2018-03-27 08:40:44 +02:00
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, DeferredLock, maybeDeferred, inlineCallbacks
2018-03-26 04:59:57 +02:00
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
2018-03-27 08:40:44 +02:00
def execute_serially(f):
_lock = DeferredLock()
def allow_only_one_at_a_time(*args, **kwargs):
yield _lock.acquire()
allow_only_one_at_a_time.is_running = True
yield maybeDeferred(f, *args, **kwargs)
allow_only_one_at_a_time.is_running = False
allow_only_one_at_a_time.is_running = False
return allow_only_one_at_a_time
2018-03-26 04:59:57 +02:00
class BroadcastSubscription:
def __init__(self, controller, on_data, on_error, on_done):
self._controller = controller
self._previous = self._next = None
self._on_data = on_data
self._on_error = on_error
self._on_done = on_done
self.is_paused = False
self.is_canceled = False
self.is_closed = False
def pause(self):
self.is_paused = True
def resume(self):
self.is_paused = False
def cancel(self):
self.is_canceled = True
def can_fire(self):
return not any((self.is_paused, self.is_canceled, self.is_closed))
def _add(self, data):
if self.can_fire and self._on_data is not None:
def _add_error(self, error, traceback):
if self.can_fire and self._on_error is not None:
self._on_error(error, traceback)
def _close(self):
if self.can_fire and self._on_done is not None:
self.is_closed = True
class StreamController:
def __init__(self):
self.stream = Stream(self)
self._first_subscription = None
self._last_subscription = None
def has_listener(self):
return self._first_subscription is not None
def _iterate_subscriptions(self):
next = self._first_subscription
while next is not None:
subscription = next
next = next._next
yield subscription
def add(self, event):
for subscription in self._iterate_subscriptions:
def add_error(self, error, traceback):
for subscription in self._iterate_subscriptions:
subscription._add_error(error, traceback)
def close(self):
for subscription in self._iterate_subscriptions:
def _cancel(self, subscription):
previous = subscription._previous
next = subscription._next
if previous is None:
self._first_subscription = next
previous._next = next
if next is None:
self._last_subscription = previous
next._previous = previous
subscription._next = subscription._previous = subscription
def _listen(self, on_data, on_error, on_done):
subscription = BroadcastSubscription(self, on_data, on_error, on_done)
old_last = self._last_subscription
self._last_subscription = subscription
subscription._previous = old_last
subscription._next = None
if old_last is None:
self._first_subscription = subscription
old_last._next = subscription
return subscription
class Stream:
def __init__(self, controller):
self._controller = controller
def listen(self, on_data, on_error=None, on_done=None):
return self._controller._listen(on_data, on_error, on_done)
def first(self):
deferred = Deferred()
subscription = self.listen(
lambda value: self._cancel_and_callback(subscription, deferred, value),
lambda error, traceback: self._cancel_and_error(subscription, deferred, error, traceback)
return deferred
def _cancel_and_callback(subscription, deferred, value):
def _cancel_and_error(subscription, deferred, error, traceback):
deferred.errback(Failure(error, exc_tb=traceback))