forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
after finding the closest nodes try to populate the buckets out by looking up random ids in their key ranges
289 lines
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289 lines
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import logging
import miniupnpc
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from lbrynet.core.BlobManager import DiskBlobManager
from lbrynet.dht import node, hashannouncer
from import SQLiteStorage
from lbrynet.core.RateLimiter import RateLimiter
from lbrynet.core.utils import generate_id
from lbrynet.core.PaymentRateManager import BasePaymentRateManager, OnlyFreePaymentsManager
from lbrynet.core.BlobAvailability import BlobAvailabilityTracker
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Session(object):
"""This class manages all important services common to any application that uses the network.
the hash announcer, which informs other peers that this peer is
associated with some hash. Usually, this means this peer has a
blob identified by the hash in question, but it can be used for
other purposes.
the peer finder, which finds peers that are associated with some
the blob manager, which keeps track of which blobs have been
downloaded and provides access to them,
the rate limiter, which attempts to ensure download and upload
rates stay below a set maximum
upnp, which opens holes in compatible firewalls so that remote
peers can connect to this peer.
def __init__(self, blob_data_payment_rate, db_dir=None,
node_id=None, peer_manager=None, dht_node_port=None,
known_dht_nodes=None, peer_finder=None,
hash_announcer=None, blob_dir=None,
blob_manager=None, peer_port=None, use_upnp=True,
rate_limiter=None, wallet=None,
dht_node_class=node.Node, blob_tracker_class=None,
payment_rate_manager_class=None, is_generous=True, external_ip=None, storage=None):
"""@param blob_data_payment_rate: The default payment rate for blob data
@param db_dir: The directory in which levelDB files should be stored
@param node_id: The unique ID of this node
@param peer_manager: An object which keeps track of all known
peers. If None, a PeerManager will be created
@param dht_node_port: The port on which the dht node should
listen for incoming connections
@param known_dht_nodes: A list of nodes which the dht node
should use to bootstrap into the dht
@param peer_finder: An object which is used to look up peers
that are associated with some hash. If None, a
DHTPeerFinder will be used, which looks for peers in the
distributed hash table.
@param hash_announcer: An object which announces to other
peers that this peer is associated with some hash. If
None, and peer_port is not None, a DHTHashAnnouncer will
be used. If None and peer_port is None, a
DummyHashAnnouncer will be used, which will not actually
announce anything.
@param blob_dir: The directory in which blobs will be
stored. If None and blob_manager is None, blobs will be
stored in memory only.
@param blob_manager: An object which keeps track of downloaded
blobs and provides access to them. If None, and blob_dir
is not None, a DiskBlobManager will be used, with the
given blob_dir. If None and blob_dir is None, a
TempBlobManager will be used, which stores blobs in memory
@param peer_port: The port on which other peers should connect
to this peer
@param use_upnp: Whether or not to try to open a hole in the
firewall so that outside peers can connect to this peer's
peer_port and dht_node_port
@param rate_limiter: An object which keeps track of the amount
of data transferred to and from this peer, and can limit
that rate if desired
@param wallet: An object which will be used to keep track of
expected payments and which will pay peers. If None, a
wallet which uses the Point Trader system will be used,
which is meant for testing only
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.node_id = node_id
self.peer_manager = peer_manager
self.peer_finder = peer_finder
self.hash_announcer = hash_announcer
self.dht_node_port = dht_node_port
self.known_dht_nodes = known_dht_nodes
if self.known_dht_nodes is None:
self.known_dht_nodes = []
self.blob_dir = blob_dir
self.blob_manager = blob_manager
# self.blob_tracker = None
# self.blob_tracker_class = blob_tracker_class or BlobAvailabilityTracker
self.peer_port = peer_port
self.use_upnp = use_upnp
self.rate_limiter = rate_limiter
self.external_ip = external_ip
self.upnp_redirects = []
self.wallet = wallet
self.dht_node_class = dht_node_class
self.dht_node = None
self.base_payment_rate_manager = BasePaymentRateManager(blob_data_payment_rate)
self.payment_rate_manager = OnlyFreePaymentsManager()
# self.payment_rate_manager_class = payment_rate_manager_class or NegotiatedPaymentRateManager
# self.is_generous = is_generous
| = storage or SQLiteStorage(self.db_dir)
self._join_dht_deferred = None
def setup(self):
"""Create the blob directory and database if necessary, start all desired services"""
log.debug("Starting session.")
if self.node_id is None:
self.node_id = generate_id()
if self.use_upnp is True:
d = self._try_upnp()
d = defer.succeed(True)
d.addCallback(lambda _:
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_dht())
d.addCallback(lambda _: self._setup_other_components())
return d
def shut_down(self):
"""Stop all services"""
|'Stopping session.')
ds = []
if self.hash_announcer:
# if self.blob_tracker is not None:
# ds.append(defer.maybeDeferred(self.blob_tracker.stop))
if self.dht_node is not None:
if self.rate_limiter is not None:
if self.wallet is not None:
if self.blob_manager is not None:
if self.use_upnp is True:
return defer.DeferredList(ds)
def _try_upnp(self):
log.debug("In _try_upnp")
def get_free_port(upnp, port, protocol):
# returns an existing mapping if it exists
mapping = upnp.getspecificportmapping(port, protocol)
if not mapping:
return port
if upnp.lanaddr == mapping[0]:
return mapping
return get_free_port(upnp, port + 1, protocol)
def get_port_mapping(upnp, internal_port, protocol, description):
# try to map to the requested port, if there is already a mapping use the next external
# port available
if protocol not in ['UDP', 'TCP']:
raise Exception("invalid protocol")
external_port = get_free_port(upnp, internal_port, protocol)
if isinstance(external_port, tuple):
|"Found existing UPnP redirect %s:%i (%s) to %s:%i, using it",
self.external_ip, external_port[1], protocol, upnp.lanaddr, internal_port)
return external_port[1], protocol
upnp.addportmapping(external_port, protocol, upnp.lanaddr, internal_port,
description, '')
|"Set UPnP redirect %s:%i (%s) to %s:%i", self.external_ip, external_port,
protocol, upnp.lanaddr, internal_port)
return external_port, protocol
def threaded_try_upnp():
if self.use_upnp is False:
log.debug("Not using upnp")
return False
u = miniupnpc.UPnP()
num_devices_found =
if num_devices_found > 0:
external_ip = u.externalipaddress()
if external_ip != '' and not self.external_ip:
# best not to rely on this external ip, the router can be behind layers of NATs
self.external_ip = external_ip
if self.peer_port:
get_port_mapping(u, self.peer_port, 'TCP', 'LBRY peer port')
if self.dht_node_port:
get_port_mapping(u, self.dht_node_port, 'UDP', 'LBRY DHT port')
return True
return False
def upnp_failed(err):
log.warning("UPnP failed. Reason: %s", err.getErrorMessage())
return False
d = threads.deferToThread(threaded_try_upnp)
return d
def _setup_dht(self): # does not block startup, the dht will re-attempt if necessary
self.dht_node = self.dht_node_class(
if not self.hash_announcer:
self.hash_announcer = hashannouncer.DHTHashAnnouncer(self.dht_node,
self.peer_manager = self.dht_node.peer_manager
self.peer_finder = self.dht_node.peer_finder
self._join_dht_deferred = self.dht_node.start(self.known_dht_nodes)
self._join_dht_deferred.addCallback(lambda _:"Joined the dht"))
self._join_dht_deferred.addCallback(lambda _: self.hash_announcer.start())
def _setup_other_components(self):
log.debug("Setting up the rest of the components")
if self.rate_limiter is None:
self.rate_limiter = RateLimiter()
if self.blob_manager is None:
if self.blob_dir is None:
raise Exception(
"TempBlobManager is no longer supported, specify BlobManager or db_dir")
self.blob_manager = DiskBlobManager(self.blob_dir,
# if self.blob_tracker is None:
# self.blob_tracker = self.blob_tracker_class(
# self.blob_manager, self.dht_node.peer_finder, self.dht_node
# )
# if self.payment_rate_manager is None:
# self.payment_rate_manager = self.payment_rate_manager_class(
# self.base_payment_rate_manager, self.blob_tracker, self.is_generous
# )
d = self.blob_manager.setup()
d.addCallback(lambda _: self.wallet.start())
# d.addCallback(lambda _: self.blob_tracker.start())
return d
def _unset_upnp(self):
|"Unsetting upnp for session")
def threaded_unset_upnp():
u = miniupnpc.UPnP()
num_devices_found =
if num_devices_found > 0:
for port, protocol in self.upnp_redirects:
if u.getspecificportmapping(port, protocol) is None:
"UPnP redirect for %s %d was removed by something else.",
protocol, port)
u.deleteportmapping(port, protocol)
|"Removed UPnP redirect for %s %d.", protocol, port)
self.upnp_redirects = []
d = threads.deferToThread(threaded_unset_upnp)
d.addErrback(lambda err: str(err))
return d