add failure cases change interrupt behavior for fatal errors bump up timeout to 20 minutes change max file size to 2GB remove unnecessary utxo wait
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package ytsync
import (
log ""
func (s *Sync) walletSetup() error {
//prevent unnecessary concurrent execution
defer s.mux.Unlock()
err := s.ensureChannelOwnership()
if err != nil {
return err
balanceResp, err := s.daemon.WalletBalance()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if balanceResp == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
balance := decimal.Decimal(*balanceResp)
log.Debugf("Starting balance is %s", balance.String())
var numOnSource uint64
if s.LbryChannelName == "@UCBerkeley" {
numOnSource = 10104
} else {
numOnSource, err = s.CountVideos()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Source channel has %d videos", numOnSource)
if numOnSource == 0 {
return nil
numPublished, err := s.daemon.NumClaimsInChannel(s.LbryChannelName)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("We already published %d videos", numPublished)
minBalance := (float64(numOnSource)-float64(numPublished))*(publishAmount+0.1) + channelClaimAmount
if numPublished > numOnSource {
util.SendErrorToSlack("something is going on as we published more videos than those available on source: %d/%d", numPublished, numOnSource)
minBalance = 1 //since we ended up in this function it means some juice is still needed
amountToAdd, _ := decimal.NewFromFloat(minBalance).Sub(balance).Float64()
if s.Refill > 0 {
if amountToAdd < 0 {
amountToAdd = float64(s.Refill)
} else {
amountToAdd += float64(s.Refill)
if amountToAdd > 0 {
if amountToAdd < 1 {
amountToAdd = 1 // no reason to bother adding less than 1 credit
claimAddress, err := s.daemon.WalletUnusedAddress()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if claimAddress == nil {
return errors.Err("could not get unused address")
s.claimAddress = string(*claimAddress)
if s.claimAddress == "" {
return errors.Err("found blank claim address")
err = s.ensureEnoughUTXOs()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Sync) ensureEnoughUTXOs() error {
utxolist, err := s.daemon.UTXOList()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if utxolist == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
if !allUTXOsConfirmed(utxolist) {
log.Println("Waiting for previous txns to confirm") // happens if you restarted the daemon soon after a previous publish run
err := s.waitUntilUTXOsConfirmed()
if err != nil {
return err
target := 40
count := 0
for _, utxo := range *utxolist {
if !utxo.IsClaim && !utxo.IsSupport && !utxo.IsUpdate && utxo.Amount.Cmp(decimal.New(0, 0)) == 1 {
if count < target {
newAddresses := target - count
balance, err := s.daemon.WalletBalance()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if balance == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
log.Println("balance is " + decimal.Decimal(*balance).String())
amountPerAddress := decimal.Decimal(*balance).Div(decimal.NewFromFloat(float64(target)))
log.Infof("Putting %s credits into each of %d new addresses", amountPerAddress.String(), newAddresses)
prefillTx, err := s.daemon.WalletPrefillAddresses(newAddresses, amountPerAddress, true)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if prefillTx == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
wait := 15 * time.Second
log.Println("Waiting " + wait.String() + " for lbryum to let us know we have the new addresses")
log.Println("Creating UTXOs and waiting for them to be confirmed")
err = s.waitUntilUTXOsConfirmed()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Sync) waitUntilUTXOsConfirmed() error {
origin := time.Now()
for {
r, err := s.daemon.UTXOList()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if r == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
if allUTXOsConfirmed(r) {
return nil
if time.Now().After(origin.Add(15 * time.Minute)) {
//lbryum is messing with us or something. restart the daemon
//this could also be a very long block
util.SendErrorToSlack("We've been waiting UTXOs confirmation for %s... and this isn't normal", time.Now().Sub(origin).String())
wait := 30 * time.Second
log.Println("Waiting " + wait.String() + "...")
func (s *Sync) ensureChannelOwnership() error {
if s.LbryChannelName == "" {
return errors.Err("no channel name set")
channels, err := s.daemon.ChannelList()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if channels == nil {
return errors.Err("no channel response")
isChannelMine := false
for _, channel := range *channels {
if channel.Name == s.LbryChannelName {
isChannelMine = true
} else {
return errors.Err("this wallet has multiple channels. maybe something went wrong during setup?")
if isChannelMine {
return nil
resolveResp, err := s.daemon.Resolve(s.LbryChannelName)
if err != nil {
return err
channel := (*resolveResp)[s.LbryChannelName]
channelBidAmount := channelClaimAmount
channelNotFound := channel.Error != nil && strings.Contains(*(channel.Error), "cannot be resolved")
if !channelNotFound {
if !s.TakeOverExistingChannel {
return errors.Err("Channel exists and we don't own it. Pick another channel.")
log.Println("Channel exists and we don't own it. Outbidding existing claim.")
channelBidAmount, _ = channel.Certificate.Amount.Add(decimal.NewFromFloat(channelClaimAmount)).Float64()
balanceResp, err := s.daemon.WalletBalance()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if balanceResp == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
balance := decimal.Decimal(*balanceResp)
if balance.LessThan(decimal.NewFromFloat(channelBidAmount)) {
s.addCredits(channelBidAmount + 0.1)
_, err = s.daemon.ChannelNew(s.LbryChannelName, channelBidAmount)
if err != nil {
return err
// niko's code says "unfortunately the queues in the daemon are not yet merged so we must give it some time for the channel to go through"
wait := 15 * time.Second
log.Println("Waiting " + wait.String() + " for channel claim to go through")
return nil
func allUTXOsConfirmed(utxolist *jsonrpc.UTXOListResponse) bool {
if utxolist == nil {
return false
if len(*utxolist) < 1 {
return false
for _, utxo := range *utxolist {
if utxo.Height == 0 {
return false
return true
func (s *Sync) addCredits(amountToAdd float64) error {
log.Printf("Adding %f credits", amountToAdd)
lbrycrdd, err := lbrycrd.NewWithDefaultURL()
if err != nil {
return err
addressResp, err := s.daemon.WalletUnusedAddress()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if addressResp == nil {
return errors.Err("no response")
address := string(*addressResp)
_, err = lbrycrdd.SimpleSend(address, amountToAdd)
if err != nil {
return err
wait := 15 * time.Second
log.Println("Waiting " + wait.String() + " for lbryum to let us know we have the new transaction")
return nil
//log.Println("Waiting for transaction to be confirmed")
//return s.waitUntilUTXOsConfirmed()