To configure, copy the `config/config.sample.yml` file to `config/config.yml`.
## twitter
Create an application at and fill in your keys.
* **consumer_key: ''
* **consumer_secret: ''
* **access_token_key: ''
* **access_token_secret: ''
## log
Logging settings.
* **file** - file to log to. Set to `false` to disable logging to file.
## rpc
JSON RPC API connection info.
* **host** - JSON RPC API hostname
* **port** - API port (by default 1337)
* **user** - API username
* **pass** - API password (keep that secure)
## coin
Basic coin settings.
* **withdrawal_fee** - fee charged on withdraw to cover up txfee, the rest goes to bot's wallet.
* **min_withdraw** - minimum amount of coins to withdraw
* **min_confirmations** - minimum amount of confirmations needed to tip/withdraw coins
* **min_tip** - minimum amount of coins to tip
# How to run it?
Before running the bot, you have to be running your coin daemon with JSON-RPC API enabled. To enable, add this to your coin daemon configuration file (eg. `~/.dogecoin/dogecoin.conf`):