2016-12-08 22:05:31 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generate docs: python gen_api_docs.py
# See docs: pip install mkdocs; mkdocs serve
# Push docs: mkdocs gh-deploy
import inspect
import os.path as op
import re
import sys
from six import string_types
from lbrynet.lbrynet_daemon.Daemon import Daemon
def _name(obj):
if hasattr(obj, '__name__'):
return obj.__name__
elif inspect.isdatadescriptor(obj):
return obj.fget.__name__
def _anchor(name):
anchor = name.lower().replace(' ', '-')
anchor = re.sub(r'[^\w\- ]', '', anchor)
return anchor
_docstring_header_pattern = re.compile(r'^([^\n]+)\n[\-\=]{3,}$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
_docstring_parameters_pattern = re.compile(r'^([^ \n]+) \: ([^\n]+)$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
def _replace_docstring_header(paragraph):
"""Process NumPy-like function docstrings."""
# Replace Markdown headers in docstrings with light headers in bold.
paragraph = re.sub(_docstring_header_pattern, r'*\1*', paragraph)
paragraph = re.sub(_docstring_parameters_pattern, r'\n* `\1` (\2)\n', paragraph)
return paragraph
def _doc(obj):
docstr = (inspect.getdoc(obj) or '').strip()
return _replace_docstring_header(docstr) if docstr and '---' in docstr else docstr
def _is_public(obj):
name = _name(obj) if not isinstance(obj, string_types) else obj
if name:
return not name.startswith('_')
return True
def _is_defined_in_package(obj, package):
if isinstance(obj, property):
obj = obj.fget
mod = inspect.getmodule(obj)
if mod and hasattr(mod, '__name__'):
name = mod.__name__
return name.split('.')[0] == package
return True
def _iter_doc_members(obj, package=None):
for _, member in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if _is_public(member):
if package is None or _is_defined_in_package(member, package):
yield member
def _iter_methods(klass, package=None):
for member in _iter_doc_members(klass, package):
if inspect.isfunction(member) or inspect.ismethod(member):
if inspect.isdatadescriptor(member):
if _name(member).startswith('jsonrpc_'):
yield member
def _link(name, anchor=None):
return "[{name}](#{anchor})".format(name=name, anchor=anchor or _anchor(name))
def main():
curdir = op.dirname(op.realpath(__file__))
2017-02-28 12:31:55 -05:00
path = op.realpath(op.join(curdir, '..', 'docs', 'index.md'))
2016-12-08 22:05:31 -05:00
klass = Daemon
# toc = ''
doc = ''
# Table of contents
for method in _iter_methods(klass):
method_name = _name(method)[len('jsonrpc_'):]
method_doc = _doc(method)
if "DEPRECATED" in method_doc:
# toc += '* ' + _link(method_name, _anchor(method_name)) + "\n"
doc += '## ' + method_name + "\n\n```text\n" + method_doc + "\n```\n\n"
text = "# LBRY JSON-RPC API Documentation\n\n" + doc
with open(path, 'w+') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':