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2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from zope.interface import implements
from lbrynet.core.Error import ConnectionClosedBeforeResponseError
from lbrynet.core.Error import InvalidResponseError, RequestCanceledError, NoResponseError
from lbrynet.core.Error import PriceDisagreementError, DownloadCanceledError, InsufficientFundsError
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
from lbrynet.core.client.ClientRequest import ClientRequest, ClientBlobRequest
from lbrynet.interfaces import IRequestCreator
from lbrynet.core.Offer import Negotiate, Offer
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
class BlobRequester(object):
def __init__(self, blob_manager, peer_finder, payment_rate_manager, wallet, download_manager):
self.blob_manager = blob_manager
self.peer_finder = peer_finder
self.payment_rate_manager = payment_rate_manager
self.wallet = wallet
self.download_manager = download_manager
self._peers = defaultdict(int) # {Peer: score}
self._available_blobs = defaultdict(list) # {Peer: [blob_hash]}
self._unavailable_blobs = defaultdict(list) # {Peer: [blob_hash]}}
self._protocol_prices = {} # {ClientProtocol: price}
self._price_disagreements = [] # [Peer]
self._protocol_tries = {}
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
self._incompatible_peers = []
######## IRequestCreator #########
def send_next_request(self, peer, protocol):
sent_request = False
if self._blobs_to_download() and self._should_send_request_to(peer):
a_r = self._get_availability_request(peer)
d_r = self._get_download_request(peer)
p_r = None
if a_r is not None or d_r is not None:
p_r = self._get_price_request(peer, protocol)
if a_r is not None:
d1 = protocol.add_request(a_r)
d1.addCallback(self._handle_availability, peer, a_r)
d1.addErrback(self._request_failed, "availability request", peer)
sent_request = True
if d_r is not None and protocol in self._protocol_prices:
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
reserved_points = self._reserve_points(peer, protocol, d_r.max_pay_units)
if reserved_points is not None:
# Note: The following three callbacks will be called when the blob has been
# fully downloaded or canceled
d_r.finished_deferred.addCallbacks(self._download_succeeded, self._download_failed,
callbackArgs=(peer, d_r.blob),
d_r.finished_deferred.addBoth(self._pay_or_cancel_payment, protocol, reserved_points, d_r.blob)
d_r.finished_deferred.addErrback(self._handle_download_error, peer, d_r.blob)
d2 = protocol.add_blob_request(d_r)
# Note: The following two callbacks will be called as soon as the peer sends its
# response, which will be before the blob has finished downloading, but may be
# after the blob has been canceled. For example,
# 1) client sends request to Peer A
# 2) the blob is finished downloading from peer B, and therefore this one is canceled
# 3) client receives response from Peer A
# Therefore, these callbacks shouldn't rely on there being a blob about to be
# downloaded.
d2.addCallback(self._handle_incoming_blob, peer, d_r)
d2.addErrback(self._request_failed, "download request", peer)
sent_request = True
d_r.finished_deferred.addErrback(lambda _: True)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
if sent_request is True:
if p_r is not None:
d3 = protocol.add_request(p_r)
d3.addCallback(self._handle_price_response, peer, p_r, protocol)
d3.addErrback(self._request_failed, "price request", peer)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
return defer.succeed(sent_request)
def get_new_peers(self):
d = self._get_hash_for_peer_search()
return d
######### internal calls #########
def _blobs_to_download(self):
needed_blobs = self.download_manager.needed_blobs()
return sorted(needed_blobs, key=lambda b: b.is_downloading())
def _get_blobs_to_request_from_peer(self, peer):
all_needed = [b.blob_hash for b in self._blobs_to_download() if not b.blob_hash in self._available_blobs[peer]]
# sort them so that the peer will be asked first for blobs it hasn't said it doesn't have
to_request = sorted(all_needed, key=lambda b: b in self._unavailable_blobs[peer])[:20]
return to_request
def _price_settled(self, protocol):
if protocol in self._protocol_prices:
return True
return False
def _get_price_request(self, peer, protocol):
request = None
response_identifier = Negotiate.PAYMENT_RATE
if protocol not in self._protocol_prices:
blobs_to_request = self._available_blobs[peer]
if blobs_to_request:
rate = self.payment_rate_manager.get_rate_blob_data(peer, blobs_to_request)
self._protocol_prices[protocol] = rate
offer = Offer(rate)
request = ClientRequest(Negotiate.make_dict_from_offer(offer), response_identifier)
log.debug("Offer rate %s to %s for %i blobs", str(rate), str(peer), len(blobs_to_request))
log.debug("No blobs to request from %s", str(peer))
return request
def _handle_price_response(self, response_dict, peer, request, protocol):
if not request.response_identifier in response_dict:
return InvalidResponseError("response identifier not in response")
assert protocol in self._protocol_prices
offer = Negotiate.get_offer_from_request(response_dict)
rate = self._protocol_prices[protocol]
if offer.accepted:"Offered rate %f/mb accepted by %s", rate, str(
return True
elif offer.too_low:"Offered rate %f/mb rejected by %s", rate, str(
del self._protocol_prices[protocol]
return True
log.warning("Price disagreement")
del self._protocol_prices[protocol]
return False
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
def _download_succeeded(self, arg, peer, blob):"Blob %s has been successfully downloaded from %s", str(blob), str(peer))
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
self._update_local_score(peer, 5.0)
peer.update_stats('blobs_downloaded', 1)
return arg
def _download_failed(self, reason, peer):
if not reason.check(DownloadCanceledError, PriceDisagreementError):
self._update_local_score(peer, -10.0)
return reason
def _record_blob_acquired(self, blob, host, rate):
d = self.blob_manager.add_blob_to_download_history(blob, host, rate)
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def _pay_or_cancel_payment(self, arg, protocol, reserved_points, blob):
if blob.length != 0 and (not isinstance(arg, Failure) or arg.check(DownloadCanceledError)):
self._pay_peer(protocol, blob.length, reserved_points)
self._record_blob_acquired(str(blob),, reserved_points.amount)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
return arg
def _handle_download_error(self, err, peer, blob_to_download):
if not err.check(DownloadCanceledError, PriceDisagreementError, RequestCanceledError):
log.warning("An error occurred while downloading %s from %s. Error: %s",
blob_to_download.blob_hash, str(peer), err.getTraceback())
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
if err.check(PriceDisagreementError):
# Don't kill the whole connection just because a price couldn't be agreed upon.
# Other information might be desired by other request creators at a better rate.
return True
return err
def _get_hash_for_peer_search(self):
r = None
blobs_to_download = self._blobs_to_download()
if blobs_to_download:
blobs_without_sources = self._blobs_without_sources()
if not blobs_without_sources:
blob_hash = blobs_to_download[0].blob_hash
blob_hash = blobs_without_sources[0].blob_hash
r = blob_hash
log.debug("Blob requester peer search response: %s", str(r))
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
return defer.succeed(r)
def _find_peers_for_hash(self, h):
if h is None:
return None
d = self.peer_finder.find_peers_for_blob(h)
def choose_best_peers(peers):
bad_peers = self._get_bad_peers()
return [p for p in peers if not p in bad_peers]
def lookup_failed(err):
log.error("An error occurred looking up peers for a hash: %s", err.getTraceback())
return []
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
return d
def _should_send_request_to(self, peer):
if self._peers[peer] < -5.0:
return False
if peer in self._price_disagreements:
return False
if peer in self._incompatible_peers:
return False
return True
def _get_bad_peers(self):
return [p for p in self._peers.iterkeys() if not self._should_send_request_to(p)]
def _hash_available(self, blob_hash):
for peer in self._available_blobs:
if blob_hash in self._available_blobs[peer]:
return True
return False
def _hash_available_on(self, blob_hash, peer):
if blob_hash in self._available_blobs[peer]:
return True
return False
def _blobs_without_sources(self):
return [b for b in self.download_manager.needed_blobs() if not self._hash_available(b.blob_hash)]
def _get_availability_request(self, peer):
to_request = self._get_blobs_to_request_from_peer(peer)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
if to_request:
r_dict = {'requested_blobs': to_request}
response_identifier = 'available_blobs'
request = ClientRequest(r_dict, response_identifier)
return request
return None
def _get_download_request(self, peer):
request = None
to_download = [b for b in self._blobs_to_download() if self._hash_available_on(b.blob_hash, peer)]
while to_download and request is None:
blob_to_download = to_download[0]
to_download = to_download[1:]
if not blob_to_download.is_validated():
d, write_func, cancel_func = blob_to_download.open_for_writing(peer)
def counting_write_func(data):
peer.update_stats('blob_bytes_downloaded', len(data))
return write_func(data)
if d is not None:
request_dict = {'requested_blob': blob_to_download.blob_hash}
response_identifier = 'incoming_blob'
request = ClientBlobRequest(request_dict, response_identifier, counting_write_func, d,
cancel_func, blob_to_download)
#"Requesting blob %s from %s", str(blob_to_download), str(peer))
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
return request
def _update_local_score(self, peer, amount):
self._peers[peer] += amount
def _reserve_points(self, peer, protocol, max_bytes):
if protocol in self._protocol_prices:
points_to_reserve = 1.0 * max_bytes * self._protocol_prices[protocol] / 2 ** 20
return self.wallet.reserve_points(peer, points_to_reserve)
return None
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
def _pay_peer(self, protocol, num_bytes, reserved_points):
if num_bytes != 0 and protocol in self._protocol_prices:
point_amount = 1.0 * num_bytes * self._protocol_prices[protocol] / 2**20
self.wallet.send_points(reserved_points, point_amount)
log.debug("Pay peer %s", str(point_amount))
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def _cancel_points(self, reserved_points):
def _handle_availability(self, response_dict, peer, request):
if not request.response_identifier in response_dict:
raise InvalidResponseError("response identifier not in response")
log.debug("Received a response to the availability request")
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
blob_hashes = response_dict[request.response_identifier]
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
if blob_hash in request.request_dict['requested_blobs']:
log.debug("The server has indicated it has the following blob available: %s", blob_hash)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
if blob_hash in self._unavailable_blobs[peer]:
for blob_hash in request.request_dict['requested_blobs']:
return True
def _handle_incoming_blob(self, response_dict, peer, request):
log.debug("Handling incoming blob: %s", str(response_dict))
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
if not request.response_identifier in response_dict:
return InvalidResponseError("response identifier not in response")
if not type(response_dict[request.response_identifier]) == dict:
return InvalidResponseError("response not a dict. got %s" %
response = response_dict[request.response_identifier]
if 'error' in response:
# This means we're not getting our blob for some reason
if response['error'] == "RATE_UNSET":
# Stop the download with an error that won't penalize the peer
# The peer has done something bad so we should get out of here
return InvalidResponseError("Got an unknown error from the peer: %s" %
if not 'blob_hash' in response:
return InvalidResponseError("Missing the required field 'blob_hash'")
if not response['blob_hash'] == request.request_dict['requested_blob']:
return InvalidResponseError("Incoming blob does not match expected. Incoming: %s. Expected: %s" %
(response['blob_hash'], request.request_dict['requested_blob']))
if not 'length' in response:
return InvalidResponseError("Missing the required field 'length'")
if not request.blob.set_length(response['length']):
return InvalidResponseError("Could not set the length of the blob")
return True
def _request_failed(self, reason, request_type, peer):
if reason.check(RequestCanceledError):
if reason.check(NoResponseError):
log.warning("Blob requester: a request of type '%s' failed. Reason: %s, Error type: %s",
str(request_type), reason.getErrorMessage(), reason.type)
2015-08-20 17:27:15 +02:00
self._update_local_score(peer, -10.0)
if isinstance(reason, InvalidResponseError) or isinstance(reason, NoResponseError):
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if reason.check(ConnectionClosedBeforeResponseError):
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return reason