Started work on the next version of tipbot #9
@ -1,21 +1,78 @@
# Created by
### Node ###
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# Dependency directories
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# Optional eslint cache
# Optional REPL history
# Output of 'npm pack'
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# next.js build output
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# vuepress build output
# Serverless directories
# Configurations
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 unek <>
The MIT License (MIT)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
Copyright (c) 2018 LBRY Inc
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,74 +1,46 @@
This is a fork of node-tip-bot-twitter, an open-source node.js twitter bot for tipping with altcoins.
In particular, this fork is for [LBC](, the network behind it, describes
itself as:
# Twitter tipbot - A twitter tipbot for LBRY
This repo contains the twitter tipbot used by LBRY. This bot allows users to tip each other LBC on twitter.
## Installation
### Prerequisites
* Lbrycrd-daemon
* Node.js v8+
* Yarn
* A twitter application on the tipbot account
>To get started you should clone the git:
...a free, open, and community-run digital marketplace.
You own your data. You control the network. Indeed, you are the network.
Hollywood films, college lessons, amazing streamers and more are on the first media network ruled by you.
git clone
If you want to get started with, go to If you wish to set up your own twitter
tip bot, it may be more beneficial to start with the [original node-tip-bot-twitter](
# Installation
To install node-tip-bot simply clone this repo and install dependencies:
git clone
cd node-tip-bot-twitter
npm install
>Install all modules with yarn:
After installation proceed to the configuration.
# Configuration
To configure, copy the `config/config.sample.yml` file to `config/config.yml`.
## twitter
Create an application at and fill in your keys.
* **consumer_key: ''
* **consumer_secret: ''
* **access_token_key: ''
* **access_token_secret: ''
## log
Logging settings.
* **file** - file to log to. Set to `false` to disable logging to file.
## rpc
JSON RPC API connection info.
* **host** - JSON RPC API hostname
* **port** - API port (by default 1337)
* **user** - API username
* **pass** - API password (keep that secure)
## coin
Basic coin settings.
* **withdrawal_fee** - fee charged on withdraw to cover up txfee, the rest goes to bot's wallet.
* **min_withdraw** - minimum amount of coins to withdraw
* **min_confirmations** - minimum amount of confirmations needed to tip/withdraw coins
* **min_tip** - minimum amount of coins to tip
# How to run it?
Before running the bot, you have to be running your coin daemon with JSON-RPC API enabled. To enable, add this to your coin daemon configuration file (eg. `~/.gameunits/gameunits.conf`):
rpcuser=<your username>
rpcpassword=<your super secret password>
rpcallowip=<your bot's ip address or just if hosted on the same machine>
yarn install
To run the bot simply use `node bin/tipbot` or `npm start`.
>Rename default.example.json to default.json and enter the twitter tokens and daemon settings.
## Commands
Commands are executed by placing gameunits <command> <arguments> in a tweet.
>Run the bot with:
node index.js
>If you want to move over accounts from the old tipbot format which used usernames as identifier, run move_helper.js:
node move_helper.js
>It will automatically move over the old accounts to the new id based system.
| **Command** | **Arguments** | **Description**
| `balance` | | displays your current wallet balance
| `address` | | displays address where you can send your funds to the tip bot
| `withdraw` | `<address>` | withdraws your whole wallet balance to specified address
| `tip` | `<nick> <amount>` | sends the specified amount of coins to the specified nickname
| `help` | | displays configured help message (by default similiar to this one)
| `terms` | | displays terms and conditions for using the tip bot
## Contributing
Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, see [](
## License
This project is MIT Licensed © [LBRYio](
## Security
We take security seriously. Please contact regarding any security issues.
Our PGP key is [here]( if you need it.
## Contact
The primary contact for this project is [@filipnyquist]( (
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
const winston = require('winston'),
fs = require('fs'),
yaml = require('js-yaml'),
coind = require('node-gameunits');
const Twitter = require('twitter');
// check if the config file exists
if (!fs.existsSync('./config/config.yml')) {
winston.error("Configuration file doesn't exist! Please read the file first.");
// load settings
const settings = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./config/config.yml', 'utf-8'));
// load winston's cli defaults
// write logs to file
if (settings.log.file) {
winston.add(winston.transports.File, {
filename: settings.log.file,
level: 'debug'
// connect to coin json-rpc
||||'Connecting to coind...');
let coin = coind({
port: settings.rpc.port,
user: settings.rpc.user,
pass: settings.rpc.pass
// checking if we are connected.
coin.getBalance(function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Could not connect to %s RPC API! ', settings.coin.full_name, err);
var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;
||||'Connected to JSON RPC API. Current total balance is %d' + settings.coin.short_name, balance);
// connect to twitter
||||'Connecting to Twitter');
var client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: settings.twitter.consumer_key,
consumer_secret: settings.twitter.consumer_secret,
access_token_key: settings.twitter.access_token_key,
access_token_secret: settings.twitter.access_token_secret
client.get('followers/ids', function (error, tweets, response) {
if (error) {
||||'Connected to Twitter. Followers:' + tweets.ids.length);
// basic handlers
var locks = [];
function makeid() {
var text = '';
var possible = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function replytweet(to, replyid, themessage) {
||||'Preparing tweet' + '@' + to + ' :' + themessage);
var newtweet = '@' + to + ' ' + themessage + ' \nMsg_ID:(' + makeid() + ')';
||||'' + '@' + to + ' :' + newtweet);
||||'statuses/update', {
status: newtweet,
in_reply_to_status_id: replyid
}, function (error, params, response) {
if (error) {
//throw error;
function getAddress(nickname, callback) {
winston.debug('Requesting address for %s', nickname);
coin.send('getaccountaddress', settings.rpc.prefix + nickname.toLowerCase(), function (err, address) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Something went wrong while getting address. ' + err);
return false;
callback(false, address);
String.prototype.expand = function (values) {
var global = {
nick: settings.twitter.twittername
return this.replace(/%([a-zA-Z_]+)%/g, function (str, variable) {
return typeof values[variable] == 'undefined' ? (typeof settings.coin[variable] == 'undefined' ? (typeof global[variable] == 'undefined' ? str : global[variable]) : settings.coin[variable]) : values[variable];
||||'statuses/filter', {track: settings.twitter.twitterkeyword}, function (stream) {
stream.on('error', function (error) {
winston.error('Something went wrong with the twitter streaming api.');
stream.on('end', function (reason) {
winston.error('Twitter streaming api failed with');
stream.on('data', function (tweet) {
console.log('@' + tweet.user.screen_name + '|' + tweet.text);
if (tweet.text.substring(0, 2) === 'RT') {
console.log('Retweet Ingrored');
var regex = new RegExp('(' + settings.twitter.twitterkeyword + ')(\\s)([a-zA-Z]+)', 'i');
var match = tweet.text.match(regex);
if (match == null) return;
var command = match[3];
var from = tweet.user.screen_name;
var msg = tweet.txt;
var message = tweet.text;
var replyid = tweet.id_str;
if (command == 'help' || command == 'terms') {
for (var i = 0; i < settings.messages[command].length; i++) {
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages[command][i].expand({}));
switch (command) {
case 'tip':
var regex = new RegExp('(' + settings.twitter.twitterkeyword + ')(\\s)([a-zA-Z]+)(\\s)(\\@)(.+)(\\s)(.+)', 'i'); //Uglyfix
var match = tweet.text.match(regex);
console.log(match[0] + ',' + match[1] + ',' + match[2] + ',' + match[3] + ',' + match[4] + ',' + match[5] + ',' + match[6] + ',' + match[7] + ',' + match[8]);
if (match == null || match.length < 3) {
replytweet(from, replyid, 'Usage: nameofbot tip <twitterhandle> <amount>');
var to = match[6];
var amount = Number(match[8]);
console.log('To:' + amount);
// lock
if (locks.hasOwnProperty(from.toLowerCase()) && locks[from.toLowerCase()]) return;
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = true;
if (isNaN(amount)) {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.invalid_amount.expand({name: from, amount: match[8]}));
if (to.toLowerCase() == from.toLowerCase()) {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tip_self.expand({name: from}));
if (amount < settings.coin.min_tip) {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tip_too_small.expand({
from: from,
to: to,
amount: amount
// check balance with min. 5 confirmations
coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
winston.error('Error in tip command.', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;
if (balance >= amount) {
coin.send('move', settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.rpc.prefix + to.toLowerCase(), amount, function (err, reply) {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
if (err || !reply) {
winston.error('Error in tip command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
||||'%s tipped %s %d%s', from, to, amount, settings.coin.short_name);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.tipped.expand({
from: from,
to: to,
amount: amount
} else {
locks[from.toLowerCase()] = null;
||||'%s tried to tip %s %d, but has only %d', from, to, amount, balance);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.no_funds.expand({
name: from,
balance: balance,
short: amount - balance,
amount: amount
case 'deposit':
case 'address':
var user = from.toLowerCase();
getAddress(user, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in address command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.deposit_address.expand({name: user, address: address}));
case 'balance':
var user = from.toLowerCase();
coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + user, settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in balance command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;
coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + user, 0, function (err, unconfirmed_balance) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in balance command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.balance.expand({balance: balance, name: user}));
var unconfirmed_balance = typeof unconfirmed_balance == 'object' ? unconfirmed_balance.result : unconfirmed_balance;
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.balance_unconfirmed.expand({
balance: balance,
name: user,
unconfirmed: unconfirmed_balance - balance
case 'withdraw':
var user = from.toLowerCase();
var match = message.match(/.?withdraw (\S+)$/);
if (match == null) {
replytweet(from, replyid, 'Usage: withdraw <' + settings.coin.full_name + ' address>');
var address = match[1];
coin.validateAddress(address, function (err, reply) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
if (reply.isvalid) {
coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.coin.min_confirmations, function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;
if (balance < settings.coin.min_withdraw) {
winston.warn('%s tried to withdraw %d, but min is set to %d', from, balance, settings.coin.min_withdraw);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.withdraw_too_small.expand({
name: from,
balance: balance
coin.sendFrom(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), address, balance - settings.coin.withdrawal_fee, function (err, reply) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Error in withdraw command', err);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.error.expand({name: from}));
var values = {
name: from,
address: address,
balance: balance,
amount: balance - settings.coin.withdrawal_fee,
transaction: reply
for (var i = 0; i < settings.messages.withdraw_success.length; i++) {
var msg = settings.messages.withdraw_success[i];
replytweet(from, replyid, msg.expand(values));
// transfer the rest (withdrawal fee - txfee) to bots wallet
coin.getBalance(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
winston.error('Something went wrong while transferring fees', err);
var balance = typeof balance == 'object' ? balance.result : balance;
// moves the rest to bot's wallet
coin.move(settings.rpc.prefix + from.toLowerCase(), settings.rpc.prefix + settings.twitter.twittername.toLowerCase(), balance);
} else {
winston.warn('%s tried to withdraw to an invalid address', from);
replytweet(from, replyid, settings.messages.invalid_address.expand({
address: address,
name: from
winston.warn('Invalid Command' + command);
replytweet(from, replyid, 'Invalid command. Tweet "@LBC_TipBot lbryian help" for list of commands or see reply below');
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
consumer_key: ''
consumer_secret: ''
access_token_key: ''
access_token_secret: ''
twittername: ''
twitterkeyword: 'gameunitsbot'
file: tipbot.log
host: localhost
port: 1337
user: gameunitsrpc
pass: pass
prefix: ''
withdrawal_fee: 1
min_withdraw: 1
min_confirmations: 10
min_tip: 0.1
min_rain: 1
short_name: ' UNITS'
full_name: Gameunits
enabled: false
port: 8080
unek: supersecretpassword
admintwo: password
pm: true
channel: false
pm: true
channel: true
pm: true
channel: false
pm: true
channel: false
pm: true
channel: false
pm: true
channel: false
pm: false
channel: true
rain_on_last_active: 0 # amount in seconds. rain tips will fall only on users active within x seconds. leave 0 for no such behavior.
error: 'Sorry %name%, something went wrong.'
no_funds: "Sorry %name%, you don't have enough funds (you're %short%%short_name% short)"
not_identified: '%name%: You need to be identified with NickServ to tip.'
tipped: ' Tipped @%to% %amount%%short_name%! "tweet @%nick% gameunits help" to claim.'
balance: '%name% has %balance%%short_name%.'
balance_unconfirmed: '%name% has %balance%%short_name% (unconfirmed: %unconfirmed%%short_name%)'
deposit_address: Your deposit address %address%
withdraw_too_small: 'Sorry %name%, you need to withdraw at least %min_withdraw%%short_name% (you have %balance%%short_name%)'
invalid_address: 'Sorry %name%, the address you specified is invalid (%address%).'
tip_too_small: 'Sorry %from%, your tip to %to% (%amount%%short_name%) is too small (min. %min_tip%%short_name%).'
tip_self: "Sorry %name%, you can't tip yourself!"
invalid_amount: 'Sorry %name%, "%amount%" is not a correct amount.'
- '%name%: %amount%%short_name% has been withdrawn from your account to %address%'
- 'You have been charged %withdrawal_fee%%short_name% withdrawal fee.'
- 'Transaction %transaction% completed.'
- 'You can use following commands:'
- 'balance - displays your current wallet balance'
- 'address - displays %full_name% your depositaddress'
- 'withdraw <%full_name% address> - withdraws your whole wallet balance to specified address (minus %withdrawal_fee%%short_name% withdrawal fee)'
- 'tip <nick> <amount> - sends the specified amount of %full_name% to nickname'
- 'terms - displays terms and conditions for using %nick%'
- 'payout - How can I withdraw my Gameunits from tipbot ? Just Download Gameunits client from :'
- 'There are no fees to use %nick%, with the exception of %withdrawal_fee%%short_name% fee on withdrawals.'
- 'In no event shall %nick% be responsible in the event of lost, stolen or misdirected funds.'
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"handle": "@devlbctipbot",
"requiredConfirms": 2
"twitter": {
"consumer_key": "****",
"consumer_secret": "****",
"access_token": "****",
"access_token_secret": "****"
"lbrycrd": {
"username": "lbry",
"password": "lbry",
"port": 9245
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const Twit = require("twit");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const config = require("config");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const winston = require("winston");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const Client = require("bitcoin-core");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const lbry = new Client({
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
username: config.get("lbrycrd.username"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
password: config.get("lbrycrd.password"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
port: config.get("lbrycrd.port")
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const logger = winston.createLogger({
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
level: "info",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
format: winston.format.json(),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
transports: [
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
new winston.transports.DailyRotateFile({
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
filename: "tipbot-%DATE%.log",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
dirname: "./logs",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
datePattern: "YYYY-MM-DD-HH",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
zippedArchive: true,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
maxSize: "20m",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
maxFiles: "14d"
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
new winston.transports.Console({
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
format: winston.format.simple(),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
level: "debug"
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const T = new Twit({
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
consumer_key: config.get("twitter.consumer_key"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
consumer_secret: config.get("twitter.consumer_secret"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
access_token: config.get("twitter.access_token"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
access_token_secret: config.get("twitter.access_token_secret"),
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
timeout_ms: 60 * 1000, // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
strictSSL: true // optional - requires SSL certificates to be valid.
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const stream ="statuses/filter", { track: config.get("bot.handle") });
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
||||"Started LBRY twitter tipbot.");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
stream.on("tweet", function(tweet) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if(tweet.user.screen_name === config.get("bot.handle").substring(1)) return;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let msg = checkTrunc(tweet);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
msg = msg.slice(msg.indexOf(config.get("bot.handle"))).split(" ");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
splitting produces an array, however the length of the array is never checked. splitting produces an array, however the length of the array is never checked.
I´ll add a check so that it contains atleast two items, the mention and the trigger word I´ll add a check so that it contains atleast two items, the mention and the trigger word
if (msg.length >= 2) checkTweet(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
function checkTweet(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
switch (msg[1]) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "help":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doHelp(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "balance":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doBalance(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "deposit":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doDeposit(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "withdraw":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doWithdraw(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "tip":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doTip(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "terms":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
doTerms(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
case "lbryian":
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
||||"Got a command with the old format, handling it...");
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
checkTweet(tweet, msg.splice(1));
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doHelp(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let post = await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`@${tweet.user.screen_name} `+
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`All commands should be called with ${config.get("bot.handle")} + subcommand \n` +
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"help - Shows this command. \n" +
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"balance - Get your balance. \n" +
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"deposit - Get address for your deposits. \n" +
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT - Withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS. \n" +
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"terms - Sends you the TOS.",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`Sent help to ${tweet.user.screen_name}, tweet id: ${tweet.id_str}`
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doTerms(tweet, msg){
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
// ADD terms
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`@${tweet.user.screen_name} `+
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"There are no fees to use this bot except the automatic daemon fee. \n"+
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
"Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.",
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doBalance(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const balance = await lbry.getBalance(id(tweet.user.id_str), config.get("bot.requiredConfirms")); // Amount of confirms before we can use it.
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const post = await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} You have ${balance} LBC.`
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`Sent balance command to ${tweet.user.screen_name}, tweet id: ${
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doDeposit(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const post = await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} Your deposit address is ${await getAddress(id(tweet.user.id_str))}.`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
Just a wild suggestion. Do you think integrating a QR to the tweet could be a cool thing to do? we could use an API like this one: (notice the address appended) Just a wild suggestion. Do you think integrating a QR to the tweet could be a cool thing to do? we could use an API like this one: (notice the address appended)
Sounds like a cool idea, adding it to an issue Sounds like a cool idea, adding it to an issue
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`Sent deposit address to ${tweet.user.screen_name}, tweet id: ${
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doWithdraw(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (msg.length < 4) return doHelp(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let address = msg[2];
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let amount = getValidatedAmount(msg[3]);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (amount === null) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} I don´t know how to withdraw that many credits...`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let txId = await lbry.sendFrom(id(tweet.user.id_str), address, amount);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} You withdrew ${amount} LBC to ${address}. \n${txLink(txId)}`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`User ${
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} withdraw ${amount} LBC to ${address}, tweet id: ${tweet.id_str}`
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function doTip(tweet, msg) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (msg.length < 3) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return doHelp(tweet, msg);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const amount = getValidatedAmount(msg[3]);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (amount === null) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} I don´t know how to tip that many credits...`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const userToTip = tweet.entities.user_mentions.find(u => `@${u.screen_name}` === msg[2]).id_str;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let tipToAddress = await getAddress(id(userToTip)) // Call this to ensure user has an account.
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (userToTip === null) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} I could not find that user...`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const balanceFromUser = await lbry.getBalance(id(tweet.user.id_str), config.get("bot.requiredConfirms"));
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (balanceFromUser < amount) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
const txId = await lbry.sendFrom(id(tweet.user.id_str), tipToAddress, Number(amount), 1);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
await"statuses/update", {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
status: `@${tweet.user.screen_name} Tipped ${
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} ${amount} LBC! \nTransaction: ${txLink(txId)} \nSee for more information.`,
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
`@${tweet.user.screen_name}(${tweet.user.id_str}) tipped ${
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
}(${userToTip}) ${amount} LBC.`
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
async function getAddress(userId) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
try {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let uAddresses = await lbry.getAddressesByAccount(userId);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (uAddresses.length > 0) return uAddresses[0];
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
let nAddress = await lbry.getNewAddress(userId);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return nAddress;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
} catch (e) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
function getValidatedAmount(amount) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
amount = amount.trim();
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (amount.toLowerCase().endsWith("lbc")) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
amount = amount.substring(0, amount.length - 3);
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
Though it would have to be tested `amount = amint.split("lbc")[0];` probably works too without having to worry too much about spaces or anything after "lbc".
Though it would have to be tested
Would probably work, want to keep it like this for now, as this function is the same in the discord tipbot :) Would probably work, want to keep it like this for now, as this function is the same in the discord tipbot :)
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return amount.match(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/) ? amount : null;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if you return if you return `null` how is that going to impact the originall call? Can it handle a null value? would it be better if it were `0`?
ah nevermind i just saw the null check. that works too ah nevermind i just saw the null check. that works too
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
function txLink(txId) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return `${txId}`;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
function checkTrunc(tweet) {
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
if (tweet.truncated) return tweet.extended_tweet.full_text;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return tweet.text;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
function id(usrId){
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
return `t-${usrId}`;
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value. don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use `let` rather than var.
3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read. 3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.
I don't think this is needed, is it? I don't think this is needed, is it?
...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries. I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between. ...thus if the split didn't go right, there is a chance that the bot crashes on this line as the array doesn't have at least 2 entries.
I would suggest adding a check somewhere in-between.
`terms` is missing
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
My English isn't exceptional but I think the sentence should be changed to:
`Under no circumstances shall LBRY Inc. be held responsible for lost, stolen or misdirected funds.`
`You tried tipping more than you have! You are ${amount-balanceFromUser} LBC short.`
I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?) I think it'd be nice to add a link to the explorer here (short if possible?)
Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed Correct, as i look through the library i can now see that it is not needed
The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet. The tipping here is internally, which means it just moves the amount between the accounts, this helps us skip fees. So the coins shows up directly in the other persons wallet.
Will fix! Will fix!
Will fix! Will fix!
Added! Added!
Check added! Check added!
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
// This file helps with moving over accounts from the old username system to the id system.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
// It uses the same configuration files as index.js
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
// Checks for the old format, gets their id from twitter, creates new acc, moves balance.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const Twit = require("twit");
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const config = require("config");
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const winston = require("winston");
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const Client = require("bitcoin-core");
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const lbry = new Client({
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
version: "0.12.0",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
username: config.get("lbrycrd.username"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
password: config.get("lbrycrd.password"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
port: config.get("lbrycrd.port")
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const logger = winston.createLogger({
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
level: "info",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
format: winston.format.json(),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
transports: [
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
new winston.transports.DailyRotateFile({
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
filename: "move-helper-%DATE%.log",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
dirname: "./logs",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
datePattern: "YYYY-MM-DD-HH",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
zippedArchive: true,
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
maxSize: "20m",
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
maxFiles: "14d"
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
new winston.transports.Console({
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
format: winston.format.simple(),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
level: "debug"
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let notSynced = [];
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const T = new Twit({
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
consumer_key: config.get("twitter.consumer_key"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
consumer_secret: config.get("twitter.consumer_secret"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
access_token: config.get("twitter.access_token"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
access_token_secret: config.get("twitter.access_token_secret"),
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
timeout_ms: 60 * 1000, // optional HTTP request timeout to apply to all requests.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
strictSSL: true // optional - requires SSL certificates to be valid.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
async function main(){
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let accs = await getAccounts();
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
||||`Trying to move ${accs.length} accounts...`)
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
for (let i in accs){
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
try {
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
//Get user details from twitter.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let data = await T.get('users/show', { screen_name: accs[i] });
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
//Create a account for the user by id.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let usr =;
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
await getAddress(id(usr));
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
//Move over from old account to the new account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
const balanceFromOld = await lbry.getBalance(`twttr-${accs[i]}`);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
if (balanceFromOld !== 0) {
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let res = await lbry.move(
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
// If move is successful, log it!
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
if (res)`Transferred ${balanceFromOld} LBC from twttr-${accs[i]} to ${id(usr)}!`);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
||||`Could not sync ${accs[i]}, error occured:`, e.allErrors);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
notSynced.push({ user: accs[i], error: e.allErrors});
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
||||"Could not sync these:"+JSON.stringify(notSynced));
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
// Get a list of all twitter accounts on lbrycrd.
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
async function getAccounts(){
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let accs = await lbry.listAccounts();
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
accs = Object.entries(accs);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let accsArr = [];
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
for (let i in accs){
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
if(accs[i][0].startsWith('twttr-')) accsArr.push(accs[i][0].substring(6));
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
return accsArr;
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
async function getAddress(userId) {
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
try {
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
let uAddresses = await lbry.getAddressesByAccount(userId);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
i'm slightly confused. Is this function supposed to generate addresses for users that were tipped but didn't yet have an account to their user? i'm slightly confused. Is this function supposed to generate addresses for users that were tipped but didn't yet have an account to their user?
That function is there to assure that the user has a tipping account in the new format, as the user needs that for the bot to be able to move over from the old account to the new account.(This function follows the new id format instead of username) That function is there to assure that the user has a tipping account in the new format, as the user needs that for the bot to be able to move over from the old account to the new account.(This function follows the new id format instead of username)
So yep, it is there to generate adresses(accounts) for users not having an account already. So yep, it is there to generate adresses(accounts) for users not having an account already.
if (uAddresses.length > 0) return;
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
await lbry.getNewAddress(userId);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
} catch (e) {
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
throw("Something went wrong while creating an account for the user: ", e);
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
function id(usrId){
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
return `t-${usrId}`;
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere? you're catching the error here, but what happens if something doesn't go right? Will a tip go through and fail along the process somewhere?
It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account It should probably not be catched there, instead it should throw an error in the main loop, making it impossible to try and send coins over to a non existing account
@ -1,45 +1,17 @@
"name": "node-tip-bot-twitter",
"version": "1.0.2",
"description": "node.js based tipping bot for any coin",
"main": "bin/tipbot",
"dependencies": {
"express": "^3.21.2",
"js-yaml": "^3.11.0",
"node-gameunits": "^0.3.5",
"twitter": "^1.7.1",
"winston": "^2.4.2"
"bitcoin-core": "^2.0.0",
"config": "^1.30.0",
"twit": "^2.2.11",
"winston": "3",
"winston-daily-rotate-file": "^3.2.3"
"devDependencies": {
"prettier": "^1.12.0"
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "node bin/tipbot",
"prettier": "prettier --write \"{bot,.}/**/*.{js,json}\" --single-quote --print-width 240",
"build": "babel bot -d dist",
"prod": "babel bot -d dist & node dist/bot.js",
"lint": "prettier --write \"{bot,.}/**/*.{js,json}\" --single-quote --print-width 240",
"precommit": "prettier --write \"{bot,.}/**/*.{js,json}\" --single-quote --print-width 240"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "gameunits",
"name": "lbry-twitter-tipbot",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A twitter tipbot for LBRY",
"main": "index.js",
"repository": "",
"author": "filipnyquist <>",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"private": false
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
# yarn lockfile v1
version "2.0.0"
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"@uphold/request-logger" "^2.0.0"
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lodash "^4.0.0"
request "^2.53.0"
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standard-error "^1.1.0"
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version "3.5.1"
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version "1.1.11"
resolved ""
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version "1.8.12"
resolved ""
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moment "^2.10.6"
mv "~2"
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resolved ""
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version "0.8.0"
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version "1.0.1"
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version "0.0.1"
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version "1.14.1"
resolved ""
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ms "2.0.0"
version "1.0.0"
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nan "^2.10.0"
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resolved ""
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jsprim "^1.2.2"
sshpk "^1.7.0"
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version "1.1.0"
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version "1.0.0"
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version "5.0.1"
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version "1.4.1"
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verror "1.10.0"
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ms "^2.1.1"
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"minimatch@2 || 3":
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resolved ""
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version "2.1.1"
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version "2.1.1"
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extend "~3.0.1"
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form-data "~2.3.1"
har-validator "~5.0.3"
http-signature "~1.2.0"
is-typedarray "~1.0.0"
isstream "~0.1.2"
json-stringify-safe "~5.0.1"
mime-types "~2.1.17"
oauth-sign "~0.8.2"
performance-now "^2.1.0"
qs "~6.5.1"
safe-buffer "^5.1.1"
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uuid "^3.1.0"
version "2.4.5"
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glob "^6.0.1"
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version "2.1.2"
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version "1.14.2"
resolved ""
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version "2.3.4"
resolved ""
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version "0.6.0"
resolved ""
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tweetnacl@^0.14.3, tweetnacl@~0.14.0:
version "0.14.5"
resolved ""
version "2.2.11"
resolved ""
bluebird "^3.1.5"
mime "^1.3.4"
request "^2.68.0"
version "1.0.2"
resolved ""
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version "3.3.2"
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version "1.10.0"
resolved ""
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version "0.1.4"
resolved ""
cycle "~1.0.3"
logform "^1.6.0"
triple-beam "^1.2.0"
version "3.2.3"
resolved ""
file-stream-rotator "^0.2.1"
semver "^5.5.0"
triple-beam "^1.3.0"
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version "4.2.0"
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version "3.0.0"
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stack-trace "0.0.x"
triple-beam "^1.3.0"
winston-transport "^4.2.0"
version "1.0.2"
resolved ""
don't forget to change or parameterize the track value.
also I'd use
rather than var.3 is a magic number here in the sense that I have no clue what it is. I guess that it's not a problem on webstorm if it shows the parameter name, but worth keeping in mind that from outside the IDE it might not be easy to read.