forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
577 lines
22 KiB
577 lines
22 KiB
import os
import time
import json
import logging
import asyncio
import random
from functools import partial
from hashlib import sha256
from string import hexdigits
from typing import Type, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any, List
import ecdsa
from lbry.error import InvalidPasswordError
from lbry.crypto.crypt import aes_encrypt, aes_decrypt
from lbry.crypto.bip32 import PrivateKey, PubKey, from_extended_key_string
from lbry.constants import COIN
from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Input, Output
from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger
from lbry.db import Database
from lbry.db.constants import CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, TXO_TYPES
from .mnemonic import Mnemonic
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def validate_claim_id(claim_id):
if not len(claim_id) == 40:
raise Exception("Incorrect claimid length: %i" % len(claim_id))
if isinstance(claim_id, bytes):
claim_id = claim_id.decode('utf-8')
if set(claim_id).difference(hexdigits):
raise Exception("Claim id is not hex encoded")
class AddressManager:
name: str
__slots__ = 'account', 'public_key', 'chain_number', 'address_generator_lock'
def __init__(self, account, public_key, chain_number):
self.account = account
self.public_key = public_key
self.chain_number = chain_number
self.address_generator_lock = asyncio.Lock()
def from_dict(cls, account: 'Account', d: dict) \
-> Tuple['AddressManager', 'AddressManager']:
raise NotImplementedError
def to_dict(cls, receiving: 'AddressManager', change: 'AddressManager') -> Dict:
d: Dict[str, Any] = {'name':}
receiving_dict = receiving.to_dict_instance()
if receiving_dict:
d['receiving'] = receiving_dict
change_dict = change.to_dict_instance()
if change_dict:
d['change'] = change_dict
return d
def merge(self, d: dict):
def to_dict_instance(self) -> Optional[dict]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def _query_addresses(self, **constraints):
return (await self.account.db.get_addresses(
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_max_gap(self):
raise NotImplementedError
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
raise NotImplementedError
async def get_addresses(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints) -> List[str]:
records = await self.get_address_records(only_usable=only_usable, **constraints)
return [r['address'] for r in records]
async def get_or_create_usable_address(self) -> str:
addresses = await self.get_addresses(only_usable=True, limit=10)
if addresses:
return random.choice(addresses)
addresses = await self.ensure_address_gap()
return addresses[0]
class HierarchicalDeterministic(AddressManager):
""" Implements simple version of Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic key management. """
name: str = "deterministic-chain"
__slots__ = 'gap', 'maximum_uses_per_address'
def __init__(self, account: 'Account', chain: int, gap: int, maximum_uses_per_address: int) -> None:
super().__init__(account, account.public_key.child(chain), chain)
| = gap
self.maximum_uses_per_address = maximum_uses_per_address
def from_dict(cls, account: 'Account', d: dict) -> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
return (
cls(account, 0, **d.get('receiving', {'gap': 20, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1})),
cls(account, 1, **d.get('change', {'gap': 6, 'maximum_uses_per_address': 1}))
def merge(self, d: dict):
| = d.get('gap',
self.maximum_uses_per_address = d.get('maximum_uses_per_address', self.maximum_uses_per_address)
def to_dict_instance(self):
return {'gap':, 'maximum_uses_per_address': self.maximum_uses_per_address}
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
return self.account.private_key.child(self.chain_number).child(index)
def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
return self.account.public_key.child(self.chain_number).child(index)
async def get_max_gap(self) -> int:
addresses = await self._query_addresses(order_by="n asc")
max_gap = 0
current_gap = 0
for address in addresses:
if address['used_times'] == 0:
current_gap += 1
max_gap = max(max_gap, current_gap)
current_gap = 0
return max_gap
async def ensure_address_gap(self) -> List[str]:
async with self.address_generator_lock:
addresses = await self._query_addresses(, order_by="n desc")
existing_gap = 0
for address in addresses:
if address['used_times'] == 0:
existing_gap += 1
if existing_gap ==
return []
start = addresses[0]['pubkey'].n+1 if addresses else 0
end = start + ( - existing_gap)
new_keys = await self._generate_keys(start, end-1)
#await self.account.ledger.announce_addresses(self, new_keys)
return new_keys
async def _generate_keys(self, start: int, end: int) -> List[str]:
if not self.address_generator_lock.locked():
raise RuntimeError('Should not be called outside of address_generator_lock.')
keys = [self.public_key.child(index) for index in range(start, end+1)]
await self.account.db.add_keys(self.account, self.chain_number, keys)
return [key.address for key in keys]
async def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
if only_usable:
constraints['used_times__lt'] = self.maximum_uses_per_address
if 'order_by' not in constraints:
constraints['order_by'] = "used_times asc, n asc"
return await self._query_addresses(**constraints)
class SingleKey(AddressManager):
""" Single Key address manager always returns the same address for all operations. """
name: str = "single-address"
__slots__ = ()
def from_dict(cls, account: 'Account', d: dict) \
-> Tuple[AddressManager, AddressManager]:
same_address_manager = cls(account, account.public_key, 0)
return same_address_manager, same_address_manager
def to_dict_instance(self):
return None
def get_private_key(self, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
return self.account.private_key
def get_public_key(self, index: int) -> PubKey:
return self.account.public_key
async def get_max_gap(self) -> int:
return 0
async def ensure_address_gap(self) -> List[str]:
async with self.address_generator_lock:
exists = await self.get_address_records()
if not exists:
await self.account.db.add_keys(self.account, self.chain_number, [self.public_key])
new_keys = [self.public_key.address]
#await self.account.ledger.announce_addresses(self, new_keys)
return new_keys
return []
async def get_address_records(self, only_usable: bool = False, **constraints):
return await self._query_addresses(**constraints)
class Account:
mnemonic_class = Mnemonic
private_key_class = PrivateKey
public_key_class = PubKey
address_generators: Dict[str, Type[AddressManager]] = {
| SingleKey,
| HierarchicalDeterministic,
def __init__(self, ledger: 'Ledger', db: 'Database', name: str,
seed: str, private_key_string: str, encrypted: bool,
private_key: Optional[PrivateKey], public_key: PubKey,
address_generator: dict, modified_on: float, channel_keys: dict) -> None:
self.ledger = ledger
self.db = db
| = public_key.address
| = name
self.seed = seed
self.modified_on = modified_on
self.private_key_string = private_key_string
self.init_vectors: Dict[str, bytes] = {}
self.encrypted = encrypted
self.private_key = private_key
self.public_key = public_key
generator_name = address_generator.get('name',
self.address_generator = self.address_generators[generator_name]
self.receiving, self.change = self.address_generator.from_dict(self, address_generator)
self.address_managers = {am.chain_number: am for am in {self.receiving, self.change}}
self.channel_keys = channel_keys
def get_init_vector(self, key) -> Optional[bytes]:
init_vector = self.init_vectors.get(key, None)
if init_vector is None:
init_vector = self.init_vectors[key] = os.urandom(16)
return init_vector
def generate(cls, ledger: 'Ledger', db: 'Database',
name: str = None, address_generator: dict = None):
return cls.from_dict(ledger, db, {
'name': name,
'seed': cls.mnemonic_class().make_seed(),
'address_generator': address_generator or {}
def get_private_key_from_seed(cls, ledger: 'Ledger', seed: str, password: str):
return cls.private_key_class.from_seed(
ledger, cls.mnemonic_class.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, password or 'lbryum')
def keys_from_dict(cls, ledger: 'Ledger', d: dict) \
-> Tuple[str, Optional[PrivateKey], PubKey]:
seed = d.get('seed', '')
private_key_string = d.get('private_key', '')
private_key = None
public_key = None
encrypted = d.get('encrypted', False)
if not encrypted:
if seed:
private_key = cls.get_private_key_from_seed(ledger, seed, '')
public_key = private_key.public_key
elif private_key_string:
private_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, private_key_string)
public_key = private_key.public_key
if public_key is None:
public_key = from_extended_key_string(ledger, d['public_key'])
return seed, private_key, public_key
def from_dict(cls, ledger: 'Ledger', db: 'Database', d: dict):
seed, private_key, public_key = cls.keys_from_dict(ledger, d)
name = d.get('name')
if not name:
name = f'Account #{public_key.address}'
return cls(
private_key_string=d.get('private_key', ''),
encrypted=d.get('encrypted', False),
address_generator=d.get('address_generator', {}),
modified_on=d.get('modified_on', time.time()),
channel_keys=d.get('certificates', {})
def to_dict(self, encrypt_password: str = None, include_channel_keys: bool = True):
private_key_string, seed = self.private_key_string, self.seed
if not self.encrypted and self.private_key:
private_key_string = self.private_key.extended_key_string()
if not self.encrypted and encrypt_password:
if private_key_string:
private_key_string = aes_encrypt(
encrypt_password, private_key_string, self.get_init_vector('private_key')
if seed:
seed = aes_encrypt(encrypt_password, self.seed, self.get_init_vector('seed'))
d = {
'seed': seed,
'encrypted': bool(self.encrypted or encrypt_password),
'private_key': private_key_string,
'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change),
'modified_on': self.modified_on
if include_channel_keys:
d['certificates'] = self.channel_keys
return d
def merge(self, d: dict):
if d.get('modified_on', 0) > self.modified_on:
| = d['name']
self.modified_on = d.get('modified_on', time.time())
assert == d['address_generator']['name']
for chain_name in ('change', 'receiving'):
if chain_name in d['address_generator']:
chain_object = getattr(self, chain_name)
self.channel_keys.update(d.get('certificates', {}))
def hash(self) -> bytes:
assert not self.encrypted, "Cannot hash an encrypted account."
h = sha256(json.dumps(self.to_dict(include_channel_keys=False)).encode())
for cert in sorted(self.channel_keys.keys()):
return h.digest()
async def get_details(self, show_seed=False, **kwargs):
satoshis = await self.get_balance(**kwargs)
details = {
'coins': round(satoshis/COIN, 2),
'satoshis': satoshis,
'encrypted': self.encrypted,
'public_key': self.public_key.extended_key_string(),
'address_generator': self.address_generator.to_dict(self.receiving, self.change)
if show_seed:
details['seed'] = self.seed
details['certificates'] = len(self.channel_keys)
return details
def decrypt(self, password: str) -> bool:
assert self.encrypted, "Key is not encrypted."
seed = self._decrypt_seed(password)
except (ValueError, InvalidPasswordError):
return False
private_key = self._decrypt_private_key_string(password)
except (TypeError, ValueError, InvalidPasswordError):
return False
self.seed = seed
self.private_key = private_key
self.private_key_string = ""
self.encrypted = False
return True
def _decrypt_private_key_string(self, password: str) -> Optional[PrivateKey]:
if not self.private_key_string:
return None
private_key_string, self.init_vectors['private_key'] = aes_decrypt(password, self.private_key_string)
if not private_key_string:
return None
return from_extended_key_string(
self.ledger, private_key_string
def _decrypt_seed(self, password: str) -> str:
if not self.seed:
return ""
seed, self.init_vectors['seed'] = aes_decrypt(password, self.seed)
if not seed:
return ""
except IndexError:
# failed to decode the seed, this either means it decrypted and is invalid
# or that we hit an edge case where an incorrect password gave valid padding
raise ValueError("Failed to decode seed.")
return seed
def encrypt(self, password: str) -> bool:
assert not self.encrypted, "Key is already encrypted."
if self.seed:
self.seed = aes_encrypt(password, self.seed, self.get_init_vector('seed'))
if isinstance(self.private_key, PrivateKey):
self.private_key_string = aes_encrypt(
password, self.private_key.extended_key_string(), self.get_init_vector('private_key')
self.private_key = None
self.encrypted = True
return True
async def ensure_address_gap(self):
addresses = []
for address_manager in self.address_managers.values():
new_addresses = await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
return addresses
async def get_address_records(self, **constraints):
return await self.db.get_addresses(account=self, **constraints)
async def get_addresses(self, **constraints) -> List[str]:
rows, _ = await self.get_address_records(cols=['account_address.address'], **constraints)
return [r['address'] for r in rows]
async def get_valid_receiving_address(self, default_address: str) -> str:
if default_address is None:
return await self.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
return default_address
def get_private_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PrivateKey:
assert not self.encrypted, "Cannot get private key on encrypted wallet account."
return self.address_managers[chain].get_private_key(index)
def get_public_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PubKey:
return self.address_managers[chain].get_public_key(index)
def get_balance(self, confirmations=0, include_claims=False, **constraints):
if not include_claims:
constraints.update({'txo_type__in': (TXO_TYPES['other'], TXO_TYPES['purchase'])})
if confirmations > 0:
height = self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations-1)
constraints.update({'height__lte': height, 'height__gt': 0})
return self.db.get_balance(account=self, **constraints)
async def get_max_gap(self):
change_gap = await self.change.get_max_gap()
receiving_gap = await self.receiving.get_max_gap()
return {
'max_change_gap': change_gap,
'max_receiving_gap': receiving_gap,
async def fund(self, to_account, amount=None, everything=False,
outputs=1, broadcast=False, **constraints):
assert self.ledger == to_account.ledger, 'Can only transfer between accounts of the same ledger.'
if everything:
utxos = await self.get_utxos(**constraints)
await self.ledger.reserve_outputs(utxos)
tx = await Transaction.create(
inputs=[Input.spend(txo) for txo in utxos],
elif amount > 0:
to_address = await to_account.change.get_or_create_usable_address()
to_hash160 = to_account.ledger.address_to_hash160(to_address)
tx = await Transaction.create(
Output.pay_pubkey_hash(amount//outputs, to_hash160)
for _ in range(outputs)
raise ValueError('An amount is required.')
if broadcast:
await self.ledger.broadcast(tx)
await self.ledger.release_tx(tx)
return tx
def add_channel_private_key(self, private_key):
public_key_bytes = private_key.get_verifying_key().to_der()
channel_pubkey_hash = self.ledger.public_key_to_address(public_key_bytes)
self.channel_keys[channel_pubkey_hash] = private_key.to_pem().decode()
def get_channel_private_key(self, public_key_bytes):
channel_pubkey_hash = self.ledger.public_key_to_address(public_key_bytes)
private_key_pem = self.channel_keys.get(channel_pubkey_hash)
if private_key_pem:
return ecdsa.SigningKey.from_pem(private_key_pem, hashfunc=sha256)
async def maybe_migrate_certificates(self):
def to_der(private_key_pem):
return ecdsa.SigningKey.from_pem(private_key_pem, hashfunc=sha256).get_verifying_key().to_der()
if not self.channel_keys:
channel_keys = {}
for private_key_pem in self.channel_keys.values():
if not isinstance(private_key_pem, str):
if "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----" not in private_key_pem:
public_key_der = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, to_der, private_key_pem)
channel_keys[self.ledger.public_key_to_address(public_key_der)] = private_key_pem
if self.channel_keys != channel_keys:
self.channel_keys = channel_keys
async def save_max_gap(self):
gap_changed = False
if issubclass(self.address_generator, HierarchicalDeterministic):
gap = await self.get_max_gap()
new_receiving_gap = max(20, gap['max_receiving_gap'] + 1)
if != new_receiving_gap:
| = new_receiving_gap
gap_changed = True
new_change_gap = max(6, gap['max_change_gap'] + 1)
if != new_change_gap:
| = new_change_gap
gap_changed = True
return gap_changed
def get_support_summary(self):
return self.db.get_supports_summary(account=self)
async def get_detailed_balance(self, confirmations=0, reserved_subtotals=False):
tips_balance, supports_balance, claims_balance = 0, 0, 0
get_total_balance = partial(self.get_balance, confirmations=confirmations,
total = await get_total_balance()
if reserved_subtotals:
claims_balance = await get_total_balance(txo_type__in=CLAIM_TYPE_CODES)
for txo in await self.get_support_summary():
if confirmations > 0 and not 0 < txo.tx_ref.height <= self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations - 1):
if txo.is_my_input:
supports_balance += txo.amount
tips_balance += txo.amount
reserved = claims_balance + supports_balance + tips_balance
reserved = await self.get_balance(
confirmations=confirmations, include_claims=True, txo_type__gt=0
return {
'total': total,
'available': total - reserved,
'reserved': reserved,
'reserved_subtotals': {
'claims': claims_balance,
'supports': supports_balance,
'tips': tips_balance
} if reserved_subtotals else None