2022-07-27 19:45:09 -04:00

434 lines
15 KiB

package server
import (
func TestServerChangePassword(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
expectedStatusCode int
expectedErrorString string
// Whether we expect the call to ChangePassword*Wallet to happen
expectChangePasswordCall bool
// `new...` refers to what is being passed into the via POST request (and
// what we expect to get passed into SetWallet for the *non-error* cases
// below)
newEncryptedWallet wallet.EncryptedWallet
newSequence wallet.Sequence
newHmac wallet.WalletHmac
email auth.Email
storeErrors TestStoreFunctionsErrors
name: "success with wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
newEncryptedWallet: "my-enc-wallet",
newSequence: 2,
newHmac: "my-hmac",
email: "abc@example.com",
}, {
name: "success no wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
email: "abc@example.com",
}, {
name: "conflict with wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusConflict) + ": Bad sequence number or wallet does not exist",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
newEncryptedWallet: "my-enc-wallet",
newSequence: 2,
newHmac: "my-hmac",
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordWithWallet: store.ErrWrongSequence},
}, {
name: "conflict no wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusConflict) + ": Wallet exists; need an updated wallet when changing password",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordNoWallet: store.ErrUnexpectedWallet},
}, {
name: "incorrect email with wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": No match for email and password",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
newEncryptedWallet: "my-enc-wallet",
newSequence: 2,
newHmac: "my-hmac",
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordWithWallet: store.ErrWrongCredentials},
}, {
name: "incorrect email no wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": No match for email and password",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordNoWallet: store.ErrWrongCredentials},
}, {
name: "unverified account with wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": Account is not verified",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
newEncryptedWallet: "my-enc-wallet",
newSequence: 2,
newHmac: "my-hmac",
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordWithWallet: store.ErrNotVerified},
}, {
name: "unverified account no wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": Account is not verified",
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
email: "abc@example.com",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordNoWallet: store.ErrNotVerified},
}, {
name: "validation error",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest) + ": Request failed validation: Invalid or missing 'email'",
// Just check one validation error (missing email address) to make sure
// the validate function is called. We'll check the rest of the
// validation errors in the other test below.
expectChangePasswordCall: false,
}, {
name: "db error changing password with wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
// Putting in valid data here so it's clear that this isn't what causes
// the error
newEncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
newSequence: 2,
newHmac: "my-hmac",
email: "abc@example.com",
// What causes the error
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordWithWallet: fmt.Errorf("Some random db problem")},
}, {
name: "db error changing password no wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
expectChangePasswordCall: true,
email: "abc@example.com",
// What causes the error
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{ChangePasswordNoWallet: fmt.Errorf("Some random db problem")},
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
testStore := TestStore{Errors: tc.storeErrors}
s := Server{&TestAuth{}, &testStore, &TestEnv{}, &TestMail{}}
// Whether we passed in wallet fields (these test cases should be passing
// in all of them or none of them, so we only test EncryptedWallet). This
// determines whether we expect a call to ChangePasswordWithWallet (as
// opposed to ChangePasswordNoWallet).
withWallet := (tc.newEncryptedWallet != "")
const oldPassword = "old password"
const newPassword = "new password"
const clientSaltSeed = "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234"
requestBody := []byte(
"encryptedWallet": "%s",
"sequence": %d ,
"hmac": "%s",
"email": "%s",
"oldPassword": "%s",
"newPassword": "%s",
"clientSaltSeed": "%s"
}`, tc.newEncryptedWallet, tc.newSequence, tc.newHmac, tc.email, oldPassword, newPassword, clientSaltSeed),
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, PathPassword, bytes.NewBuffer(requestBody))
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
s.changePassword(w, req)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(w.Body)
expectStatusCode(t, w, tc.expectedStatusCode)
expectErrorString(t, body, tc.expectedErrorString)
if tc.expectedErrorString == "" && string(body) != "{}" {
t.Errorf("Expected change password response to be \"{}\": result: %+v", string(body))
if tc.expectChangePasswordCall {
if withWallet {
// Called ChangePasswordWithWallet with the expected parameters
if want, got := (ChangePasswordWithWalletCall{
EncryptedWallet: tc.newEncryptedWallet,
Sequence: tc.newSequence,
Hmac: tc.newHmac,
Email: tc.email,
OldPassword: oldPassword,
NewPassword: newPassword,
ClientSaltSeed: clientSaltSeed,
}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordWithWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordWithWallet called with: expected %+v, got %+v", want, got)
// Did *not* call ChangePasswordNoWallet
if want, got := (ChangePasswordNoWalletCall{}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordNoWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordNoWallet unexpectly called with: %+v", got)
} else {
// Called ChangePasswordNoWallet with the expected parameters
if want, got := (ChangePasswordNoWalletCall{
Email: tc.email,
OldPassword: oldPassword,
NewPassword: newPassword,
ClientSaltSeed: clientSaltSeed,
}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordNoWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordNoWallet called with: expected %+v, got %+v", want, got)
// Did *not* call ChangePasswordWithWallet
if want, got := (ChangePasswordWithWalletCall{}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordWithWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordWithWallet unexpectly called with: %+v", got)
} else {
if want, got := (ChangePasswordWithWalletCall{}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordWithWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordWithWallet unexpectly called with: %+v", got)
if want, got := (ChangePasswordNoWalletCall{}), testStore.Called.ChangePasswordNoWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.ChangePasswordNoWallet unexpectly called with: %+v", got)
func TestServerValidateChangePasswordRequest(t *testing.T) {
changePasswordRequest := ChangePasswordRequest{
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
if changePasswordRequest.validate() != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected valid ChangePasswordRequest with wallet fields to successfully validate")
changePasswordRequest = ChangePasswordRequest{
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
if changePasswordRequest.validate() != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected valid ChangePasswordRequest without wallet fields to successfully validate")
tt := []struct {
changePasswordRequest ChangePasswordRequest
expectedErrorSubstr string
failureDescription string
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc-example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with invalid email to return an appropriate error",
}, {
// Note that Golang's email address parser, which I use, will accept
// "Abc <abc@example.com>" so we need to make sure to avoid accepting it. See
// the implementation.
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "Abc <abc@example.com>",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with email with unexpected formatting to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing email to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing old password to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing new password to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing clientSaltSeed to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with clientSaltSeed of wrong length to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234xxxx1234",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with clientSaltSeed with a non-hex string to return an appropriate error",
}, {
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"'encryptedWallet', 'sequence', and 'hmac'", // More likely to fail when we change the error message but whatever
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing encrypted wallet (but with other wallet fields present) to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"'encryptedWallet', 'sequence', and 'hmac'", // More likely to fail when we change the error message but whatever
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with missing hmac (but with other wallet fields present) to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 0,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "456",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"'encryptedWallet', 'sequence', and 'hmac'", // More likely to fail when we change the error message but whatever
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with sequence < 1 (but with other wallet fields present) to return an appropriate error",
}, {
EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet",
Hmac: "my-hmac",
Sequence: 2,
Email: "abc@example.com",
OldPassword: "123",
NewPassword: "123",
ClientSaltSeed: "abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234",
"should not be the same",
"Expected ChangePasswordRequest with password that does not change to return an appropriate error",
for _, tc := range tt {
err := tc.changePasswordRequest.validate()
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tc.expectedErrorSubstr) {