Jimmy Kiselak 192ac6959a more specific exceptions, and change when blobs are deleted
More specific exceptions are raised when problems are encountered
looking up metadata and validating stream descriptor files, and
on the GUI those more specific exceptions are used to prevent
errors from being presented to the user.

If the user has selected the option to re-upload data for some
stream, blobs downloaded for that purpose will not be deleted
when they are finished being output. Instead, by default, for
the GUI they will be deleted when the stream is removed from
the GUI. That can be changed so they are not deleted at all,
using the lbry.conf file.
2015-09-01 17:49:26 -04:00

137 lines
5 KiB

import binascii
import logging
from lbrynet.core.cryptoutils import get_lbry_hash_obj
from lbrynet.cryptstream.CryptBlob import CryptBlobInfo
from twisted.internet import defer
from lbrynet.core.Error import DuplicateStreamHashError, InvalidStreamDescriptorError
LBRYFileStreamType = "lbryfile"
def save_sd_info(stream_info_manager, sd_info, ignore_duplicate=False):
logging.debug("Saving info for %s", str(sd_info['stream_name']))
hex_stream_name = sd_info['stream_name']
key = sd_info['key']
stream_hash = sd_info['stream_hash']
raw_blobs = sd_info['blobs']
suggested_file_name = sd_info['suggested_file_name']
crypt_blobs = []
for blob in raw_blobs:
length = blob['length']
if length != 0:
blob_hash = blob['blob_hash']
blob_hash = None
blob_num = blob['blob_num']
iv = blob['iv']
crypt_blobs.append(CryptBlobInfo(blob_hash, blob_num, length, iv))
logging.debug("Trying to save stream info for %s", str(hex_stream_name))
d = stream_info_manager.save_stream(stream_hash, hex_stream_name, key,
suggested_file_name, crypt_blobs)
def check_if_duplicate(err):
if ignore_duplicate is True:
d.addCallback(lambda _: stream_hash)
return d
def get_sd_info(stream_info_manager, stream_hash, include_blobs):
d = stream_info_manager.get_stream_info(stream_hash)
def format_info(stream_info):
fields = {}
fields['stream_type'] = LBRYFileStreamType
fields['stream_name'] = stream_info[1]
fields['key'] = stream_info[0]
fields['suggested_file_name'] = stream_info[2]
fields['stream_hash'] = stream_hash
def format_blobs(blobs):
formatted_blobs = []
for blob_hash, blob_num, iv, length in blobs:
blob = {}
if length != 0:
blob['blob_hash'] = blob_hash
blob['blob_num'] = blob_num
blob['iv'] = iv
blob['length'] = length
fields['blobs'] = formatted_blobs
return fields
if include_blobs is True:
d = stream_info_manager.get_blobs_for_stream(stream_hash)
d = defer.succeed([])
return d
return d
class LBRYFileStreamDescriptorValidator(object):
def __init__(self, raw_info):
self.raw_info = raw_info
def validate(self):
logging.debug("Trying to validate stream descriptor for %s", str(self.raw_info['stream_name']))
hex_stream_name = self.raw_info['stream_name']
key = self.raw_info['key']
hex_suggested_file_name = self.raw_info['suggested_file_name']
stream_hash = self.raw_info['stream_hash']
blobs = self.raw_info['blobs']
except KeyError as e:
raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Missing '%s'" % (e.args[0]))
for c in hex_suggested_file_name:
if c not in '0123456789abcdef':
raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Suggested file name is not a hex-encoded string")
h = get_lbry_hash_obj()
def get_blob_hashsum(b):
length = b['length']
if length != 0:
blob_hash = b['blob_hash']
blob_hash = None
blob_num = b['blob_num']
iv = b['iv']
blob_hashsum = get_lbry_hash_obj()
if length != 0:
return blob_hashsum.digest()
blobs_hashsum = get_lbry_hash_obj()
for blob in blobs:
if blobs[-1]['length'] != 0:
raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Does not end with a zero-length blob.")
if h.hexdigest() != stream_hash:
raise InvalidStreamDescriptorError("Stream hash does not match stream metadata")
return defer.succeed(True)
def info_to_show(self):
info = []
info.append(("stream_name", binascii.unhexlify(self.raw_info.get("stream_name"))))
size_so_far = 0
for blob_info in self.raw_info.get("blobs", []):
size_so_far += int(blob_info['length'])
info.append(("stream_size", str(size_so_far)))
suggested_file_name = self.raw_info.get("suggested_file_name", None)
if suggested_file_name is not None:
suggested_file_name = binascii.unhexlify(suggested_file_name)
info.append(("suggested_file_name", suggested_file_name))
return info