forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
reorganized commands and finished support_abandon with --keep
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 403 additions and 290 deletions
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from lbrynet.extras.daemon.ComponentManager import RequiredCondition
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.ComponentManager import ComponentManager
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.json_response_encoder import JSONResponseEncoder
from lbrynet.extras.daemon.undecorated import undecorated
from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output, Input
from lbrynet.wallet.account import Account as LBCAccount
from lbrynet.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc, lbc_to_dewies
from lbrynet.schema.claim import Claim
@ -1616,28 +1616,200 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
result = True
return result
Stream information.
List, search and abandon all types of claims.
def jsonrpc_stream_cost_estimate(self, uri):
def jsonrpc_claim_list(self, account_id=None, page=None, page_size=None):
Get estimated cost for a lbry stream
List my name claims
stream_cost_estimate (<uri> | --uri=<uri>)
claim_list [<account_id> | --account_id=<account_id>]
[--page=<page>] [--page_size=<page_size>]
--uri=<uri> : (str) uri to use
(float) Estimated cost in lbry credits, returns None if uri is not
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) id of the account to query
--page=<page> : (int) page to return during paginating
--page_size=<page_size> : (int) number of items on page during pagination
return self.get_est_cost_from_uri(uri)
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
return maybe_paginate(
page, page_size
async def jsonrpc_claim_search(self, name, channel_id=None, winning=False):
Search for claims on the blockchain.
claim_search (<name> | --name=<name>) [--channel_id=<channel_id>] [--winning]
--name=<name> : (str) name of the claim to list info about
--channel_id=<channel_id> : (str) limit search to specific channel
--winning : (bool) limit to winning claims
response = await
resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
response['claims'] = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
response['claims'] = sort_claim_results(response['claims'])
return response
Resolve claim info from txid/nout or with claim ID
claim_show [<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
[<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
--txid=<txid> : (str) look for claim with this txid, nout must
also be specified
--nout=<nout> : (int) look for claim with this nout, txid must
also be specified
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) look for claim with this claim id
if claim_id is not None and txid is None and nout is None:
claim_results = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
elif txid is not None and nout is not None and claim_id is None:
claim_results = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_outpoint(txid, int(nout))
raise Exception("Must specify either txid/nout, or claim_id")
return claim_results
async def jsonrpc_claim_list_by_channel(self, page=0, page_size=10, uri=None, uris=[]):
Get paginated claims in a channel specified by a channel uri
claim_list_by_channel (<uri> | --uri=<uri>) [<uris>...] [--page=<page>]
--uri=<uri> : (str) uri of the channel
--uris=<uris> : (list) uris of the channel
--page=<page> : (int) which page of results to return where page 1 is the first
page, defaults to no pages
--page_size=<page_size> : (int) number of results in a page, default of 10
resolved channel uri: {
If there was an error:
'error': (str) error message
'claims_in_channel': the total number of results for the channel,
If a page of results was requested:
'returned_page': page number returned,
'claims_in_channel': [
'absolute_channel_position': (int) claim index number in sorted list of
claims which assert to be part of the
'address': (str) claim address,
'amount': (float) claim amount,
'effective_amount': (float) claim amount including supports,
'claim_id': (str) claim id,
'decoded_claim': (bool) whether or not the claim value was decoded,
'height': (int) claim height,
'depth': (int) claim depth,
'has_signature': (bool) included if decoded_claim
'name': (str) claim name,
'supports: (list) list of supports [{'txid': (str) txid,
'nout': (int) nout,
'amount': (float) amount}],
'txid': (str) claim txid,
'nout': (str) claim nout,
'signature_is_valid': (bool), included if has_signature,
'value': ClaimDict if decoded, otherwise hex string
uris = tuple(uris)
page = int(page)
page_size = int(page_size)
if uri is not None:
uris += (uri,)
results = {}
valid_uris = tuple()
for chan_uri in uris:
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(chan_uri)
if not parsed.contains_channel:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is not a channel uri" %}
elif parsed.path:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is a claim in a channel" % parsed.path}
valid_uris += (chan_uri,)
except URIParseError:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is not a valid uri" % chan_uri}
resolved = await self.resolve(*valid_uris, page=page, page_size=page_size)
if 'error' in resolved:
return {'error': resolved['error']}
for u in resolved:
if 'error' in resolved[u]:
results[u] = resolved[u]
results[u] = {
'claims_in_channel': resolved[u]['claims_in_channel']
if page:
results[u]['returned_page'] = page
results[u]['claims_in_channel'] = resolved[u].get('claims_in_channel', [])
return results
async def jsonrpc_claim_abandon(
self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None, account_id=None,
preview=False, blocking=True):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
claim_abandon [<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
[<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
[--preview] [--blocking]
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) claim_id of the claim to abandon
--txid=<txid> : (str) txid of the claim to abandon
--nout=<nout> : (int) nout of the claim to abandon
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) id of the account to use
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
--blocking : (bool) wait until abandon is in mempool
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
if txid and nout:
claims = await account.get_claims(**{'txo.txid': txid, 'txo.position': nout})
elif claim_id:
claims = await account.get_claims(claim_id=claim_id)
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if not claims:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.create(
[Input.spend(txo) for txo in claims], [], [account], account
if not preview:
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('abandon')
if blocking:
await account.ledger.wait(tx)
await account.ledger.release_tx(tx)
return tx
Channel management.
@ -1854,21 +2026,93 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
return await self.wallet_manager.import_certificate_info(serialized_certificate_info)
Claim management.
Create, update, list and inspect stream claims.
async def jsonrpc_publish(
async def jsonrpc_publish(self, name, **kwargs):
Create or update a stream claim at a given name (use 'stream create/update' for more control).
publish (<name> | --name=<name>) (<bid> | --bid=<bid>) (<file_path> | --file_path=<file_path>)
(<stream_type> | --stream_type=<stream_type>) [--tags=<tags>...]
[--fee_currency=<fee_currency>] [--fee_amount=<fee_amount>] [--fee_address=<fee_address>]
[--title=<title>] [--description=<description>] [--author=<author>] [--language=<language>]
[--license=<license>] [--license_url=<license_url>] [--thumbnail_url=<thumbnail_url>]
[--release_time=<release_time>] [--stream_type=<stream_type>]
[--video_width=<video_width>] [--video_height=<video_height>] [--video_duration=<video_duration>]
[--image_width=<image_width>] [--image_height=<image_height>] [--audio_duration=<audio_duration>]
[--channel_id=<channel_id>] [--channel_account_id=<channel_account_id>...]
[--account_id=<account_id>] [--claim_address=<claim_address>] [--preview]
--name=<name> : (str) name of the content (can only consist of a-z A-Z 0-9 and -(dash))
--bid=<bid> : (decimal) amount to back the claim
--file_path=<file_path> : (str) path to file to be associated with name.
--tags=<tags> : (list) content tags
--fee_currency=<fee_currency> : (string) specify fee currency
--fee_amount=<fee_amount> : (decimal) content download fee
--fee_address=<fee_address> : (str) address where to send fee payments, will use
value from --claim_address if not provided
--title=<title> : (str) title of the publication
--description=<description> : (str) description of the publication
--author=<author> : (str) author of the publication. The usage for this field is not
the same as for channels. The author field is used to credit an author
who is not the publisher and is not represented by the channel. For
example, a pdf file of 'The Odyssey' has an author of 'Homer' but may
by published to a channel such as '@classics', or to no channel at all
--language=<language> : (str) language of the publication
--license=<license> : (str) publication license
--license_url=<license_url> : (str) publication license url
--thumbnail_url=<thumbnail_url>: (str) thumbnail url
--release_time=<duration> : (int) original public release of content, seconds since UNIX epoch
--duration=<duration> : (int) audio/video duration in seconds, an attempt will be made to
calculate this automatically if not provided
--stream_type=<stream_type> : (str) type of stream
--image_width=<image_width> : (int) image width
--image_height=<image_height> : (int) image height
--video_width=<video_width> : (int) video width
--video_height=<video_height> : (int) video height
--video_duration=<duration> : (int) video duration in seconds, an attempt will be made to
calculate this automatically if not provided
--audio_duration=<duration> : (int) audio duration in seconds, an attempt will be made to
calculate this automatically if not provided
--channel_id=<channel_id> : (str) claim id of the publisher channel
--channel_account_id=<channel_id>: (str) one or more account ids for accounts to look in
for channel certificates, defaults to all accounts.
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) account to use for funding the transaction
--claim_address=<claim_address>: (str) address where the claim is sent to, if not specified
it will be determined automatically from the account
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
account = self.get_account_or_default(kwargs.get('account_id'))
claims = await account.get_claims(claim_name=name)
if len(claims) == 0:
return await self.jsonrpc_stream_create(name, **kwargs)
elif len(claims) == 1:
assert claims[0].claim.is_stream, f"Claim at name '{name}' is not a stream claim."
return await self.jsonrpc_stream_update(claims[0].claim_id, **kwargs)
raise Exception(
f"There are {len(claims)} claims for '{name}', please use 'stream update' command "
f"to update a specific stream claim."
async def jsonrpc_stream_create(
self, name, bid, file_path, allow_duplicate_name=False,
channel_id=None, channel_account_id=None,
account_id=None, claim_address=None, preview=False, **kwargs):
Make a new name claim and publish associated data to lbrynet.
Make a new stream claim and announce the associated file to lbrynet.
publish (<name> | --name=<name>) (<bid> | --bid=<bid>) (<file_path> | --file_path=<file_path>)
stream_create (<name> | --name=<name>) (<bid> | --bid=<bid>)
(<file_path> | --file_path=<file_path>)
(<stream_type> | --stream_type=<stream_type>)
[--tags=<tags>...] [--allow_duplicate_name=<allow_duplicate_name>]
[--fee_currency=<fee_currency>] [--fee_amount=<fee_amount>] [--fee_address=<fee_address>]
@ -1922,18 +2166,18 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
it will be determined automatically from the account
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
channel = await self.get_channel_or_none(channel_account_id, channel_id, for_signing=True)
name = self.get_claim_name_or_error(name)
amount = self.get_dewies_or_error('bid', bid, positive_value=True)
claim_address = await self.get_receiving_address(claim_address, account)
kwargs['fee_address'] = self.get_fee_address(kwargs, claim_address)
existing_claims = await account.get_claims(claim_name=name)
if len(existing_claims) > 0:
claims = await account.get_claims(claim_name=name)
if len(claims) > 0:
if not allow_duplicate_name:
raise Exception(
f"You already have a claim published under the name '{name}'. "
f"You already have a stream claim published under the name '{name}'. "
f"Use --allow-duplicate-name flag to override."
@ -1966,16 +2210,16 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
async def jsonrpc_claim_update(
async def jsonrpc_stream_update(
self, claim_id, bid=None, file_path=None,
channel_id=None, channel_account_id=None, clear_channel=False,
account_id=None, claim_address=None,
preview=False, **kwargs):
Modify an existing claim.
Update an existing stream claim and if a new file is provided announce it to lbrynet.
claim_update (<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>)
stream_update (<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>)
[--bid=<bid>] [--file_path=<file_path>] [--tags=<tags>...] [--clear-tags]
[--fee_currency=<fee_currency>] [--fee_amount=<fee_amount>] [--fee_address=<fee_address>]
[--title=<title>] [--description=<description>] [--author=<author>] [--language=<language>]
@ -1987,7 +2231,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
[--account_id=<account_id>] [--claim_address=<claim_address>] [--preview]
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) id of the claim to update
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) id of the stream claim to update
--bid=<bid> : (decimal) amount to back the claim
--file_path=<file_path> : (str) path to file to be associated with name.
--tags=<tags> : (list) content tags
@ -2084,99 +2328,9 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
return tx
async def jsonrpc_claim_show(self, txid=None, nout=None, claim_id=None):
def jsonrpc_stream_list(self, account_id=None, page=None, page_size=None):
Resolve claim info from txid/nout or with claim ID
claim_show [<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
[<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
--txid=<txid> : (str) look for claim with this txid, nout must
also be specified
--nout=<nout> : (int) look for claim with this nout, txid must
also be specified
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) look for claim with this claim id
(dict) Dictionary containing claim info as below,
'txid': (str) txid of claim
'nout': (int) nout of claim
'amount': (float) amount of claim
'value': (str) value of claim
'height' : (int) height of claim takeover
'claim_id': (str) claim ID of claim
'supports': (list) list of supports associated with claim
if claim cannot be resolved, dictionary as below will be returned
'error': (str) reason for error
if claim_id is not None and txid is None and nout is None:
claim_results = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_claim_id(claim_id)
elif txid is not None and nout is not None and claim_id is None:
claim_results = await self.wallet_manager.get_claim_by_outpoint(txid, int(nout))
raise Exception("Must specify either txid/nout, or claim_id")
return claim_results
async def jsonrpc_claim_abandon(
self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None, account_id=None,
preview=False, blocking=True):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
claim_abandon [<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
[<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
[--preview] [--blocking]
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) claim_id of the claim to abandon
--txid=<txid> : (str) txid of the claim to abandon
--nout=<nout> : (int) nout of the claim to abandon
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) id of the account to use
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
--blocking : (bool) wait until abandon is in mempool
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
if claim_id is None and txid is None and nout is None:
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if txid is None and nout is not None:
raise Exception('Must specify txid')
if nout is None and txid is not None:
raise Exception('Must specify nout')
claim = await account.get_claim(claim_id=claim_id, txid=txid, nout=nout)
if not claim:
raise Exception('No claim found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
tx = await Transaction.abandon(claim, [account], account)
if not preview:
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('abandon')
if blocking:
await account.ledger.wait(tx)
await account.ledger.release_tx(tx)
return tx
def jsonrpc_claim_list(self, account_id=None, page=None, page_size=None):
List my name claims
List my stream claims.
claim_list [<account_id> | --account_id=<account_id>]
@ -2189,115 +2343,32 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
return maybe_paginate(
page, page_size
async def jsonrpc_claim_search(self, name, channel_id=None, winning=False):
def jsonrpc_stream_cost_estimate(self, uri):
Search for claims on the blockchain.
Get estimated cost for a lbry stream
claim_search (<name> | --name=<name>) [--channel_id=<channel_id>] [--winning]
stream_cost_estimate (<uri> | --uri=<uri>)
--name=<name> : (str) name of the claim to list info about
--channel_id=<channel_id> : (str) limit search to specific channel
--winning : (bool) limit to winning claims
response = await
resolutions = await self.resolve(*(f"{claim['name']}#{claim['claim_id']}" for claim in response['claims']))
response['claims'] = [value.get('claim', value.get('certificate')) for value in resolutions.values()]
response['claims'] = sort_claim_results(response['claims'])
return response
--uri=<uri> : (str) uri to use
async def jsonrpc_claim_list_by_channel(self, page=0, page_size=10, uri=None, uris=[]):
Get paginated claims in a channel specified by a channel uri
claim_list_by_channel (<uri> | --uri=<uri>) [<uris>...] [--page=<page>]
--uri=<uri> : (str) uri of the channel
--uris=<uris> : (list) uris of the channel
--page=<page> : (int) which page of results to return where page 1 is the first
page, defaults to no pages
--page_size=<page_size> : (int) number of results in a page, default of 10
resolved channel uri: {
If there was an error:
'error': (str) error message
'claims_in_channel': the total number of results for the channel,
If a page of results was requested:
'returned_page': page number returned,
'claims_in_channel': [
'absolute_channel_position': (int) claim index number in sorted list of
claims which assert to be part of the
'address': (str) claim address,
'amount': (float) claim amount,
'effective_amount': (float) claim amount including supports,
'claim_id': (str) claim id,
'decoded_claim': (bool) whether or not the claim value was decoded,
'height': (int) claim height,
'depth': (int) claim depth,
'has_signature': (bool) included if decoded_claim
'name': (str) claim name,
'supports: (list) list of supports [{'txid': (str) txid,
'nout': (int) nout,
'amount': (float) amount}],
'txid': (str) claim txid,
'nout': (str) claim nout,
'signature_is_valid': (bool), included if has_signature,
'value': ClaimDict if decoded, otherwise hex string
(float) Estimated cost in lbry credits, returns None if uri is not
uris = tuple(uris)
page = int(page)
page_size = int(page_size)
if uri is not None:
uris += (uri,)
results = {}
valid_uris = tuple()
for chan_uri in uris:
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(chan_uri)
if not parsed.contains_channel:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is not a channel uri" %}
elif parsed.path:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is a claim in a channel" % parsed.path}
valid_uris += (chan_uri,)
except URIParseError:
results[chan_uri] = {"error": "%s is not a valid uri" % chan_uri}
resolved = await self.resolve(*valid_uris, page=page, page_size=page_size)
if 'error' in resolved:
return {'error': resolved['error']}
for u in resolved:
if 'error' in resolved[u]:
results[u] = resolved[u]
results[u] = {
'claims_in_channel': resolved[u]['claims_in_channel']
if page:
results[u]['returned_page'] = page
results[u]['claims_in_channel'] = resolved[u].get('claims_in_channel', [])
return results
return self.get_est_cost_from_uri(uri)
Support and tip management.
Create, list and abandon all types of supports.
@ -2344,46 +2415,6 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
return tx
async def jsonrpc_support_abandon(self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None, account_id=None, blocking=True):
Abandon a name and reclaim credits from the claim
support_abandon [<claim_id> | --claim_id=<claim_id>]
[<txid> | --txid=<txid>] [<nout> | --nout=<nout>]
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) claim_id of the claim to abandon
--txid=<txid> : (str) txid of the claim to abandon
--nout=<nout> : (int) nout of the claim to abandon
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) id of the account to use
--blocking : (bool) wait until abandon is in mempool
(dict) Dictionary containing result of the claim
success: (bool) True if txn is successful
txid : (str) txid of resulting transaction
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
if claim_id is None and txid is None and nout is None:
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if txid is None and nout is not None:
raise Exception('Must specify txid')
if nout is None and txid is not None:
raise Exception('Must specify nout')
tx = await self.wallet_manager.abandon_claim(claim_id, txid, nout, account)
await self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('abandon')
if blocking:
await self.ledger.wait(tx)
return {"success": True, "tx": tx}
def jsonrpc_support_list(self, account_id=None, page=None, page_size=None):
@ -2405,6 +2436,69 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
page, page_size
async def jsonrpc_support_abandon(
self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None, keep=None,
account_id=None, preview=False, blocking=True):
Abandon supports, including tips, to a specific claim, optionally
keeping some amount as supports.
support_abandon [--claim_id=<claim_id>] [(--txid=<txid> --nout=<nout>)] [--keep=<keep>]
[--account_id=<account_id>] [--preview] [--blocking]
--claim_id=<claim_id> : (str) claim_id of the claim to abandon
--txid=<txid> : (str) txid of the claim to abandon
--nout=<nout> : (int) nout of the claim to abandon
--keep=<keep> : (decimal) amount of lbc to keep as support
--account_id=<account_id> : (str) id of the account to use
--preview : (bool) do not broadcast the transaction
--blocking : (bool) wait until abandon is in mempool
account = self.get_account_or_default(account_id)
if txid and nout:
supports = await account.get_supports(**{'txo.txid': txid, 'txo.position': nout})
elif claim_id:
supports = await account.get_supports(claim_id=claim_id)
raise Exception('Must specify claim_id, or txid and nout')
if not supports:
raise Exception('No supports found for the specified claim_id or txid:nout')
if keep is not None:
keep = self.get_dewies_or_error('keep', keep)
keep = 0
outputs = []
if keep > 0:
outputs = [
keep, supports[0].claim_name, supports[0].claim_id,
await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
tx = await Transaction.create(
[Input.spend(txo) for txo in supports], outputs, [account], account
if not preview:
await account.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('abandon')
if blocking:
await account.ledger.wait(tx)
await account.ledger.release_tx(tx)
return tx
Transaction management.
@ -2905,6 +2999,40 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
raise Exception(f"'{address}' is not a valid address")
def valid_stream_name_or_error(name: str):
if not name:
raise Exception(
"Stream name cannot be blank."
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(name)
if parsed.is_channel:
raise Exception(
"Stream names cannot start with '@' symbol. This is reserved for channels claims."
if != name:
raise Exception(
"Stream name has invalid characters."
except (TypeError, URIParseError):
raise Exception("Invalid stream name.")
def valid_channel_name_or_error(name: str):
if not name:
raise Exception(
"Channel name cannot be blank."
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(name)
if not parsed.is_channel:
raise Exception("Channel names must start with '@' symbol.")
if != name:
raise Exception("Channel name has invalid character")
except (TypeError, URIParseError):
raise Exception("Invalid channel name.")
def get_fee_address(self, kwargs: dict, claim_address: str) -> str:
if 'fee_address' in kwargs:
@ -2917,30 +3045,6 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
return address
def get_claim_name_or_error(name: str) -> str:
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(name)
if != name:
raise Exception("Claim name given has invalid characters.")
if parsed.is_channel:
raise Exception("Claim names cannot start with @ symbol. This is reserved for channels.")
except (TypeError, URIParseError):
raise Exception("Invalid claim name given.")
return name
def get_channel_name_or_error(channel_name: str) -> str:
parsed = parse_lbry_uri(channel_name)
if not parsed.contains_channel:
raise Exception("Cannot make a new channel for a non channel name")
if parsed.path:
raise Exception("Invalid channel uri")
except (TypeError, URIParseError):
raise Exception("Invalid channel name")
return channel_name
async def get_channel_or_none(self, account_ids: List[str], channel_id: str = None,
for_signing: bool = False) -> Output:
if channel_id is not None:
@ -200,12 +200,6 @@ class Account(BaseAccount):
details['certificates'] = len(self.channel_keys)
return details
def get_claim(self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None):
if claim_id is not None:
return self.ledger.db.get_claims(account=self, claim_id=claim_id)
elif txid is not None and nout is not None:
return self.ledger.db.get_claims(**{'account': self, 'txo.txid': txid, 'txo.position': nout})
def constraint_spending_utxos(constraints):
constraints.update({'is_claim': 0, 'is_update': 0, 'is_support': 0})
@ -224,6 +218,12 @@ class Account(BaseAccount):
def get_claim_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_claim_count(account=self, **constraints)
def get_streams(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_streams(account=self, **constraints)
def get_stream_count(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_stream_count(account=self, **constraints)
def get_channels(self, **constraints):
return self.ledger.db.get_channels(account=self, **constraints)
@ -91,6 +91,19 @@ class WalletDatabase(BaseDatabase):
return self.get_utxo_count(**constraints)
def constrain_streams(constraints):
if 'claim_name' not in constraints or 'claim_id' not in constraints:
constraints['claim_name__not_like'] = '@%'
def get_streams(self, **constraints):
return self.get_claims(**constraints)
def get_stream_count(self, **constraints):
return self.get_claim_count(**constraints)
def constrain_channels(constraints):
if 'claim_name' not in constraints or 'claim_id' not in constraints:
@ -225,10 +225,6 @@ class Transaction(BaseTransaction):
return cls.create([], [claim_output], funding_accounts, change_account)
def abandon(cls, claims: Iterable[Output], funding_accounts: Iterable[Account], change_account: Account):
return cls.create([Input.spend(txo) for txo in claims], [], funding_accounts, change_account)
def my_inputs(self):
for txi in self.inputs:
Add table
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