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2019-01-22 12:49:43 -05:00
import asyncio
import random
import logging
import typing
import itertools
from lbrynet.dht import constants
from lbrynet.dht.protocol.distance import Distance
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbrynet.dht.peer import KademliaPeer, PeerManager
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class KBucket:
""" Description - later
def __init__(self, peer_manager: 'PeerManager', range_min: int, range_max: int, node_id: bytes):
@param range_min: The lower boundary for the range in the n-bit ID
space covered by this k-bucket
@param range_max: The upper boundary for the range in the ID space
covered by this k-bucket
self._peer_manager = peer_manager
self.last_accessed = 0
self.range_min = range_min
self.range_max = range_max
self.peers: typing.List['KademliaPeer'] = []
self._node_id = node_id
def add_peer(self, peer: 'KademliaPeer') -> bool:
""" Add contact to _contact list in the right order. This will move the
contact to the end of the k-bucket if it is already present.
@raise kademlia.kbucket.BucketFull: Raised when the bucket is full and
the contact isn't in the bucket
@param peer: The contact to add
@type peer:
if peer in self.peers:
# Move the existing contact to the end of the list
# - using the new contact to allow add-on data
# (e.g. optimization-specific stuff) to pe updated as well
return True
elif len(self.peers) < constants.k:
return True
return False
# raise BucketFull("No space in bucket to insert contact")
def get_peer(self, node_id: bytes) -> 'KademliaPeer':
for peer in self.peers:
if peer.node_id == node_id:
return peer
raise IndexError(node_id)
def get_peers(self, count=-1, exclude_contact=None, sort_distance_to=None) -> typing.List['KademliaPeer']:
""" Returns a list containing up to the first count number of contacts
@param count: The amount of contacts to return (if 0 or less, return
all contacts)
@type count: int
@param exclude_contact: A node node_id to exclude; if this contact is in
the list of returned values, it will be
discarded before returning. If a C{str} is
passed as this argument, it must be the
contact's ID.
@type exclude_contact: str
@param sort_distance_to: Sort distance to the node_id, defaulting to the parent node node_id. If False don't
sort the contacts
@raise IndexError: If the number of requested contacts is too large
@return: Return up to the first count number of contacts in a list
If no contacts are present an empty is returned
@rtype: list
peers = [peer for peer in self.peers if peer.node_id != exclude_contact]
# Return all contacts in bucket
if count <= 0:
count = len(peers)
# Get current contact number
current_len = len(peers)
# If count greater than k - return only k contacts
if count > constants.k:
count = constants.k
if not current_len:
return peers
if sort_distance_to is False:
sort_distance_to = sort_distance_to or self._node_id
peers.sort(key=lambda c: Distance(sort_distance_to)(c.node_id))
return peers[:min(current_len, count)]
def get_bad_or_unknown_peers(self) -> typing.List['KademliaPeer']:
peer = self.get_peers(sort_distance_to=False)
return [
peer for peer in peer
if self._peer_manager.contact_triple_is_good(peer.node_id, peer.address, peer.udp_port) is not True
def remove_peer(self, peer: 'KademliaPeer') -> None:
def key_in_range(self, key: bytes) -> bool:
""" Tests whether the specified key (i.e. node ID) is in the range
of the n-bit ID space covered by this k-bucket (in otherwords, it
returns whether or not the specified key should be placed in this
@param key: The key to test
@type key: str or int
@return: C{True} if the key is in this k-bucket's range, or C{False}
if not.
@rtype: bool
return self.range_min <= int.from_bytes(key, 'big') < self.range_max
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.peers)
def __contains__(self, item) -> bool:
return item in self.peers
class TreeRoutingTable:
""" This class implements a routing table used by a Node class.
The Kademlia routing table is a binary tree whose leaves are k-buckets,
where each k-bucket contains nodes with some common prefix of their IDs.
This prefix is the k-bucket's position in the binary tree; it therefore
covers some range of ID values, and together all of the k-buckets cover
the entire n-bit ID (or key) space (with no overlap).
@note: In this implementation, nodes in the tree (the k-buckets) are
added dynamically, as needed; this technique is described in the 13-page
version of the Kademlia paper, in section 2.4. It does, however, use the
ping RPC-based k-bucket eviction algorithm described in section 2.2 of
that paper.
def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, peer_manager: 'PeerManager', parent_node_id: bytes):
self._loop = loop
self._peer_manager = peer_manager
self._parent_node_id = parent_node_id
self.buckets: typing.List[KBucket] = [
self._peer_manager, range_min=0, range_max=2 ** constants.hash_bits, node_id=self._parent_node_id
def get_peers(self) -> typing.List['KademliaPeer']:
return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(lambda bucket: bucket.peers, self.buckets)))
def should_split(self, bucket_index: int, to_add: bytes) -> bool:
if self.buckets[bucket_index].key_in_range(self._parent_node_id):
return True
contacts = self.get_peers()
distance = Distance(self._parent_node_id)
contacts.sort(key=lambda c: distance(c.node_id))
kth_contact = contacts[-1] if len(contacts) < constants.k else contacts[constants.k - 1]
return distance(to_add) < distance(kth_contact.node_id)
def find_close_peers(self, key: bytes, count: typing.Optional[int] = None,
sender_node_id: typing.Optional[bytes] = None) -> typing.List['KademliaPeer']:
exclude = [self._parent_node_id]
if sender_node_id:
count = count or constants.k
distance = Distance(key)
contacts = self.get_peers()
contacts = [c for c in contacts if c.node_id not in exclude]
if contacts:
contacts.sort(key=lambda c: distance(c.node_id))
return contacts[:min(count, len(contacts))]
return []
def get_peer(self, contact_id: bytes) -> 'KademliaPeer':
@raise IndexError: No contact with the specified contact ID is known
by this node
return self.buckets[self.kbucket_index(contact_id)].get_peer(contact_id)
def get_refresh_list(self, start_index: int = 0, force: bool = False) -> typing.List[bytes]:
bucket_index = start_index
refresh_ids = []
now = int(self._loop.time())
for bucket in self.buckets[start_index:]:
if force or now - bucket.last_accessed >= constants.refresh_interval:
to_search = self.midpoint_id_in_bucket_range(bucket_index)
bucket_index += 1
return refresh_ids
def remove_peer(self, peer: 'KademliaPeer') -> None:
if not peer.node_id:
bucket_index = self.kbucket_index(peer.node_id)
except ValueError:
def touch_kbucket(self, key: bytes) -> None:
def touch_kbucket_by_index(self, bucket_index: int):
self.buckets[bucket_index].last_accessed = int(self._loop.time())
def kbucket_index(self, key: bytes) -> int:
i = 0
for bucket in self.buckets:
if bucket.key_in_range(key):
return i
i += 1
return i
def random_id_in_bucket_range(self, bucket_index: int) -> bytes:
random_id = int(random.randrange(self.buckets[bucket_index].range_min, self.buckets[bucket_index].range_max))
return random_id.to_bytes(constants.hash_length, 'big')
def midpoint_id_in_bucket_range(self, bucket_index: int) -> bytes:
half = int((self.buckets[bucket_index].range_max - self.buckets[bucket_index].range_min) // 2)
return int(self.buckets[bucket_index].range_min + half).to_bytes(constants.hash_length, 'big')
def split_bucket(self, old_bucket_index: int) -> None:
""" Splits the specified k-bucket into two new buckets which together
cover the same range in the key/ID space
@param old_bucket_index: The index of k-bucket to split (in this table's
list of k-buckets)
@type old_bucket_index: int
# Resize the range of the current (old) k-bucket
old_bucket = self.buckets[old_bucket_index]
split_point = old_bucket.range_max - (old_bucket.range_max - old_bucket.range_min) // 2
# Create a new k-bucket to cover the range split off from the old bucket
new_bucket = KBucket(self._peer_manager, split_point, old_bucket.range_max, self._parent_node_id)
old_bucket.range_max = split_point
# Now, add the new bucket into the routing table tree
self.buckets.insert(old_bucket_index + 1, new_bucket)
# Finally, copy all nodes that belong to the new k-bucket into it...
for contact in old_bucket.peers:
if new_bucket.key_in_range(contact.node_id):
# ...and remove them from the old bucket
for contact in new_bucket.peers:
def join_buckets(self):
to_pop = [i for i, bucket in enumerate(self.buckets) if not len(bucket)]
if not to_pop:
return"join buckets %i", len(to_pop))
bucket_index_to_pop = to_pop[0]
assert len(self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop]) == 0
can_go_lower = bucket_index_to_pop - 1 >= 0
can_go_higher = bucket_index_to_pop + 1 < len(self.buckets)
assert can_go_higher or can_go_lower
bucket = self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop]
if can_go_lower and can_go_higher:
midpoint = ((bucket.range_max - bucket.range_min) // 2) + bucket.range_min
self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop - 1].range_max = midpoint - 1
self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop + 1].range_min = midpoint
elif can_go_lower:
self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop - 1].range_max = bucket.range_max
elif can_go_higher:
self.buckets[bucket_index_to_pop + 1].range_min = bucket.range_min
return self.join_buckets()
def contact_in_routing_table(self, address_tuple: typing.Tuple[str, int]) -> bool:
for bucket in self.buckets:
for contact in bucket.get_peers(sort_distance_to=False):
if address_tuple[0] == contact.address and address_tuple[1] == contact.udp_port:
return True
return False
def buckets_with_contacts(self) -> int:
count = 0
for bucket in self.buckets:
if len(bucket):
count += 1
return count