forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
296 lines
12 KiB
296 lines
12 KiB
import logging
import os
import time
import sqlite3
from twisted.internet import threads, defer, reactor
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from lbrynet import conf
from lbrynet.blob.blob_file import BlobFile
from lbrynet.blob.creator import BlobFileCreator
from lbrynet.core.server.DHTHashAnnouncer import DHTHashSupplier
from lbrynet.core.sqlite_helpers import rerun_if_locked
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DiskBlobManager(DHTHashSupplier):
def __init__(self, hash_announcer, blob_dir, db_dir):
This class stores blobs on the hard disk,
blob_dir - directory where blobs are stored
db_dir - directory where sqlite database of blob information is stored
DHTHashSupplier.__init__(self, hash_announcer)
self.announce_head_blobs_only = conf.settings['announce_head_blobs_only']
self.blob_dir = blob_dir
self.db_file = os.path.join(db_dir, "blobs.db")
self.db_conn = adbapi.ConnectionPool('sqlite3', self.db_file, check_same_thread=False)
self.blob_creator_type = BlobFileCreator
# TODO: consider using an LRU for blobs as there could potentially
# be thousands of blobs loaded up, many stale
self.blobs = {}
self.blob_hashes_to_delete = {} # {blob_hash: being_deleted (True/False)}
def setup(self):
|"Starting disk blob manager. blob_dir: %s, db_file: %s", str(self.blob_dir),
yield self._open_db()
def stop(self):
|"Stopping disk blob manager.")
return defer.succeed(True)
def get_blob(self, blob_hash, length=None):
"""Return a blob identified by blob_hash, which may be a new blob or a
blob that is already on the hard disk
if length is not None and not isinstance(length, int):
raise Exception("invalid length type: %s (%s)", length, str(type(length)))
if blob_hash in self.blobs:
return defer.succeed(self.blobs[blob_hash])
return self._make_new_blob(blob_hash, length)
def get_blob_creator(self):
return self.blob_creator_type(self.blob_dir)
def _make_new_blob(self, blob_hash, length=None):
log.debug('Making a new blob for %s', blob_hash)
blob = BlobFile(self.blob_dir, blob_hash, length)
self.blobs[blob_hash] = blob
return defer.succeed(blob)
def _immediate_announce(self, blob_hashes):
if self.hash_announcer:
return self.hash_announcer.immediate_announce(blob_hashes)
raise Exception("Hash announcer not set")
def blob_completed(self, blob, next_announce_time=None, should_announce=True):
if next_announce_time is None:
next_announce_time = self.get_next_announce_time()
yield self._add_completed_blob(blob.blob_hash, blob.length,
next_announce_time, should_announce)
# we announce all blobs immediately, if announce_head_blob_only is False
# otherwise, announce only if marked as should_announce
if not self.announce_head_blobs_only or should_announce:
reactor.callLater(0, self._immediate_announce, [blob.blob_hash])
def completed_blobs(self, blobhashes_to_check):
return self._completed_blobs(blobhashes_to_check)
def hashes_to_announce(self):
return self._get_blobs_to_announce()
def set_should_announce(self, blob_hash, should_announce):
if blob_hash in self.blobs:
blob = self.blobs[blob_hash]
if blob.get_is_verified():
return self._set_should_announce(blob_hash,
return defer.succeed(False)
def get_should_announce(self, blob_hash):
return self._should_announce(blob_hash)
def creator_finished(self, blob_creator, should_announce):
log.debug("blob_creator.blob_hash: %s", blob_creator.blob_hash)
if blob_creator.blob_hash is None:
raise Exception("Blob hash is None")
if blob_creator.blob_hash in self.blobs:
raise Exception("Creator finished for blob that is already marked as completed")
if blob_creator.length is None:
raise Exception("Blob has a length of 0")
new_blob = BlobFile(self.blob_dir, blob_creator.blob_hash, blob_creator.length)
self.blobs[blob_creator.blob_hash] = new_blob
next_announce_time = self.get_next_announce_time()
d = self.blob_completed(new_blob, next_announce_time, should_announce)
return d
def immediate_announce_all_blobs(self):
d = self._get_all_verified_blob_hashes()
return d
def get_all_verified_blobs(self):
d = self._get_all_verified_blob_hashes()
return d
def add_blob_to_download_history(self, blob_hash, host, rate):
d = self._add_blob_to_download_history(blob_hash, host, rate)
return d
def add_blob_to_upload_history(self, blob_hash, host, rate):
d = self._add_blob_to_upload_history(blob_hash, host, rate)
return d
def delete_blobs(self, blob_hashes):
bh_to_delete_from_db = []
for blob_hash in blob_hashes:
blob = yield self.get_blob(blob_hash)
yield blob.delete()
except Exception as e:
log.warning("Failed to delete blob file. Reason: %s", e)
yield self._delete_blobs_from_db(bh_to_delete_from_db)
######### database calls #########
def _open_db(self):
# check_same_thread=False is solely to quiet a spurious error that appears to be due
# to a bug in twisted, where the connection is closed by a different thread than the
# one that opened it. The individual connections in the pool are not used in multiple
# threads.
def create_tables(transaction):
transaction.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL')
transaction.execute("create table if not exists blobs (" +
" blob_hash text primary key, " +
" blob_length integer, " +
" last_verified_time real, " +
" next_announce_time real, " +
" should_announce integer)")
transaction.execute("create table if not exists download (" +
" id integer primary key autoincrement, " +
" blob text, " +
" host text, " +
" rate float, " +
" ts integer)")
transaction.execute("create table if not exists upload (" +
" id integer primary key autoincrement, " +
" blob text, " +
" host text, " +
" rate float, " +
" ts integer)")
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(create_tables)
def _add_completed_blob(self, blob_hash, length, next_announce_time, should_announce):
log.debug("Adding a completed blob. blob_hash=%s, length=%s", blob_hash, str(length))
should_announce = 1 if should_announce else 0
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("insert into blobs (blob_hash, blob_length, next_announce_time, "
"should_announce) values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (blob_hash, length,
# TODO: why is this here?
d.addErrback(lambda err: err.trap(sqlite3.IntegrityError))
return d
def _set_should_announce(self, blob_hash, next_announce_time, should_announce):
yield self.db_conn.runOperation("update blobs set next_announce_time=?, should_announce=? "
"where blob_hash=?", (next_announce_time, should_announce,
def _should_announce(self, blob_hash):
result = yield self.db_conn.runQuery("select should_announce from blobs where blob_hash=?",
def _completed_blobs(self, blobhashes_to_check):
"""Returns of the blobhashes_to_check, which are valid"""
blobs = yield defer.DeferredList([self.get_blob(b) for b in blobhashes_to_check])
blob_hashes = [b.blob_hash for success, b in blobs if success and b.verified]
def _update_blob_verified_timestamp(self, blob, timestamp):
return self.db_conn.runQuery("update blobs set last_verified_time = ? where blob_hash = ?",
(blob, timestamp))
def _get_blobs_to_announce(self):
def get_and_update(transaction):
timestamp = time.time()
if self.announce_head_blobs_only is True:
r = transaction.execute("select blob_hash from blobs " +
"where next_announce_time < ? and blob_hash is not null "+
"and should_announce = 1",
r = transaction.execute("select blob_hash from blobs " +
"where next_announce_time < ? and blob_hash is not null",
blobs = [b for b, in r.fetchall()]
next_announce_time = self.get_next_announce_time(len(blobs))
"update blobs set next_announce_time = ? where next_announce_time < ?",
(next_announce_time, timestamp))
log.debug("Got %s blobs to announce, next announce time is in %s seconds",
len(blobs), next_announce_time-time.time())
return blobs
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(get_and_update)
def _delete_blobs_from_db(self, blob_hashes):
def delete_blobs(transaction):
for b in blob_hashes:
transaction.execute("delete from blobs where blob_hash = ?", (b,))
return self.db_conn.runInteraction(delete_blobs)
def _get_all_blob_hashes(self):
d = self.db_conn.runQuery("select blob_hash from blobs")
return d
def _get_all_should_announce_blob_hashes(self):
# return a list of blob hashes where should_announce is True
blob_hashes = yield self.db_conn.runQuery(
"select blob_hash from blobs where should_announce = 1")
defer.returnValue([d[0] for d in blob_hashes])
def _get_all_verified_blob_hashes(self):
d = self._get_all_blob_hashes()
def get_verified_blobs(blobs):
verified_blobs = []
for blob_hash, in blobs:
file_path = os.path.join(self.blob_dir, blob_hash)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
return verified_blobs
d.addCallback(lambda blobs: threads.deferToThread(get_verified_blobs, blobs))
return d
def _add_blob_to_download_history(self, blob_hash, host, rate):
ts = int(time.time())
d = self.db_conn.runQuery(
"insert into download values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?) ",
(blob_hash, str(host), float(rate), ts))
return d
def _add_blob_to_upload_history(self, blob_hash, host, rate):
ts = int(time.time())
d = self.db_conn.runQuery(
"insert into upload values (null, ?, ?, ?, ?) ",
(blob_hash, str(host), float(rate), ts))
return d