forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
update SQLiteStorage
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 224 additions and 395 deletions
@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import traceback
import sqlite3
import typing
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from lbrynet.extras.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc, lbc_to_dewies
import asyncio
import binascii
from torba.client.basedatabase import SQLiteMixin
from lbrynet.conf import Config
from lbrynet.extras.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc, lbc_to_dewies
from lbrynet.schema.claim import ClaimDict
from lbrynet.schema.decode import smart_decode
from lbrynet.blob.CryptBlob import CryptBlobInfo
from lbrynet.dht.constants import dataExpireTimeout
from torba.client.basedatabase import SQLiteMixin
from lbrynet.dht.constants import data_expiration
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from lbrynet.blob.blob_file import BlobFile
from import StreamDescriptor
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
opt_str = typing.Optional[str]
opt_int = typing.Optional[int]
def calculate_effective_amount(amount: str, supports: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Dict]] = None) -> str:
@ -21,50 +25,97 @@ def calculate_effective_amount(amount: str, supports: typing.Optional[typing.Lis
def _get_next_available_file_name(download_directory, file_name):
base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
i = 0
while os.path.isfile(os.path.join(download_directory, file_name)):
i += 1
file_name = "%s_%i%s" % (base_name, i, ext)
return os.path.join(download_directory, file_name)
class StoredStreamClaim:
def __init__(self, stream_hash: str, outpoint: opt_str = None, claim_id: opt_str = None, name: opt_str = None,
amount: opt_int = None, height: opt_int = None, serialized: opt_str = None,
channel_claim_id: opt_str = None, address: opt_str = None, claim_sequence: opt_int = None,
channel_name: opt_str = None):
self.stream_hash = stream_hash
self.claim_id = claim_id
self.outpoint = outpoint
self.claim_name = name
self.amount = amount
self.height = height
self.claim: typing.Optional[ClaimDict] = None if not serialized else smart_decode(serialized)
self.claim_address = address
self.claim_sequence = claim_sequence
self.channel_claim_id = channel_claim_id
self.channel_name = channel_name
def txid(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
return None if not self.outpoint else self.outpoint.split(":")[0]
def nout(self) -> typing.Optional[int]:
return None if not self.outpoint else int(self.outpoint.split(":")[1])
def metadata(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Dict]:
return None if not self.claim else self.claim.claim_dict['stream']['metadata']
def as_dict(self) -> typing.Dict:
return {
"name": self.claim_name,
"claim_id": self.claim_id,
"address": self.claim_address,
"claim_sequence": self.claim_sequence,
"value": self.claim,
"height": self.height,
"amount": dewies_to_lbc(self.amount),
"nout": self.nout,
"txid": self.txid,
"channel_claim_id": self.channel_claim_id,
"channel_name": self.channel_name
def _open_file_for_writing(download_directory, suggested_file_name):
file_path = _get_next_available_file_name(download_directory, suggested_file_name)
file_handle = open(file_path, 'wb')
except IOError:
raise ValueError(
"Failed to open %s. Make sure you have permission to save files to that location." % file_path
return os.path.basename(file_path)
async def open_file_for_writing(download_directory: str, suggested_file_name: str) -> str:
""" Used to touch the path of a file to be downloaded. """
return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
None, _open_file_for_writing, download_directory, suggested_file_name
def get_claims_from_stream_hashes(transaction: sqlite3.Connection,
stream_hashes: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Dict[str, StoredStreamClaim]:
query = (
"select content_claim.stream_hash, c.*, case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then "
" (select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) "
" else null end as channel_name "
" from content_claim "
" inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint and content_claim.stream_hash in {}"
" order by c.rowid desc"
return {
claim_info.stream_hash: claim_info
for claim_info in [
None if not claim_info else StoredStreamClaim(*claim_info)
for claim_info in _batched_select(transaction, query, stream_hashes)
async def looping_call(interval, fun):
while True:
await fun()
except Exception as e:
log.exception('Looping call experienced exception:', exc_info=e)
await asyncio.sleep(interval)
def get_content_claim_from_outpoint(transaction: sqlite3.Connection,
outpoint: str) -> typing.Optional[StoredStreamClaim]:
query = (
"select content_claim.stream_hash, c.*, case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then "
" (select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) "
" else null end as channel_name "
" from content_claim "
" inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint and content_claim.claim_outpoint=?"
claim_fields = transaction.execute(query, (outpoint, )).fetchone()
if claim_fields:
return StoredStreamClaim(*claim_fields)
def _batched_select(transaction, query, parameters):
for start_index in range(0, len(parameters), 900):
current_batch = parameters[start_index:start_index+900]
bind = "({})".format(','.join(['?'] * len(current_batch)))
for result in transaction.execute(query.format(bind), current_batch):
yield result
class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
pragma foreign_keys=on;
pragma journal_mode=WAL;
create table if not exists blob (
blob_hash char(96) primary key not null,
blob_length integer not null,
@ -74,7 +125,7 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
last_announced_time integer,
single_announce integer
create table if not exists stream (
stream_hash char(96) not null primary key,
sd_hash char(96) not null references blob,
@ -82,7 +133,7 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
stream_name text not null,
suggested_filename text not null
create table if not exists stream_blob (
stream_hash char(96) not null references stream,
blob_hash char(96) references blob,
@ -90,7 +141,7 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
iv char(32) not null,
primary key (stream_hash, blob_hash)
create table if not exists claim (
claim_outpoint text not null primary key,
claim_id char(40) not null,
@ -110,20 +161,20 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
blob_data_rate real not null,
status text not null
create table if not exists content_claim (
stream_hash text unique not null references file,
claim_outpoint text not null references claim,
primary key (stream_hash, claim_outpoint)
create table if not exists support (
support_outpoint text not null primary key,
claim_id text not null,
amount integer not null,
address text not null
create table if not exists reflected_stream (
sd_hash text not null,
reflector_address text not null,
@ -136,21 +187,8 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
self.conf = conf
self.content_claim_callbacks = {}
self.check_should_announce_lc = None
self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def open(self):
await super().open()
if 'reflector' not in self.conf.components_to_skip:
self.check_should_announce_lc = looping_call(
600, self.verify_will_announce_all_head_and_sd_blobs
async def close(self):
if self.check_should_announce_lc is not None:
await super().close()
async def run_and_return_one_or_none(self, query, *args):
for row in await self.db.execute_fetchall(query, args):
if len(row) == 1:
@ -161,33 +199,29 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
rows = list(await self.db.execute_fetchall(query, args))
return [col[0] for col in rows] if rows else []
async def run_and_return_id(self, query, *args):
return (await self.db.execute(query, args)).lastrowid
# # # # # # # # # blob functions # # # # # # # # #
def add_completed_blob(self, blob_hash, length, next_announce_time, should_announce, status="finished"):
log.debug("Adding a completed blob. blob_hash=%s, length=%i", blob_hash, length)
values = (blob_hash, length, next_announce_time or 0, int(bool(should_announce)), status, 0, 0)
return self.db.execute("insert or replace into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", values)
def add_completed_blob(self, blob_hash: str):
log.debug("Adding a completed blob. blob_hash=%s", blob_hash)
return self.db.execute("update blob set status='finished' where blob.blob_hash=?", (blob_hash, ))
def set_should_announce(self, blob_hash, next_announce_time, should_announce):
def set_should_announce(self, blob_hash: str, next_announce_time: int, should_announce: int):
return self.db.execute(
"update blob set next_announce_time=?, should_announce=? where blob_hash=?",
(next_announce_time or 0, int(bool(should_announce)), blob_hash)
def get_blob_status(self, blob_hash):
def get_blob_status(self, blob_hash: str):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select status from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
def add_known_blob(self, blob_hash, length):
def add_known_blob(self, blob_hash: str, length: int):
return self.db.execute(
"insert or ignore into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (blob_hash, length, 0, 0, "pending", 0, 0)
def should_announce(self, blob_hash):
def should_announce(self, blob_hash: str):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select should_announce from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
@ -202,22 +236,25 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
"select blob_hash from blob where should_announce=1 and status='finished'"
async def get_all_finished_blobs(self):
blob_hashes = await self.run_and_return_list(
def get_all_finished_blobs(self):
return self.run_and_return_list(
"select blob_hash from blob where status='finished'"
return [unhexlify(blob_hash) for blob_hash in blob_hashes]
def count_finished_blobs(self):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select count(*) from blob where status='finished'"
def update_last_announced_blob(self, blob_hash, last_announced):
return self.db.execute(
"update blob set next_announce_time=?, last_announced_time=?, single_announce=0 where blob_hash=?",
(int(last_announced + (dataExpireTimeout / 2)), int(last_announced), blob_hash)
def update_last_announced_blobs(self, blob_hashes: typing.List[str], last_announced: float):
def _update_last_announced_blobs(transaction: sqlite3.Connection):
return transaction.executemany(
"update blob set next_announce_time=?, last_announced_time=?, single_announce=0 "
"where blob_hash=?",
[(int(last_announced + (data_expiration / 2)), int(last_announced), blob_hash)
for blob_hash in blob_hashes]
def should_single_announce_blobs(self, blob_hashes, immediate=False):
def set_single_announce(transaction):
@ -230,7 +267,7 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
"update blob set single_announce=1 where blob_hash=? and status='finished'", (blob_hash, )
"update blob set single_announce=1 where blob_hash=? and status='finished'", (blob_hash,)
@ -255,203 +292,87 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
def delete_blobs_from_db(self, blob_hashes):
def delete_blobs(transaction):
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", (blob_hash,))
"delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", [(blob_hash,) for blob_hash in blob_hashes]
def get_all_blob_hashes(self):
return self.run_and_return_list("select blob_hash from blob")
# # # # # # # # # stream blob functions # # # # # # # # #
def add_blobs_to_stream(self, stream_hash, blob_infos):
def _add_stream_blobs(transaction):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
transaction.execute("insert into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
(stream_hash, blob_info.get('blob_hash', None),
blob_info['blob_num'], blob_info['iv']))
async def add_known_blobs(self, blob_infos):
for blob_info in blob_infos:
if blob_info.get('blob_hash') and blob_info['length']:
await self.add_known_blob(blob_info['blob_hash'], blob_info['length'])
def verify_will_announce_head_and_sd_blobs(self, stream_hash):
# fix should_announce for imported head and sd blobs
return self.db.execute(
"update blob set should_announce=1 "
"where should_announce=0 and "
"blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b inner join stream s on b.blob_hash=s.sd_hash and s.stream_hash=?) "
"or blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b "
" inner join stream_blob s2 on b.blob_hash=s2.blob_hash and s2.position=0 and s2.stream_hash=?)",
(stream_hash, stream_hash)
def verify_will_announce_all_head_and_sd_blobs(self):
return self.db.execute(
"update blob set should_announce=1 "
"where should_announce=0 and "
"blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b inner join stream s on b.blob_hash=s.sd_hash) "
"or blob.blob_hash in "
" (select b.blob_hash from blob b "
" inner join stream_blob s2 on b.blob_hash=s2.blob_hash and s2.position=0)"
# # # # # # # # # stream functions # # # # # # # # #
def store_stream(self, stream_hash, sd_hash, stream_name, stream_key, suggested_file_name,
Add a stream to the stream table
async def stream_exists(self, sd_hash: str) -> bool:
streams = await self.run_and_return_one_or_none("select stream_hash from stream where sd_hash=?", sd_hash)
return streams is not None
:param stream_hash: hash of the assembled stream
:param sd_hash: hash of the sd blob
:param stream_key: blob decryption key
:param stream_name: the name of the file the stream was generated from
:param suggested_file_name: (str) suggested file name for stream
:param stream_blob_infos: (list) of blob info dictionaries
:return: (defer.Deferred)
def _store_stream(transaction):
async def file_exists(self, sd_hash: str) -> bool:
streams = await self.run_and_return_one_or_none("select f.stream_hash from file f "
"inner join stream s on "
"s.stream_hash=f.stream_hash and s.sd_hash=?", sd_hash)
return streams is not None
def store_stream(self, sd_blob: 'BlobFile', descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'):
def _store_stream(transaction: sqlite3.Connection):
# add the head blob and set it to be announced
"insert into stream values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (
stream_hash, sd_hash, stream_key, stream_name, suggested_file_name
"insert or ignore into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
sd_blob.blob_hash, sd_blob.length, 0, 1, "pending", 0, 0,
descriptor.blobs[0].blob_hash, descriptor.blobs[0].length, 0, 1, "pending", 0, 0
for blob_info in stream_blob_infos:
"insert into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (
stream_hash, blob_info.get('blob_hash', None),
blob_info['blob_num'], blob_info['iv']
# add the rest of the blobs with announcement off
if len(descriptor.blobs) > 2:
"insert or ignore into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
[(blob.blob_hash, blob.length, 0, 0, "pending", 0, 0)
for blob in descriptor.blobs[1:-1]]
# associate the blobs to the stream
transaction.execute("insert or ignore into stream values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(descriptor.stream_hash, sd_blob.blob_hash, descriptor.key,
# add the stream
"insert or ignore into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
[(descriptor.stream_hash, blob.blob_hash, blob.blob_num, blob.iv)
for blob in descriptor.blobs]
async def delete_stream(self, stream_hash):
sd_hash = await self.get_sd_blob_hash_for_stream(stream_hash)
stream_blobs = await self.get_blobs_for_stream(stream_hash)
blob_hashes = [b.blob_hash for b in stream_blobs if b.blob_hash is not None]
def _delete_stream(transaction):
transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash,))
transaction.execute("delete from file where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream where stream_hash=? ", (stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?", (sd_hash, ))
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", (blob_hash, ))
def get_all_streams(self):
return self.run_and_return_list("select stream_hash from stream")
def get_stream_info(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_name, stream_key, suggested_filename, sd_hash from stream "
"where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
async def check_if_stream_exists(self, stream_hash):
row = await self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
if row is not None:
return bool(len(row))
return False
def get_blob_num_by_hash(self, stream_hash, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select position from stream_blob where stream_hash=? and blob_hash=?",
stream_hash, blob_hash
def get_stream_blob_by_position(self, stream_hash, blob_num):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select blob_hash from stream_blob where stream_hash=? and position=?",
stream_hash, blob_num
def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, only_completed=False):
def _get_blobs_for_stream(transaction):
crypt_blob_infos = []
stream_blobs = transaction.execute(
"select blob_hash, position, iv from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
if only_completed:
lengths = transaction.execute(
"select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b "
"inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and b.status='finished' and s.stream_hash=?",
(stream_hash, )
lengths = transaction.execute(
"select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b "
"inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and s.stream_hash=?",
(stream_hash, )
blob_length_dict = {}
for blob_hash, length in lengths:
blob_length_dict[blob_hash] = length
for blob_hash, position, iv in stream_blobs:
blob_length = blob_length_dict.get(blob_hash, 0)
crypt_blob_infos.append(CryptBlobInfo(blob_hash, position, blob_length, iv))
crypt_blob_infos = sorted(crypt_blob_infos, key=lambda info: info.blob_num)
return crypt_blob_infos
def get_pending_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_list(
"select s.blob_hash from stream_blob s "
"inner join blob b on b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and b.status='pending' "
"where stream_hash=?",
def get_stream_of_blob(self, blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_hash from stream_blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash
def get_sd_blob_hash_for_stream(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select sd_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
def get_stream_hash_for_sd_hash(self, sd_blob_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select stream_hash from stream where sd_hash = ?", sd_blob_hash
def delete_stream(self, descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'):
def _delete_stream(transaction: sqlite3.Connection):
transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash,))
transaction.execute("delete from file where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (descriptor.stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from stream where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash, ))
transaction.execute("delete from blob where blob_hash=?", (descriptor.sd_hash, ))
transaction.executemany("delete from blob where blob_hash=?",
[(blob.blob_hash, ) for blob in descriptor.blobs[:-1]])
# # # # # # # # # file stuff # # # # # # # # #
async def save_downloaded_file(self, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate):
# touch the closest available file to the file name
file_name = await open_file_for_writing(unhexlify(download_directory).decode(), unhexlify(file_name).decode())
return await self.save_published_file(
stream_hash, hexlify(file_name.encode()), download_directory, data_payment_rate
def save_downloaded_file(self, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate):
return self.save_published_file(
stream_hash, binascii.hexlify(file_name.encode()).decode(),
binascii.hexlify(download_directory.encode()).decode(), data_payment_rate,
def save_published_file(self, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status="stopped"):
return self.run_and_return_id(
def save_published_file(self, stream_hash: str, file_name: str, download_directory: str, data_payment_rate: float,
return self.db.execute(
"insert into file values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status
(stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status)
def get_filename_for_rowid(self, rowid):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select file_name from file where rowid=?", rowid
def get_all_lbry_files(self):
async def get_all_lbry_files(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
def _lbry_file_dict(rowid, stream_hash, file_name, download_dir, data_rate, status, _, sd_hash, stream_key,
stream_name, suggested_file_name):
stream_name, suggested_file_name) -> typing.Dict:
return {
"row_id": rowid,
"stream_hash": stream_hash,
@ -465,36 +386,35 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
"suggested_file_name": suggested_file_name
def _get_all_files(transaction):
return [
_lbry_file_dict(*file_info) for file_info in transaction.execute(
"select file.rowid, file.*, stream.* "
"from file inner join stream on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash"
def _get_all_files(transaction: sqlite3.Connection) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
file_infos = list(map(lambda a: _lbry_file_dict(*a), transaction.execute(
"select file.rowid, file.*, stream.* "
"from file inner join stream on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash"
stream_hashes = [file_info['stream_hash'] for file_info in file_infos]
claim_infos = get_claims_from_stream_hashes(transaction, stream_hashes)
for index in range(len(file_infos)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
file_infos[index]['claim'] = claim_infos.get(file_infos[index]['stream_hash'])
return file_infos
results = await
if results:
return results
return []
async def change_file_status(self, rowid, new_status):
await self.db.execute("update file set status=? where rowid=?", (new_status, rowid))
return new_status
def change_file_status(self, stream_hash: str, new_status: str):
||||"update file status %s -> %s", stream_hash, new_status)
return self.db.execute("update file set status=? where stream_hash=?", (new_status, stream_hash))
def get_lbry_file_status(self, rowid):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select status from file where rowid = ?", rowid
def get_rowid_for_stream_hash(self, stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_one_or_none(
"select rowid from file where stream_hash=?", stream_hash
def get_all_stream_hashes(self):
return self.run_and_return_list("select stream_hash from stream")
# # # # # # # # # support functions # # # # # # # # #
def save_supports(self, claim_id, supports):
# TODO: add 'address' to support items returned for a claim from lbrycrdd and lbryum-server
def _save_support(transaction):
transaction.execute("delete from support where claim_id=?", (claim_id, ))
transaction.execute("delete from support where claim_id=?", (claim_id,))
for support in supports:
"insert into support values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
@ -552,30 +472,32 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
source_hash = None
except AttributeError:
source_hash = None
serialized = claim_info.get('hex') or hexlify(smart_decode(claim_info['value']).serialized)
serialized = claim_info.get('hex') or binascii.hexlify(
"insert or replace into claim values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(outpoint, claim_id, name, amount, height, serialized, certificate_id, address, sequence)
if 'supports' in claim_info: # if this response doesn't have support info don't overwrite the existing
# support info
# if this response doesn't have support info don't overwrite the existing
# support info
if 'supports' in claim_info:
support_callbacks.append((claim_id, claim_info['supports']))
if not source_hash:
stream_hash = transaction.execute(
"select file.stream_hash from stream "
"inner join file on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash where sd_hash=?", (source_hash, )
"inner join file on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash where sd_hash=?", (source_hash,)
if not stream_hash:
stream_hash = stream_hash[0]
known_outpoint = transaction.execute(
"select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
"select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,)
known_claim_id = transaction.execute(
"select claim_id from claim "
"inner join content_claim c3 ON claim.claim_outpoint=c3.claim_outpoint "
"where c3.stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )
"where c3.stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,)
if not known_claim_id:
content_claims_to_update.append((stream_hash, outpoint))
@ -607,14 +529,6 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
return self.save_claims(to_save)
def get_old_stream_hashes_for_claim_id(self, claim_id, new_stream_hash):
return self.run_and_return_list(
"select f.stream_hash from file f "
"inner join content_claim cc on f.stream_hash=cc.stream_hash "
"inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=cc.claim_outpoint and c.claim_id=? "
"where f.stream_hash!=?", claim_id, new_stream_hash
def _save_content_claim(transaction, claim_outpoint, stream_hash):
# get the claim id and serialized metadata
@ -623,7 +537,7 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
if not claim_info:
raise Exception("claim not found")
new_claim_id, claim = claim_info[0], ClaimDict.deserialize(unhexlify(claim_info[1]))
new_claim_id, claim = claim_info[0], ClaimDict.deserialize(binascii.unhexlify(claim_info[1]))
# certificate claims should not be in the content_claim table
if not claim.is_stream:
@ -661,90 +575,31 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
if stream_hash in self.content_claim_callbacks:
await self.content_claim_callbacks[stream_hash]()
async def get_content_claim(self, stream_hash, include_supports=True):
def _get_claim_from_stream_hash(transaction):
claim_info = transaction.execute(
"select c.*, "
"case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then "
"(select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) "
"else null end as channel_name from content_claim "
"inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint "
"and content_claim.stream_hash=? order by c.rowid desc", (stream_hash,)
if not claim_info:
return None
channel_name = claim_info[-1]
result = _format_claim_response(*claim_info[:-1])
if channel_name:
result['channel_name'] = channel_name
return result
result = await
if result and include_supports:
result['supports'] = await self.get_supports(result['claim_id'])
result['effective_amount'] = calculate_effective_amount(result['amount'], result['supports'])
return result
async def get_claims_from_stream_hashes(self, stream_hashes, include_supports=True):
def _batch_get_claim(transaction):
results = {}
claim_infos = _batched_select(
"select content_claim.stream_hash, c.* from content_claim "
"inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint "
"and content_claim.stream_hash in {} order by c.rowid desc",
channel_id_infos = {}
for claim_info in claim_infos:
if claim_info[7]:
streams = channel_id_infos.get(claim_info[7], [])
channel_id_infos[claim_info[7]] = streams
stream_hash = claim_info[0]
result = _format_claim_response(*claim_info[1:])
results[stream_hash] = result
channel_names = _batched_select(
"select claim_id, claim_name from claim where claim_id in {}",
for claim_id, channel_name in channel_names:
for stream_hash in channel_id_infos[claim_id]:
results[stream_hash]['channel_name'] = channel_name
return results
claims = await
if include_supports:
all_supports = {}
for support in await self.get_supports(*[claim['claim_id'] for claim in claims.values()]):
all_supports.setdefault(support['claim_id'], []).append(support)
for stream_hash in claims.keys():
claim = claims[stream_hash]
supports = all_supports.get(claim['claim_id'], [])
async def get_content_claim(self, stream_hash: str, include_supports: typing.Optional[bool] = True) -> typing.Dict:
claims = await, [stream_hash])
claim = None
if claims:
claim = claims[stream_hash].as_dict()
if include_supports:
supports = await self.get_supports(claim['claim_id'])
claim['supports'] = supports
claim['effective_amount'] = calculate_effective_amount(claim['amount'], supports)
claims[stream_hash] = claim
return claims
return claim
async def get_claims_from_stream_hashes(self, stream_hashes: typing.List[str],
include_supports: typing.Optional[bool] = True):
claims = await, stream_hashes)
return {stream_hash: claim_info.as_dict() for stream_hash, claim_info in claims.items()}
async def get_claim(self, claim_outpoint, include_supports=True):
def _get_claim(transaction):
claim_info = transaction.execute(
"select c.*, "
"case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then "
"(select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) "
"else null end as channel_name from claim c where claim_outpoint = ?",
channel_name = claim_info[-1]
result = _format_claim_response(*claim_info[:-1])
if channel_name:
result['channel_name'] = channel_name
return result
result = await
claim_info = await, claim_outpoint)
if not claim_info:
result = claim_info.as_dict()
if include_supports:
result['supports'] = await self.get_supports(result['claim_id'])
result['effective_amount'] = calculate_effective_amount(result['amount'], result['supports'])
supports = await self.get_supports(result['claim_id'])
result['supports'] = supports
result['effective_amount'] = calculate_effective_amount(result['amount'], supports)
return result
def get_unknown_certificate_ids(self):
@ -800,29 +655,3 @@ class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin):
"where r.timestamp is null or r.timestamp < ?",
self.loop.time() - self.conf.auto_re_reflect_interval
# Helper functions
def _format_claim_response(outpoint, claim_id, name, amount, height, serialized, channel_id, address, claim_sequence):
r = {
"name": name,
"claim_id": claim_id,
"address": address,
"claim_sequence": claim_sequence,
"value": ClaimDict.deserialize(unhexlify(serialized)).claim_dict,
"height": height,
"amount": dewies_to_lbc(amount),
"nout": int(outpoint.split(":")[1]),
"txid": outpoint.split(":")[0],
"channel_claim_id": channel_id,
"channel_name": None
return r
def _batched_select(transaction, query, parameters):
for start_index in range(0, len(parameters), 900):
current_batch = parameters[start_index:start_index+900]
bind = "({})".format(','.join(['?'] * len(current_batch)))
for result in transaction.execute(query.format(bind), current_batch):
yield result
Add table
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