always go through syncing first don't sync videos shorter than 7 seconds refactor code in video error handling add interface to handle hard video failures (incomplete)
172 lines
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172 lines
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package main
import (
ytUtils ""
log ""
var Version string
const defaultMaxTries = 3
var (
cliFlags shared.SyncFlags
maxVideoLength int
func main() {
http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
go func() {
log.Error(http.ListenAndServe(":2112", nil))
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "ytsync",
Short: "Publish youtube channels into LBRY network automatically.",
Run: ytSync,
Args: cobra.RangeArgs(0, 0),
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&cliFlags.MaxTries, "max-tries", defaultMaxTries, "Number of times to try a publish that fails")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.TakeOverExistingChannel, "takeover-existing-channel", false, "If channel exists and we don't own it, take over the channel")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&cliFlags.Limit, "limit", 0, "limit the amount of channels to sync")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.SkipSpaceCheck, "skip-space-check", false, "Do not perform free space check on startup")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.SyncUpdate, "update", false, "Update previously synced channels instead of syncing new ones")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.SingleRun, "run-once", false, "Whether the process should be stopped after one cycle or not")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.RemoveDBUnpublished, "remove-db-unpublished", false, "Remove videos from the database that are marked as published but aren't really published")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.UpgradeMetadata, "upgrade-metadata", false, "Upgrade videos if they're on the old metadata version")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.DisableTransfers, "no-transfers", false, "Skips the transferring process of videos, channels and supports")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cliFlags.QuickSync, "quick", false, "Look up only the last 50 videos from youtube")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliFlags.Status, "status", "", "Specify which queue to pull from. Overrides --update")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliFlags.SecondaryStatus, "status2", "", "Specify which secondary queue to pull from.")
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cliFlags.ChannelID, "channelID", "", "If specified, only this channel will be synced.")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&cliFlags.SyncFrom, "after", time.Unix(0, 0).Unix(), "Specify from when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: 0)")
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&cliFlags.SyncUntil, "before", time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0).Unix(), "Specify until when to pull jobs [Unix time](Default: current Unix time)")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&cliFlags.ConcurrentJobs, "concurrent-jobs", 1, "how many jobs to process concurrently")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&cliFlags.VideosLimit, "videos-limit", 1000, "how many videos to process per channel")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&cliFlags.MaxVideoSize, "max-size", 2048, "Maximum video size to process (in MB)")
cmd.Flags().IntVar(&maxVideoLength, "max-length", 2, "Maximum video length to process (in hours)")
if err := cmd.Execute(); err != nil {
func ytSync(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var hostname string
slackToken := os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN")
if slackToken == "" {
log.Error("A slack token was not present in env vars! Slack messages disabled!")
} else {
var err error
hostname, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not detect system hostname")
hostname = "ytsync-unknown"
if len(hostname) > 30 {
hostname = hostname[0:30]
util.InitSlack(os.Getenv("SLACK_TOKEN"), os.Getenv("SLACK_CHANNEL"), hostname)
if cliFlags.Status != "" && !util.InSlice(cliFlags.Status, shared.SyncStatuses) {
log.Errorf("status must be one of the following: %v\n", shared.SyncStatuses)
if cliFlags.MaxTries < 1 {
log.Errorln("setting --max-tries less than 1 doesn't make sense")
if cliFlags.Limit < 0 {
log.Errorln("setting --limit less than 0 (unlimited) doesn't make sense")
cliFlags.MaxVideoLength = time.Duration(maxVideoLength) * time.Hour
apiURL := os.Getenv("LBRY_WEB_API")
apiToken := os.Getenv("LBRY_API_TOKEN")
youtubeAPIKey := os.Getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")
lbrycrdDsn := os.Getenv("LBRYCRD_STRING")
awsS3ID := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_ID")
awsS3Secret := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_SECRET")
awsS3Region := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_REGION")
awsS3Bucket := os.Getenv("AWS_S3_BUCKET")
if apiURL == "" {
log.Errorln("An API URL was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_WEB_API")
if apiToken == "" {
log.Errorln("An API Token was not defined. Please set the environment variable LBRY_API_TOKEN")
if youtubeAPIKey == "" {
log.Errorln("A Youtube API key was not defined. Please set the environment variable YOUTUBE_API_KEY")
if awsS3ID == "" {
log.Errorln("AWS S3 ID credentials were not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_ID")
if awsS3Secret == "" {
log.Errorln("AWS S3 Secret credentials were not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_SECRET")
if awsS3Region == "" {
log.Errorln("AWS S3 Region was not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_REGION")
if awsS3Bucket == "" {
log.Errorln("AWS S3 Bucket was not defined. Please set the environment variable AWS_S3_BUCKET")
if lbrycrdDsn == "" {
log.Infoln("Using default (local) lbrycrd instance. Set LBRYCRD_STRING if you want to use something else")
blobsDir := ytUtils.GetBlobsDir()
apiConfig := &sdk.APIConfig{
YoutubeAPIKey: youtubeAPIKey,
ApiURL: apiURL,
ApiToken: apiToken,
HostName: hostname,
awsConfig := &shared.AwsConfigs{
AwsS3ID: awsS3ID,
AwsS3Secret: awsS3Secret,
AwsS3Region: awsS3Region,
AwsS3Bucket: awsS3Bucket,
sm := manager.NewSyncManager(
err := sm.Start()
if err != nil {
ytUtils.SendInfoToSlack("Syncing process terminated!")