forked from LBRYCommunity/lbry-sdk
751 lines
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751 lines
20 KiB
import os.path
import json
from string import ascii_letters
from typing import List, Tuple, Iterator, TypeVar, Generic
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_UP
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
from hachoir.parser import createParser as binary_file_parser
from hachoir.metadata import extractMetadata as binary_file_metadata
from hachoir.core.log import log as hachoir_log
from torba.client.hash import Base58
from torba.client.constants import COIN
from lbrynet.schema import compat
from lbrynet.schema.base import Signable
from lbrynet.schema.mime_types import guess_media_type
from lbrynet.schema.types.v2.claim_pb2 import (
Claim as ClaimMessage,
Fee as FeeMessage,
Location as LocationMessage,
Language as LanguageMessage
hachoir_log.use_print = False
class Claim(Signable):
__slots__ = 'version',
message_class = ClaimMessage
def __init__(self, claim_message=None):
self.version = 2
def is_stream(self):
return self.message.WhichOneof('type') == 'stream'
def is_channel(self):
return self.message.WhichOneof('type') == 'channel'
def stream_message(self):
if self.is_undetermined:
if not self.is_stream:
raise ValueError('Claim is not a stream.')
def stream(self) -> 'Stream':
return Stream(self)
def channel_message(self):
if self.is_undetermined:
if not self.is_channel:
raise ValueError('Claim is not a channel.')
def channel(self) -> 'Channel':
return Channel(self)
def to_dict(self):
return MessageToDict(self.message, preserving_proto_field_name=True)
def from_bytes(cls, data: bytes) -> 'Claim':
return super().from_bytes(data)
except DecodeError:
claim = cls()
if data[0] == ord('{'):
claim.version = 0
compat.from_old_json_schema(claim, data)
elif data[0] not in (0, 1):
claim.version = 1
compat.from_types_v1(claim, data)
return claim
I = TypeVar('I')
class BaseMessageList(Generic[I]):
__slots__ = 'message',
item_class = None
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def add(self) -> I:
return self.item_class(self.message.add())
def extend(self, values: List[str]):
for value in values:
def append(self, value: str):
raise NotImplemented
def __len__(self):
return len(self.message)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[I]:
for lang in self.message:
yield self.item_class(lang)
def __getitem__(self, item) -> I:
return self.item_class(self.message[item])
class Dimmensional:
__slots__ = ()
def width(self) -> int:
return self.message.width
def width(self, width: int):
self.message.width = width
def height(self) -> int:
return self.message.height
def height(self, height: int):
self.message.height = height
def dimensions(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.width, self.height
def dimensions(self, dimensions: Tuple[int, int]):
self.message.width, self.message.height = dimensions
class Playable:
__slots__ = ()
def duration(self) -> int:
return self.message.duration
def duration(self, duration: int):
self.message.duration = duration
def set_duration_from_path(self, file_path):
file_metadata = binary_file_metadata(binary_file_parser(file_path))
self.duration = file_metadata.getValues('duration')[0].seconds
class Image(Dimmensional):
__slots__ = 'message',
def __init__(self, image_message):
self.message = image_message
class Video(Dimmensional, Playable):
__slots__ = 'message',
def __init__(self, video_message):
self.message = video_message
class Audio(Playable):
__slots__ = 'message',
def __init__(self, audio_message):
self.message = audio_message
class File:
__slots__ = '_file',
def __init__(self, file_message):
self._file = file_message
def name(self) -> str:
def name(self, name: str):
| = name
def size(self) -> int:
return self._file.size
def size(self, size: int):
self._file.size = size
class Fee:
__slots__ = '_fee',
def __init__(self, fee_message):
self._fee = fee_message
def currency(self) -> str:
return FeeMessage.Currency.Name(self._fee.currency)
def address(self) -> str:
return Base58.encode(self._fee.address)
def address(self, address: str):
self._fee.address = Base58.decode(address)
def address_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return self._fee.address
def address_bytes(self, address: bytes):
self._fee.address = address
def amount(self) -> Decimal:
if self.currency == 'LBC':
return self.lbc
if self.currency == 'BTC':
return self.btc
if self.currency == 'USD':
return self.usd
DEWIES = Decimal(COIN)
def lbc(self) -> Decimal:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.LBC:
raise ValueError('LBC can only be returned for LBC fees.')
return Decimal(self._fee.amount / self.DEWIES)
def lbc(self, amount: Decimal):
self.dewies = int(amount * self.DEWIES)
def dewies(self) -> int:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.LBC:
raise ValueError('Dewies can only be returned for LBC fees.')
return self._fee.amount
def dewies(self, amount: int):
self._fee.amount = amount
self._fee.currency = FeeMessage.LBC
def btc(self) -> Decimal:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.BTC:
raise ValueError('BTC can only be returned for BTC fees.')
return Decimal(self._fee.amount / self.SATOSHIES)
def btc(self, amount: Decimal):
self.satoshis = int(amount * self.SATOSHIES)
def satoshis(self) -> int:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.BTC:
raise ValueError('Satoshies can only be returned for BTC fees.')
return self._fee.amount
def satoshis(self, amount: int):
self._fee.amount = amount
self._fee.currency = FeeMessage.BTC
PENNIES = Decimal('100.0')
PENNY = Decimal('0.01')
def usd(self) -> Decimal:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.USD:
raise ValueError('USD can only be returned for USD fees.')
return Decimal(self._fee.amount / self.PENNIES)
def usd(self, amount: Decimal):
self.pennies = int(amount.quantize(self.PENNY, ROUND_UP) * self.PENNIES)
def pennies(self) -> int:
if self._fee.currency != FeeMessage.USD:
raise ValueError('Pennies can only be returned for USD fees.')
return self._fee.amount
def pennies(self, amount: int):
self._fee.amount = amount
self._fee.currency = FeeMessage.USD
class Language:
__slots__ = 'message',
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def langtag(self) -> str:
langtag = []
if self.language:
if self.script:
if self.region:
return '-'.join(langtag)
def langtag(self, langtag: str):
parts = langtag.split('-')
self.language = parts.pop(0)
if parts and len(parts[0]) == 4:
self.script = parts.pop(0)
if parts and len(parts[0]) == 2:
self.region = parts.pop(0)
assert not parts, f"Failed to parse language tag: {langtag}"
def language(self) -> str:
if self.message.language:
return LanguageMessage.Language.Name(self.message.language)
def language(self, language: str):
self.message.language = LanguageMessage.Language.Value(language)
def script(self) -> str:
if self.message.script:
return LanguageMessage.Script.Name(self.message.script)
def script(self, script: str):
self.message.script = LanguageMessage.Script.Value(script)
def region(self) -> str:
if self.message.region:
return LocationMessage.Country.Name(self.message.region)
def region(self, region: str):
self.message.region = LocationMessage.Country.Value(region)
class LanguageList(BaseMessageList[Language]):
__slots__ = ()
item_class = Language
def append(self, value: str):
self.add().langtag = value
class Location:
__slots__ = 'message',
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
def from_value(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith('{'):
value = json.loads(value)
if isinstance(value, dict):
for key, val in value.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
elif isinstance(value, str):
parts = value.split(':')
if len(parts) > 2 or (parts[0] and parts[0][0] in ascii_letters):
country = parts and parts.pop(0)
if country:
| = country
state = parts and parts.pop(0)
if state:
self.state = state
city = parts and parts.pop(0)
if city:
| = city
code = parts and parts.pop(0)
if code:
self.code = code
latitude = parts and parts.pop(0)
if latitude:
self.latitude = latitude
longitude = parts and parts.pop(0)
if longitude:
self.longitude = longitude
raise ValueError(f'Could not parse country value: {value}')
def country(self) -> str:
return LocationMessage.Country.Name(
def country(self, country: str):
| = LocationMessage.Country.Value(country)
def state(self) -> str:
return self.message.state
def state(self, state: str):
self.message.state = state
def city(self) -> str:
def city(self, city: str):
| = city
def code(self) -> str:
return self.message.code
def code(self, code: str):
self.message.code = code
GPS_PRECISION = Decimal('10000000')
def latitude(self) -> str:
if self.message.latitude:
return str(Decimal(self.message.latitude) / self.GPS_PRECISION)
def latitude(self, latitude: str):
latitude = Decimal(latitude)
assert -90 <= latitude <= 90, "Latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees."
self.message.latitude = int(latitude * self.GPS_PRECISION)
def longitude(self) -> str:
if self.message.longitude:
return str(Decimal(self.message.longitude) / self.GPS_PRECISION)
def longitude(self, longitude: str):
longitude = Decimal(longitude)
assert -180 <= longitude <= 180, "Longitude must be between -180 and 180 degrees."
self.message.longitude = int(longitude * self.GPS_PRECISION)
class LocationList(BaseMessageList[Location]):
__slots__ = ()
item_class = Location
def append(self, value):
class BaseClaimSubType:
__slots__ = 'claim', 'message'
def __init__(self, claim: Claim):
self.claim = claim or Claim()
def title(self) -> str:
return self.message.title
def title(self, title: str):
self.message.title = title
def description(self) -> str:
return self.message.description
def description(self, description: str):
self.message.description = description
def thumbnail_url(self) -> str:
return self.message.thumbnail_url
def thumbnail_url(self, thumbnail_url: str):
self.message.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
def tags(self) -> List:
return self.message.tags
def languages(self) -> LanguageList:
return LanguageList(self.message.languages)
def langtags(self) -> List[str]:
return [l.langtag for l in self.languages]
def locations(self) -> LocationList:
return LocationList(self.message.locations)
def to_dict(self):
return MessageToDict(self.message, preserving_proto_field_name=True)
def update(self, **kwargs):
for l in ('tags', 'languages', 'locations'):
if kwargs.pop(f'clear_{l}', False):
items = kwargs.pop(l, None)
if items is not None:
if isinstance(items, str):
getattr(self, l).append(items)
elif isinstance(items, list):
getattr(self, l).extend(items)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown {l} value: {items}")
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
class Channel(BaseClaimSubType):
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, claim: Claim = None):
self.message = self.claim.channel_message
def public_key(self) -> str:
return hexlify(self.message.public_key).decode()
def public_key(self, sd_public_key: str):
self.message.public_key = unhexlify(sd_public_key.encode())
def public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return self.message.public_key
def public_key_bytes(self, public_key: bytes):
self.message.public_key = public_key
def contact_email(self) -> str:
return self.message.contact_email
def contact_email(self, contact_email: str):
self.message.contact_email = contact_email
def homepage_url(self) -> str:
return self.message.homepage_url
def homepage_url(self, homepage_url: str):
self.message.homepage_url = homepage_url
def cover_url(self) -> str:
return self.message.cover_url
def cover_url(self, cover_url: str):
self.message.cover_url = cover_url
class Stream(BaseClaimSubType):
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, claim: Claim = None):
self.message = self.claim.stream_message
def update(
self, file_path=None, stream_type=None,
fee_currency=None, fee_amount=None, fee_address=None,
duration_was_not_set = True
sub_types = ('image', 'video', 'audio')
for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
for sub_type in sub_types:
if key.startswith(f'{sub_type}_'):
stream_type = sub_type
sub_obj = getattr(self, sub_type)
sub_obj_attr = key[len(f'{sub_type}_'):]
setattr(sub_obj, sub_obj_attr, kwargs.pop(key))
if sub_obj_attr == 'duration':
duration_was_not_set = False
if stream_type is not None:
if stream_type not in sub_types:
raise Exception(
f"stream_type of '{stream_type}' is not valid, must be one of: {sub_types}"
sub_obj = getattr(self, stream_type)
if duration_was_not_set and file_path and isinstance(sub_obj, Playable):
if file_path is not None:
self.media_type = guess_media_type(file_path)
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
raise Exception(f"File does not exist: {file_path}")
self.file.size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
if self.file.size == 0:
raise Exception(f"Cannot publish empty file: {file_path}")
if fee_amount and fee_currency:
if fee_address:
self.fee.address = fee_address
if fee_currency.lower() == 'lbc':
self.fee.lbc = Decimal(fee_amount)
elif fee_currency.lower() == 'btc':
self.fee.btc = Decimal(fee_amount)
elif fee_currency.lower() == 'usd':
self.fee.usd = Decimal(fee_amount)
raise Exception(f'Unknown currency type: {fee_currency}')
def sd_hash(self) -> str:
return hexlify(self.message.sd_hash).decode()
def sd_hash(self, sd_hash: str):
self.message.sd_hash = unhexlify(sd_hash.encode())
def sd_hash_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return self.message.sd_hash
def sd_hash_bytes(self, sd_hash: bytes):
self.message.sd_hash = sd_hash
def author(self) -> str:
def author(self, author: str):
| = author
def license(self) -> str:
return self.message.license
def license(self, license: str):
self.message.license = license
def license_url(self) -> str:
return self.message.license_url
def license_url(self, license_url: str):
self.message.license_url = license_url
def release_time(self) -> int:
return self.message.release_time
def release_time(self, release_time: int):
self.message.release_time = release_time
def media_type(self) -> str:
return self.message.media_type
def media_type(self, media_type: str):
self.message.media_type = media_type
def fee(self) -> Fee:
return Fee(self.message.fee)
def has_fee(self) -> bool:
return self.message.HasField('fee')
def file(self) -> File:
return File(self.message.file)
def image(self) -> Image:
return Image(self.message.image)
def video(self) -> Video:
return Video(
def audio(self) -> Audio:
return Audio(