
434 lines
18 KiB

import logging
import struct
from six import int2byte
from binascii import unhexlify
from twisted.internet import defer
from lbrynet.core.Error import UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI
from .resolve import format_amount_value, _get_permanent_url, validate_claim_signature_and_get_channel_name
from .resolve import _verify_proof, _handle_claim_result
from lbryschema.decode import smart_decode
from lbryschema.error import URIParseError, DecodeError
from lbryschema.uri import parse_lbry_uri
from torba.baseledger import BaseLedger
from torba.baseheader import BaseHeaders, _ArithUint256
from torba.util import int_to_hex, rev_hex, hash_encode
from .account import Account
from .network import Network
from .database import WalletDatabase
from .transaction import Transaction
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Headers(BaseHeaders):
header_size = 112
def _serialize(header):
return b''.join([
int_to_hex(header['version'], 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['timestamp']), 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['bits']), 4),
int_to_hex(int(header['nonce']), 4)
def _deserialize(height, header):
version, = struct.unpack('<I', header[:4])
timestamp, bits, nonce = struct.unpack('<III', header[100:112])
return {
'version': version,
'prev_block_hash': hash_encode(header[4:36]),
'merkle_root': hash_encode(header[36:68]),
'claim_trie_root': hash_encode(header[68:100]),
'timestamp': timestamp,
'bits': bits,
'nonce': nonce,
'block_height': height,
def claim_trie_root(self, height=None):
height = self.height if height is None else height
return self[height]['claim_trie_root']
def _calculate_next_work_required(self, height, first, last):
""" See: lbrycrd/src/lbry.cpp """
if height == 0:
return self.ledger.genesis_bits, self.ledger.max_target
if self.verify_bits_to_target:
bits = last['bits']
bitsN = (bits >> 24) & 0xff
assert 0x03 <= bitsN <= 0x1f, \
"First part of bits should be in [0x03, 0x1d], but it was {}".format(hex(bitsN))
bitsBase = bits & 0xffffff
assert 0x8000 <= bitsBase <= 0x7fffff, \
"Second part of bits should be in [0x8000, 0x7fffff] but it was {}".format(bitsBase)
# new target
retargetTimespan = self.ledger.target_timespan
nActualTimespan = last['timestamp'] - first['timestamp']
nModulatedTimespan = retargetTimespan + (nActualTimespan - retargetTimespan) // 8
nMinTimespan = retargetTimespan - (retargetTimespan // 8)
nMaxTimespan = retargetTimespan + (retargetTimespan // 2)
# Limit adjustment step
if nModulatedTimespan < nMinTimespan:
nModulatedTimespan = nMinTimespan
elif nModulatedTimespan > nMaxTimespan:
nModulatedTimespan = nMaxTimespan
# Retarget
bnPowLimit = _ArithUint256(self.ledger.max_target)
bnNew = _ArithUint256.SetCompact(last['bits'])
bnNew *= nModulatedTimespan
bnNew //= nModulatedTimespan
if bnNew > bnPowLimit:
bnNew = bnPowLimit
return bnNew.GetCompact(), bnNew._value
class MainNetLedger(BaseLedger):
name = 'LBRY Credits'
symbol = 'LBC'
network_name = 'mainnet'
account_class = Account
database_class = WalletDatabase
headers_class = Headers
network_class = Network
transaction_class = Transaction
secret_prefix = int2byte(0x1c)
pubkey_address_prefix = int2byte(0x55)
script_address_prefix = int2byte(0x7a)
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488b21e')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488ade4')
max_target = 0x0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
genesis_hash = '9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463'
genesis_bits = 0x1f00ffff
target_timespan = 150
default_fee_per_byte = 50
default_fee_per_name_char = 200000
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MainNetLedger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fee_per_name_char = self.config.get('fee_per_name_char', self.default_fee_per_name_char)
def get_transaction_base_fee(self, tx):
""" Fee for the transaction header and all outputs; without inputs. """
return max(
super(MainNetLedger, self).get_transaction_base_fee(tx),
def get_transaction_claim_name_fee(self, tx):
fee = 0
for output in tx.outputs:
if output.script.is_claim_name:
fee += len(output.script.values['claim_name']) * self.fee_per_name_char
return fee
def resolve(self, page, page_size, *uris):
for uri in uris:
except URIParseError as err:
defer.returnValue({'error': err.message})
resolutions = yield, *uris)
defer.returnValue(self._handle_resolutions(resolutions, uris, page, page_size))
def _handle_resolutions(self, resolutions, requested_uris, page, page_size):
results = {}
for uri in requested_uris:
resolution = (resolutions or {}).get(uri, {})
if resolution:
results[uri] = _handle_claim_result(
self._handle_resolve_uri_response(uri, resolution, page, page_size)
except (UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI) as err:
results[uri] = {'error': err.message}
return results
def _handle_resolve_uri_response(self, uri, resolution, page=0, page_size=10, raw=False):
result = {}
claim_trie_root = self.headers.claim_trie_root
parsed_uri = parse_lbry_uri(uri)
# parse an included certificate
if 'certificate' in resolution:
certificate_response = resolution['certificate']['result']
certificate_resolution_type = resolution['certificate']['resolution_type']
if certificate_resolution_type == "winning" and certificate_response:
if 'height' in certificate_response:
height = certificate_response['height']
depth = self.headers.height - height
certificate_result = _verify_proof(self,,
height, depth,
result['certificate'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_result,
elif certificate_resolution_type == "claim_id":
result['certificate'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_response,
elif certificate_resolution_type == "sequence":
result['certificate'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_response,
log.error("unknown response type: %s", certificate_resolution_type)
if 'certificate' in result:
certificate = result['certificate']
if 'unverified_claims_in_channel' in resolution:
max_results = len(resolution['unverified_claims_in_channel'])
result['claims_in_channel'] = max_results
result['claims_in_channel'] = 0
result['error'] = "claim not found"
result['success'] = False
result['uri'] = str(parsed_uri)
certificate = None
# if this was a resolution for a name, parse the result
if 'claim' in resolution:
claim_response = resolution['claim']['result']
claim_resolution_type = resolution['claim']['resolution_type']
if claim_resolution_type == "winning" and claim_response:
if 'height' in claim_response:
height = claim_response['height']
depth = self.headers.height - height
claim_result = _verify_proof(self,,
height, depth)
result['claim'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_result,
elif claim_resolution_type == "claim_id":
result['claim'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_response,
elif claim_resolution_type == "sequence":
result['claim'] = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_response,
log.error("unknown response type: %s", claim_resolution_type)
# if this was a resolution for a name in a channel make sure there is only one valid
# match
elif 'unverified_claims_for_name' in resolution and 'certificate' in result:
unverified_claims_for_name = resolution['unverified_claims_for_name']
channel_info = self.get_channel_claims_page(unverified_claims_for_name,
result['certificate'], page=1)
claims_in_channel, upper_bound = channel_info
if len(claims_in_channel) > 1:
log.error("Multiple signed claims for the same name")
elif not claims_in_channel:
log.error("No valid claims for this name for this channel")
result['claim'] = claims_in_channel[0]
# parse and validate claims in a channel iteratively into pages of results
elif 'unverified_claims_in_channel' in resolution and 'certificate' in result:
ids_to_check = resolution['unverified_claims_in_channel']
channel_info = self.get_channel_claims_page(ids_to_check, result['certificate'],
page=page, page_size=page_size)
claims_in_channel, upper_bound = channel_info
if claims_in_channel:
result['claims_in_channel'] = claims_in_channel
elif 'error' not in result:
result['error'] = "claim not found"
result['success'] = False
result['uri'] = str(parsed_uri)
return result
def parse_and_validate_claim_result(self, claim_result, certificate=None, raw=False):
if not claim_result or 'value' not in claim_result:
return claim_result
claim_result['decoded_claim'] = False
decoded = None
if not raw:
claim_value = claim_result['value']
decoded = smart_decode(claim_value)
claim_result['value'] = decoded.claim_dict
claim_result['decoded_claim'] = True
except DecodeError:
if decoded:
claim_result['has_signature'] = False
if decoded.has_signature:
if certificate is None:"fetching certificate to check claim signature")
certificate = self.getclaimbyid(decoded.certificate_id)
if not certificate:
log.warning('Certificate %s not found', decoded.certificate_id)
claim_result['has_signature'] = True
claim_result['signature_is_valid'] = False
validated, channel_name = validate_claim_signature_and_get_channel_name(
decoded, certificate, claim_result['address'])
claim_result['channel_name'] = channel_name
if validated:
claim_result['signature_is_valid'] = True
if 'height' in claim_result and claim_result['height'] is None:
claim_result['height'] = -1
if 'amount' in claim_result and not isinstance(claim_result['amount'], float):
claim_result = format_amount_value(claim_result)
claim_result['permanent_url'] = _get_permanent_url(claim_result)
return claim_result
def prepare_claim_queries(start_position, query_size, channel_claim_infos):
queries = [tuple()]
names = {}
# a table of index counts for the sorted claim ids, including ignored claims
absolute_position_index = {}
block_sorted_infos = sorted(channel_claim_infos.iteritems(), key=lambda x: int(x[1][1]))
per_block_infos = {}
for claim_id, (name, height) in block_sorted_infos:
claims = per_block_infos.get(height, [])
claims.append((claim_id, name))
per_block_infos[height] = sorted(claims, key=lambda x: int(x[0], 16))
abs_position = 0
for height in sorted(per_block_infos.keys(), reverse=True):
for claim_id, name in per_block_infos[height]:
names[claim_id] = name
absolute_position_index[claim_id] = abs_position
if abs_position >= start_position:
if len(queries[-1]) >= query_size:
queries[-1] += (claim_id,)
abs_position += 1
return queries, names, absolute_position_index
def iter_channel_claims_pages(self, queries, claim_positions, claim_names, certificate,
# lbryum server returns a dict of {claim_id: (name, claim_height)}
# first, sort the claims by block height (and by claim id int value within a block).
# map the sorted claims into getclaimsbyids queries of query_size claim ids each
# send the batched queries to lbryum server and iteratively validate and parse
# the results, yield a page of results at a time.
# these results can include those where `signature_is_valid` is False. if they are skipped,
# page indexing becomes tricky, as the number of results isn't known until after having
# processed them.
# TODO: fix ^ in lbryschema
def iter_validate_channel_claims():
for claim_ids in queries:
batch_result = yield*claim_ids)
for claim_id in claim_ids:
claim = batch_result[claim_id]
if claim['name'] == claim_names[claim_id]:
formatted_claim = self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim, certificate)
formatted_claim['absolute_channel_position'] = claim_positions[
yield formatted_claim
log.warning("ignoring claim with name mismatch %s %s", claim['name'],
yielded_page = False
results = []
for claim in iter_validate_channel_claims():
# if there is a full page of results, yield it
if len(results) and len(results) % page_size == 0:
yield results[-page_size:]
yielded_page = True
# if we didn't get a full page of results, yield what results we did get
if not yielded_page:
yield results
def get_channel_claims_page(self, channel_claim_infos, certificate, page, page_size=10):
page = page or 0
page_size = max(page_size, 1)
if page_size > 500:
raise Exception("page size above maximum allowed")
start_position = (page - 1) * page_size
queries, names, claim_positions = self.prepare_claim_queries(start_position, page_size,
page_generator = self.iter_channel_claims_pages(queries, claim_positions, names,
certificate, page_size=page_size)
upper_bound = len(claim_positions)
if not page:
return None, upper_bound
if start_position > upper_bound:
raise IndexError("claim %i greater than max %i" % (start_position, upper_bound))
return next(page_generator), upper_bound
def start(self):
yield super(MainNetLedger, self).start()
yield defer.DeferredList([
a.maybe_migrate_certificates() for a in self.accounts
class TestNetLedger(MainNetLedger):
network_name = 'testnet'
pubkey_address_prefix = int2byte(111)
script_address_prefix = int2byte(196)
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
class UnverifiedHeaders(Headers):
verify_bits_to_target = False
class RegTestLedger(MainNetLedger):
network_name = 'regtest'
headers_class = UnverifiedHeaders
pubkey_address_prefix = int2byte(111)
script_address_prefix = int2byte(196)
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
max_target = 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
genesis_hash = '6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556'
genesis_bits = 0x207fffff
target_timespan = 1