2019-01-22 12:47:46 -05:00
import typing
import asyncio
import logging
from sqlite3 import IntegrityError
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.storage import SQLiteStorage
from lbrynet.blob.blob_file import BlobFile
from lbrynet.stream.descriptor import StreamDescriptor
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbrynet.dht.protocol.data_store import DictDataStore
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BlobFileManager:
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, blob_dir: str, storage: SQLiteStorage,
node_data_store: typing.Optional['DictDataStore'] = None):
This class stores blobs on the hard disk
blob_dir - directory where blobs are stored
storage - SQLiteStorage object
self.loop = loop
self.blob_dir = blob_dir
self.storage = storage
self._node_data_store = node_data_store
self.completed_blob_hashes: typing.Set[str] = set() if not self._node_data_store\
else self._node_data_store.completed_blobs
self.blobs: typing.Dict[str, BlobFile] = {}
async def setup(self) -> bool:
raw_blob_hashes = await self.get_all_verified_blobs()
return True
def get_blob(self, blob_hash, length: typing.Optional[int] = None):
if blob_hash in self.blobs:
if length and self.blobs[blob_hash].length is None:
self.blobs[blob_hash] = BlobFile(self.loop, self.blob_dir, blob_hash, length, self.blob_completed)
return self.blobs[blob_hash]
def get_stream_descriptor(self, sd_hash):
return StreamDescriptor.from_stream_descriptor_blob(self.loop, self.blob_dir, self.get_blob(sd_hash))
async def blob_completed(self, blob: BlobFile):
if blob.blob_hash is None:
raise Exception("Blob hash is None")
if not blob.length:
raise Exception("Blob has a length of 0")
if blob.blob_hash not in self.completed_blob_hashes:
await self.storage.add_completed_blob(blob.blob_hash)
def check_completed_blobs(self, blob_hashes: typing.List[str]) -> typing.List[str]:
"""Returns of the blobhashes_to_check, which are valid"""
blobs = [self.get_blob(b) for b in blob_hashes]
return [blob.blob_hash for blob in blobs if blob.get_is_verified()]
2019-02-04 17:53:59 -05:00
async def set_should_announce(self, blob_hash: str, should_announce: int):
return await self.storage.set_should_announce(blob_hash, should_announce)
2019-01-22 12:47:46 -05:00
async def get_all_verified_blobs(self) -> typing.List[str]:
blob_hashes = await self.storage.get_all_blob_hashes()
return self.check_completed_blobs(blob_hashes)
async def delete_blobs(self, blob_hashes: typing.List[str]):
bh_to_delete_from_db = []
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
if not blob_hash:
blob = self.get_blob(blob_hash)
await blob.delete()
except Exception as e:
log.warning("Failed to delete blob file. Reason: %s", e)
if blob_hash in self.completed_blob_hashes:
if blob_hash in self.blobs:
del self.blobs[blob_hash]
await self.storage.delete_blobs_from_db(bh_to_delete_from_db)
except IntegrityError as err:
if str(err) != "FOREIGN KEY constraint failed":
raise err