forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
claims db
-move all leveldb prefixes to DB_PREFIXES enum -add serializable RevertableOp interface for key/value puts and deletes -resolve urls from leveldb
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 1467 additions and 137 deletions
@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
import base64
import struct
from typing import List
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
from binascii import hexlify
from itertools import chain
from lbry.error import ResolveCensoredError
from lbry.schema.types.v2.result_pb2 import Outputs as OutputsMessage
from lbry.schema.types.v2.result_pb2 import Error as ErrorMessage
from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import ResolveResult
INVALID = ErrorMessage.Code.Name(ErrorMessage.INVALID)
NOT_FOUND = ErrorMessage.Code.Name(ErrorMessage.NOT_FOUND)
BLOCKED = ErrorMessage.Code.Name(ErrorMessage.BLOCKED)
def set_reference(reference, txo_row):
if txo_row:
reference.tx_hash = txo_row['txo_hash'][:32]
reference.nout = struct.unpack('<I', txo_row['txo_hash'][32:])[0]
reference.height = txo_row['height']
def set_reference(reference, claim_hash, rows):
if claim_hash:
for txo in rows:
if claim_hash == txo.claim_hash:
reference.tx_hash = txo.tx_hash
reference.nout = txo.position
reference.height = txo.height
class Censor:
@ -40,7 +45,7 @@ class Censor:
def censor(self, row) -> bool:
if self.is_censored(row):
censoring_channel_hash = bytes.fromhex(row['censoring_channel_id'])[::-1]
censoring_channel_hash = row['censoring_channel_hash']
self.censored.setdefault(censoring_channel_hash, set())
return True
@ -174,46 +179,49 @@ class Outputs:
page.offset = offset
if total is not None:
|||| = total
if blocked is not None:
blocked.to_message(page, extra_txo_rows)
# if blocked is not None:
# blocked.to_message(page, extra_txo_rows)
for row in extra_txo_rows:
cls.encode_txo(page.extra_txos.add(), row)
for row in txo_rows:
cls.row_to_message(row, page.txos.add(), extra_txo_rows)
for row in extra_txo_rows.values():
cls.row_to_message(row, page.extra_txos.add(), extra_txo_rows)
# cls.row_to_message(row, page.txos.add(), extra_txo_rows)
txo_message: 'OutputsMessage' = page.txos.add()
cls.encode_txo(txo_message, row)
if not isinstance(row, Exception):
if row.channel_hash:
set_reference(, row.channel_hash, extra_txo_rows)
if row.reposted_claim_hash:
set_reference(txo_message.claim.repost, row.reposted_claim_hash, extra_txo_rows)
# set_reference(, row.censor_hash, extra_txo_rows)
return page.SerializeToString()
def row_to_message(cls, txo, txo_message, extra_row_dict: dict):
if isinstance(txo, Exception):
txo_message.error.text = txo.args[0]
if isinstance(txo, ValueError):
def encode_txo(cls, txo_message, resolve_result: Union['ResolveResult', Exception]):
if isinstance(resolve_result, Exception):
txo_message.error.text = resolve_result.args[0]
if isinstance(resolve_result, ValueError):
txo_message.error.code = ErrorMessage.INVALID
elif isinstance(txo, LookupError):
elif isinstance(resolve_result, LookupError):
txo_message.error.code = ErrorMessage.NOT_FOUND
elif isinstance(txo, ResolveCensoredError):
elif isinstance(resolve_result, ResolveCensoredError):
txo_message.error.code = ErrorMessage.BLOCKED
set_reference(, extra_row_dict.get(bytes.fromhex(txo.censor_id)[::-1]))
txo_message.tx_hash = txo['txo_hash'][:32]
txo_message.nout, = struct.unpack('<I', txo['txo_hash'][32:])
txo_message.height = txo['height']
txo_message.claim.short_url = txo['short_url']
txo_message.claim.reposted = txo['reposted']
if txo['canonical_url'] is not None:
txo_message.claim.canonical_url = txo['canonical_url']
txo_message.claim.is_controlling = bool(txo['is_controlling'])
if txo['last_take_over_height'] is not None:
txo_message.claim.take_over_height = txo['last_take_over_height']
txo_message.claim.creation_height = txo['creation_height']
txo_message.claim.activation_height = txo['activation_height']
txo_message.claim.expiration_height = txo['expiration_height']
if txo['claims_in_channel'] is not None:
txo_message.claim.claims_in_channel = txo['claims_in_channel']
txo_message.claim.effective_amount = txo['effective_amount']
txo_message.claim.support_amount = txo['support_amount']
txo_message.claim.trending_group = txo['trending_group']
txo_message.claim.trending_mixed = txo['trending_mixed']
txo_message.claim.trending_local = txo['trending_local']
txo_message.claim.trending_global = txo['trending_global']
set_reference(, extra_row_dict.get(txo['channel_hash']))
set_reference(txo_message.claim.repost, extra_row_dict.get(txo['reposted_claim_hash']))
txo_message.tx_hash = resolve_result.tx_hash
txo_message.nout = resolve_result.position
txo_message.height = resolve_result.height
txo_message.claim.short_url = resolve_result.short_url
txo_message.claim.reposted = 0
txo_message.claim.is_controlling = resolve_result.is_controlling
txo_message.claim.creation_height = resolve_result.creation_height
txo_message.claim.activation_height = resolve_result.activation_height
txo_message.claim.expiration_height = resolve_result.expiration_height
txo_message.claim.effective_amount = resolve_result.effective_amount
txo_message.claim.support_amount = resolve_result.support_amount
if resolve_result.canonical_url is not None:
txo_message.claim.canonical_url = resolve_result.canonical_url
if resolve_result.last_take_over_height is not None:
txo_message.claim.take_over_height = resolve_result.last_take_over_height
if resolve_result.claims_in_channel is not None:
txo_message.claim.claims_in_channel = resolve_result.claims_in_channel
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from struct import pack, unpack
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
from prometheus_client import Gauge, Histogram
from collections import defaultdict
import lbry
from lbry.schema.claim import Claim
from lbry.wallet.server.tx import Tx
@ -12,8 +13,11 @@ from lbry.wallet.server.db.writer import SQLDB
from lbry.wallet.server.daemon import DaemonError
from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
from lbry.wallet.server.util import chunks, class_logger
from lbry.crypto.hash import hash160
from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import FlushData
from lbry.wallet.transaction import Transaction
from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES
from lbry.wallet.server.db.claimtrie import StagedClaimtrieItem, StagedClaimtrieSupport
from lbry.wallet.server.udp import StatusServer
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import LevelDB
@ -185,6 +189,10 @@ class BlockProcessor:
self.utxo_cache = {}
self.db_deletes = []
# Claimtrie cache
self.claimtrie_stash = []
self.undo_claims = []
# If the lock is successfully acquired, in-memory chain state
# is consistent with self.height
self.state_lock = asyncio.Lock()
@ -192,6 +200,12 @@ class BlockProcessor:
self.search_cache = {}
self.history_cache = {}
self.status_server = StatusServer()
self.effective_amount_changes = defaultdict(list)
self.pending_claims = {}
self.pending_claim_txos = {}
self.pending_supports = defaultdict(set)
self.pending_support_txos = {}
self.pending_abandon = set()
async def run_in_thread_with_lock(self, func, *args):
# Run in a thread to prevent blocking. Shielded so that
@ -218,9 +232,12 @@ class BlockProcessor:
chain = [self.tip] + [self.coin.header_hash(h) for h in headers[:-1]]
if hprevs == chain:
start = time.perf_counter()
await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.advance_blocks, blocks)
await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.advance_blocks, blocks)
self.logger.exception("advance blocks failed")
if self.sql:
await self.db.search_index.claim_consumer(self.sql.claim_producer())
for cache in self.search_cache.values():
@ -354,8 +371,8 @@ class BlockProcessor:
"""The data for a flush. The lock must be taken."""
assert self.state_lock.locked()
return FlushData(self.height, self.tx_count, self.headers, self.block_hashes,
self.block_txs, self.undo_infos, self.utxo_cache,
self.db_deletes, self.tip)
self.block_txs, self.claimtrie_stash, self.undo_infos, self.utxo_cache,
self.db_deletes, self.tip, self.undo_claims)
async def flush(self, flush_utxos):
def flush():
@ -404,58 +421,316 @@ class BlockProcessor:
min_height = self.db.min_undo_height(self.daemon.cached_height())
height = self.height
# print("---------------------------------\nFLUSH\n---------------------------------")
for block in blocks:
height += 1
undo_info = self.advance_txs(
height, block.transactions, self.coin.electrum_header(block.header, height),
# print(f"***********************************\nADVANCE {height}\n***********************************")
undo_info, undo_claims = self.advance_block(block, height)
if height >= min_height:
self.undo_infos.append((undo_info, height))
self.undo_claims.append((undo_claims, height))
self.db.write_raw_block(block.raw, height)
for touched_claim_hash, amount_changes in self.effective_amount_changes.items():
new_effective_amount = sum(amount_changes)
assert new_effective_amount >= 0, f'{new_effective_amount}, {touched_claim_hash.hex()}'
self.db.get_update_effective_amount_ops(touched_claim_hash, new_effective_amount)
# print("update effective amount to", touched_claim_hash.hex(), new_effective_amount)
headers = [block.header for block in blocks]
self.height = height
self.tip = self.coin.header_hash(headers[-1])
self.db.flush_dbs(self.flush_data(), self.estimate_txs_remaining)
# print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nFLUSHED\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
for cache in self.search_cache.values():
def advance_txs(self, height, txs: List[Tuple[Tx, bytes]], header, block_hash):
def _add_claim_or_update(self, txo, script, tx_hash, idx, tx_count, txout, spent_claims):
claim_name = txo.normalized_name
except UnicodeDecodeError:
claim_name = ''.join(chr(c) for c in txo.script.values['claim_name'])
if script.is_claim_name:
claim_hash = hash160(tx_hash + pack('>I', idx))[::-1]
# print(f"\tnew lbry://{claim_name}#{claim_hash.hex()} ({tx_count} {txout.value})")
claim_hash = txo.claim_hash[::-1]
signing_channel_hash = None
channel_claims_count = 0
activation_height = 0
signable = txo.signable
except: # google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: Could not parse JSON.
signable = None
if signable and signable.signing_channel_hash:
signing_channel_hash = txo.signable.signing_channel_hash[::-1]
# if signing_channel_hash in self.pending_claim_txos:
# pending_channel = self.pending_claims[self.pending_claim_txos[signing_channel_hash]]
# channel_claims_count = pending_channel.
channel_claims_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count(signing_channel_hash) + 1
if script.is_claim_name:
support_amount = 0
root_tx_num, root_idx = tx_count, idx
if claim_hash not in spent_claims:
print(f"\tthis is a wonky tx, contains unlinked claim update {claim_hash.hex()}")
return []
support_amount = self.db.get_support_amount(claim_hash)
(prev_tx_num, prev_idx, _) = spent_claims.pop(claim_hash)
# print(f"\tupdate lbry://{claim_name}#{claim_hash.hex()} {tx_hash[::-1].hex()} {txout.value}")
if (prev_tx_num, prev_idx) in self.pending_claims:
previous_claim = self.pending_claims.pop((prev_tx_num, prev_idx))
root_tx_num = previous_claim.root_claim_tx_num
root_idx = previous_claim.root_claim_tx_position
# prev_amount = previous_claim.amount
root_tx_num, root_idx, prev_amount, _, _, _ = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(
pending = StagedClaimtrieItem(
claim_name, claim_hash, txout.value, support_amount + txout.value,
activation_height, tx_count, idx, root_tx_num, root_idx,
signing_channel_hash, channel_claims_count
self.pending_claims[(tx_count, idx)] = pending
self.pending_claim_txos[claim_hash] = (tx_count, idx)
return pending.get_add_claim_utxo_ops()
def _add_support(self, txo, txout, idx, tx_count):
supported_claim_hash = txo.claim_hash[::-1]
if supported_claim_hash in self.effective_amount_changes:
# print(f"\tsupport claim {supported_claim_hash.hex()} {starting_amount}+{txout.value}={starting_amount + txout.value}")
self.pending_supports[supported_claim_hash].add((tx_count, idx))
self.pending_support_txos[(tx_count, idx)] = supported_claim_hash, txout.value
return StagedClaimtrieSupport(
supported_claim_hash, tx_count, idx, txout.value
elif supported_claim_hash not in self.pending_claims and supported_claim_hash not in self.pending_abandon:
if self.db.claim_exists(supported_claim_hash):
_, _, _, name, supported_tx_num, supported_pos = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(
starting_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(supported_claim_hash)
if supported_claim_hash not in self.effective_amount_changes:
self.pending_supports[supported_claim_hash].add((tx_count, idx))
self.pending_support_txos[(tx_count, idx)] = supported_claim_hash, txout.value
# print(f"\tsupport claim {supported_claim_hash.hex()} {starting_amount}+{txout.value}={starting_amount + txout.value}")
return StagedClaimtrieSupport(
supported_claim_hash, tx_count, idx, txout.value
print(f"\tthis is a wonky tx, contains unlinked support for non existent {supported_claim_hash.hex()}")
return []
def _add_claim_or_support(self, tx_hash, tx_count, idx, txo, txout, script, spent_claims):
if script.is_claim_name or script.is_update_claim:
return self._add_claim_or_update(txo, script, tx_hash, idx, tx_count, txout, spent_claims)
elif script.is_support_claim or script.is_support_claim_data:
return self._add_support(txo, txout, idx, tx_count)
return []
def _spend_support(self, txin):
txin_num = self.db.transaction_num_mapping[txin.prev_hash]
if (txin_num, txin.prev_idx) in self.pending_support_txos:
spent_support, support_amount = self.pending_support_txos.pop((txin_num, txin.prev_idx))
self.pending_supports[spent_support].remove((txin_num, txin.prev_idx))
spent_support, support_amount = self.db.get_supported_claim_from_txo(txin_num, txin.prev_idx)
if spent_support and support_amount is not None and spent_support not in self.pending_abandon:
# print(f"\tspent support for {spent_support.hex()} -{support_amount} ({txin_num}, {txin.prev_idx})")
if spent_support not in self.effective_amount_changes:
assert spent_support not in self.pending_claims
prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(spent_support)
return StagedClaimtrieSupport(
spent_support, txin_num, txin.prev_idx, support_amount
return []
def _spend_claim(self, txin, spent_claims):
txin_num = self.db.transaction_num_mapping[txin.prev_hash]
if (txin_num, txin.prev_idx) in self.pending_claims:
spent = self.pending_claims[(txin_num, txin.prev_idx)]
name =
spent_claims[spent.claim_hash] = (txin_num, txin.prev_idx, name)
# print(f"spend lbry://{name}#{spent.claim_hash.hex()}")
spent_claim_hash_and_name = self.db.claim_hash_and_name_from_txo(
txin_num, txin.prev_idx
if not spent_claim_hash_and_name: # txo is not a claim
return []
prev_claim_hash, txi_len_encoded_name = spent_claim_hash_and_name
prev_signing_hash = self.db.get_channel_for_claim(prev_claim_hash)
prev_claims_in_channel_count = None
if prev_signing_hash:
prev_claims_in_channel_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count(
prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(
claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_amount, name, tx_num, position = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(prev_claim_hash)
activation_height = 0
spent = StagedClaimtrieItem(
name, prev_claim_hash, prev_amount, prev_effective_amount,
activation_height, txin_num, txin.prev_idx, claim_root_tx_num,
claim_root_idx, prev_signing_hash, prev_claims_in_channel_count
spent_claims[prev_claim_hash] = (txin_num, txin.prev_idx, name)
# print(f"spend lbry://{spent_claims[prev_claim_hash][2]}#{prev_claim_hash.hex()}")
if spent.claim_hash not in self.effective_amount_changes:
return spent.get_spend_claim_txo_ops()
def _spend_claim_or_support(self, txin, spent_claims):
spend_claim_ops = self._spend_claim(txin, spent_claims)
if spend_claim_ops:
return spend_claim_ops
return self._spend_support(txin)
def _abandon(self, spent_claims):
# Handle abandoned claims
ops = []
for abandoned_claim_hash, (prev_tx_num, prev_idx, name) in spent_claims.items():
# print(f"\tabandon lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {prev_tx_num} {prev_idx}")
if (prev_tx_num, prev_idx) in self.pending_claims:
pending = self.pending_claims.pop((prev_tx_num, prev_idx))
claim_root_tx_num = pending.root_claim_tx_num
claim_root_idx = pending.root_claim_tx_position
prev_amount = pending.amount
prev_signing_hash = pending.signing_hash
prev_effective_amount = pending.effective_amount
prev_claims_in_channel_count = pending.claims_in_channel_count
claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_amount, _, _, _ = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(
prev_signing_hash = self.db.get_channel_for_claim(abandoned_claim_hash)
prev_claims_in_channel_count = None
if prev_signing_hash:
prev_claims_in_channel_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count(
prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(
for (support_tx_num, support_tx_idx) in self.pending_supports[abandoned_claim_hash]:
_, support_amount = self.pending_support_txos.pop((support_tx_num, support_tx_idx))
abandoned_claim_hash, support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount
# print(f"\tremove pending support for abandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {support_tx_num} {support_tx_idx}")
for (support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount) in self.db.get_supports(abandoned_claim_hash):
abandoned_claim_hash, support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount
# print(f"\tremove support for abandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {support_tx_num} {support_tx_idx}")
activation_height = 0
if abandoned_claim_hash in self.effective_amount_changes:
# print("pop")
# print(f"\tabandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()}")
name, abandoned_claim_hash, prev_amount, prev_effective_amount,
activation_height, prev_tx_num, prev_idx, claim_root_tx_num,
claim_root_idx, prev_signing_hash, prev_claims_in_channel_count
return ops
def advance_block(self, block, height: int):
from lbry.wallet.transaction import OutputScript, Output
txs: List[Tuple[Tx, bytes]] = block.transactions
# header = self.coin.electrum_header(block.header, height)
block_hash = self.coin.header_hash(block.header)
self.block_txs.append((b''.join(tx_hash for tx, tx_hash in txs), [tx.raw for tx, _ in txs]))
first_tx_num = self.tx_count
undo_info = []
hashXs_by_tx = []
tx_num = self.tx_count
tx_count = self.tx_count
# Use local vars for speed in the loops
put_utxo = self.utxo_cache.__setitem__
claimtrie_stash = []
claimtrie_stash_extend = claimtrie_stash.extend
spend_utxo = self.spend_utxo
undo_info_append = undo_info.append
update_touched = self.touched.update
append_hashX_by_tx = hashXs_by_tx.append
hashX_from_script = self.coin.hashX_from_script
unchanged_effective_amounts = {k: sum(v) for k, v in self.effective_amount_changes.items()}
for tx, tx_hash in txs:
hashXs = []
# print(f"{tx_hash[::-1].hex()} @ {height}")
spent_claims = {}
hashXs = [] # hashXs touched by spent inputs/rx outputs
append_hashX = hashXs.append
tx_numb = pack('<I', tx_num)
tx_numb = pack('<I', tx_count)
# Spend the inputs
for txin in tx.inputs:
if txin.is_generation():
# spend utxo for address histories
cache_value = spend_utxo(txin.prev_hash, txin.prev_idx)
spend_claim_or_support_ops = self._spend_claim_or_support(txin, spent_claims)
if spend_claim_or_support_ops:
# Add the new UTXOs
for idx, txout in enumerate(tx.outputs):
# Get the hashX. Ignore unspendable outputs
@ -464,13 +739,29 @@ class BlockProcessor:
put_utxo(tx_hash + pack('<H', idx), hashX + tx_numb + pack('<Q', txout.value))
# add claim/support txo
script = OutputScript(txout.pk_script)
txo = Output(txout.value, script)
claim_or_support_ops = self._add_claim_or_support(
tx_hash, tx_count, idx, txo, txout, script, spent_claims
if claim_or_support_ops:
# Handle abandoned claims
abandon_ops = self._abandon(spent_claims)
if abandon_ops:
tx_num += 1
self.db.transaction_num_mapping[tx_hash] = tx_count
tx_count += 1
# self.db.add_unflushed(hashXs_by_tx, self.tx_count)
first_tx_num = self.tx_count
_unflushed = self.db.hist_unflushed
_count = 0
for _tx_num, _hashXs in enumerate(hashXs_by_tx, start=first_tx_num):
@ -478,10 +769,24 @@ class BlockProcessor:
_count += len(_hashXs)
self.db.hist_unflushed_count += _count
self.tx_count = tx_num
return undo_info
self.tx_count = tx_count
# for touched_claim_hash, amount_changes in self.effective_amount_changes.items():
# new_effective_amount = sum(amount_changes)
# assert new_effective_amount >= 0, f'{new_effective_amount}, {touched_claim_hash.hex()}'
# if touched_claim_hash not in unchanged_effective_amounts or unchanged_effective_amounts[touched_claim_hash] != new_effective_amount:
# claimtrie_stash_extend(
# self.db.get_update_effective_amount_ops(touched_claim_hash, new_effective_amount)
# )
# # print("update effective amount to", touched_claim_hash.hex(), new_effective_amount)
undo_claims = b''.join(op.invert().pack() for op in claimtrie_stash)
# print("%i undo bytes for %i (%i claimtrie stash ops)" % (len(undo_claims), height, len(claimtrie_stash)))
return undo_info, undo_claims
def backup_blocks(self, raw_blocks):
"""Backup the raw blocks and flush.
@ -495,6 +800,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
coin = self.coin
for raw_block in raw_blocks:
||||"backup block %i", self.height)
print("backup", self.height)
# Check and update self.tip
block = coin.block(raw_block, self.height)
header_hash = coin.header_hash(block.header)
@ -511,13 +817,14 @@ class BlockProcessor:
# self.touched can include other addresses which is
# harmless, but remove None.
self.db.flush_backup(self.flush_data(), self.touched)
||||'backed up to height {self.height:,d}')
def backup_txs(self, txs):
# Prevout values, in order down the block (coinbase first if present)
# undo_info is in reverse block order
undo_info = self.db.read_undo_info(self.height)
undo_info, undo_claims = self.db.read_undo_info(self.height)
if undo_info is None:
raise ChainError(f'no undo information found for height {self.height:,d}')
n = len(undo_info)
@ -548,6 +855,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
assert n == 0
self.tx_count -= len(txs)
self.undo_claims.append((undo_claims, self.height))
"""An in-memory UTXO cache, representing all changes to UTXO state
since the last DB flush.
@ -610,6 +918,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
all UTXOs so not finding one indicates a logic error or DB
# Fast track is it being in the cache
idx_packed = pack('<H', tx_idx)
cache_value = self.utxo_cache.pop(tx_hash + idx_packed, None)
@ -617,12 +926,10 @@ class BlockProcessor:
return cache_value
# Spend it from the DB.
# Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: hashX
prefix = b'h' + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
candidates = {db_key: hashX for db_key, hashX
in self.db.db.iterator(prefix=prefix)}
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX.value + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
candidates = {db_key: hashX for db_key, hashX in self.db.db.iterator(prefix=prefix)}
for hdb_key, hashX in candidates.items():
tx_num_packed = hdb_key[-4:]
@ -640,7 +947,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
# Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
udb_key = b'u' + hashX + hdb_key[-6:]
udb_key = DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_PREFIX.value + hashX + hdb_key[-6:]
utxo_value_packed = self.db.db.get(udb_key)
if utxo_value_packed is None:
@ -802,8 +1109,8 @@ class LBRYBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor):
self.prefetcher.polling_delay = 0.5
self.should_validate_signatures = self.env.boolean('VALIDATE_CLAIM_SIGNATURES', False)
||||"LbryumX Block Processor - Validating signatures: {self.should_validate_signatures}")
# self.sql: SQLDB = self.db.sql
# self.timer = Timer('BlockProcessor')
self.sql: SQLDB = self.db.sql
self.timer = Timer('BlockProcessor')
def advance_blocks(self, blocks):
if self.sql:
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import enum
class DB_PREFIXES(enum.Enum):
claim_to_support = b'K'
support_to_claim = b'L'
claim_to_txo = b'E'
txo_to_claim = b'G'
claim_to_channel = b'I'
channel_to_claim = b'J'
claim_short_id_prefix = b'F'
claim_effective_amount_prefix = b'D'
undo_claimtrie = b'M'
HIST_STATE = b'state-hist'
UTXO_STATE = b'state-utxo'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
import typing
from typing import Optional
from lbry.wallet.server.db.revertable import RevertablePut, RevertableDelete, RevertableOp, delete_prefix
from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES
from lbry.wallet.server.db.prefixes import Prefixes
def length_encoded_name(name: str) -> bytes:
encoded = name.encode('utf-8')
return len(encoded).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + encoded
class StagedClaimtrieSupport(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
tx_num: int
position: int
amount: int
def _get_add_remove_support_utxo_ops(self, add=True):
get a list of revertable operations to add or spend a support txo to the key: value database
:param add: if true use RevertablePut operations, otherwise use RevertableDelete
op = RevertablePut if add else RevertableDelete
return [
*Prefixes.claim_to_support.pack_item(self.claim_hash, self.tx_num, self.position, self.amount)
*Prefixes.support_to_claim.pack_item(self.tx_num, self.position, self.claim_hash)
def get_add_support_utxo_ops(self) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
return self._get_add_remove_support_utxo_ops(add=True)
def get_spend_support_txo_ops(self) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
return self._get_add_remove_support_utxo_ops(add=False)
def get_update_effective_amount_ops(name: str, new_effective_amount: int, prev_effective_amount: int, tx_num: int,
position: int, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int, claim_hash: bytes,
signing_hash: Optional[bytes] = None,
claims_in_channel_count: Optional[int] = None):
assert root_position != root_tx_num, f"{tx_num} {position} {root_tx_num} {root_tx_num}"
ops = [
name, prev_effective_amount, tx_num, position, claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position
name, new_effective_amount, tx_num, position, claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position
if signing_hash:
signing_hash, name, prev_effective_amount, tx_num, position, claim_hash, claims_in_channel_count
signing_hash, name, new_effective_amount, tx_num, position, claim_hash, claims_in_channel_count
return ops
class StagedClaimtrieItem(typing.NamedTuple):
name: str
claim_hash: bytes
amount: int
effective_amount: int
activation_height: int
tx_num: int
position: int
root_claim_tx_num: int
root_claim_tx_position: int
signing_hash: Optional[bytes]
claims_in_channel_count: Optional[int]
def is_update(self) -> bool:
return (self.tx_num, self.position) != (self.root_claim_tx_num, self.root_claim_tx_position)
def _get_add_remove_claim_utxo_ops(self, add=True):
get a list of revertable operations to add or spend a claim txo to the key: value database
:param add: if true use RevertablePut operations, otherwise use RevertableDelete
op = RevertablePut if add else RevertableDelete
ops = [
# url resolution by effective amount
||||, self.effective_amount, self.tx_num, self.position, self.claim_hash,
self.root_claim_tx_num, self.root_claim_tx_position
# claim tip by claim hash
self.claim_hash, self.tx_num, self.position, self.root_claim_tx_num, self.root_claim_tx_position,
# short url resolution
||||, self.claim_hash, self.root_claim_tx_num, self.root_claim_tx_position, self.tx_num,
# claim hash by txo
*Prefixes.txo_to_claim.pack_item(self.tx_num, self.position, self.claim_hash,
if self.signing_hash and self.claims_in_channel_count is not None:
# claims_in_channel_count can be none if the channel doesnt exist
# channel by stream
*Prefixes.claim_to_channel.pack_item(self.claim_hash, self.signing_hash)
# stream by channel
self.signing_hash,, self.effective_amount, self.tx_num, self.position,
self.claim_hash, self.claims_in_channel_count
return ops
def get_add_claim_utxo_ops(self) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
return self._get_add_remove_claim_utxo_ops(add=True)
def get_spend_claim_txo_ops(self) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
return self._get_add_remove_claim_utxo_ops(add=False)
def get_invalidate_channel_ops(self, db) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
if not self.signing_hash:
return []
return [
RevertableDelete(*Prefixes.claim_to_channel.pack_item(self.claim_hash, self.signing_hash))
] + delete_prefix(db, DB_PREFIXES.channel_to_claim.value + self.signing_hash)
def get_abandon_ops(self, db) -> typing.List[RevertableOp]:
packed_name = length_encoded_name(
delete_short_id_ops = delete_prefix(
db, DB_PREFIXES.claim_short_id_prefix.value + packed_name + self.claim_hash
delete_claim_ops = delete_prefix(db, DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value + self.claim_hash)
delete_supports_ops = delete_prefix(db, DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_support.value + self.claim_hash)
invalidate_channel_ops = self.get_invalidate_channel_ops(db)
return delete_short_id_ops + delete_claim_ops + delete_supports_ops + invalidate_channel_ops
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
import typing
import struct
from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES
def length_encoded_name(name: str) -> bytes:
encoded = name.encode('utf-8')
return len(encoded).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') + encoded
class PrefixRow:
prefix: bytes
key_struct: struct.Struct
value_struct: struct.Struct
def pack_key(cls, *args) -> bytes:
return cls.prefix + cls.key_struct.pack(*args)
def pack_value(cls, *args) -> bytes:
return cls.value_struct.pack(*args)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes):
assert key[:1] == cls.prefix
return cls.key_struct.unpack(key[1:])
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes):
return cls.value_struct.unpack(data)
def unpack_item(cls, key: bytes, value: bytes):
return cls.unpack_key(key), cls.unpack_value(value)
class EffectiveAmountKey(typing.NamedTuple):
name: str
effective_amount: int
tx_num: int
position: int
class EffectiveAmountValue(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
root_tx_num: int
root_position: int
class ClaimToTXOKey(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
tx_num: int
position: int
class ClaimToTXOValue(typing.NamedTuple):
root_tx_num: int
root_position: int
amount: int
name: str
class TXOToClaimKey(typing.NamedTuple):
tx_num: int
position: int
class TXOToClaimValue(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
name: str
class ClaimShortIDKey(typing.NamedTuple):
name: str
claim_hash: bytes
root_tx_num: int
root_position: int
class ClaimShortIDValue(typing.NamedTuple):
tx_num: int
position: int
class ClaimToChannelKey(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
class ClaimToChannelValue(typing.NamedTuple):
signing_hash: bytes
class ChannelToClaimKey(typing.NamedTuple):
signing_hash: bytes
name: str
effective_amount: int
tx_num: int
position: int
class ChannelToClaimValue(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
claims_in_channel: int
class ClaimToSupportKey(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
tx_num: int
position: int
class ClaimToSupportValue(typing.NamedTuple):
amount: int
class SupportToClaimKey(typing.NamedTuple):
tx_num: int
position: int
class SupportToClaimValue(typing.NamedTuple):
claim_hash: bytes
class EffectiveAmountPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_effective_amount_prefix.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>QLH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20sLH')
def pack_key(cls, name: str, effective_amount: int, tx_num: int, position: int):
return cls.prefix + length_encoded_name(name) + cls.key_struct.pack(
0xffffffffffffffff - effective_amount, tx_num, position
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> EffectiveAmountKey:
assert key[:1] == cls.prefix
name_len = int.from_bytes(key[1:3], byteorder='big')
name = key[3:3 + name_len].decode()
ones_comp_effective_amount, tx_num, position = cls.key_struct.unpack(key[3 + name_len:])
return EffectiveAmountKey(
name, 0xffffffffffffffff - ones_comp_effective_amount, tx_num, position
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> EffectiveAmountValue:
return EffectiveAmountValue(*super().unpack_value(data))
def pack_value(cls, claim_hash: bytes, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int) -> bytes:
return super().pack_value(claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position)
def pack_item(cls, name: str, effective_amount: int, tx_num: int, position: int, claim_hash: bytes,
root_tx_num: int, root_position: int):
return cls.pack_key(name, effective_amount, tx_num, position), \
cls.pack_value(claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position)
class ClaimToTXOPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20sLH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>LHQ')
def pack_key(cls, claim_hash: bytes, tx_num: int, position: int):
return super().pack_key(
claim_hash, 0xffffffff - tx_num, 0xffff - position
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> ClaimToTXOKey:
assert key[:1] == cls.prefix
claim_hash, ones_comp_tx_num, ones_comp_position = cls.key_struct.unpack(key[1:])
return ClaimToTXOKey(
claim_hash, 0xffffffff - ones_comp_tx_num, 0xffff - ones_comp_position
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) ->ClaimToTXOValue:
root_tx_num, root_position, amount = cls.value_struct.unpack(data[:14])
name_len = int.from_bytes(data[14:16], byteorder='big')
name = data[16:16 + name_len].decode()
return ClaimToTXOValue(root_tx_num, root_position, amount, name)
def pack_value(cls, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int, amount: int, name: str) -> bytes:
return cls.value_struct.pack(root_tx_num, root_position, amount) + length_encoded_name(name)
def pack_item(cls, claim_hash: bytes, tx_num: int, position: int, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int,
amount: int, name: str):
return cls.pack_key(claim_hash, tx_num, position), \
cls.pack_value(root_tx_num, root_position, amount, name)
class TXOToClaimPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.txo_to_claim.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>LH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20s')
def pack_key(cls, tx_num: int, position: int):
return super().pack_key(tx_num, position)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> TXOToClaimKey:
return TXOToClaimKey(*super().unpack_key(key))
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> TXOToClaimValue:
claim_hash, = cls.value_struct.unpack(data[:20])
name_len = int.from_bytes(data[20:22], byteorder='big')
name = data[22:22 + name_len].decode()
return TXOToClaimValue(claim_hash, name)
def pack_value(cls, claim_hash: bytes, name: str) -> bytes:
return cls.value_struct.pack(claim_hash) + length_encoded_name(name)
def pack_item(cls, tx_num: int, position: int, claim_hash: bytes, name: str):
return cls.pack_key(tx_num, position), \
cls.pack_value(claim_hash, name)
class ClaimShortIDPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_short_id_prefix.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20sLH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>LH')
def pack_key(cls, name: str, claim_hash: bytes, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int):
return cls.prefix + length_encoded_name(name) + cls.key_struct.pack(claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position)
def pack_value(cls, tx_num: int, position: int):
return super().pack_value(tx_num, position)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> ClaimShortIDKey:
assert key[:1] == cls.prefix
name_len = int.from_bytes(key[1:3], byteorder='big')
name = key[3:3 + name_len].decode()
return ClaimShortIDKey(name, *cls.key_struct.unpack(key[3 + name_len:]))
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> ClaimShortIDValue:
return ClaimShortIDValue(*super().unpack_value(data))
def pack_item(cls, name: str, claim_hash: bytes, root_tx_num: int, root_position: int,
tx_num: int, position: int):
return cls.pack_key(name, claim_hash, root_tx_num, root_position), \
cls.pack_value(tx_num, position)
class ClaimToChannelPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_channel.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20s')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20s')
def pack_key(cls, claim_hash: bytes):
return super().pack_key(claim_hash)
def pack_value(cls, signing_hash: bytes):
return super().pack_value(signing_hash)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> ClaimToChannelKey:
return ClaimToChannelKey(*super().unpack_key(key))
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> ClaimToChannelValue:
return ClaimToChannelValue(*super().unpack_value(data))
def pack_item(cls, claim_hash: bytes, signing_hash: bytes):
return cls.pack_key(claim_hash), cls.pack_value(signing_hash)
class ChannelToClaimPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.channel_to_claim.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>QLH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20sL')
def pack_key(cls, signing_hash: bytes, name: str, effective_amount: int, tx_num: int, position: int):
return cls.prefix + signing_hash + length_encoded_name(name) + cls.key_struct.pack(
0xffffffffffffffff - effective_amount, tx_num, position
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> ChannelToClaimKey:
assert key[:1] == cls.prefix
signing_hash = key[1:21]
name_len = int.from_bytes(key[21:23], byteorder='big')
name = key[23:23 + name_len].decode()
ones_comp_effective_amount, tx_num, position = cls.key_struct.unpack(key[23 + name_len:])
return ChannelToClaimKey(
signing_hash, name, 0xffffffffffffffff - ones_comp_effective_amount, tx_num, position
def pack_value(cls, claim_hash: bytes, claims_in_channel: int) -> bytes:
return super().pack_value(claim_hash, claims_in_channel)
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> ChannelToClaimValue:
return ChannelToClaimValue(*cls.value_struct.unpack(data))
def pack_item(cls, signing_hash: bytes, name: str, effective_amount: int, tx_num: int, position: int,
claim_hash: bytes, claims_in_channel: int):
return cls.pack_key(signing_hash, name, effective_amount, tx_num, position), \
cls.pack_value(claim_hash, claims_in_channel)
class ClaimToSupportPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_support.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20sLH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>Q')
def pack_key(cls, claim_hash: bytes, tx_num: int, position: int):
return super().pack_key(claim_hash, tx_num, position)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> ClaimToSupportKey:
return ClaimToSupportKey(*super().unpack_key(key))
def pack_value(cls, amount: int) -> bytes:
return super().pack_value(amount)
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> ClaimToSupportValue:
return ClaimToSupportValue(*super().unpack_value(data))
def pack_item(cls, claim_hash: bytes, tx_num: int, position: int, amount: int):
return cls.pack_key(claim_hash, tx_num, position), \
class SupportToClaimPrefixRow(PrefixRow):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.support_to_claim.value
key_struct = struct.Struct(b'>LH')
value_struct = struct.Struct(b'>20s')
def pack_key(cls, tx_num: int, position: int):
return super().pack_key(tx_num, position)
def unpack_key(cls, key: bytes) -> SupportToClaimKey:
return SupportToClaimKey(*super().unpack_key(key))
def pack_value(cls, claim_hash: bytes) -> bytes:
return super().pack_value(claim_hash)
def unpack_value(cls, data: bytes) -> SupportToClaimValue:
return SupportToClaimValue(*super().unpack_value(data))
def pack_item(cls, tx_num: int, position: int, claim_hash: bytes):
return cls.pack_key(tx_num, position), \
class Prefixes:
claim_to_support = ClaimToSupportPrefixRow
support_to_claim = SupportToClaimPrefixRow
claim_to_txo = ClaimToTXOPrefixRow
txo_to_claim = TXOToClaimPrefixRow
claim_to_channel = ClaimToChannelPrefixRow
channel_to_claim = ChannelToClaimPrefixRow
claim_short_id = ClaimShortIDPrefixRow
claim_effective_amount = EffectiveAmountPrefixRow
undo_claimtrie = b'M'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import struct
from typing import Tuple, List
from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES
_OP_STRUCT = struct.Struct('>BHH')
class RevertableOp:
__slots__ = [
is_put = 0
def __init__(self, key: bytes, value: bytes):
self.key = key
self.value = value
def invert(self) -> 'RevertableOp':
raise NotImplementedError()
def pack(self) -> bytes:
Serialize to bytes
return struct.pack(
f'>BHH{len(self.key)}s{len(self.value)}s', self.is_put, len(self.key), len(self.value), self.key,
def unpack(cls, packed: bytes) -> Tuple['RevertableOp', bytes]:
Deserialize from bytes
:param packed: bytes containing at least one packed revertable op
:return: tuple of the deserialized op (a put or a delete) and the remaining serialized bytes
is_put, key_len, val_len = _OP_STRUCT.unpack(packed[:5])
key = packed[5:5 + key_len]
value = packed[5 + key_len:5 + key_len + val_len]
if is_put == 1:
return RevertablePut(key, value), packed[5 + key_len + val_len:]
return RevertableDelete(key, value), packed[5 + key_len + val_len:]
def unpack_stack(cls, packed: bytes) -> List['RevertableOp']:
Deserialize multiple from bytes
ops = []
while packed:
op, packed = cls.unpack(packed)
return ops
def __eq__(self, other: 'RevertableOp') -> bool:
return (self.is_put, self.key, self.value) == (other.is_put, other.key, other.value)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{'PUT' if self.is_put else 'DELETE'} {DB_PREFIXES(self.key[:1]).name}: " \
f"{self.key[1:].hex()} | {self.value.hex()}"
class RevertableDelete(RevertableOp):
def invert(self):
return RevertablePut(self.key, self.value)
class RevertablePut(RevertableOp):
is_put = 1
def invert(self):
return RevertableDelete(self.key, self.value)
def delete_prefix(db: 'plyvel.DB', prefix: bytes) -> List['RevertableDelete']:
return [RevertableDelete(k, v) for k, v in db.iterator(prefix=prefix)]
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ _sha512 = hashlib.sha512
_new_hash =
_new_hmac =
def sha256(x):
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ import ast
import base64
import os
import time
import zlib
import typing
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Iterable
import struct
from typing import Optional, Iterable
from functools import partial
from asyncio import sleep
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
@ -27,14 +27,24 @@ from struct import pack, unpack
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
import attr
from lbry.utils import LRUCacheWithMetrics
from lbry.schema.url import URL
from lbry.wallet.server import util
from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, CLAIM_HASH_LEN
from lbry.wallet.server.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache
from lbry.wallet.server.util import formatted_time, pack_be_uint16, unpack_be_uint16_from
from import db_class
from lbry.wallet.server.db.revertable import RevertablePut, RevertableDelete, RevertableOp, delete_prefix
from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES
from lbry.wallet.server.db.prefixes import Prefixes
from lbry.wallet.server.db.claimtrie import StagedClaimtrieItem, get_update_effective_amount_ops, length_encoded_name
UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value")
TXO_STRUCT = struct.Struct(b'>LH')
TXO_STRUCT_unpack = TXO_STRUCT.unpack
@ -58,11 +68,34 @@ class FlushData:
headers = attr.ib()
block_hashes = attr.ib()
block_txs = attr.ib()
claimtrie_stash = attr.ib()
# The following are flushed to the UTXO DB if undo_infos is not None
undo_infos = attr.ib()
adds = attr.ib()
deletes = attr.ib()
tip = attr.ib()
undo_claimtrie = attr.ib()
class ResolveResult(typing.NamedTuple):
name: str
claim_hash: bytes
tx_num: int
position: int
tx_hash: bytes
height: int
short_url: str
is_controlling: bool
canonical_url: str
creation_height: int
activation_height: int
expiration_height: int
effective_amount: int
support_amount: int
last_take_over_height: Optional[int]
claims_in_channel: Optional[int]
channel_hash: Optional[bytes]
reposted_claim_hash: Optional[bytes]
class LevelDB:
@ -73,7 +106,7 @@ class LevelDB:
class DBError(Exception):
"""Raised on general DB errors generally indicating corruption."""
@ -113,6 +146,225 @@ class LevelDB:
self.total_transactions = None
self.transaction_num_mapping = {}
def claim_hash_and_name_from_txo(self, tx_num: int, tx_idx: int):
claim_hash_and_name = self.db.get(
DB_PREFIXES.txo_to_claim.value + TXO_STRUCT_pack(tx_num, tx_idx)
if not claim_hash_and_name:
return claim_hash_and_name[:CLAIM_HASH_LEN], claim_hash_and_name[CLAIM_HASH_LEN:]
def get_supported_claim_from_txo(self, tx_num, tx_idx: int):
supported_claim_hash = self.db.get(
DB_PREFIXES.support_to_claim.value + TXO_STRUCT_pack(tx_num, tx_idx)
if supported_claim_hash:
packed_support_amount = self.db.get(
Prefixes.claim_to_support.pack_key(supported_claim_hash, tx_num, tx_idx)
if packed_support_amount is not None:
return supported_claim_hash, Prefixes.claim_to_support.unpack_value(packed_support_amount).amount
return None, None
def get_support_amount(self, claim_hash: bytes):
total = 0
for packed in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_support.value + claim_hash, include_key=False):
total += Prefixes.claim_to_support.unpack_value(packed).amount
return total
def get_supports(self, claim_hash: bytes):
supports = []
for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_support.value + claim_hash):
unpacked_k = Prefixes.claim_to_support.unpack_key(k)
unpacked_v = Prefixes.claim_to_support.unpack_value(v)
supports.append((unpacked_k.tx_num, unpacked_k.position, unpacked_v.amount))
return supports
def _prepare_resolve_result(self, tx_num: int, position: int, claim_hash: bytes, name: str, root_tx_num: int,
root_position: int) -> ResolveResult:
tx_hash = self.total_transactions[tx_num]
height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
created_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, root_tx_num)
last_take_over_height = 0
activation_height = created_height
expiration_height = 0
support_amount = self.get_support_amount(claim_hash)
effective_amount = self.get_effective_amount(claim_hash)
channel_hash = self.get_channel_for_claim(claim_hash)
claims_in_channel = None
short_url = f'{name}#{claim_hash.hex()}'
canonical_url = short_url
if channel_hash:
channel_vals = self.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(channel_hash)
if channel_vals:
_, _, _, channel_name, _, _ = channel_vals
claims_in_channel = self.get_claims_in_channel_count(channel_hash)
canonical_url = f'{channel_name}#{channel_hash.hex()}/{name}#{claim_hash.hex()}'
return ResolveResult(
name, claim_hash, tx_num, position, tx_hash, height, short_url=short_url,
is_controlling=False, canonical_url=canonical_url, last_take_over_height=last_take_over_height,
claims_in_channel=claims_in_channel, creation_height=created_height, activation_height=activation_height,
expiration_height=expiration_height, effective_amount=effective_amount, support_amount=support_amount,
channel_hash=channel_hash, reposted_claim_hash=None
def _resolve(self, normalized_name: str, claim_id: Optional[str] = None,
amount_order: int = 1) -> Optional[ResolveResult]:
:param normalized_name: name
:param claim_id: partial or complete claim id
:param amount_order: '$<value>' suffix to a url, defaults to 1 (winning) if no claim id modifier is provided
encoded_name = length_encoded_name(normalized_name)
amount_order = max(int(amount_order or 1), 1)
if claim_id:
# resolve by partial/complete claim id
short_claim_hash = bytes.fromhex(claim_id)
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.claim_short_id_prefix.value + encoded_name + short_claim_hash
for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
key = Prefixes.claim_short_id.unpack_key(k)
claim_txo = Prefixes.claim_short_id.unpack_value(v)
return self._prepare_resolve_result(claim_txo.tx_num, claim_txo.position, key.claim_hash,,
key.root_tx_num, key.root_position)
# resolve by amount ordering, 1 indexed
for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_effective_amount_prefix.value + encoded_name)):
if amount_order > idx + 1:
key = Prefixes.claim_effective_amount.unpack_key(k)
claim_val = Prefixes.claim_effective_amount.unpack_value(v)
return self._prepare_resolve_result(
key.tx_num, key.position, claim_val.claim_hash,, claim_val.root_tx_num,
def _resolve_claim_in_channel(self, channel_hash: bytes, normalized_name: str):
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.channel_to_claim.value + channel_hash + length_encoded_name(normalized_name)
candidates = []
for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
key = Prefixes.channel_to_claim.unpack_key(k)
stream = Prefixes.channel_to_claim.unpack_value(v)
if not candidates or candidates[-1][-1] == key.effective_amount:
candidates.append((stream.claim_hash, key.tx_num, key.position, key.effective_amount))
if not candidates:
return list(sorted(candidates, key=lambda item: item[1]))[0]
def _fs_resolve(self, url):
parsed = URL.parse(url)
except ValueError as e:
return e, None
stream = channel = resolved_channel = resolved_stream = None
if parsed.has_stream_in_channel:
channel =
stream =
elif parsed.has_channel:
channel =
elif parsed.has_stream:
stream =
if channel:
resolved_channel = self._resolve(channel.normalized, channel.claim_id, channel.amount_order)
if not resolved_channel:
return None, LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{url}".')
if stream:
if resolved_channel:
stream_claim = self._resolve_claim_in_channel(resolved_channel.claim_hash, stream.normalized)
if stream_claim:
stream_claim_id, stream_tx_num, stream_tx_pos, effective_amount = stream_claim
resolved_stream = self._fs_get_claim_by_hash(stream_claim_id)
resolved_stream = self._resolve(stream.normalized, stream.claim_id, stream.amount_order)
if not channel and not resolved_channel and resolved_stream and resolved_stream.channel_hash:
resolved_channel = self._fs_get_claim_by_hash(resolved_stream.channel_hash)
if not resolved_stream:
return LookupError(f'Could not find claim at "{url}".'), None
return resolved_stream, resolved_channel
async def fs_resolve(self, url):
return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, self._fs_resolve, url)
def _fs_get_claim_by_hash(self, claim_hash):
for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value + claim_hash):
unpacked_k = Prefixes.claim_to_txo.unpack_key(k)
unpacked_v = Prefixes.claim_to_txo.unpack_value(v)
return self._prepare_resolve_result(
unpacked_k.tx_num, unpacked_k.position, unpacked_k.claim_hash,,
unpacked_v.root_tx_num, unpacked_v.root_position
async def fs_getclaimbyid(self, claim_id):
return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
self.executor, self._fs_get_claim_by_hash, bytes.fromhex(claim_id)
def claim_exists(self, claim_hash: bytes):
for _ in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value + claim_hash, include_value=False):
return True
return False
def get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(self, claim_hash):
for k, v in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value + claim_hash):
unpacked_k = Prefixes.claim_to_txo.unpack_key(k)
unpacked_v = Prefixes.claim_to_txo.unpack_value(v)
return unpacked_v.root_tx_num, unpacked_v.root_position, unpacked_v.amount,,\
unpacked_k.tx_num, unpacked_k.position
def make_staged_claim_item(self, claim_hash: bytes) -> StagedClaimtrieItem:
root_tx_num, root_idx, value, name, tx_num, idx = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(
activation_height = 0
effective_amount = self.db.get_support_amount(claim_hash) + value
signing_hash = self.get_channel_for_claim(claim_hash)
if signing_hash:
count = self.get_claims_in_channel_count(signing_hash)
count = 0
return StagedClaimtrieItem(
name, claim_hash, value, effective_amount, activation_height, tx_num, idx, root_tx_num, root_idx,
signing_hash, count
def get_effective_amount(self, claim_hash):
for v in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_txo.value + claim_hash, include_key=False):
return Prefixes.claim_to_txo.unpack_value(v).amount + self.get_support_amount(claim_hash)
return None
def get_update_effective_amount_ops(self, claim_hash: bytes, effective_amount: int):
claim_info = self.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(claim_hash)
if not claim_info:
return []
root_tx_num, root_position, amount, name, tx_num, position = claim_info
signing_hash = self.get_channel_for_claim(claim_hash)
claims_in_channel_count = None
if signing_hash:
claims_in_channel_count = self.get_claims_in_channel_count(signing_hash)
prev_effective_amount = self.get_effective_amount(claim_hash)
return get_update_effective_amount_ops(
name, effective_amount, prev_effective_amount, tx_num, position,
root_tx_num, root_position, claim_hash, signing_hash, claims_in_channel_count
def get_claims_in_channel_count(self, channel_hash) -> int:
for v in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.channel_to_claim.value + channel_hash, include_key=False):
return Prefixes.channel_to_claim.unpack_value(v).claims_in_channel
return 0
def get_channel_for_claim(self, claim_hash) -> Optional[bytes]:
return self.db.get(DB_PREFIXES.claim_to_channel.value + claim_hash)
# def add_unflushed(self, hashXs_by_tx, first_tx_num):
# unflushed = self.history.unflushed
# count = 0
@ -220,8 +472,7 @@ class LevelDB:
# < might happen at end of compaction as both DBs cannot be
# updated atomically
if self.hist_flush_count > self.utxo_flush_count:
||||'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for '
'excess history flushes...')
||||'DB shut down uncleanly. Scanning for excess history flushes...')
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX):
@ -350,27 +601,6 @@ class LevelDB:
add_count = len(flush_data.adds)
spend_count = len(flush_data.deletes) // 2
# Spends
batch_delete = batch.delete
for key in sorted(flush_data.deletes):
# New UTXOs
batch_put = batch.put
for key, value in flush_data.adds.items():
# suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
hashX = value[:-12]
suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
batch_put(HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
batch_put(UTXO_PREFIX + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
# New undo information
for undo_info, height in flush_data.undo_infos:
batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
if self.db.for_sync:
block_count = flush_data.height - self.db_height
tx_count = flush_data.tx_count - self.db_tx_count
@ -394,11 +624,12 @@ class LevelDB:
# History entries are not prefixed; the suffix \0\0 ensures we
# look similar to other entries and aren't interfered with
batch.put(HIST_STATE, repr(state).encode())
batch.put(DB_PREFIXES.HIST_STATE.value, repr(state).encode())
def flush_dbs(self, flush_data: FlushData, estimate_txs_remaining):
"""Flush out cached state. History is always flushed; UTXOs are
flushed if flush_utxos."""
if flush_data.height == self.db_height:
@ -419,41 +650,49 @@ class LevelDB:
assert len(self.tx_counts) == flush_data.height + 1
assert len(
b''.join(hashes for hashes, _ in flush_data.block_txs)
) // 32 == flush_data.tx_count - prior_tx_count
) // 32 == flush_data.tx_count - prior_tx_count, f"{len(b''.join(hashes for hashes, _ in flush_data.block_txs)) // 32} != {flush_data.tx_count}"
# Write the headers
start_time = time.perf_counter()
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
batch_put = batch.put
self.put = batch.put
batch_put = self.put
batch_delete = batch.delete
height_start = self.fs_height + 1
tx_num = prior_tx_count
for i, (header, block_hash, (tx_hashes, txs)) in enumerate(zip(flush_data.headers, flush_data.block_hashes, flush_data.block_txs)):
batch_put(HEADER_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), header)
for i, (header, block_hash, (tx_hashes, txs)) in enumerate(
zip(flush_data.headers, flush_data.block_hashes, flush_data.block_txs)):
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.HEADER_PREFIX.value + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), header)
tx_count = self.tx_counts[height_start]
batch_put(BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), block_hash[::-1])
batch_put(TX_COUNT_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), util.pack_be_uint64(tx_count))
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX.value + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), block_hash[::-1])
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.TX_COUNT_PREFIX.value + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), util.pack_be_uint64(tx_count))
height_start += 1
offset = 0
while offset < len(tx_hashes):
batch_put(TX_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num), tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32])
batch_put(TX_NUM_PREFIX + tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32], util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num))
batch_put(TX_PREFIX + tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32], txs[offset // 32])
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.TX_HASH_PREFIX.value + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num), tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32])
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.TX_NUM_PREFIX.value + tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32], util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num))
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.TX_PREFIX.value + tx_hashes[offset:offset + 32], txs[offset // 32])
tx_num += 1
offset += 32
# flush_data.claim_txo_cache.clear()
# flush_data.support_txo_cache.clear()
for staged_change in flush_data.claimtrie_stash:
# print("ADVANCE", staged_change)
if staged_change.is_put:
batch_put(staged_change.key, staged_change.value)
for undo_claims, height in flush_data.undo_claimtrie:
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.undo_claimtrie.value + util.pack_be_uint64(height), undo_claims)
self.fs_height = flush_data.height
self.fs_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
# Then history
self.hist_flush_count += 1
flush_id = pack_be_uint16(self.hist_flush_count)
@ -461,17 +700,51 @@ class LevelDB:
for hashX in sorted(unflushed):
key = hashX + flush_id
batch_put(HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + key, unflushed[hashX].tobytes())
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX.value + key, unflushed[hashX].tobytes())
self.hist_unflushed_count = 0
# New undo information
for undo_info, height in flush_data.undo_infos:
batch_put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
# Spends
for key in sorted(flush_data.deletes):
# New UTXOs
for key, value in flush_data.adds.items():
# suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
hashX = value[:-12]
suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX.value + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_PREFIX.value + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
# Flush state last as it reads the wall time.
self.flush_utxo_db(batch, flush_data)
start_time = time.time()
add_count = len(flush_data.adds)
spend_count = len(flush_data.deletes) // 2
if self.db.for_sync:
block_count = flush_data.height - self.db_height
tx_count = flush_data.tx_count - self.db_tx_count
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
||||'flushed {block_count:,d} blocks with '
f'{tx_count:,d} txs, {add_count:,d} UTXO adds, '
f'{spend_count:,d} spends in '
f'{elapsed:.1f}s, committing...')
self.utxo_flush_count = self.hist_flush_count
self.db_height = flush_data.height
self.db_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
self.db_tip = flush_data.tip
# self.flush_state(batch)
@ -524,24 +797,43 @@ class LevelDB:
start_time = time.time()
tx_delta = flush_data.tx_count - self.last_flush_tx_count
while self.fs_height > flush_data.height:
self.fs_height -= 1
self.fs_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
# Truncate header_mc: header count is 1 more than the height.
self.header_mc.truncate(flush_data.height + 1)
# Not certain this is needed, but it doesn't hurt
self.hist_flush_count += 1
nremoves = 0
with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
batch_put = batch.put
batch_delete = batch.delete
claim_reorg_height = self.fs_height
print("flush undos", flush_data.undo_claimtrie)
for (ops, height) in reversed(flush_data.undo_claimtrie):
claimtrie_ops = RevertableOp.unpack_stack(ops)
print("%i undo ops for %i" % (len(claimtrie_ops), height))
for op in reversed(claimtrie_ops):
print("REWIND", op)
if op.is_put:
batch_put(op.key, op.value)
batch_delete(DB_PREFIXES.undo_claimtrie.value + util.pack_be_uint64(claim_reorg_height))
claim_reorg_height -= 1
while self.fs_height > flush_data.height:
self.fs_height -= 1
tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
for hashX in sorted(touched):
deletes = []
puts = {}
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, reverse=True):
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX.value + hashX, reverse=True):
k = key[1:]
a = array.array('I')
@ -554,18 +846,61 @@ class LevelDB:
for key in deletes:
for key, value in puts.items():
batch.put(key, value)
batch_put(key, value)
# New undo information
for undo_info, height in flush_data.undo_infos:
batch.put(self.undo_key(height), b''.join(undo_info))
# Spends
for key in sorted(flush_data.deletes):
# New UTXOs
for key, value in flush_data.adds.items():
# suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
hashX = value[:-12]
suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX.value + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
batch_put(DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_PREFIX.value + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
self.flush_utxo_db(batch, flush_data)
start_time = time.time()
add_count = len(flush_data.adds)
spend_count = len(flush_data.deletes) // 2
if self.db.for_sync:
block_count = flush_data.height - self.db_height
tx_count = flush_data.tx_count - self.db_tx_count
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
||||'flushed {block_count:,d} blocks with '
f'{tx_count:,d} txs, {add_count:,d} UTXO adds, '
f'{spend_count:,d} spends in '
f'{elapsed:.1f}s, committing...')
self.utxo_flush_count = self.hist_flush_count
self.db_height = flush_data.height
self.db_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
self.db_tip = flush_data.tip
# Flush state last as it reads the wall time.
now = time.time()
self.wall_time += now - self.last_flush
self.last_flush = now
self.last_flush_tx_count = self.fs_tx_count
||||'backing up removed {nremoves:,d} history entries')
elapsed = self.last_flush - start_time
||||'backup flush #{self.hist_flush_count:,d} took {elapsed:.1f}s. '
@ -636,14 +971,14 @@ class LevelDB:
tx, merkle = cached_tx
tx_hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(tx_hash)[::-1]
tx_num = tx_db_get(TX_NUM_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
tx_num = tx_db_get(DB_PREFIXES.TX_NUM_PREFIX.value + tx_hash_bytes)
tx = None
tx_height = -1
if tx_num is not None:
tx_num = unpack_be_uint64(tx_num)
tx_height = bisect_right(tx_counts, tx_num)
if tx_height < self.db_height:
tx = tx_db_get(TX_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
tx = tx_db_get(DB_PREFIXES.TX_PREFIX.value + tx_hash_bytes)
if tx_height == -1:
merkle = {
'block_height': -1
@ -691,7 +1026,7 @@ class LevelDB:
cnt = 0
txs = []
for hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, include_key=False):
for hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX.value + hashX, include_key=False):
a = array.array('I')
for tx_num in a:
@ -726,7 +1061,8 @@ class LevelDB:
def read_undo_info(self, height):
"""Read undo information from a file for the current height."""
return self.db.get(self.undo_key(height))
undo_claims = self.db.get(DB_PREFIXES.undo_claimtrie.value + util.pack_be_uint64(self.fs_height))
return self.db.get(self.undo_key(height)), undo_claims
def raw_block_prefix(self):
return 'block'
@ -759,7 +1095,7 @@ class LevelDB:
"""Clear excess undo info. Only most recent N are kept."""
min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height)
keys = []
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=UNDO_PREFIX):
for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=DB_PREFIXES.UNDO_PREFIX.value):
height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
if height >= min_height:
@ -847,7 +1183,7 @@ class LevelDB:
'first_sync': self.first_sync,
'db_version': self.db_version,
batch.put(UTXO_STATE, repr(state).encode())
batch.put(DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_STATE.value, repr(state).encode())
def set_flush_count(self, count):
self.utxo_flush_count = count
@ -863,7 +1199,7 @@ class LevelDB:
fs_tx_hash = self.fs_tx_hash
# Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
prefix = UTXO_PREFIX + hashX
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_PREFIX.value + hashX
for db_key, db_value in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('<HI', db_key[-6:])
value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
@ -894,7 +1230,7 @@ class LevelDB:
# Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: hashX
prefix = HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
prefix = DB_PREFIXES.HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX.value + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
# Find which entry, if any, the TX_HASH matches.
for db_key, hashX in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
@ -915,7 +1251,7 @@ class LevelDB:
return None
# Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
# Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
key = UTXO_PREFIX + hashX + suffix
key = DB_PREFIXES.UTXO_PREFIX.value + hashX + suffix
db_value = self.db.get(key)
if not db_value:
# This can happen if the DB was updated between
@ -1028,13 +1028,23 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
return RPCError(1, str(err))
async def claimtrie_resolve(self, *urls):
if urls:
count = len(urls)
return await self.run_and_cache_query('resolve', urls)
rows, extra = [], []
for url in urls:
print("resolve", url)
stream, channel = await self.db.fs_resolve(url)
if channel and not stream:
# print("resolved channel",
elif stream:
# print("resolved stream",
if channel:
# print("and channel",
# print("claimtrie resolve %i rows %i extrat" % (len(rows), len(extra)))
return Outputs.to_base64(rows, extra, 0, None, None)
async def get_server_height(self):
return self.bp.height
Add table
Reference in a new issue