forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
lots of stuff deleted
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 157 additions and 292 deletions
@ -252,14 +252,12 @@ class WalletComponent(Component):
async def get_status(self):
if self.wallet_manager and self.running:
local_height =
remote_height =
local_height = self.wallet_manager.ledger.headers.height
best_hash = self.wallet_manager.get_best_blockhash()
return {
'blocks': max(local_height, 0),
'blocks_behind': max(remote_height - local_height, 0),
'best_blockhash': best_hash,
'is_encrypted': self.wallet_manager.wallet.use_encryption,
'is_encrypted': self.wallet_manager.use_encryption,
'is_locked': not self.wallet_manager.is_wallet_unlocked,
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
Resolve a name and return the estimated stream cost
resolved = await self.wallet_manager.resolve(uri)
resolved = await self.resolve(uri)
if resolved:
claim_response = resolved[uri]
@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
except URIParseError:
results[u] = {"error": "%s is not a valid url" % u}
resolved = await self.wallet_manager.resolve(*tuple(valid_urls))
resolved = await self.resolve(*tuple(valid_urls))
for resolved_uri in resolved:
results[resolved_uri] = resolved[resolved_uri]
@ -912,80 +912,6 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
setattr(c, key, cleaned)
return {key: cleaned}
Wallet management.
def jsonrpc_wallet_balance(self, address=None):
""" deprecated """
async def jsonrpc_wallet_send(self, amount, address=None, claim_id=None, account_id=None):
Send credits. If given an address, send credits to it. If given a claim id, send a tip
to the owner of a claim specified by uri. A tip is a claim support where the recipient
of the support is the claim address for the claim being supported.
wallet_send (<amount> | --amount=<amount>)
((<address> | --address=<address>) | (<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>))
--amount=<amount> : (decimal) amount of credit to send
--address=<address> : (str) address to send credits to
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) claim_id of the claim to send to tip to
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) account to fund the transaction
If sending to an address:
(dict) Dictionary containing the transaction information
"hex": (str) raw transaction,
"inputs": (list) inputs(dict) used for the transaction,
"outputs": (list) outputs(dict) for the transaction,
"total_fee": (int) fee in dewies,
"total_input": (int) total of inputs in dewies,
"total_output": (int) total of outputs in dewies(input - fees),
"txid": (str) txid of the transaction,
If sending a claim tip:
(dict) Dictionary containing the result of the support
txid : (str) txid of resulting support claim
nout : (int) nout of the resulting support claim
fee : (float) fee paid for the transaction
amount = self.get_dewies_or_error("amount", amount)
if not amount:
raise NullFundsError
if amount < 0:
raise NegativeFundsError()
if address and claim_id:
raise Exception("Given both an address and a claim id")
if not address and not claim_id:
raise Exception("Not given an address or a claim id")
if address:
# raises an error if the address is invalid
reserved_points = self.wallet_manager.reserve_points(address, amount)
if reserved_points is None:
raise InsufficientFundsError()
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
result = await self.wallet_manager.send_points_to_address(reserved_points, amount, account)
await self.analytics_manager.send_credits_sent()
||||"This command is deprecated for sending tips, please use the newer claim_tip command")
result = await self.jsonrpc_claim_tip(claim_id=claim_id, amount=amount, account_id=account_id)
return result
Account management.
@ -1342,19 +1268,20 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
async def jsonrpc_account_send(self, amount, addresses, account_id=None, broadcast=False):
async def jsonrpc_account_send(self, amount, addresses, account_id=None, preview=False):
Send the same number of credits to multiple addresses.
account_send <amount> <addresses>... [--account_id=<account_id>] [--broadcast]
account_send <amount> <addresses>... [--account_id=<account_id>] [--preview]
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) account to fund the transaction
--broadcast : (bool) actually broadcast the transaction, default: false.
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
amount = self.get_dewies_or_error("amount", amount)
if not amount:
@ -1362,13 +1289,29 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
if amount < 0:
raise NegativeFundsError()
for address in addresses:
if addresses and not isinstance(addresses, list):
addresses = [addresses]
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
result = await account.send_to_addresses(amount, addresses, broadcast)
await self.analytics_manager.send_credits_sent()
return result
outputs = []
for address in addresses:
amount, self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address)
tx = await Transaction.create(
[], outputs, [account], account
if not preview:
await self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.analytics_manager.send_credits_sent()
await account.ledger.release_tx(tx)
return tx
SYNC_DOC = """
Wallet synchronization.
@ -1437,7 +1380,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
def jsonrpc_address_is_mine(self, address, account_id=None):
async def jsonrpc_address_is_mine(self, address, account_id=None):
Checks if an address is associated with the current wallet.
@ -1452,9 +1395,11 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
(bool) true, if address is associated with current wallet
return self.wallet_manager.address_is_mine(
address, self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
match = await self.ledger.db.get_address(address=address, account=account)
if match is not None:
return True
return False
def jsonrpc_address_list(self, account_id=None, page=None, page_size=None):
@ -1815,7 +1760,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
amount = old_txo.amount
if claim_address is not None:
claim_address = old_txo.get_address(account.ledger)
@ -2078,7 +2023,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
amount = old_txo.amount
if claim_address is not None:
claim_address = old_txo.get_address(account.ledger)
@ -2193,7 +2138,12 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
if nout is None and txid is not None:
raise Exception('Must specify nout')
tx = await self.wallet_manager.abandon_claim(claim_id, txid, nout, account)
claim = await account.get_claim(claim_id=claim_id, txid=txid, nout=nout)
if not claim:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.abandon(claim, [account], account)
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('abandon')
if blocking:
await self.ledger.wait(tx)
@ -2234,7 +2184,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
--winning : (bool) limit to winning claims
response = await
resolutions = await self.wallet_manager.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
response['claims'] = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
response['claims'] = sort_claim_results(response['claims'])
return response
@ -2260,7 +2210,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
except URIParseError:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is not a valid uri" % chan_uri}
resolved = await self.wallet_manager.resolve(*valid_uris, page=page, page_size=page_size)
resolved = await self.resolve(*valid_uris, page=page, page_size=page_size)
if 'error' in resolved:
return {'error': resolved['error']}
for u in resolved:
@ -2329,7 +2279,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
claim_abandon [<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
support abandon [<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
[<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
@ -2710,7 +2660,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
if uri or stream_hash or sd_hash:
if uri:
metadata = (await self.wallet_manager.resolve(uri))[uri]
metadata = (await self.resolve(uri))[uri]
sd_hash = utils.get_sd_hash(metadata)
stream_hash = await
elif stream_hash:
@ -2878,16 +2828,23 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
result['node_id'] = hexlify(self.dht_node.protocol.node_id).decode()
return result
def valid_address_or_error(self, address):
if not self.ledger.is_valid_address(address):
raise Exception(f"'{address}' is not a valid address")
raise Exception(f"'{address}' is not a valid address")
def get_fee_address(self, kwargs: dict, claim_address: str) -> str:
if 'fee_address' in kwargs:
return kwargs['fee_address']
return claim_address
async def get_receiving_address(self, address: str, account: LBCAccount) -> str:
if address is None:
return await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
return address
@ -2965,6 +2922,23 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for '{argument}': {e.args[0]}")
async def resolve(self, *uris, **kwargs):
page = kwargs.get('page', 0)
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size', 10)
ledger: MainNetLedger = self.default_account.ledger
results = await ledger.resolve(page, page_size, *uris)
if 'error' not in results:
value for value in results.values() if 'error' not in value
return results
async def get_claims_for_name(self, name: str):
response = await
resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
response['claims'] = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
return response
def _old_get_temp_claim_info(self, tx, txo, address, claim_dict, name, bid):
return {
"claim_id": txo.claim_id,
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class StreamManager:
raise ResolveError("cannot download a channel claim, specify a /path")
# resolve the claim
resolved = (await self.wallet.resolve(uri)).get(uri, {})
resolved = (await self.wallet.ledger.resolve(0, 10, uri)).get(uri, {})
resolved = resolved if 'value' in resolved else resolved.get('claim')
if not resolved:
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class Account(BaseAccount):
return super().get_balance(confirmations, **constraints)
def get_private_key_from_seed(cls, ledger: 'baseledger.BaseLedger', seed: str, password: str):
def get_private_key_from_seed(cls, ledger: 'ledger.MainNetLedger', seed: str, password: str):
return super().get_private_key_from_seed(
ledger, seed, password or 'lbryum'
@ -241,26 +241,5 @@ class Account(BaseAccount):
def get_support_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_support_count(account=self, **constraints)
async def send_to_addresses(self, amount, addresses, broadcast=False):
tx_class = self.ledger.transaction_class
tx = await tx_class.create(
tx_class.output_class.pay_pubkey_hash(amount, self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address))
for address in addresses
if broadcast:
await self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.ledger.release_outputs(
[txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs]
return tx
async def release_all_outputs(self):
await self.ledger.db.release_all_outputs(self)
@ -18,25 +18,6 @@ from lbrynet.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ReservedPoints:
def __init__(self, identifier, amount):
self.identifier = identifier
self.amount = amount
class BackwardsCompatibleNetwork:
def __init__(self, manager):
self.manager = manager
def get_local_height(self):
for ledger in self.manager.ledgers.values():
assert isinstance(ledger, MainNetLedger)
return ledger.headers.height
def get_server_height(self):
return self.get_local_height()
class LbryWalletManager(BaseWalletManager):
@ -47,14 +28,6 @@ class LbryWalletManager(BaseWalletManager):
def db(self) -> WalletDatabase:
return self.ledger.db
def wallet(self):
return self
def network(self):
return BackwardsCompatibleNetwork(self)
def use_encryption(self):
return self.default_account.serialize_encrypted
@ -214,46 +187,12 @@ class LbryWalletManager(BaseWalletManager):
def get_unused_address(self):
return self.default_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
def get_new_address(self):
return self.get_unused_address()
def reserve_points(self, address, amount: int):
# TODO: check if we have enough to cover amount
return ReservedPoints(address, amount)
async def send_amount_to_address(self, amount: int, destination_address: bytes, account=None):
account = account or self.default_account
tx = await, destination_address, [account], account)
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
return tx
def send_points_to_address(self, reserved: ReservedPoints, amount: int, account=None):
destination_address: bytes = reserved.identifier.encode('latin1')
return self.send_amount_to_address(amount, destination_address, account)
async def resolve(self, *uris, **kwargs):
page = kwargs.get('page', 0)
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size', 10)
ledger: MainNetLedger = self.default_account.ledger
results = await ledger.resolve(page, page_size, *uris)
if 'error' not in results:
await self.old_db.save_claims_for_resolve([
value for value in results.values() if 'error' not in value
return results
async def get_claims_for_name(self, name: str):
response = await
resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
response['claims'] = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
return response
async def address_is_mine(self, unknown_address, account):
match = await self.ledger.db.get_address(address=unknown_address, account=account)
if match is not None:
return True
return False
async def get_transaction(self, txid):
tx = await self.db.get_transaction(txid=txid)
if not tx:
@ -364,36 +303,6 @@ class LbryWalletManager(BaseWalletManager):
return history
def get_utxos(account: BaseAccount):
return account.get_utxos()
async def abandon_claim(self, claim_id, txid, nout, account):
claim = await account.get_claim(claim_id=claim_id, txid=txid, nout=nout)
if not claim:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.abandon(claim, [account], account)
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
# TODO: release reserved tx outputs in case anything fails by this point
return tx
def update_peer_address(self, peer, address):
pass # TODO: Data payments is disabled
def get_unused_address_for_peer(self, peer):
# TODO: Data payments is disabled
return self.get_unused_address()
def add_expected_payment(self, peer, amount):
pass # TODO: Data payments is disabled
def send_points(self, reserved_points, amount):
pass # TODO: Data payments is disabled
def cancel_point_reservation(self, reserved_points):
pass # fixme: disabled for now.
def save(self):
for wallet in self.wallets:
@ -159,6 +159,85 @@ class ChannelCommands(CommandTestCase):
class SupportCommands(CommandTestCase):
async def test_regular_supports_and_tip_supports(self):
# account2 will be used to send tips and supports to account1
account2_id = (await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_create('second account'))['id']
account2 = self.daemon.get_account_or_error(account2_id)
# send account2 5 LBC out of the 10 LBC in account1
result = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_send(
'5.0', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_address_unused(account2_id)
await self.on_transaction_dict(result)
# account1 and account2 balances:
await self.assertBalance(self.account, '4.999876')
await self.assertBalance(account2, '5.0')
# create the claim we'll be tipping and supporting
tx = await self.create_claim()
claim_id = tx['outputs'][0]['']
# account1 and account2 balances:
await self.assertBalance(self.account, '3.979769')
await self.assertBalance(account2, '5.0')
# send a tip to the claim using account2
tip = await self.out(
self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_tip(claim['claim_id'], '1.0', account2_id)
await self.on_transaction_dict(tip)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(tip)
# tips don't affect balance so account1 balance is same but account2 balance went down
self.assertEqual('3.979769', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('3.9998585', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# verify that the incoming tip is marked correctly as is_tip=True in account1
txs = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_transaction_list())
self.assertEqual(len(txs[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], True)
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['value'], '1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['fee'], '0.0')
# verify that the outgoing tip is marked correctly as is_tip=True in account2
txs2 = await self.out(
self.assertEqual(len(txs2[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '-1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], True)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['value'], '-1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['fee'], '-0.0001415')
# send a support to the claim using account2
support = await self.out(
self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_new_support('hovercraft', claim['claim_id'], '2.0', account2_id)
await self.on_transaction_dict(support)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(support)
# account2 balance went down ~2
self.assertEqual('3.979769', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('1.999717', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# verify that the outgoing support is marked correctly as is_tip=False in account2
txs2 = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_transaction_list(account2_id))
self.assertEqual(len(txs2[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '-2.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], False)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['value'], '0.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['fee'], '-0.0001415')
class ClaimCommands(CommandTestCase):
async def test_create_claim_names(self):
@ -488,80 +567,6 @@ class ClaimCommands(CommandTestCase):
out_of_bounds = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_list_by_channel(2, page_size=20, uri='@abc'))
self.assertEqual(out_of_bounds['error'], 'claim 20 greater than max 12')
async def test_regular_supports_and_tip_supports(self):
# account2 will be used to send tips and supports to account1
account2_id = (await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_create('second account'))['id']
# send account2 5 LBC out of the 10 LBC in account1
result = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_wallet_send(
'5.0', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_address_unused(account2_id)
await self.confirm_tx(result['txid'])
# account1 and account2 balances:
self.assertEqual('4.999876', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('5.0', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# create the claim we'll be tipping and supporting
claim = await self.make_claim()
# account1 and account2 balances:
self.assertEqual('3.979769', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('5.0', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# send a tip to the claim using account2
tip = await self.out(
self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_tip(claim['claim_id'], '1.0', account2_id)
await self.on_transaction_dict(tip)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(tip)
# tips don't affect balance so account1 balance is same but account2 balance went down
self.assertEqual('3.979769', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('3.9998585', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# verify that the incoming tip is marked correctly as is_tip=True in account1
txs = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_transaction_list())
self.assertEqual(len(txs[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], True)
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['value'], '1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs[0]['fee'], '0.0')
# verify that the outgoing tip is marked correctly as is_tip=True in account2
txs2 = await self.out(
self.assertEqual(len(txs2[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '-1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], True)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['value'], '-1.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['fee'], '-0.0001415')
# send a support to the claim using account2
support = await self.out(
self.daemon.jsonrpc_claim_new_support('hovercraft', claim['claim_id'], '2.0', account2_id)
await self.on_transaction_dict(support)
await self.generate(1)
await self.on_transaction_dict(support)
# account2 balance went down ~2
self.assertEqual('3.979769', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance())
self.assertEqual('1.999717', await self.daemon.jsonrpc_account_balance(account2_id))
# verify that the outgoing support is marked correctly as is_tip=False in account2
txs2 = await self.out(self.daemon.jsonrpc_transaction_list(account2_id))
self.assertEqual(len(txs2[0]['support_info']), 1)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['balance_delta'], '-2.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['claim_id'], claim['claim_id'])
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['support_info'][0]['is_tip'], False)
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['value'], '0.0')
self.assertEqual(txs2[0]['fee'], '-0.0001415')
async def test_normalization_resolution(self):
# this test assumes that the lbrycrd forks normalization at height == 250 on regtest
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def get_test_daemon(conf: Config, with_fee=False):
daemon.payment_rate_manager = OnlyFreePaymentsManager()
daemon.wallet_manager = mock.Mock(spec=LbryWalletManager)
daemon.wallet_manager.wallet = mock.Mock(spec=Wallet)
daemon.wallet_manager.wallet.use_encryption = False
daemon.wallet_manager.use_encryption = False
|||| = FakeNetwork()
|||| = mock.Mock(spec=SQLiteStorage)
market_feeds = [BTCLBCFeed(), USDBTCFeed()]
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def get_test_daemon(conf: Config, with_fee=False):
{"fee": {"USD": {"address": "bQ6BGboPV2SpTMEP7wLNiAcnsZiH8ye6eA", "amount": 0.75}}})
migrated = smart_decode(json.dumps(metadata))
daemon._resolve = daemon.wallet_manager.resolve = lambda *_: defer.succeed(
daemon._resolve = daemon.resolve = lambda *_: defer.succeed(
{"test": {'claim': {'value': migrated.claim_dict}}})
return daemon
Add table
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