Made the sources of the pages actually readable. LOL

This commit is contained in:
jyamihud 2022-04-14 22:30:22 +03:00
parent bd0d7b652d
commit 532e9e3b23
2 changed files with 168 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -15,14 +15,36 @@ def html(page, json):
# This function adds a rendering of the json into the page
free = search.is_free(json)
name = json.get("names",["Unknown"])[0]
page = page + """
<!-- For each software in the list we do mostly the same things.
And here it is. First we show it's name as a link to be able
to search Free Competitors to what is found. -->
page = page + "\n <a href=\"/"+name.replace(" ", "+").lower()+"\">"
page = page + "\n <h1>"
page = page + '\n<img src="'+ json["links"]["icon"] + '" alt="Logo" style="height:50px;">'
page = page + '\n <img src="'+ json["links"]["icon"] + '" alt="[LOGO]" style="height:50px;"> <!-- The logo of the software in question.-->\n'
name = json.get("names",["Unknown"])[0]
page = page + "\n" + name
page = page + "</h1>"
page = page + " "+ name +" <!-- The title of the program -->\n"
page = page + " </h1>\n </a>\n\n"
page = page + """
<!-- Next there is a short paragraph about the program.
( Often Copypasted from some official page about it ).
Which means, it may contain the terrible words "Open Source"
that hide the fact that Free Software is about User Freedom
first of all. So we are trying to link to a special page on
GNU.ORG if such a thing is found -->
# Few words about it
comment = json.get("comment","")
@ -34,9 +56,10 @@ def html(page, json):
if where == -1:
where = comment.lower().find("open-source")
ops = comment[where:where+11]
if ops:
comment = comment.replace(ops,
"<a href=\"\">"+ops+"</a>")
page = page + "<p>"+comment+"</p>"
page = page + "\n <p>\n "+comment+"\n </p>\n\n"
# I want to show nothing else from if it's proprietary
issues_files = list(os.listdir("data/issues"))
@ -59,12 +82,13 @@ def html(page, json):
# Links
# <table>
# <tr>
# <th>Company</th>
# <th>Contact</th>
# <th>Country</th>
page = page + """
<!-- To organize the buttons with the main links we are using
a table. But since I don't know what CSS file the maintainer
will choose. And I want the table to be invisible. I insert here
a bit of CSS code. -->
page = page + """
@ -73,7 +97,11 @@ def html(page, json):
<!-- And now the table itself. -->
page = page + "<table><tr>"
@ -84,13 +112,26 @@ def html(page, json):
link = links[website]
page = page + """
<th><form action=\""""+link+"""\">
<button title=\""""+link+"""\" type="submit">"""+linksfilter.get(website,website).upper()+"""</button>
<!-- Here's how to do a simple button -->
<form action=\""""+link+"""\"> <!-- You make a form with a link -->
<button title=\""""+link+"""\" type="submit">"""+linksfilter.get(website,website).upper()+"""</button> <!-- And you activare that form with a button -->
page = page + "</tr></table>"
page = page + """
<!-- Details are those little collapsable things that I like to
use very much. It's very simple really. Just read the code
carefully and you will get it -->
# Details
categories = {"generic_name":"Features",
@ -128,8 +169,8 @@ def html(page, json):
matchtext = "<i>( "+str(matches)+" )</i>"
matchtext = ""
page = page + "<details>"
page = page +"<summary>"+categories[c]+": "+matchtext+"</summary>"
page = page + "\n\n <details>"
page = page +"\n <summary>"+categories[c]+": "+matchtext+"</summary>"
for i in l:
matchtext = ""
@ -138,10 +179,29 @@ def html(page, json):
matchtext = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>( match )</i> "
if i+".html" in allfiles:
datapage = open("data/"+folder+"/"+i+".html")
page = page + "<details><summary>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+matchtext+i+"</summary><span><p>""<p></span></details>"
page = page + """
<!-- Just so happened that about \""""+i+"""\" we had a file
in data/"""+folder+""" folder. So why not make a detail inside a detail,
a detail-sception, so to speak. And add the text of explanation into it. -->
page = page + "<details>\n"
page = page + " <summary>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+matchtext+i+"</summary>\n"
page = page + " <span>\n <p>\n"
page = page + " " +"\n"
page = page + " </p>\n </span>\n </details>"
page = page + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+matchtext+i+"<br>"
page = page + "<span><br></span></details>"
page = page + "\n <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+matchtext+i+"</span>\n <br>\n"
page = page + """
<!-- Just a tiny space after all the spans. So no to feel
too crowded, so to speak -->
return page
@ -150,7 +210,17 @@ def suggestions(page, json):
# This function will render suggestions
page = page + "<h1>Free Competitors:</h1>"
page = page + """
<!-- ===========================================================
This is where ther actual competitors are starting to show!!!
============================================================ -->
<h1>Free Competitors:</h1>
found = search.suggest(json)
@ -170,11 +240,28 @@ def suggestions(page, json):
frac = 0
if frac < 20 and not more: # Below 40% features match
page = page + """<hr><details>
<summary><h1 title="Click to show more / less.">Problematic Competitors:</h1></summary>"""
page = page + """
<!-- Sometimes the suggestion is not very good. Below 40%
of suggestion score. But it still kind of valid. So we
want to put it into the page. Only when the user clicks
something. Why not using the same old details? -->
<summary><h1 title="Click to show more / less.">Problematic Competitors:</h1></summary>
more = True
page = page + "<hr><br>Suggestion score: " + str(frac) + "%"
page = page +"""
<!-- ================================================================== -->
page = page + "<br>Suggestion score: " + str(frac) + "%"
page = html(page, i[-1])
if more:
@ -186,12 +273,21 @@ def search_widget(page, address):
# Adds a search bar to the page
page = page + """
<!-- Search widget! This widget makes it possible to implement
a search feature without using a single line of JavaScript code.
In HTML, there is an input field that we can use. If we pare it
with a button into a <form>, we can get a button that activates
the search. -->
<form action="""
page = page + address
page = page + """search method="GET">
<input type="text" name="item" class="search" placeholder="Name of Software">
<button type="submit">Search</button>
<!-- And that's it for the search widget -->
#page = page.format(ADDRESS)
@ -201,15 +297,31 @@ def source_code_link(page):
# Adds a source code link
page = page + "<br><br><hr><p>This website is under the GNU AGPL license.</p>"
page = page + """
<!-- This the the footer of every page -->
<p>This website is under the GNU AGPL license.</p>
<!-- As always I want to add a bit of CSS to make tables
invisible -->
table, th, td {
<!-- This is self explanatory ( if you read most of the page ) -->
<th><form action=>
@ -230,7 +342,16 @@ def source_code_link(page):
<th><form action=>
<button title="Report a mistake in data about software." type="submit">MISTAKE?</button>
<!-- And this was the page of Free Competitors. No Javascript.
No crap. No trackers. No nothing. And still works. Take that
Google!!! -->

View file

@ -88,10 +88,14 @@ class handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
def send(self, text):
text = str(text)
def send(self, textin):
textin = str(textin)
csstext = '<link media="all" href="'+CSS+'" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />'
text = '<head>'+csstext+'</head><body>'+text+'</body>'
text = "<!-- Welcome to Free Competitors Page Source!!!--> \n\n"
text = text + "<!-- Let's add some CSS, you can edit 'config.json' to change it. -->\n"
text = text + '<head>'+csstext+'</head>\n\n'
text = text + "<!-- Now the body. The main part of the page, so to speak. -->\n"
text = text + '<body>\n\n'+textin+'\n\n</body>'