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package server
import (
// Using this as a guide:
// https://github.com/gorilla/websocket/blob/master/examples/chat/
// Skipping some things that seem like maybe overkill for a simple application,
// given that this isn't mission critical, and given that I'm not sure what a
// lot of it does. In particular the wsWriter ping stuff. But, we can add it if
// the performance is bad.
const pongWait = 60 * time.Second
const writeWait = 10 * time.Second
type wsClientNotifyType int
const (
// The channel is closed (i.e. this is the zero-value), so the socket should
// be closed too. We might not actually check for a closed channel using
// this value, but it's here for completeness.
wsClientNotifyFinish = wsClientNotifyType(iota)
// Inform the client about a wallet update
// wsClientNotifyMsg is sent over wsClient.notify by the websocket manager
type wsClientNotifyMsg struct {
notifyType wsClientNotifyType
sequence wallet.Sequence
const notifyChanBuffer = 5 // Each client shouldn't be getting a lot of concurrent messages
// Given a wsClientNotifyMsg of type wsClientNotifyUpdate, turn it into an
// appropriate message to the client to be sent over websocket
func walletUpdateWSMessage(msg wsClientNotifyMsg) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("wallet-update:%d", msg.sequence))
// Poor man's debug log
const debugWebsockets = false
func debugLog(format string, v ...any) {
if debugWebsockets {
log.Printf(format, v...)
// Represents a connection to a client.
type wsClient struct {
socket *websocket.Conn
notify chan wsClientNotifyMsg
// Each user with at least one actively connected client will have one of these
// associated.
type wsClientSet map[*wsClient]bool
// A message sent over a channel to indicate that the given client is
// connecting or disconnecting for the given user.
type wsClientForUser struct {
userId auth.UserId
client *wsClient
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options
// Just handle ping/pong
func (s *Server) wsReader(userId auth.UserId, client *wsClient) {
defer func() {
// Since wsWriter is waiting on the notify channel, tell the manager to
// close it. This will make wsWriter stop (if it hasn't already).
s.clientRemove <- wsClientForUser{userId, client}
debugLog("Done with wsReader %+v", client)
client.socket.SetPongHandler(func(string) error { client.socket.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(pongWait)); return nil })
for {
_, _, err := client.socket.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
debugLog("wsReader: %s\n", err.Error())
func (s *Server) wsWriter(userId auth.UserId, client *wsClient) {
defer func() {
// Whatever the cause of closure here, closing the socket (if it's not
// closed already) will cause wsReader to stop (if it hasn't stopped
// already) since it's waiting on the socket.
debugLog("Done with wsWriter %+v", client)
for notifyMsg := range client.notify {
if notifyMsg.notifyType != wsClientNotifyUpdate {
log.Printf("wsWriter: Got an unknown message type! %+v", notifyMsg)
debugLog("wsWriter: notify update")
err := client.socket.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, walletUpdateWSMessage(notifyMsg))
if err != nil {
debugLog("wsWriter: %s\n", err.Error())
return // skip close message
// Not sure what the point of this is, given that this probably
// wouldn't get triggered unless the socket already closed, but the
// example did this.
debugLog("wsWriter: sending CloseMessage")
client.socket.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte{})
// This is the server endpoint that initiates a new websocket
func (s *Server) websocket(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
token, paramsErr := getTokenParam(req)
if paramsErr != nil {
// In this specific case, the error is limited to values that are safe to
// give to the user.
errorJson(w, http.StatusBadRequest, paramsErr.Error())
authToken := s.checkAuth(w, token, auth.ScopeFull)
if authToken == nil {
upgrader.CheckOrigin = func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }
ws, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, req, nil)
if err != nil {
client := wsClient{ws, make(chan wsClientNotifyMsg, notifyChanBuffer)}
newClient := wsClientForUser{authToken.UserId, &client}
s.clientAdd <- newClient
go s.wsReader(authToken.UserId, &client)
go s.wsWriter(authToken.UserId, &client)
log.Println("Client Connected")
func (s *Server) manageSockets(done chan bool, finish chan bool) {
log.Println("Socket manager start")
clientsByUser := make(map[auth.UserId]wsClientSet)
removeClient := func(userId auth.UserId, client *wsClient) {
debugLog("removeClient %+v", client)
if _, ok := clientsByUser[userId]; !ok {
if _, ok := clientsByUser[userId][client]; !ok {
delete(clientsByUser[userId], client)
if len(clientsByUser[userId]) == 0 {
delete(clientsByUser, userId)
removeUser := func(userId auth.UserId) {
debugLog("removeUser (which calls removeClient) %d", userId)
for client := range clientsByUser[userId] {
removeClient(userId, client)
addClient := func(userId auth.UserId, client *wsClient) {
debugLog("addClient %+v", client)
if _, ok := clientsByUser[userId]; !ok {
clientsByUser[userId] = make(wsClientSet)
clientsByUser[userId][client] = true
for {
select {
case msg := <-s.walletUpdates:
for client := range clientsByUser[msg.userId] {
select {
case client.notify <- wsClientNotifyMsg{wsClientNotifyUpdate, msg.sequence}:
log.Println("This is a bug: Channel was somehow closed but the manager has not (yet) received a clientRemove message.")
// The example program had this, but I don't see why.
removeClient(msg.userId, client)
case removedUser := <-s.userRemove:
case retiredClient := <-s.clientRemove:
removeClient(retiredClient.userId, retiredClient.client)
case newClient := <-s.clientAdd:
addClient(newClient.userId, newClient.client)
case <-finish:
break manage
log.Println("Cleaning up sockets")
debugLog("Running any addClient messages that snuck in...")
// By the time the `finish` channel has triggered, the web server has shut
// down, so we won't have any clientAdd events _triggered_ by this point.
// However, one (or more, if we add a buffer later) may be in the queue, so
// let's keep track of them here so we can close them. But we close the
// clientAdd channel first so we can break out of this loop.
// We assume that the server is done writing at this point, thus it's safe
// to close this channel here.
for newClient := range s.clientAdd {
addClient(newClient.userId, newClient.client)
// Now that we know about every running client, just close all of the sockets
// (double-closing seems to be safe, so we don't care about races here). But
// if it takes more than 10 seconds for whatever reason, just bail.
ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
go func() {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
log.Println("Giving up on closing remaining sockets cleanly.")
// This will signal to main to exit, which will end the program
done <- true
log.Println("Socket manager impolite finish")
debugLog("Closing sockets...")
for _, userClients := range clientsByUser {
for client := range userClients {
debugLog("Closing socket for %+v", client)
client.socket.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte{})
// TODO - wait for receiving the CloseMessage?
debugLog("Closed socket for %+v", client)
// TODO - Do we need to wait for the sockets to actually close after
// calling Close(), before exiting the program? Alternately: do they close
// automatically anyway and I don't need this cleanup stuff in the first
// place? (Probably doesn't automatically send the Close message at least.)
done <- true
log.Println("Socket manager finish")