
connectActionID uint32 = iota
var (
// initialConnectionID is the magic initial connection ID specified by BEP 15.
initialConnectionID = []byte{0, 0, 0x04, 0x17, 0x27, 0x10, 0x19, 0x80}
// emptyIPs are the value of an IP field that has been left blank.
emptyIPv4 = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
emptyIPv6 = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
// Option-Types described in BEP41 and BEP45.
optionEndOfOptions = byte(0x0)
optionNOP = byte(0x1)
optionURLData = byte(0x2)
optionIPv6 = byte(0x3)
// eventIDs map IDs to event names.
eventIDs = []string{
errMalformedPacket = models.ProtocolError("malformed packet")
errMalformedIP = models.ProtocolError("malformed IP address")
errMalformedEvent = models.ProtocolError("malformed event ID")
errBadConnectionID = errors.New("bad connection ID")
// handleTorrentError writes err to w if err is a models.ClientError.
func handleTorrentError(err error, w *Writer) {
if err == nil {
if models.IsPublicError(err) {
// handlePacket decodes and processes one UDP request, returning the response.
func (s *Server) handlePacket(packet []byte, addr *net.UDPAddr) (response []byte, actionName string, err error) {
if len(packet) < 16 {
// Malformed, no client packets are less than 16 bytes.
// We explicitly return nothing in case this is a DoS attempt.
err = errMalformedPacket
connID := packet[0:8]
action := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(packet[8:12])
transactionID := packet[12:16]
writer := &Writer{
buf: new(bytes.Buffer),
connectionID: connID,
transactionID: transactionID,
defer func() { response = writer.buf.Bytes() }()
if action != 0 && !s.connIDGen.Matches(connID, addr.IP) {
err = errBadConnectionID
switch action {
case connectActionID:
actionName = "connect"
if !bytes.Equal(connID, initialConnectionID) {
err = errMalformedPacket
case announceActionID:
actionName = "announce"
var ann *models.Announce
ann, err = s.newAnnounce(packet, addr.IP)
if err == nil {
err = s.tracker.HandleAnnounce(ann, writer)
handleTorrentError(err, writer)
case scrapeActionID:
actionName = "scrape"
var scrape *models.Scrape
scrape, err = s.newScrape(packet)
if err == nil {
err = s.tracker.HandleScrape(scrape, writer)
handleTorrentError(err, writer)
// newAnnounce decodes one announce packet, returning a models.Announce.
func (s *Server) newAnnounce(packet []byte, ip net.IP) (*models.Announce, error) {
if len(packet) < 98 {
return nil, errMalformedPacket
infohash := packet[16:36]
peerID := packet[36:56]
downloaded := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(packet[56:64])
left := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(packet[64:72])
uploaded := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(packet[72:80])
eventID := packet[83]
if eventID > 3 {
return nil, errMalformedEvent
ipv4bytes := packet[84:88]
if s.config.AllowIPSpoofing && !bytes.Equal(ipv4bytes, emptyIPv4) {
ip = net.ParseIP(string(ipv4bytes))
if ip == nil {
return nil, errMalformedIP
} else if ipv4 := ip.To4(); ipv4 != nil {
ip = ipv4
numWant := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(packet[92:96])
port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(packet[96:98])
announce := &models.Announce{
Config: s.config,
Downloaded: downloaded,
Event: eventIDs[eventID],
IPv4: models.Endpoint{
IP: ip,
Port: port,
Infohash: string(infohash),
Left: left,
NumWant: int(numWant),
PeerID: string(peerID),
Uploaded: uploaded,
if err := s.handleOptionalParameters(packet, announce); err != nil {
return nil, err
return announce, nil
// handleOptionalParameters parses the optional parameters as described in BEP41
// and updates an announce with the values parsed.
func (s *Server) handleOptionalParameters(packet []byte, announce *models.Announce) error {
if len(packet) > 98 {
optionStartIndex := 98
for optionStartIndex < len(packet)-1 {
option := packet[optionStartIndex]
switch option {
case optionEndOfOptions:
return nil
case optionNOP:
case optionURLData:
if optionStartIndex+1 > len(packet)-1 {
return errMalformedPacket
length := int(packet[optionStartIndex+1])
if optionStartIndex+1+length > len(packet)-1 {
return errMalformedPacket
// TODO: Actually parse the URL Data as described in BEP41.
optionStartIndex += 1 + length
case optionIPv6:
if optionStartIndex+19 > len(packet)-1 {
return errMalformedPacket
ipv6bytes := packet[optionStartIndex+1 : optionStartIndex+17]
if s.config.AllowIPSpoofing && !bytes.Equal(ipv6bytes, emptyIPv6) {
announce.IPv6.IP = net.ParseIP(string(ipv6bytes)).To16()
announce.IPv6.Port = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(packet[optionStartIndex+17 : optionStartIndex+19])
if announce.IPv6.IP == nil {
return errMalformedIP
optionStartIndex += 19
return nil
// There was no optional parameters to parse.
return nil
// newScrape decodes one announce packet, returning a models.Scrape.
func (s *Server) newScrape(packet []byte) (*models.Scrape, error) {
if len(packet) < 36 {
return nil, errMalformedPacket
var infohashes []string
packet = packet[16:]
if len(packet)%20 != 0 {
return nil, errMalformedPacket
for len(packet) >= 20 {
infohash := packet[:20]
infohashes = append(infohashes, string(infohash))
packet = packet[20:]
return &models.Scrape{
Config: s.config,
Infohashes: infohashes,
}, nil