
344 lines
12 KiB

import os
import logging
import hashlib
from binascii import hexlify
from operator import itemgetter
from twisted.internet import threads, defer
from import StreamController, execute_serially
from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction
from lbrynet.wallet.constants import CHAINS, MAIN_CHAIN, REGTEST_CHAIN, HEADER_SIZE
from lbrynet.wallet.util import hex_to_int, int_to_hex, rev_hex, hash_encode
from lbrynet.wallet.hash import double_sha256, pow_hash
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Address:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address
self.transactions = []
def add_transaction(self, transaction):
class Ledger:
def __init__(self, config=None, db=None):
self.config = config or {}
self.db = db
self.addresses = {}
self.transactions = {}
self.headers = BlockchainHeaders(self.headers_path, self.config.get('chain', MAIN_CHAIN))
self._on_transaction_controller = StreamController()
self.on_transaction =
def headers_path(self):
filename = 'blockchain_headers'
if self.config.get('chain', MAIN_CHAIN) != MAIN_CHAIN:
filename = '{}_headers'.format(self.config['chain'])
return os.path.join(self.config.get('wallet_path', ''), filename)
def load(self):
txs = yield self.db.get_transactions()
for tx_hash, raw, height in txs:
self.transactions[tx_hash] = Transaction(raw, height)
txios = yield self.db.get_transaction_inputs_and_outputs()
for tx_hash, address_hash, input_output, amount, height in txios:
tx = self.transactions[tx_hash]
address = self.addresses.get(address_hash)
if address is None:
address = self.addresses[address_hash] = Address(address_hash)
tx.add_txio(address, input_output, amount)
def is_address_old(self, address, age_limit=2):
age = -1
for tx in self.get_transactions(address, []):
if tx.height == 0:
tx_age = 0
tx_age = self.headers.height - tx.height + 1
if tx_age > age:
age = tx_age
return age > age_limit
def add_transaction(self, address, transaction):
self.transactions.setdefault(hexlify(, transaction)
self.addresses.setdefault(address, [])
def has_address(self, address):
return address in self.addresses
def get_transaction(self, tx_hash, *args):
return self.transactions.get(tx_hash, *args)
def get_transactions(self, address, *args):
return self.addresses.get(address, *args)
def get_status(self, address):
hashes = [
'{}:{}:'.format(tx.hash, tx.height)
for tx in self.get_transactions(address, [])
if hashes:
return hashlib.sha256(''.join(hashes)).digest().encode('hex')
def has_transaction(self, tx_hash):
return tx_hash in self.transactions
def get_least_used_address(self, addresses, max_transactions=100):
transaction_counts = []
for address in addresses:
transactions = self.get_transactions(address, [])
tx_count = len(transactions)
if tx_count == 0:
return address
elif tx_count >= max_transactions:
transaction_counts.append((address, tx_count))
if transaction_counts:
return transaction_counts[0]
class BlockchainHeaders:
def __init__(self, path, chain=MAIN_CHAIN):
self.path = path
self.chain = chain
self.max_target = CHAINS[chain]['max_target']
self.target_timespan = CHAINS[chain]['target_timespan']
self.genesis_bits = CHAINS[chain]['genesis_bits']
self._on_change_controller = StreamController()
self.on_changed =
self._size = None
def touch(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
with open(self.path, 'wb'):
def height(self):
return len(self) - 1
def sync_read_length(self):
return os.path.getsize(self.path) / HEADER_SIZE
def sync_read_header(self, height):
if 0 <= height < len(self):
with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: * HEADER_SIZE)
def __len__(self):
if self._size is None:
self._size = self.sync_read_length()
return self._size
def __getitem__(self, height):
assert not isinstance(height, slice),\
"Slicing of header chain has not been implemented yet."
header = self.sync_read_header(height)
return self._deserialize(height, header)
def connect(self, start, headers):
yield threads.deferToThread(self._sync_connect, start, headers)
def _sync_connect(self, start, headers):
previous_header = None
for header in self._iterate_headers(start, headers):
height = header['block_height']
if previous_header is None and height > 0:
previous_header = self[height-1]
self._verify_header(height, header, previous_header)
previous_header = header
with open(self.path, 'r+b') as f: * HEADER_SIZE)
_old_size = self._size
self._size = self.sync_read_length()
change = self._size - _old_size'saved {} header blocks'.format(change))
def _iterate_headers(self, height, headers):
assert len(headers) % HEADER_SIZE == 0
for idx in range(len(headers) / HEADER_SIZE):
start, end = idx * HEADER_SIZE, (idx + 1) * HEADER_SIZE
header = headers[start:end]
yield self._deserialize(height+idx, header)
def _verify_header(self, height, header, previous_header):
previous_hash = self._hash_header(previous_header)
assert previous_hash == header['prev_block_hash'], \
"prev hash mismatch: {} vs {}".format(previous_hash, header['prev_block_hash'])
bits, target = self._calculate_lbry_next_work_required(height, previous_header, header)
assert bits == header['bits'], \
"bits mismatch: {} vs {} (hash: {})".format(
bits, header['bits'], self._hash_header(header))
_pow_hash = self._pow_hash_header(header)
assert int('0x' + _pow_hash, 16) <= target, \
"insufficient proof of work: {} vs target {}".format(
int('0x' + _pow_hash, 16), target)
def _serialize(header):
return ''.join([
int_to_hex(header['version'], 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['timestamp']), 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['bits']), 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['nonce']), 4)
def _deserialize(height, header):
return {
'version': hex_to_int(header[0:4]),
'prev_block_hash': hash_encode(header[4:36]),
'merkle_root': hash_encode(header[36:68]),
'claim_trie_root': hash_encode(header[68:100]),
'timestamp': hex_to_int(header[100:104]),
'bits': hex_to_int(header[104:108]),
'nonce': hex_to_int(header[108:112]),
'block_height': height
def _hash_header(self, header):
if header is None:
return '0' * 64
return hash_encode(double_sha256(self._serialize(header).decode('hex')))
def _pow_hash_header(self, header):
if header is None:
return '0' * 64
return hash_encode(pow_hash(self._serialize(header).decode('hex')))
def _calculate_lbry_next_work_required(self, height, first, last):
""" See: lbrycrd/src/lbry.cpp """
if height == 0:
return self.genesis_bits, self.max_target
# bits to target
if self.chain != REGTEST_CHAIN:
bits = last['bits']
bitsN = (bits >> 24) & 0xff
assert 0x03 <= bitsN <= 0x1f, \
"First part of bits should be in [0x03, 0x1d], but it was {}".format(hex(bitsN))
bitsBase = bits & 0xffffff
assert 0x8000 <= bitsBase <= 0x7fffff, \
"Second part of bits should be in [0x8000, 0x7fffff] but it was {}".format(bitsBase)
# new target
retargetTimespan = self.target_timespan
nActualTimespan = last['timestamp'] - first['timestamp']
nModulatedTimespan = retargetTimespan + (nActualTimespan - retargetTimespan) // 8
nMinTimespan = retargetTimespan - (retargetTimespan // 8)
nMaxTimespan = retargetTimespan + (retargetTimespan // 2)
# Limit adjustment step
if nModulatedTimespan < nMinTimespan:
nModulatedTimespan = nMinTimespan
elif nModulatedTimespan > nMaxTimespan:
nModulatedTimespan = nMaxTimespan
# Retarget
bnPowLimit = _ArithUint256(self.max_target)
bnNew = _ArithUint256.SetCompact(last['bits'])
bnNew *= nModulatedTimespan
bnNew //= nModulatedTimespan
if bnNew > bnPowLimit:
bnNew = bnPowLimit
return bnNew.GetCompact(), bnNew._value
class _ArithUint256:
""" See: lbrycrd/src/arith_uint256.cpp """
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def __str__(self):
return hex(self._value)
def fromCompact(nCompact):
"""Convert a compact representation into its value"""
nSize = nCompact >> 24
# the lower 23 bits
nWord = nCompact & 0x007fffff
if nSize <= 3:
return nWord >> 8 * (3 - nSize)
return nWord << 8 * (nSize - 3)
def SetCompact(cls, nCompact):
return cls(cls.fromCompact(nCompact))
def bits(self):
"""Returns the position of the highest bit set plus one."""
bn = bin(self._value)[2:]
for i, d in enumerate(bn):
if d:
return (len(bn) - i) + 1
return 0
def GetLow64(self):
return self._value & 0xffffffffffffffff
def GetCompact(self):
"""Convert a value into its compact representation"""
nSize = (self.bits() + 7) // 8
nCompact = 0
if nSize <= 3:
nCompact = self.GetLow64() << 8 * (3 - nSize)
bn = _ArithUint256(self._value >> 8 * (nSize - 3))
nCompact = bn.GetLow64()
# The 0x00800000 bit denotes the sign.
# Thus, if it is already set, divide the mantissa by 256 and increase the exponent.
if nCompact & 0x00800000:
nCompact >>= 8
nSize += 1
assert (nCompact & ~0x007fffff) == 0
assert nSize < 256
nCompact |= nSize << 24
return nCompact
def __mul__(self, x):
# Take the mod because we are limited to an unsigned 256 bit number
return _ArithUint256((self._value * x) % 2 ** 256)
def __ifloordiv__(self, x):
self._value = (self._value // x)
return self
def __gt__(self, x):
return self._value > x