2022-06-22 11:06:05 -04:00

394 lines
14 KiB

package server
import (
func TestServerGetWallet(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
tokenString auth.TokenString
expectedStatusCode int
expectedErrorString string
storeErrors TestStoreFunctionsErrors
name: "success",
tokenString: auth.TokenString("seekrit"),
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
name: "validation error", // missing auth token
tokenString: auth.TokenString(""),
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest) + ": Missing token parameter",
// Just check one validation error (missing auth token) to make sure the
// validate function is called. We'll check the rest of the validation
// errors in the other test below.
name: "auth error",
tokenString: auth.TokenString("seekrit"),
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": Token Not Found",
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{GetToken: store.ErrNoToken},
name: "db error getting wallet",
tokenString: auth.TokenString("seekrit"),
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{GetWallet: fmt.Errorf("Some random DB Error!")},
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
testAuth := TestAuth{}
testStore := TestStore{
TestAuthToken: auth.AuthToken{
Token: auth.TokenString(tc.tokenString),
Scope: auth.ScopeFull,
TestEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
TestSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
TestHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
Errors: tc.storeErrors,
s := Server{&testAuth, &testStore}
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, PathWallet, nil)
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("token", string(testStore.TestAuthToken.Token))
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
// test handleWallet while we're at it, which is a dispatch for get and post
// wallet
s.handleWallet(w, req)
// Make sure we tried to get an auth based on the `token` param (whether or
// not it was a valid `token`)
// NOTE: For tests that set testStore.TestAuthToken.Token=="", this will
// pass even if GetToken isn't called. But we don't care, we expect the
// request to fail for other reasons at that point.
if want, got := testStore.TestAuthToken.Token, testStore.Called.GetToken; want != got {
t.Errorf("testStore.Called.GetToken called with: expected %s, got %s", want, got)
expectStatusCode(t, w, tc.expectedStatusCode)
if len(tc.expectedErrorString) > 0 {
// Only do this check if we're expecting an error and only an error,
// since it reads the body and would break the ioutil.ReadAll below.
expectErrorString(t, w, tc.expectedErrorString)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(w.Body)
var result WalletResponse
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
if err != nil ||
result.EncryptedWallet != testStore.TestEncryptedWallet ||
result.Hmac != testStore.TestHmac ||
result.Sequence != testStore.TestSequence {
t.Errorf("Expected wallet response to have the test wallet values: result: %+v err: %+v", string(body), err)
if !testStore.Called.GetWallet {
t.Errorf("Expected Store.GetWallet to be called")
func TestServerPostWallet(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
expectedStatusCode int
expectedErrorString string
// There is one case where we expect both the error field and the normal
// body fields. So, this needs to be separate.
expectWalletBody bool
// This is getting messy, but in the case of validation failures, we don't
// even get around to trying to get an auth token, since the token string is
// part of what's being validated. So, we want to be able to skip that
// check in that case.
skipAuthCheck bool
// `new...` refers to what is being passed into the via POST request (and
// what gets passed into SetWallet for the *non-error* cases below)
// `returned...` refers to what the SetWallet function returns (and what
// gets returned in the request response for the *non-error* cases below)
newEncryptedWallet wallet.EncryptedWallet
returnedEncryptedWallet wallet.EncryptedWallet
newSequence wallet.Sequence
returnedSequence wallet.Sequence
newHmac wallet.WalletHmac
returnedHmac wallet.WalletHmac
// Passed-in sequence was correct. No conflict.
sequenceCorrect bool
storeErrors TestStoreFunctionsErrors
name: "success",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
expectWalletBody: true,
// Simulates a situation where the existing sequence is 1, the new
// sequence is 2. We don't see the existing data in this case because it
// successfully updates to and returns the new data. New and returned are
// the same here.
sequenceCorrect: true,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
name: "conflict",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
// In the special case of "conflict" where there *is* a stored wallet, we
// process the function in a normal way, but we still have the Error field.
// So, we can't rely on `tc.expectedErrorString == ""` to indicate that it
// is the type of error without a body. So, we need to specify this
// separately. In this case we will check the error string along with the
// body.
expectWalletBody: true,
// Simulates a situation where the existing sequence is 3, the new sequence
// is 2. This is a conflict, because the new sequence should be 4. A new
// sequence of 3 would also be a conflict, but we want two different
// sequence numbers for a clear test. We return the existing data in this
// case for the client to merge in. Note that we're passing in a sequence
// that makes sense for a conflict case, the actual behavior is triggered by
// sequenceCorrect=false
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusConflict) + ": Bad sequence number",
sequenceCorrect: false,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet-new"),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet-existing"),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(3),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-new"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-existing"),
name: "conflict with no stored wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusConflict,
// Simulates a situation where there is no stored wallet. In such a case the
// correct sequence would be 1, which implies the wallet should be inserted
// (as opposed to updated). We will be passing in a sequence of 2 for
// clarity, but what will actually trigger the desired error we are testing
// for is SetWallet returning ErrNoWallet, which is what the store is
// expected to return in this situation.
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusConflict) + ": Bad sequence number (No existing wallet)",
// In this case the "returned" values are blank because there will be
// nothing to return
sequenceCorrect: false,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet(""),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(0),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac(""),
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{SetWallet: store.ErrNoWallet},
name: "validation error",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest) + ": Request failed validation",
skipAuthCheck: true, // we can't get an auth token without the data we just failed to validate
// Just check one validation error (empty encrypted wallet) to make sure the
// validate function is called. We'll check the rest of the validation
// errors in the other test below.
sequenceCorrect: true,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet(""),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
name: "auth error",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized) + ": Token Not Found",
// Putting in valid data here so it's clear that this isn't what causes
// the error
sequenceCorrect: true,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
// What causes the error
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{GetToken: store.ErrNoToken},
name: "db error setting or getting wallet",
expectedStatusCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
expectedErrorString: http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError),
// Putting in valid data here so it's clear that this isn't what causes
// the error
sequenceCorrect: true,
newEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
returnedEncryptedWallet: wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-encrypted-wallet"),
newSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
returnedSequence: wallet.Sequence(2),
newHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
returnedHmac: wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac"),
// What causes the error
storeErrors: TestStoreFunctionsErrors{SetWallet: fmt.Errorf("Some random db problem")},
// Future test case when we get lastSynced back: Error if
// lastSynced.device_id doesn't match authToken.device_id
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
testAuth := TestAuth{}
testStore := TestStore{
TestAuthToken: auth.AuthToken{
Token: auth.TokenString("seekrit"),
Scope: auth.ScopeFull,
TestEncryptedWallet: tc.returnedEncryptedWallet,
TestSequence: tc.returnedSequence,
TestHmac: tc.returnedHmac,
TestSequenceCorrect: tc.sequenceCorrect,
Errors: tc.storeErrors,
s := Server{&testAuth, &testStore}
requestBody := []byte(
"token": "%s",
"encryptedWallet": "%s",
"sequence": %d,
"hmac": "%s"
}`, testStore.TestAuthToken.Token, tc.newEncryptedWallet, tc.newSequence, tc.newHmac),
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, PathWallet, bytes.NewBuffer(requestBody))
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
// test handleWallet while we're at it, which is a dispatch for get and post
// wallet
s.handleWallet(w, req)
// Make sure we tried to get an auth based on the `token` param (whether or
// not it was a valid `token`)
if want, got := testStore.TestAuthToken.Token, testStore.Called.GetToken; !tc.skipAuthCheck && want != got {
t.Errorf("testStore.Called.GetToken called with: expected %s, got %s", want, got)
expectStatusCode(t, w, tc.expectedStatusCode)
if !tc.expectWalletBody {
// Only do this check if we're expecting an error and only an error,
// since it reads the body and would break the ioutil.ReadAll below.
expectErrorString(t, w, tc.expectedErrorString)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(w.Body)
var result WalletResponse
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
if err != nil ||
result.EncryptedWallet != tc.returnedEncryptedWallet ||
result.Hmac != tc.returnedHmac ||
result.Sequence != tc.returnedSequence ||
result.Error != tc.expectedErrorString {
t.Errorf("Expected wallet response to have the test wallet values and error string: result: %+v err: %+v", string(body), err)
if want, got := (SetWalletCall{tc.newEncryptedWallet, tc.newSequence, tc.newHmac}), testStore.Called.SetWallet; want != got {
t.Errorf("Store.SetWallet called with: expected %+v, got %+v", want, got)
func TestServerValidateWalletRequest(t *testing.T) {
walletRequest := WalletRequest{Token: "seekrit", EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet", Hmac: "my-hmac", Sequence: 2}
if !walletRequest.validate() {
t.Fatalf("Expected valid WalletRequest to successfully validate")
tt := []struct {
walletRequest WalletRequest
failureDescription string
WalletRequest{EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet", Hmac: "my-hmac", Sequence: 2},
"Expected WalletRequest with missing token to not successfully validate",
}, {
WalletRequest{Token: "seekrit", Hmac: "my-hmac", Sequence: 2},
"Expected WalletRequest with missing encrypted wallet to not successfully validate",
}, {
WalletRequest{Token: "seekrit", EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet", Sequence: 2},
"Expected WalletRequest with missing hmac to not successfully validate",
}, {
WalletRequest{Token: "seekrit", EncryptedWallet: "my-encrypted-wallet", Hmac: "my-hmac", Sequence: 0},
"Expected WalletRequest with sequence < 1 to not successfully validate",
for _, tc := range tt {
if tc.walletRequest.validate() {