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2016-11-30 14:20:34 -06:00
# pylint: skip-file
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
import time
import logging
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
import os
import sqlite3
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
from lbrynet.core.server.DHTHashAnnouncer import DHTHashSupplier
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError, NoSuchStreamHashError
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
class DBLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
"""This class stores all stream info in a leveldb database stored in the same directory as the blobfiles"""
def __init__(self, db_dir, hash_announcer):
DHTHashSupplier.__init__(self, hash_announcer)
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.db_conn = None
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def setup(self):
return self._open_db()
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def stop(self):
self.db_conn = None
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_all_streams(self):
return self._get_all_streams()
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def save_stream(self, stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key, blobs):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
d = self._store_stream(stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key,
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def save_blobs():
return self.add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs)
def announce_have_stream():
if self.hash_announcer is not None:
return stream_hash
d.addCallback(lambda _: save_blobs())
d.addCallback(lambda _: announce_have_stream())
return d
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return self._get_stream_info(stream_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
return self._check_if_stream_exists(stream_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self._delete_stream(stream_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blobs):
return self._add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs, ignore_duplicate_error=True)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, start_blob=None, end_blob=None, count=None, reverse=False):"Getting blobs for a stream. Count is %s", str(count))
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def get_positions_of_start_and_end():
if start_blob is not None:
d1 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
d1 = defer.succeed(None)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
if end_blob is not None:
d2 = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2])
def get_positions(results):
start_num = None
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
end_num = None
if results[0][0] is True:
start_num = results[0][1]
if results[1][0] is True:
end_num = results[1][1]
return start_num, end_num
return dl
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def get_blob_infos(nums):
start_num, end_num = nums
return self._get_further_blob_infos(stream_hash, start_num, end_num,
count, reverse)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
d = get_positions_of_start_and_end()
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
return d
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
return self._get_stream_of_blobhash(blob_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
return self._save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(stream_hash, sd_blob_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self._get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(stream_hash)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def hashes_to_announce(self):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
return self._get_streams_to_announce(next_announce_time)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
######### database calls #########
def _open_db(self):
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', os.path.join(self.db_dir, "live_stream.db"),
def create_tables(transaction):
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_streams (" +
" stream_hash text primary key, " +
" public_key text, " +
" key text, " +
" stream_name text, " +
" next_announce_time real" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_blobs (" +
" blob_hash text, " +
" stream_hash text, " +
" position integer, " +
" revision integer, " +
" iv text, " +
" length integer, " +
" signature text, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
transaction.execute("create table if not exists live_stream_descriptors (" +
" sd_blob_hash TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " +
" stream_hash TEXT, " +
" foreign key(stream_hash) references live_streams(stream_hash)" +
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(create_tables)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0][0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
def do_delete(transaction, s_h):
transaction.execute("delete from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from live_stream_blobs where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
transaction.execute("delete from live_stream_descriptors where stream_hash = ?", (s_h,))
d.addCallback(lambda s_h: self.db_conn.runInteraction(do_delete, s_h))
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _store_stream(self, stream_hash, public_key, name, key, next_announce_time=None):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into live_streams values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, public_key, key, name, next_announce_time))
def check_duplicate(err):
if err.check(sqlite3.IntegrityError):
raise DuplicateStreamHashError(stream_hash)
return err
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_all_streams(self):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams")
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select public_key, key, stream_name from live_streams where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0] if len(result) else Failure(NoSuchStreamHashError(stream_hash)))
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_streams where stream_hash = ?", (stream_hash,))
d.addCallback(lambda r: True if len(r) else False)
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_streams_to_announce(self, next_announce_time):
def get_and_update(transaction):
timestamp = time.time()
r = transaction.execute("select stream_hash from live_streams where" +
" (next_announce_time is null or next_announce_time < ?) " +
" and stream_hash is not null", (timestamp, ))
s_hs = [s_h for s_h, in r.fetchall()]
transaction.execute("update live_streams set next_announce_time = ? where " +
" (next_announce_time is null or next_announce_time < ?)",
(next_announce_time, timestamp))
return s_hs
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(get_and_update)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select position from live_stream_blobs where stream_hash = ? and blob_hash = ?",
(stream_hash, blob_hash))
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_further_blob_infos(self, stream_hash, start_num, end_num, count=None, reverse=False):
params = []
q_string = "select * from ("
q_string += " select blob_hash, position, revision, iv, length, signature from live_stream_blobs "
q_string += " where stream_hash = ? "
if start_num is not None:
q_string += " and position > ? "
if end_num is not None:
q_string += " and position < ? "
q_string += " order by position "
if reverse is True:
q_string += " DESC "
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
if count is not None:
q_string += " limit ? "
q_string += ") order by position"
# Order by position is done twice so that it always returns them from lowest position to
# greatest, but the limit by clause can select the 'count' greatest or 'count' least
return self.db_conn.runQuery(q_string, tuple(params))
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blob_infos, ignore_duplicate_error=False):
def add_blobs(transaction):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into live_stream_blobs values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(blob_info.blob_hash, stream_hash, blob_info.blob_num,
blob_info.revision, blob_info.iv, blob_info.length,
except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
if ignore_duplicate_error is False:
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(add_blobs)
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_stream_of_blobhash(self, blob_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select stream_hash from live_stream_blobs where blob_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda r: r[0][0] if len(r) else None)
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
return self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into live_stream_descriptors values (?, ?)",
(sd_blob_hash, stream_hash))
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
def _get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select sd_blob_hash from live_stream_descriptors where stream_hash = ?",
d.addCallback(lambda results: [r[0] for r in results])
return d
2015-08-20 11:27:15 -04:00
class TempLiveStreamMetadataManager(DHTHashSupplier):
def __init__(self, hash_announcer):
DHTHashSupplier.__init__(self, hash_announcer)
self.streams = {}
self.stream_blobs = {}
self.stream_desc = {}
def setup(self):
return defer.succeed(True)
def stop(self):
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_all_streams(self):
return defer.succeed(self.streams.keys())
def save_stream(self, stream_hash, pub_key, file_name, key, blobs):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
self.streams[stream_hash] = {'public_key': pub_key, 'stream_name': file_name,
'key': key, 'next_announce_time': next_announce_time}
d = self.add_blobs_to_stream(stream_hash, blobs)
def announce_have_stream():
if self.hash_announcer is not None:
return stream_hash
d.addCallback(lambda _: announce_have_stream())
return d
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
if stream_hash in self.streams:
stream_info = self.streams[stream_hash]
return defer.succeed([stream_info['public_key'], stream_info['key'], stream_info['stream_name']])
return defer.succeed(None)
def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
if stream_hash in self.streams:
del self.streams[stream_hash]
for (s_h, b_h) in self.stream_blobs.keys():
if s_h == stream_hash:
del self.stream_blobs[(s_h, b_h)]
return defer.succeed(True)
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blobs):
assert stream_hash in self.streams, "Can't add blobs to a stream that isn't known"
for blob in blobs:
info = {}
info['blob_num'] = blob.blob_num
info['length'] = blob.length
info['iv'] = blob.iv
info['revision'] = blob.revision
info['signature'] = blob.signature
self.stream_blobs[(stream_hash, blob.blob_hash)] = info
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, start_blob=None, end_blob=None, count=None, reverse=False):
if start_blob is not None:
start_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, start_blob)
start_num = None
if end_blob is not None:
end_num = self._get_blob_num_by_hash(stream_hash, end_blob)
end_num = None
return self._get_further_blob_infos(stream_hash, start_num, end_num, count, reverse)
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
for (s_h, b_h) in self.stream_blobs.iterkeys():
if b_h == blob_hash:
return defer.succeed(s_h)
return defer.succeed(None)
def _get_further_blob_infos(self, stream_hash, start_num, end_num, count=None, reverse=False):
blob_infos = []
for (s_h, b_h), info in self.stream_blobs.iteritems():
if stream_hash == s_h:
position = info['blob_num']
length = info['length']
iv = info['iv']
revision = info['revision']
signature = info['signature']
if (start_num is None) or (position > start_num):
if (end_num is None) or (position < end_num):
blob_infos.append((b_h, position, revision, iv, length, signature))
blob_infos.sort(key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=reverse)
if count is not None:
blob_infos = blob_infos[:count]
return defer.succeed(blob_infos)
def _get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
if (stream_hash, blob_hash) in self.stream_blobs:
return self.stream_blobs[(stream_hash, blob_hash)]['blob_num']
def save_sd_blob_hash_to_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_blob_hash):
self.stream_desc[sd_blob_hash] = stream_hash
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_sd_blob_hashes_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return defer.succeed([sd_hash for sd_hash, s_h in self.stream_desc.iteritems() if s_h == stream_hash])
def hashes_to_announce(self):
next_announce_time = time.time() + self.hash_reannounce_time
stream_hashes = []
current_time = time.time()
for stream_hash, stream_info in self.streams.iteritems():
announce_time = stream_info['announce_time']
if announce_time < current_time:
self.streams[stream_hash]['announce_time'] = next_announce_time
return stream_hashes