Prevents duplicate accounts. Also allows case insensitive search (user id, salt seed, etc) while still having an index. This is done by storing normalized as a separate field from originally formated (which we'll use for sending emails, etc).
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package store
import (
// It involves both wallet and account tables. Should it go in wallet_test.go
// or account_test.go? Decided to just make it its own file.
func TestStoreChangePasswordSuccess(t *testing.T) {
s, sqliteTmpFile := StoreTestInit(t)
defer StoreTestCleanup(sqliteTmpFile)
userId, email, oldPassword, _ := makeTestUser(t, &s)
token := auth.TokenString("my-token")
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO auth_tokens (token, user_id, device_id, scope, expiration) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
token, userId, "my-dev-id", "*", time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour*24*14),
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating token")
_, err = s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO wallets (user_id, encrypted_wallet, sequence, hmac) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
userId, "my-enc-wallet", 1, "my-hmac",
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating test wallet")
newPassword := oldPassword + auth.Password("_new")
newSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
encryptedWallet := wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-enc-wallet-2")
sequence := wallet.Sequence(2)
hmac := wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-2")
lowerEmail := auth.Email(strings.ToLower(string(email)))
if err := s.ChangePasswordWithWallet(lowerEmail, oldPassword, newPassword, newSeed, encryptedWallet, sequence, hmac); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordWithWallet (lower case email): unexpected error: %+v", err)
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, newPassword, newSeed)
expectWalletExists(t, &s, userId, encryptedWallet, sequence, hmac)
expectTokenNotExists(t, &s, token)
newNewPassword := newPassword + auth.Password("_new")
newNewSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("00008765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
newEncryptedWallet := wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-enc-wallet-3")
newSequence := wallet.Sequence(3)
newHmac := wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-3")
upperEmail := auth.Email(strings.ToUpper(string(email)))
if err := s.ChangePasswordWithWallet(upperEmail, newPassword, newNewPassword, newNewSeed, newEncryptedWallet, newSequence, newHmac); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordWithWallet (upper case email): unexpected error: %+v", err)
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, newNewPassword, newNewSeed)
func TestStoreChangePasswordErrors(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
hasWallet bool
sequence wallet.Sequence
emailSuffix auth.Email
oldPasswordSuffix auth.Password
expectedError error
name: "wrong email",
hasWallet: true, // we have the requisite wallet
sequence: wallet.Sequence(2), // sequence is correct
emailSuffix: auth.Email("_wrong"), // the email is *incorrect*
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password(""), // the password is correct
expectedError: ErrWrongCredentials,
}, {
name: "wrong old password",
hasWallet: true, // we have the requisite wallet
sequence: wallet.Sequence(2), // sequence is correct
emailSuffix: auth.Email(""), // the email is correct
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password("_wrong"), // the old password is *incorrect*
expectedError: ErrWrongCredentials,
}, {
name: "wrong sequence",
hasWallet: true, // we have the requisite wallet
sequence: wallet.Sequence(3), // sequence is *incorrect*
emailSuffix: auth.Email(""), // the email is correct
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password(""), // the password is correct
expectedError: ErrWrongSequence,
}, {
name: "no wallet to replace",
hasWallet: false, // we have the requisite wallet
sequence: wallet.Sequence(1), // sequence is correct (for there being no wallets)
emailSuffix: auth.Email(""), // the email is correct
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password(""), // the password is correct
// Sequence=1 always ends up being wrong for this endpoint since we
// should never be creating a wallet here.
expectedError: ErrWrongSequence,
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s, sqliteTmpFile := StoreTestInit(t)
defer StoreTestCleanup(sqliteTmpFile)
userId, email, oldPassword, oldSeed := makeTestUser(t, &s)
expiration := time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 14)
authToken := auth.AuthToken{
Token: auth.TokenString("my-token"),
DeviceId: auth.DeviceId("my-dev-id"),
UserId: userId,
Scope: auth.AuthScope("*"),
Expiration: &expiration,
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO auth_tokens (token, user_id, device_id, scope, expiration) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
authToken.Token, authToken.UserId, authToken.DeviceId, authToken.Scope, authToken.Expiration,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating token")
oldEncryptedWallet := wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-enc-wallet-old")
newEncryptedWallet := wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-enc-wallet-new")
oldHmac := wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-old")
newHmac := wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-new")
oldSequence := wallet.Sequence(1)
if tc.hasWallet {
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO wallets (user_id, encrypted_wallet, sequence, hmac) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
userId, oldEncryptedWallet, oldSequence, oldHmac,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating test wallet")
submittedEmail := email + tc.emailSuffix // Possibly make it the wrong email
submittedOldPassword := oldPassword + tc.oldPasswordSuffix // Possibly make it the wrong password
newPassword := oldPassword + auth.Password("_new") // Make the new password different (as it should be)
newSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
if err := s.ChangePasswordWithWallet(submittedEmail, submittedOldPassword, newPassword, newSeed, newEncryptedWallet, tc.sequence, newHmac); err != tc.expectedError {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordWithWallet: unexpected value for err. want: %+v, got: %+v", tc.expectedError, err)
// The password and wallet didn't change, the token didn't get deleted.
// This tests the transaction rollbacks in particular, given the errors
// that are at a couple different stages of the txn, triggered by these
// tests.
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, oldPassword, oldSeed)
if tc.hasWallet {
expectWalletExists(t, &s, userId, oldEncryptedWallet, oldSequence, oldHmac)
} else {
expectWalletNotExists(t, &s, userId)
expectTokenExists(t, &s, authToken)
func TestStoreChangePasswordNoWalletSuccess(t *testing.T) {
s, sqliteTmpFile := StoreTestInit(t)
defer StoreTestCleanup(sqliteTmpFile)
userId, email, oldPassword, _ := makeTestUser(t, &s)
token := auth.TokenString("my-token")
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO auth_tokens (token, user_id, device_id, scope, expiration) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
token, userId, "my-dev-id", "*", time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour*24*14),
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating token")
newPassword := oldPassword + auth.Password("_new")
newSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
lowerEmail := auth.Email(strings.ToLower(string(email)))
if err := s.ChangePasswordNoWallet(lowerEmail, oldPassword, newPassword, newSeed); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordNoWallet (lower case email): unexpected error: %+v", err)
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, newPassword, newSeed)
expectWalletNotExists(t, &s, userId)
expectTokenNotExists(t, &s, token)
newNewPassword := newPassword + auth.Password("_new")
newNewSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("00008765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
upperEmail := auth.Email(strings.ToUpper(string(email)))
if err := s.ChangePasswordNoWallet(upperEmail, newPassword, newNewPassword, newNewSeed); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordNoWallet (upper case email): unexpected error: %+v", err)
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, newNewPassword, newNewSeed)
func TestStoreChangePasswordNoWalletErrors(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
name string
hasWallet bool
emailSuffix auth.Email
oldPasswordSuffix auth.Password
expectedError error
name: "wrong email",
hasWallet: false, // we don't have the wallet, as expected for this function
emailSuffix: auth.Email("_wrong"), // the email is *incorrect*
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password(""), // the password is correct
expectedError: ErrWrongCredentials,
}, {
name: "wrong old password",
hasWallet: false, // we don't have the wallet, as expected for this function
emailSuffix: auth.Email(""), // the email is correct
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password("_wrong"), // the old password is *incorrect*
expectedError: ErrWrongCredentials,
}, {
name: "unexpected wallet",
hasWallet: true, // we have a wallet which we shouldn't have at this point
emailSuffix: auth.Email(""), // the email is correct
oldPasswordSuffix: auth.Password(""), // the password is correct
expectedError: ErrUnexpectedWallet,
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
s, sqliteTmpFile := StoreTestInit(t)
defer StoreTestCleanup(sqliteTmpFile)
userId, email, oldPassword, oldSeed := makeTestUser(t, &s)
expiration := time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour * 24 * 14)
authToken := auth.AuthToken{
Token: auth.TokenString("my-token"),
DeviceId: auth.DeviceId("my-dev-id"),
UserId: userId,
Scope: auth.AuthScope("*"),
Expiration: &expiration,
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO auth_tokens (token, user_id, device_id, scope, expiration) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
authToken.Token, authToken.UserId, authToken.DeviceId, authToken.Scope, authToken.Expiration,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating token")
// Only for error case
encryptedWallet := wallet.EncryptedWallet("my-enc-wallet-old")
hmac := wallet.WalletHmac("my-hmac-old")
sequence := wallet.Sequence(1)
if tc.hasWallet {
_, err := s.db.Exec(
"INSERT INTO wallets (user_id, encrypted_wallet, sequence, hmac) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
userId, encryptedWallet, sequence, hmac,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error creating test wallet")
submittedEmail := email + tc.emailSuffix // Possibly make it the wrong email
submittedOldPassword := oldPassword + tc.oldPasswordSuffix // Possibly make it the wrong password
newPassword := oldPassword + auth.Password("_new") // Possibly make the new password different (as it should be)
newSeed := auth.ClientSaltSeed("edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765edf98765")
if err := s.ChangePasswordNoWallet(submittedEmail, submittedOldPassword, newPassword, newSeed); err != tc.expectedError {
t.Errorf("ChangePasswordNoWallet: unexpected value for err. want: %+v, got: %+v", tc.expectedError, err)
// The password and wallet (if any) didn't change, the token didn't get
// deleted. This tests the transaction rollbacks in particular, given the
// errors that are at a couple different stages of the txn, triggered by
// these tests.
expectAccountMatch(t, &s, email.Normalize(), email, oldPassword, oldSeed)
if tc.hasWallet {
expectWalletExists(t, &s, userId, encryptedWallet, sequence, hmac)
} else {
expectWalletNotExists(t, &s, userId)
expectTokenExists(t, &s, authToken)