forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
467 lines
22 KiB
467 lines
22 KiB
import logging
from ecdsa import BadSignatureError
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from lbrynet.p2p.Error import UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI, UnknownOutpoint
from lbrynet.schema.address import is_address
from lbrynet.schema.claim import ClaimDict
from lbrynet.schema.decode import smart_decode
from lbrynet.schema.error import DecodeError
from lbrynet.schema.uri import parse_lbry_uri
from .claim_proofs import verify_proof, InvalidProofError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Resolver:
def __init__(self, claim_trie_root, height, transaction_class, hash160_to_address, network):
self.claim_trie_root = claim_trie_root
self.height = height
self.transaction_class = transaction_class
self.hash160_to_address = hash160_to_address
| = network
async def _handle_resolutions(self, resolutions, requested_uris, page, page_size):
results = {}
for uri in requested_uris:
resolution = (resolutions or {}).get(uri, {})
if resolution:
results[uri] = _handle_claim_result(
await self._handle_resolve_uri_response(uri, resolution, page, page_size)
except (UnknownNameError, UnknownClaimID, UnknownURI) as err:
results[uri] = {'error': str(err)}
results[uri] = {'error': "URI lbry://{} cannot be resolved".format(uri.replace("lbry://", ""))}
return results
async def _handle_resolve_uri_response(self, uri, resolution, page=0, page_size=10, raw=False):
result = {}
claim_trie_root = self.claim_trie_root
parsed_uri = parse_lbry_uri(uri)
certificate = None
# parse an included certificate
if 'certificate' in resolution:
certificate_response = resolution['certificate']['result']
certificate_resolution_type = resolution['certificate']['resolution_type']
if certificate_resolution_type == "winning" and certificate_response:
if 'height' in certificate_response:
height = certificate_response['height']
depth = self.height - height
certificate_result = _verify_proof(,
height, depth,
result['certificate'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_result,
elif certificate_resolution_type == "claim_id":
result['certificate'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_response,
elif certificate_resolution_type == "sequence":
result['certificate'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(certificate_response,
log.error("unknown response type: %s", certificate_resolution_type)
if 'certificate' in result:
certificate = result['certificate']
if 'unverified_claims_in_channel' in resolution:
max_results = len(resolution['unverified_claims_in_channel'])
result['claims_in_channel'] = max_results
result['claims_in_channel'] = 0
result['error'] = "claim not found"
result['success'] = False
result['uri'] = str(parsed_uri)
certificate = None
# if this was a resolution for a name, parse the result
if 'claim' in resolution:
claim_response = resolution['claim']['result']
claim_resolution_type = resolution['claim']['resolution_type']
if claim_resolution_type == "winning" and claim_response:
if 'height' in claim_response:
height = claim_response['height']
depth = self.height - height
claim_result = _verify_proof(,
height, depth,
result['claim'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_result,
elif claim_resolution_type == "claim_id":
result['claim'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_response,
elif claim_resolution_type == "sequence":
result['claim'] = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_response,
log.error("unknown response type: %s", claim_resolution_type)
# if this was a resolution for a name in a channel make sure there is only one valid
# match
elif 'unverified_claims_for_name' in resolution and 'certificate' in result:
unverified_claims_for_name = resolution['unverified_claims_for_name']
channel_info = await self.get_channel_claims_page(unverified_claims_for_name,
result['certificate'], page=1)
claims_in_channel, upper_bound = channel_info
if not claims_in_channel:
log.error("No valid claims for this name for this channel")
elif len(claims_in_channel) > 1:
log.error("Multiple signed claims for the same name")
result['claim'] = claims_in_channel[0]
# parse and validate claims in a channel iteratively into pages of results
elif 'unverified_claims_in_channel' in resolution and 'certificate' in result:
ids_to_check = resolution['unverified_claims_in_channel']
channel_info = await self.get_channel_claims_page(ids_to_check, result['certificate'],
page=page, page_size=page_size)
claims_in_channel, upper_bound = channel_info
if claims_in_channel:
result['claims_in_channel'] = claims_in_channel
elif 'error' not in result:
result['error'] = "claim not found"
result['success'] = False
result['uri'] = str(parsed_uri)
return result
async def get_certificate_and_validate_result(self, claim_result):
if not claim_result or 'value' not in claim_result:
return claim_result
certificate = None
certificate_id = smart_decode(claim_result['value']).certificate_id
if certificate_id:
certificate = await
certificate = certificate.pop(certificate_id.decode()) if certificate else None
return await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim_result, certificate=certificate)
async def parse_and_validate_claim_result(self, claim_result, certificate=None, raw=False):
if not claim_result or 'value' not in claim_result:
return claim_result
claim_result['decoded_claim'] = False
decoded = None
if not raw:
claim_value = claim_result['value']
decoded = smart_decode(claim_value)
claim_result['value'] = decoded.claim_dict
claim_result['decoded_claim'] = True
except DecodeError:
if decoded:
claim_result['has_signature'] = False
if decoded.has_signature:
if certificate is None:
|"fetching certificate to check claim signature")
certificate = await
if not certificate:
log.warning('Certificate %s not found', decoded.certificate_id)
claim_result['has_signature'] = True
claim_result['signature_is_valid'] = False
validated, channel_name = validate_claim_signature_and_get_channel_name(
decoded, certificate, claim_result['address'])
claim_result['channel_name'] = channel_name
if validated:
claim_result['signature_is_valid'] = True
if 'height' in claim_result and claim_result['height'] is None:
claim_result['height'] = -1
if 'amount' in claim_result and not isinstance(claim_result['amount'], float):
claim_result = format_amount_value(claim_result)
claim_result['permanent_url'] = _get_permanent_url(claim_result)
return claim_result
def prepare_claim_queries(start_position, query_size, channel_claim_infos):
queries = [tuple()]
names = {}
# a table of index counts for the sorted claim ids, including ignored claims
absolute_position_index = {}
block_sorted_infos = sorted(channel_claim_infos.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[1][1]))
per_block_infos = {}
for claim_id, (name, height) in block_sorted_infos:
claims = per_block_infos.get(height, [])
claims.append((claim_id, name))
per_block_infos[height] = sorted(claims, key=lambda x: int(x[0], 16))
abs_position = 0
for height in sorted(per_block_infos.keys(), reverse=True):
for claim_id, name in per_block_infos[height]:
names[claim_id] = name
absolute_position_index[claim_id] = abs_position
if abs_position >= start_position:
if len(queries[-1]) >= query_size:
queries[-1] += (claim_id,)
abs_position += 1
return queries, names, absolute_position_index
async def iter_channel_claims_pages(self, queries, claim_positions, claim_names, certificate,
# lbryum server returns a dict of {claim_id: (name, claim_height)}
# first, sort the claims by block height (and by claim id int value within a block).
# map the sorted claims into getclaimsbyids queries of query_size claim ids each
# send the batched queries to lbryum server and iteratively validate and parse
# the results, yield a page of results at a time.
# these results can include those where `signature_is_valid` is False. if they are skipped,
# page indexing becomes tricky, as the number of results isn't known until after having
# processed them.
# TODO: fix ^ in lbrynet.schema
async def iter_validate_channel_claims():
formatted_claims = []
for claim_ids in queries:
batch_result = await*claim_ids)
for claim_id in claim_ids:
claim = batch_result[claim_id]
if claim['name'] == claim_names[claim_id]:
formatted_claim = await self.parse_and_validate_claim_result(claim, certificate)
formatted_claim['absolute_channel_position'] = claim_positions[
log.warning("ignoring claim with name mismatch %s %s", claim['name'],
return formatted_claims
results = []
for claim in await iter_validate_channel_claims():
# if there is a full page of results, yield it
if len(results) and len(results) % page_size == 0:
return results[-page_size:]
return results
async def get_channel_claims_page(self, channel_claim_infos, certificate, page, page_size=10):
page = page or 0
page_size = max(page_size, 1)
if page_size > 500:
raise Exception("page size above maximum allowed")
start_position = (page - 1) * page_size
queries, names, claim_positions = self.prepare_claim_queries(start_position, page_size,
page_generator = await self.iter_channel_claims_pages(queries, claim_positions, names,
certificate, page_size=page_size)
upper_bound = len(claim_positions)
if not page:
return None, upper_bound
if start_position > upper_bound:
raise IndexError("claim %i greater than max %i" % (start_position, upper_bound))
return page_generator, upper_bound
# Format amount to be decimal encoded string
# Format value to be hex encoded string
# TODO: refactor. Came from lbryum, there could be another part of torba doing it
def format_amount_value(obj):
COIN = 100000000
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
if k in ('amount', 'effective_amount'):
if not isinstance(obj[k], float):
obj[k] = float(obj[k]) / float(COIN)
elif k == 'supports' and isinstance(v, list):
obj[k] = [{'txid': txid, 'nout': nout, 'amount': float(amount) / float(COIN)}
for (txid, nout, amount) in v]
elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
obj[k] = format_amount_value(v)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [format_amount_value(o) for o in obj]
return obj
def _get_permanent_url(claim_result):
if claim_result.get('has_signature') and claim_result.get('channel_name'):
return "{}#{}/{}".format(
return "{}#{}".format(
def _verify_proof(name, claim_trie_root, result, height, depth, transaction_class, hash160_to_address):
Verify proof for name claim
def _build_response(name, value, claim_id, txid, n, amount, effective_amount,
claim_sequence, claim_address, supports):
r = {
'name': name,
'value': hexlify(value),
'claim_id': claim_id,
'txid': txid,
'nout': n,
'amount': amount,
'effective_amount': effective_amount,
'height': height,
'depth': depth,
'claim_sequence': claim_sequence,
'address': claim_address,
'supports': supports
return r
def _parse_proof_result(name, result):
support_amount = sum([amt for (stxid, snout, amt) in result['supports']])
supports = result['supports']
if 'txhash' in result['proof'] and 'nOut' in result['proof']:
if 'transaction' in result:
tx = transaction_class(raw=unhexlify(result['transaction']))
nOut = result['proof']['nOut']
if result['proof']['txhash'] ==
if 0 <= nOut < len(tx.outputs):
claim_output = tx.outputs[nOut]
effective_amount = claim_output.amount + support_amount
claim_address = hash160_to_address(claim_output.script.values['pubkey_hash'])
claim_id = result['claim_id']
claim_sequence = result['claim_sequence']
claim_script = claim_output.script
decoded_name = claim_script.values['claim_name'].decode()
decoded_value = claim_script.values['claim']
if decoded_name == name:
return _build_response(name, decoded_value, claim_id,
|, nOut, claim_output.amount,
effective_amount, claim_sequence,
claim_address, supports)
return {'error': 'name in proof did not match requested name'}
outputs = len(tx['outputs'])
return {'error': 'invalid nOut: %d (let(outputs): %d' % (nOut, outputs)}
return {'error': "computed txid did not match given transaction: %s vs %s" %
(, result['proof']['txhash'])
return {'error': "didn't receive a transaction with the proof"}
return {'error': 'name is not claimed'}
if 'proof' in result:
verify_proof(result['proof'], claim_trie_root, name)
except InvalidProofError:
return {'error': "Proof was invalid"}
return _parse_proof_result(name, result)
return {'error': "proof not in result"}
def validate_claim_signature_and_get_channel_name(claim, certificate_claim,
claim_address, decoded_certificate=None):
if not certificate_claim:
return False, None
certificate = decoded_certificate or smart_decode(certificate_claim['value'])
if not isinstance(certificate, ClaimDict):
raise TypeError("Certificate is not a ClaimDict: %s" % str(type(certificate)))
if _validate_signed_claim(claim, claim_address, certificate):
return True, certificate_claim['name']
return False, None
def _validate_signed_claim(claim, claim_address, certificate):
if not claim.has_signature:
raise Exception("Claim is not signed")
if not is_address(claim_address):
raise Exception("Not given a valid claim address")
if claim.validate_signature(claim_address, certificate.protobuf):
return True
except BadSignatureError:
# print_msg("Signature for %s is invalid" % claim_id)
return False
except Exception as err:
log.error("Signature for %s is invalid, reason: %s - %s", claim_address,
str(type(err)), err)
return False
return False
# TODO: The following came from code handling lbryum results. Now that it's all in one place a refactor should unify it.
def _decode_claim_result(claim):
if 'has_signature' in claim and claim['has_signature']:
if not claim['signature_is_valid']:
log.warning("lbry://%s#%s has an invalid signature",
claim['name'], claim['claim_id'])
decoded = smart_decode(claim['value'])
claim_dict = decoded.claim_dict
claim['value'] = claim_dict
claim['hex'] = hexlify(decoded.serialized)
except DecodeError:
claim['hex'] = claim['value']
claim['value'] = None
claim['error'] = "Failed to decode value"
return claim
def _handle_claim_result(results):
if not results:
#TODO: cannot determine what name we searched for here
# we should fix lbryum commands that return None
raise UnknownNameError("")
if 'error' in results:
if results['error'] in ['name is not claimed', 'claim not found']:
if 'claim_id' in results:
raise UnknownClaimID(results['claim_id'])
elif 'name' in results:
raise UnknownNameError(results['name'])
elif 'uri' in results:
raise UnknownURI(results['uri'])
elif 'outpoint' in results:
raise UnknownOutpoint(results['outpoint'])
raise Exception(results['error'])
# case where return value is {'certificate':{'txid', 'value',...},...}
if 'certificate' in results:
results['certificate'] = _decode_claim_result(results['certificate'])
# case where return value is {'claim':{'txid','value',...},...}
if 'claim' in results:
results['claim'] = _decode_claim_result(results['claim'])
# case where return value is {'txid','value',...}
# returned by queries that are not name resolve related
# (getclaimbyoutpoint, getclaimbyid, getclaimsfromtx)
elif 'value' in results:
results = _decode_claim_result(results)
# case where there is no 'certificate', 'value', or 'claim' key
elif 'certificate' not in results:
msg = f'result in unexpected format:{results}'
assert False, msg
return results