
922 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import os
import shutil
import datetime
import threading
import time
import json
from flask import jsonify
from utils.websocket_utils import send_websocket_message, active_websockets
from utils.app_configs import (get_app_configs)
### shared_models-v0.9.1 by lutzapps, Oct 30th 2024 ###
### dev-my-v0.6
# to run (and optionally DEBUG) this docker image "better-ai-launcher" in a local container on your own machine
# you need to define the ENV var "LOCAL_DEBUG" in the "VSCode Docker Extension"
# file ".vscode/tasks.json" in the ENV settings of the "dockerRun" section (or any other way),
# and pass into the docker container:
# tasks.json:
# ...
# "dockerRun": {
# "containerName": "madiator2011-better-launcher", // no "/" allowed here for container name
# "image": "madiator2011/better-launcher:dev",
# "envFiles": ["${workspaceFolder}/.env"], // pass additional env-vars (hf_token, civitai token, ssh public-key) from ".env" file to container
# "env": { // this ENV vars go into the docker container to support local debugging
# "LOCAL_DEBUG": "True", // change app to localhost Urls and local Websockets (unsecured)
# "FLASK_APP": "app/",
# "FLASK_ENV": "development", // changed from "production"
# "GEVENT_SUPPORT": "True" // gevent monkey-patching is being used, enable gevent support in the debugger
# // "FLASK_DEBUG": "0" // "1" allows debugging in Chrome, but then VSCode debugger not works
# },
# "volumes": [
# {
# "containerPath": "/app",
# "localPath": "${workspaceFolder}" // the "/app" folder (and sub-folders) will be mapped locally for debugging and hot-reload
# },
# {
# "containerPath": "/workspace",
# // TODO: create this folder before you run!
# "localPath": "${userHome}/Projects/Docker/Madiator/workspace"
# }
# ],
# "ports": [
# {
# "containerPort": 7222, // main Flask app port "AppManager"
# "hostPort": 7222
# },
# ...
# NOTE: to use the "LOCAL_DEBUG" ENV var just for local consumption of this image, you can run it like
# docker run -it -d --name madiator-better-launcher -p 22:22 -p 7777:7777 -p 7222:7222 -p 3000:3000 -p 7862:7862 -p 7863:7863
# -e PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-ed25519 XXXXXXX...XXXXX user@machine-DNS.local"
# --mount type=bind,source=/Users/test/Projects/Docker/madiator/workspace,target=/workspace
# madiator2011/better-launcher:dev
# To run the full '' / 'index.html' webserver locally, is was needed to "patch" the
# '/app/' main application file and the
# '/app/templates/index.html'file according to the "LOCAL_DEBUG" ENV var,
# to switch the CF "" Url for DEBUG:
### '/app/' CHANGES ###:
# # lutzapps - CHANGE #1
# LOCAL_DEBUG = os.environ.get('LOCAL_DEBUG', 'False') # support local browsing for development/debugging
# ...
# filebrowser_status = get_filebrowser_status()
# return render_template('index.html',
# apps=app_configs,
# app_status=app_status,
# pod_id=RUNPOD_POD_ID,
# RUNPOD_TCP_PORT_22=os.environ.get('RUNPOD_TCP_PORT_22'),
# # lutzapps - CHANGE #2 - allow localhost Url for unsecure "http" and "ws" WebSockets protocol,
# according to LOCAL_DEBUG ENV var (used 3x in "index.html" changes)
# enable_unsecure_localhost=os.environ.get('LOCAL_DEBUG'),
# ...
# other (non-related) changes omitted here
### '/app/template/index.html' CHANGES ###:
# <script>
# ...
# // *** lutzapps - Change #2 - support to run locally at http://localhost:${WS_PORT} (3 locations in "index.html")
# const enable_unsecure_localhost = '{{ enable_unsecure_localhost }}';
# // default is to use the "production" WeckSockets CloudFlare URL
# // NOTE: ` (back-ticks) are used here for template literals
# var WS_URL = `wss://${podId}-${WS_PORT}`; // need to be declared as var
# if `${enable_unsecure_localhost}` === 'True') { // value of LOCAL_DEBUG ENV var
# // make sure to use "ws" Protocol (insecure) instead of "wss" (WebSockets Secure) for localhost,
# // otherwise you will get the 'loadingOverlay' stay and stays on screen with ERROR:
# // "WebSocket disconnected. Attempting to reconnect..." blocking the webpage http://localhost:7222
# WS_URL = `ws://localhost:${WS_PORT}/ws`; // localhost WS (unsecured)
# //alert(`Running locally with WS_URL=${WS_URL}`);
# }
# ...
# function openApp(appKey, port) {
# // *** lutzapps - Change #3 - support to run locally
# // NOTE: ` (back-ticks) are used here for template literals
# var url = `https://${podId}-${port}`; // need to be declared as var
# if `${enable_unsecure_localhost}` === 'True') {
# url = `http://localhost:${port}/`; // remove proxy
# //alert(`openApp URL=${url}`);
# }
#, '_blank');
# }
# ...
# function openFileBrowser() {
# const podId = '{{ pod_id }}';
# // *** lutzapps - Change #5 - support to run locally
# // NOTE: ` (back-ticks) are used here for template literals
# var url = `https://${podId}`; // need to be declared as var
# if `${enable_unsecure_localhost}` === 'True') {
# url = `http://localhost:7222/fileapp/`; // remove proxy
# //alert(`FileBrowser URL=${url}`);
# }
#, '_blank');
# }
# other (non-related) index.html changes omitted here
README_FILE_PREFIX = "_readme-" # prefix for all different dynamically generated README file names
### support local docker container runs with locally BOUND Workspace, needed also during local debugging
SHARED_MODELS_DIR = "/workspace/shared_models" # storage root for all shared_models (as designed for production app)
# check for "DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS" ENV var, and convert it from String to Boolean
# DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS: if not present (or empty) then "pull-back" local model files is enabled [default]
# else local found model files in app model folders will NOT be pulled back (and re-shared) into 'shared_models'
disable_pullback = os.environ.get('DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS', 'False').lower() # "True" / "true" / "1", or "False" / "false" / "0" / "" (not set)
if not (disable_pullback == "" or disable_pullback == "false" or disable_pullback == "0"):
# check for "DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS" ENV var, and convert it from String to Boolean
# LOCAL_DEBUG: if not present (or empty) then run in "production" [default],
# else run as "development" / "debug" version
local_debug_str = os.environ.get('LOCAL_DEBUG', 'False').lower() # "True" / "true" / "1", or "False" / "false" / "0" / "" (not set)
if not (local_debug_str == "" or local_debug_str == "false" or local_debug_str == "0"):
# show current configuration
print("\n\n*** SHARED_MODELS module init ***\n")
# show/hide the 3 dictionary MAPPING FILES, which control the whole module
MAKE_MAPPING_FILES_HIDDEN = False # can also be set according to LOCAL_DEBUG = True or False
HIDDEN_FILE_PREFIX = "." # filenames starting with a dot (".") are hidden by the filesystem
HIDDEN_FILE_PREFIX = "" # filenames are shown to the user
# helper function to return a pretty formatted DICT string for human consumption (Logs, JSON)
def PrettyDICT(dict:dict) -> str:
dict_string = json.dumps(dict, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
return dict_string
# helper function called by init_shared_model_app_map() and init_shared_models_folders()
def write_dict_to_jsonfile(dict:dict, json_filepath:str, overwrite:bool=False) -> bool:
# Convert the 'dict' to JSON, and write the JSON object to file 'json_filepath'
#json_string = json.dumps(dict, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
if os.path.exists(json_filepath) and not overwrite:
error_msg = f"dictionary file '{json_filepath}' already exists (and overwrite={overwrite})"
return False, error_msg # failure
# Write the JSON data to a file
with open(json_filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
json.dump(dict, output_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"ERROR in shared_models:write_dict_to_jsonfile() - loading JSON Map File '{json_filepath}'\nException: {str(e)}"
return False, error_msg # failure
return True, "" # success
# helper function called by init_shared_model_app_map() and init_shared_models_folders()
def read_dict_from_jsonfile(json_filepath:str) -> dict:
# Read JSON file from 'json_filepath' and return it as 'dict'
if os.path.exists(json_filepath):
with open(json_filepath, 'r') as input_file:
dict = json.load(input_file)
error_msg = f"dictionary file '{json_filepath}' does not exist"
return {}, error_msg # failure
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"ERROR in shared_models:read_dict_from_jsonfile() - loading JSON Map File '{json_filepath}'\nException: {str(e)}"
return {}, error_msg # failure
return dict, "" # success
# helper function for "init_app_install_dirs(), "init_shared_model_app_map()" and "init_shared_models_folders()"
def init_global_dict_from_file(dict:dict, dict_filepath:str, dict_description:str) -> bool:
# load or initialize the 'dict' for 'dict_description' from 'dict_filepath'
if not os.path.exists(SHARED_MODELS_DIR):
print(f"\nThe SHARED_MODELS_DIR '{SHARED_MODELS_DIR}' is not found!\nCreate it by clicking the 'Create Shared Folders' button from the WebUI 'Settings' Tab\n")
if os.path.isfile(dict_filepath) and os.path.exists(dict_filepath):
dict_filepath_found = True
# read the dict_description from JSON file
print(f"\nExisting '{dict_description}' found and read from file '{dict_filepath}'\nThe file overwrites the code defaults!")
dict, error_msg = read_dict_from_jsonfile(dict_filepath)
if not error_msg == "":
else: # init the dict_description from app code
dict_filepath_found = False
print(f"No '{dict_description}'_FILE found, initializing default '{dict_description}' from code ...")
# use already defined dict from app code
# write the dict to JSON file
success, ErrorMsg = write_dict_to_jsonfile(dict, dict_filepath)
if success:
print(f"'{dict_description}' is initialized and written to file '{dict_filepath}'")
# Convert 'dict_description' dictionary to formatted JSON
print(f"\nUsing {'external' if dict_filepath_found else 'default'} '{dict_description}':\n{PrettyDICT(dict)}")
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"ERROR in shared_models:init_global_dict_from_file() - initializing dict Map File '{dict_filepath}'\nException: {str(e)}"
return False, error_msg
return True, "" # success
# the below SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE will be read and used (if exists),
# otherwise this file will be generated with the content of the below default SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS dict
# "model_type" (=subdir_name of SHARED_MODELS_DIR): "model_type_description"
"ckpt": "Model Checkpoint (Full model including a CLIP and VAE model)",
"clip": "CLIP Model (used together with UNET models)",
"controlnet": "ControlNet model (Canny, Depth, Hed, OpenPose, Union-Pro, etc.)",
"embeddings": "Embedding (aka Textual Inversion) Model",
"hypernetworks": "HyperNetwork Model",
"insightface": "InsightFace Model",
"ipadapters": "ControlNet IP-Adapter Model",
"ipadapters/xlabs": "IP-Adapter from XLabs-AI",
"LLM": "LLM (aka Large-Language Model) is folder mapped (1 folder per model), append '/*' in the map",
"loras": "LoRA (aka Low-Ranking Adaption) Model",
"loras/xlabs": "LoRA Model from XLabs-AI",
"loras/flux": "LoRA Model trained on Flux.1 Dev or Flux.1 Schnell",
"reactor": "Reactor Model",
"reactor/faces": "Reactor Face Model",
"unet": "UNET Model Checkpoint (need separate CLIP and VAE Models)",
"upscale_models": "Upscaling Model (based on ESRGAN)",
"vae": "VAE En-/Decoder Model",
"vae-approx": "Approximate VAE Model"
# helper function called by "inline"-main() and ensure_shared_models_folders()
def init_shared_models_folders(send_SocketMessage:bool=True):
if os.path.exists(SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE) and send_SocketMessage:
send_websocket_message('extend_ui_helper', {
'cmd': 'refreshModelTypes',
'message': 'New ModelTypes are available'
} )
### "inline"-main() ###
init_shared_models_folders(False) # dont send a WS-Message for "Model Downloader" at module init, to init/refresh its modelType list
# ----------
# helper function called from "" via WebUI "Create Shared Folders" button on "Settings" tab
# ensures 'model_type' sub-folders for Model Mapping and the "Model Downloader" exists
# in the SHARED_MODELS_DIR (uses above initialized 'SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS' dict)
def ensure_shared_models_folders():
# init global module 'SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS' dict: { 'model_type' (=subdir_names): 'app_model_dir'
# from app code or from external JSON 'SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE' file
init_shared_models_folders(False) # (re-)read the SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE again, if changed, but don't refresh modelTypes in "Model Downloader" yet
print(f"(re-)creating 'shared_models' model type sub-folders for Apps and the 'Model Downloader' in folder '{SHARED_MODELS_DIR}':")
# create the shared_models directory, if it doesn't exist yet
os.makedirs(f"{SHARED_MODELS_DIR}/", exist_ok=True) # append slash to make sure folder is created
# create a "__README.txt" file in the shared_models directory
readme_path = os.path.join(SHARED_MODELS_DIR, '__README.txt')
with open(readme_path, 'w') as readme_file:
readme_file.write("Upload your models to the appropriate folders:\n\n")
for model_type, model_type_description in SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS.items():
shared_model_folderpath = os.path.join(SHARED_MODELS_DIR, model_type)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{shared_model_folderpath}/"), exist_ok=True) # append trailing "/" to make sure the last sub-folder is created
print(f"'{model_type}' Folder created for '{model_type_description}'")
model_type_name = model_type
if model_type_name.endswith('s'): # model_type uses "plural" form with trailing "s"
model_type_name = model_type[:-1] # cut the last trailing 's'
readme_model_type_filename = os.path.join(shared_model_folderpath, f"{README_FILE_PREFIX}{model_type.replace('/', '-')}.txt") # translate "/" from grouping map rule into valid readme filename, e.g. "loras/flux" into "loras-flux"
readme_model_type_file = open(readme_model_type_filename, 'w')
readme_model_type_file.writelines(f"Put your '{model_type_name}' type models here, {model_type_description}")
readme_file.write(f"- {model_type}: for {model_type_name} models, {model_type_description}\n")
readme_file.write("\nThese models will be automatically linked to all supported apps.\n\n")
readme_file.write("Models directly downloaded into an app model folder will be\n")
readme_file.write("automatically pulled back into the corresponding shared folder and relinked back!\n")
# send a message for the "Model Downloader" to "refresh" its 'modelType' list
send_websocket_message('extend_ui_helper', {
'cmd': 'refreshModelTypes',
'message': 'New ModelTypes are available'
} )
return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'message': 'Shared model folders created successfully.'})
except Exception as e:
print(f"ERROR in shared_models:ensure_shared_model_folder() - Exception:\n{str(e)}")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)})
# ----------
# the below APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE will be read and used (if exists),
# otherwise this file will be generated with the content of the below default APP_INSTALL_DIRS dict
# this dict is very important, as it "defines" part of the symlink path,
# together with below defined SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP (which uses relative path to the "app_install_dir" aka 'app_path')
# "app_name": "app_install_dir"
"A1111": "/workspace/stable-diffusion-webui",
"Forge": "/workspace/stable-diffusion-webui-forge",
"ComfyUI": "/workspace/ComfyUI",
"Kohya_ss": "/workspace/Kohya_ss",
"CUSTOM1": "/workspace/joy-caption-batch"
# the code from Madiator also defines a similar 'app_configs' dictionary
# but the idea here is also to allow "CUSTOM" Apps, installed by the user manually,
# to participate in "shared_models" model sharing
# app_configs = {
# 'bcomfy': {
# 'name': 'Better Comfy UI',
# 'command': 'cd /workspace/bcomfy && . ./bin/activate && cd /workspace/ComfyUI && python --listen --port 3000 --enable-cors-header',
# 'venv_path': '/workspace/bcomfy',
# 'app_path': '/workspace/ComfyUI',
# 'port': 3000,
# },
# 'bforge': {
# 'name': 'Better Forge',
# 'command': 'cd /workspace/bforge && . ./bin/activate && cd /workspace/stable-diffusion-webui-forge && ./ -f --listen --enable-insecure-extension-access --api --port 7862',
# 'venv_path': '/workspace/bforge',
# 'app_path': '/workspace/stable-diffusion-webui-forge',
# 'port': 7862,
# },
# 'ba1111': {
# 'name': 'Better A1111',
# 'command': 'cd /workspace/ba1111 && . ./bin/activate && cd /workspace/stable-diffusion-webui && ./ -f --listen --enable-insecure-extension-access --api --port 7863',
# 'venv_path': '/workspace/ba1111',
# 'app_path': '/workspace/stable-diffusion-webui',
# 'port': 7863,
# }
# }
# MAP between Madiator's "app_configs" dict and the "APP_INSTALL_DIRS" dict used in this module
# TODO: this is temporary and should be merged/integrated better later
"bcomfy": "ComfyUI",
"bforge": "Forge",
"ba1111": "A1111"
# helper function called by main(), uses above "MAP_APPS" dict
# TODO: this is temporary and should be merged/integrated better later
def sync_with_app_configs_install_dirs():
print(f"Syncing 'app_configs' dict 'app_path' into the 'APP_INSTALL_DIRS' dict ...")
app_configs = get_app_configs()
for bapp_name, config in app_configs.items():
if bapp_name in MAP_APPS:
# get/sync the bapp_path from app_configs dict
bapp_path = app_configs[bapp_name]["app_path"]
print(f"\tSyncing 'app_path': '{bapp_path}' from app_configs for app 'name': '{bapp_name}'" )
APP_INSTALL_DIRS[MAP_APPS[bapp_name]] = bapp_path # update path in APP_INSTALL_DIRS
# show final synced APP_INSTALL_DIRS
print(f"\nUsing synched 'APP_INSTALL_DIRS':\n{PrettyDICT(APP_INSTALL_DIRS)}")
# init global module 'APP_INSTALL_DIRS' dict: { 'app_name': 'app_installdir' }
# default mapping from app code or (if exists) from external JSON 'APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE' file
# NOTE: this APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE is temporary synced with the app_configs dict
def init_app_install_dirs():
### "inline"-main() ###
# init the APP_INSTALL_DIRS and sync it from "app_configs" dict
sync_with_app_configs_install_dirs() # TODO: this is temporary and should be merged/integrated better later
# ----------
# The dictionary 'model_type' "key" is relative to the SHARED_MODELS_DIR "/workspace/shared_models/" main folder.
# The sub dictionary 'app_model_folderpath' value is relative to the 'app_install_dir' value
# of the above APP_INSTALL_DIRS dictionary
# here is a list of all "known" model type dirs, and if they are used here (mapped) or
# if they are currently "unmapped":
# "Kohya_ss" (mapped): "/models"
# "ComfyUI" (mapped): "/models/checkpoints", "/models/clip", "/models/controlnet", "/models/embeddings", "/models/hypernetworks", "/models/ipadapter/"(???), "/models/loras", "/models/reactor"(???), "/models/unet", "/models/upscale_models", "/models/vae", "/models/vae_approx"
# "ComfyUI" (unmapped): "/models/clip_vision", "/models/diffusers", "/models/diffusion_models", "/models/gligen", "/models/photomaker", "/moedls/style_models",
# "A1111"/"Forge" (mapped): "/embeddings", "/models/ControlNet", "/models/ESRGAN", "/models/hypernetworks", "/models/insightface"(???), "/models/Lora", "/models/reactor", "/models/Stable-diffusion", "/models/text_encoder"(???), "/models/VAE", "/models/VAE-approx"
# "A1111"/"Forge" (unmapped): "/model/adetailer", "/models/BLIP", "/models/Codeformer", "models/deepbooru", "/model/Deforum", "/models/GFPGAN", "/models/karlo", "/models/Unet-onnx", "/models/Unet-trt"
"ckpt": { # "model_type" (=subdir_name of SHARED_MODELS_DIR)
# "app_name": "app_model_folderpath" (for this "model_type", path is RELATIVE to "app_install_dir" of APP_INSTALL_DIRS map)
"ComfyUI": "/models/checkpoints",
"A1111": "/models/Stable-diffusion",
"Forge": "/models/Stable-diffusion",
"Kohya_ss": "/models" # flatten all "ckpt" / "unet" models here
"clip": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/clip",
"A1111": "/models/text_encoder",
"Forge": "/models/text_encoder"
"controlnet": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/controlnet",
"A1111": "/models/ControlNet",
"Forge": "/models/ControlNet"
#"A1111": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models", # SD1.5 ControlNets
#"Forge": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models" # SD1.5 ControlNets
# EMBEDDINGS map outside of models folder for FORGE / A1111
"embeddings": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/embeddings",
"A1111": "/embeddings",
"Forge": "/embeddings"
"hypernetworks": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/hypernetworks",
"A1111": "/models/hypernetworks",
"Forge": "/models/hypernetworks"
"insightface": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/insightface",
"A1111": "/models/insightface", # unverified location
"Forge": "/models/insightface" # unverified location
"ipadapters": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/ipadapter/",
"A1111": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models", # unverified location
"Forge": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models" # unverified location
"ipadapters/xlabs": { # sub-folders for XLabs-AI IP-Adapters
"ComfyUI": "/models/xlabs/ipadapters",
"A1111": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models", # flatten all "xlabs" ipadapters here
"Forge": "/extensions/sd-webui-controlnet/models" # flatten all "xlabs" ipadapters here
# some LoRAs get stored here in sub-folders, e.g. "/xlabs/*"
"loras": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/loras",
"A1111": "/models/Lora",
"Forge": "/models/Lora"
# Support "XLabs-AI" LoRA models
"loras/xlabs": { # special syntax for "grouping"
"ComfyUI": "/models/loras/xlabs",
"A1111": "/models/Lora", # flatten all "xlabs" LoRAs here
"Forge": "/models/Lora" # flatten all "xlabs" LoRAs here
# Support "Grouping" all FLUX LoRA models into a LoRA "flux" sub-folder for ComfyUI,
# which again need to be flattened for other apps
"loras/flux": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/loras/flux",
"A1111": "/models/Lora", # flatten all "flux" LoRAs here
"Forge": "/models/Lora" # flatten all "flux" LoRAs here
"reactor": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/reactor", # unverified location
"A1111": "/models/reactor",
"Forge": "/models/reactor",
"reactor/faces": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/reactor/faces", # unverified location
"A1111": "/models/reactor",
"Forge": "/models/reactor",
# UNET models map into the CKPT folders of all other apps, except for ComfyUI
"unet": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/unet",
"A1111": "/models/Stable-diffusion", # flatten all "ckpts" / "unet" models here
"Forge": "/models/Stable-diffusion", # flatten all "ckpts" / "unet" models here
"Kohya_ss": "/models" # flatten all "ckpt" / "unet" models here
"upscale_models": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/upscale_models",
"A1111": "/models/ESRGAN",
"Forge": "/models/ESRGAN"
"vae": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/vae",
"A1111": "/models/VAE",
"Forge": "/models/VAE"
"vae-approx": {
"ComfyUI": "/models/vae_approx",
"A1111": "/models/VAE-approx",
"Forge": "/models/VAE-approx"
# E.g. Custom Apps support for Joytag-Caption-Batch Tool (which uses the "Meta-Llama-3.1-8B" LLM)
# to share the model with e.g. ComfyUI. This LLM model come as full folders with more than one file!
# Pay attention to the special syntax for folder mappings (add a "/*" suffix to denote a folder mapping)
"LLM/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B/*": { # special syntax for "folder" symlink (the "/*" is mandatory)
"ComfyUI": "/models/LLM/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B/*", # special syntax for "folder" symlink, the "/*" is optional
"CUSTOM1": "/model/*" # special syntax for "folder" symlink, the "/*" is optional
# the "init_shared_model_app_map()" function initializes the
# global module 'SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP' dict: 'model_type' -> 'app_name:app_model_dir' (relative path)
# which does a default mapping from app code or (if exists) from external JSON 'SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE' file
def init_shared_model_app_map():
### "inline"-main() ###
# ----------
# helper function called by update_model_symlinks()
def remove_broken_model_symlinks(shared_model_folderpath:str, app_model_folderpath:str, model_type:str) -> int:
# process all files in app_model_folderpath
print(f"-> process broken '{model_type}' app_model file symlinks, which where removed from their corresponding shared_models sub-folder ...")
broken_modellinks_count = 0
broken_modellinks_info = ""
for app_model_filename in os.listdir(app_model_folderpath):
app_model_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, app_model_filename))
# check for stale/broken model filelinks and folderlinks (LLMs)
if os.path.islink(app_model_filepath) and not os.path.exists(app_model_filepath):
# Remove existing stale/broken symlink
broken_modellinks_count = broken_modellinks_count + 1
dateInfo = "{:%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S GMT}".format(
broken_modellinks_info += f"\t{app_model_filename}\t[@ {dateInfo}]\n"
os.unlink(app_model_filepath) # try to unlink the file/folder symlink
# that normally is enough to remove the broken link (and the below code may never run)
# re-check if file/folder still exists
if os.path.exists(app_model_filepath): # if file/folder link still exists
if os.path.isdir(app_model_filepath): # broken folder link
shutil.rmtree(app_model_filepath) # remove the linked folder
else: # broken file link
os.remove(app_model_filepath) # remove the file link
print(f"\tremoved broken symlink for model '{app_model_filepath}'")
if broken_modellinks_count > 0:
# maintain (create/append to) a readme file for the app_model_folderpath target folder about the removed/deleted Model File Symlinks
readme_brokenlinks_models_filepath = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, f"{README_FILE_PREFIX}brokenlinks-{model_type.replace('/', '-')}.txt") # translate "/" from grouping map rule into valid readme filename, e.g. "loras/flux" into "loras-flux"
if not os.path.exists(readme_brokenlinks_models_filepath): # no such readme file exists, so create it
fileHeader = f"Following broken model file links have been found and where deleted from this directory:\n\n"
file = open(readme_brokenlinks_models_filepath, 'w') # create the file
file.writelines(fileHeader) # and write the fileHeader once
file.writelines(broken_modellinks_info) # and add the broken Model File Links
else: # readme file already existed from before
file = open(readme_brokenlinks_models_filepath, 'a') # append to file
file.writelines(broken_modellinks_info) # and add the broken Model File Links
return broken_modellinks_count
# helper function called by update_model_symlinks()
def pull_unlinked_models_back_as_shared_models(shared_model_folderpath:str, app_model_folderpath:str, model_type:str) -> int:
# process all files in app_model_folderpath
print(f"-> process for possibly pulling-back '{model_type}' local app_model files into their corresponding shared_models sub-folder ...")
pulled_model_files_count = 0
pulled_model_files_info = ""
for app_model_filename in os.listdir(app_model_folderpath):
if app_model_filename.startswith(".") or app_model_filename.startswith(README_FILE_PREFIX):
continue # skip hidden filenames like ".DS_Store" (on macOS), ".keep" (on GitHub) and all "{README_FILE_PREFIX}*.txt" files
app_model_filepath = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, app_model_filename)
if os.path.islink(app_model_filepath) or os.path.isdir(app_model_filepath):
continue # skip all already symlinked model files and sub-folders
# real file, potentially a model file which can be pulled back "home"
pulled_model_files_count = pulled_model_files_count + 1
print(f"processing app model '{app_model_filename}' ...")
shared_model_filepath = os.path.join(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_filename)
print(f"moving the file '{app_model_filename}' back to the '{model_type}' shared_models folder")
shutil.move(app_model_filepath, shared_model_filepath) # move it back to the shared_models model type folder
print(f"\tpulled-back local model '{app_model_filepath}'")
dateInfo = "{:%B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S GMT}".format(
pulled_model_files_info += f"\t{app_model_filename}\t[@ {dateInfo}]\n"
### and re-link it back to this folder where it got just pulled back
# get the full path from shared model filename
src_filepath = os.path.join(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_filename)
dst_filepath = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, app_model_filename)
if os.path.isfile(src_filepath) and not os.path.exists(dst_filepath):
os.symlink(src_filepath, dst_filepath)
print(f"\tre-created symlink {app_model_filename} -> {src_filepath} for pulled model")
if pulled_model_files_count > 0:
# maintain (create/append to) a readme file for the app_model_folderpath target folder about the pulled Model Files
readme_pulled_models_filepath = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, f"{README_FILE_PREFIX}pulled-{model_type.replace('/', '-')}.txt") # translate "/" from grouping map rule into valid readme filename, e.g. "loras/flux" into "loras-flux"
if not os.path.exists(readme_pulled_models_filepath): # no such readme file exists, so create it
fileHeader = f"Following model files have been pulled from this directory into the shared_models directory '{shared_model_folderpath}' and re-linked here:\n\n"
file = open(readme_pulled_models_filepath, 'w') # create the file
file.writelines(fileHeader) # and write the fileHeader once
file.writelines(pulled_model_files_info) # and add the pulled Model Files
else: # readme file already existed from before
file = open(readme_pulled_models_filepath, 'a') # append to file
file.writelines(pulled_model_files_info) # and add the pulled Model Files
return pulled_model_files_count
# helper function called by update_model_symlinks()
def create_model_symlinks(shared_model_folderpath:str, app_model_folderpath:str, model_type:str) -> int:
# process all files in shared_model_folderpath
print(f"-> process for creating '{model_type}' app_model file symlinks from their corresponding shared_models sub-folder ...")
file_symlinks_created_count = 0
for shared_model_filename in os.listdir(shared_model_folderpath):
if shared_model_filename.startswith("."):
continue # skip hidden filenames like ".DS_Store" (on macOS), ".keep" (on GitHub)
# change the "readme-*.txt" files for the symlinked app folder models
if shared_model_filename.startswith(README_FILE_PREFIX):
# create a new readme file for the app_model_folderpath target folder
readme_synched_filename = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, shared_model_filename.replace(README_FILE_PREFIX, f'{README_FILE_PREFIX}synced-'))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(readme_synched_filename), exist_ok=True) # ensure parent directory exists
file = open(readme_synched_filename, 'w')
file.writelines(f"This folder is synced from the shared_models '{model_type}' models type sub-folder at '{shared_model_folderpath}'.\n\nConsider to put such models there to share them across apps, instead of putting them here!")
continue # skip the original "{README_FILE_PREFIX}*.txt" file
print(f"\tprocessing shared '{model_type}' model '{shared_model_filename}' ...")
# get the full path from shared model filename
src_filepath = os.path.join(shared_model_folderpath, shared_model_filename)
dst_filepath = os.path.join(app_model_folderpath, shared_model_filename) # the dst_filepath always has the SAME filename as the src_filepath
if not os.path.isfile(src_filepath): # srcFile is a sub-folder (e.g. "xlabs", or "flux")
# skip sub-folders, as these require a separate mapping rule to support "flattening" such models
# for apps which don't find their model_type models in sub-folders
# add a "model map" for "loras/flux" like the following:
# Support "Grouping" all FLUX LoRA models into a LoRA "flux" sub-folder for ComfyUI,
# which again need to be flattened for other apps
# "loras/flux": {
# "ComfyUI": "/models/loras/flux",
# "A1111": "/models/Lora", # flatten all "flux" LoRAs here
# "Forge": "/models/Lora" # flatten all "flux" LoRAs here
# }
print(f"\tthis is a sub-folder which should be mapped with a 'grouping' rule,\n\te.g. ""{model_type}/{shared_model_filename}: { ... }"" in '{SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE}'")
# create dst_filepath dirs for the parent folder, if needed
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst_filepath), exist_ok=True)
if os.path.isfile(src_filepath) and not os.path.exists(dst_filepath):
os.symlink(src_filepath, dst_filepath)
print(f"\tcreated symlink {shared_model_filename} -> {src_filepath}")
file_symlinks_created_count = file_symlinks_created_count + 1
return file_symlinks_created_count
# helper function called from "" via WebUI
# this is the main WORKER function running every 5 minutes
# or "on-demand" by the user from the WebUI via>recreate_symlinks()
# this function uses following global module vars:
# README_FILE_PREFIX (str): "_readme-" <- README files are put in shared model type dirs and also in the app model type dirs,
# e.g. "_readme-*.txt", "_readme-synced-*.txt", "_readme-pulled-*.txt", "_readme-brokenlinks-*.txt",
# the "*" is filled with the dir-name of the corresponding model type subfolder of the SHARED_MODELS_DIR (str)
# DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS (bool) <- set via ENV (True, or False if not present [default])
# LOCAL_DEBUG (bool) <- set via ENV (True, or False if not present [default])
# MAKE_MAPPING_FILES_HIDDEN (bool): default=False (currently only controlled by app code)
# SHARED_MODELS_DIR (str): "/workspace/shared_models"
# SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE (str): "_shared_models_folders.json" (based in SHARED_MODELS_DIR)
# SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS (dict) <- init from code, then write/read from path SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE
# APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE (str): "_app_install_dirs.json" (based in SHARED_MODELS_DIR)
# APP_INSTALL_DIRS (dict) <- init from code, then write/read from path SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE,
# -> synced with global "app_configs" dict for 'app_path' with the use of MAP_APPS (dict)
# MAP_APPS (dict) <- used for mapping "app_configs" (dict) with APP_INSTALL_DIRS (dict)
# SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE (str): "_shared_models_map.json" (based in SHARED_MODELS_DIR)
# SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP (dict) <- init from code, then write/read from path SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE
def update_model_symlinks() -> dict:
print(f"Processing the master SHARED_MODELS_DIR: {SHARED_MODELS_DIR}")
if not os.path.exists(SHARED_MODELS_DIR):
message = f"Folder '{SHARED_MODELS_DIR}' does not exist, please create it first!"
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': message})
file_model_symlinks_created_count = 0 # file model symlinks created
folder_model_symlinks_created_count = 0 # folder model symlinks created
broken_model_symlinks_count = 0 # broken symlinks to model files and folders
# "pull-back" model files can be disabled with ENV var "DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS=True"
pulled_model_files_count = 0 # pulled back model files (we not pull back folder models)
for model_type in SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP:
print(f"\n### processing shared '{model_type}' model symlinks for all installed apps ...")
# check for special LLM folder symlink syntax
if not model_type.endswith("/*"): # normal file symlink in regular app_model_folderpath folder
create_folder_symlink = False
shared_model_folderpath = os.path.join(SHARED_MODELS_DIR, model_type)
else: # special case for folder symlink
create_folder_symlink = True
# strip the "/*" from the model_type (to deal with real folder names), before generating model_folderpaths
model_type_dirname = model_type.strip("/*")
shared_model_folderpath = os.path.join(SHARED_MODELS_DIR, model_type_dirname)
if not os.path.isdir(shared_model_folderpath):
print(f"shared_model_folderpath '{model_type}' does not exist, skipping")
continue # skipping non-existant shared_model_folderpath SRC folders
for app_name, app_install_dir in APP_INSTALL_DIRS.items():
if not os.path.exists(app_install_dir): # app is NOT installed
print(f"\n## app '{app_name}' is not installed, skipping")
continue # skipping non-installed app_install_dir for this model_type
print(f"\n## processing for app '{app_name}' ...")
if not (app_name in SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP[model_type]):
print(f"-> there are no '{model_type}' symlink mappings defined for app '{app_name}', skipping")
continue # skipping non-existent app_name mapping for this model_type
app_model_folderpath = APP_INSTALL_DIRS[app_name] + SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP[model_type][app_name]
print(f"# Processing the app's '{model_type}' folder '{app_model_folderpath}' ...")
if not create_folder_symlink: # normal file symlink in regular app_model_folderpath folder
# create the app model_type directory, if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(f"{app_model_folderpath}/", exist_ok=True) # append slash to make sure folder is created
# first remove all broken/stale links
broken_model_type_symlinks_count = remove_broken_model_symlinks(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_folderpath, model_type)
if broken_model_type_symlinks_count > 0:
readme_filename = f"{README_FILE_PREFIX}brokenlinks-{model_type.replace('/', '-')}.txt" # translate "/" from grouping map rule into valid readme filename, e.g. "loras/flux" into "loras-flux"
print(f"-> found and removed #{broken_model_type_symlinks_count} broken link(s) for model type '{model_type}'\nfor more info about which model files symlinks were removed, look into the '{readme_filename}'")
# add them to its global counter
broken_model_symlinks_count = broken_model_symlinks_count + broken_model_type_symlinks_count
# then try to pull back local, unlinked app models of this model type (they also get re-shared instantly back)
pulled_model_type_files_count = pull_unlinked_models_back_as_shared_models(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_folderpath, model_type)
if pulled_model_type_files_count > 0:
readme_filename = f"{README_FILE_PREFIX}pulled-{model_type.replace('/', '-')}.txt" # translate "/" from grouping map rule into valid readme filename, e.g. "loras/flux" into "loras-flux"
print(f"-> found and pulled back #{pulled_model_type_files_count} '{model_type}' model(s) into the corresponding shared_models sub-folder,\nfor more info about which model files were pulled, look into the '{readme_filename}'")
# add them to its global counter
pulled_model_files_count = pulled_model_files_count + pulled_model_type_files_count
# now share (symlink) all models of this type to app model path
file_model_type_symlinks_created_count = create_model_symlinks(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_folderpath, model_type)
if file_model_type_symlinks_created_count > 0:
# no readme details are tracked about created file symlinks
print(f"-> created #{file_model_type_symlinks_created_count} model file symlinks for '{model_type}' model(s)\nyou can see which models are now available in the app's '{app_model_folderpath}'")
# add them to its global counter
file_model_symlinks_created_count = file_model_symlinks_created_count + file_model_type_symlinks_created_count
else: # special case for folder symlink with LLM models, which install as folder
# e.g. app_model_folderpath = "/workspace/ComfyUI/models/LLM/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B/*"
# normally the target mapped/symlinked folder should also use a "/*" suffix,
# but that is not stricly required as we can handle that
# strip the "/*" from the model-map, to create the a "real" target folder per folder symlink
app_model_folderpath = app_model_folderpath.strip("/*")
# e.g. app_model_folderpath = "/workspace/ComfyUI/models/LLM/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B"
app_model_parent_dir, app_model_foldername = os.path.split(app_model_folderpath)
# e.g. app_model_parent_dir = "/workspace/ComfyUI/models/LLM"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(f"{app_model_parent_dir}/"), exist_ok=True) # append trailing "/" to make sure the last sub-folder is created
if os.path.exists(shared_model_folderpath) and not os.path.isfile(shared_model_folderpath) and not os.path.exists(app_model_folderpath):
# create a folder symlink
os.symlink(shared_model_folderpath, app_model_folderpath, target_is_directory=True)
# no readme details are tracked about created folder symlinks
print(f"\tcreated a folder symlink {app_model_foldername} -> {shared_model_folderpath}")
# the model_type counter for folder models is always 1, as each folder model is its own model_type
folder_symlinks_created_count = 1
# add this one folder symlink to its global (folder) counter (one-by-one)
folder_model_symlinks_created_count = folder_model_symlinks_created_count + folder_symlinks_created_count
pulled_models_info = "No Pull-Back"
if not DISABLE_PULLBACK_MODELS: # only show pulled models info, if "pull-back" is not disabled
pulled_models_info = f"Pulled({pulled_model_files_count})"
message = f"Links managed:\nFile({file_model_symlinks_created_count}), Folder({folder_model_symlinks_created_count}), Fixed({broken_model_symlinks_count}), {pulled_models_info}"
print(f"\n\nFinished updating all model type symlinks into their defined app model type directories.")
print(f"\nFor further customizatons following files were now generated:\n")
print(f"- provided help about the other 3 JSON files:\n")
print(f"- SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE '{SHARED_MODEL_FOLDERS_FILE}':\nprovides examples of used 'model_type' directory names for different models.\n")
print(f"- APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE '{APP_INSTALL_DIRS_FILE}':\nprovides examples of used 'app_name': 'app_install_dir' mappings and is used together with the SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE.\n")
print(f"- SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE '{SHARED_MODEL_APP_MAP_FILE}':\nprovides examples of used 'model_type' -> 'app_model_dir' mappings.\n")
print("Model symlinks updated.")
return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'message': message}) # 'Symlinks (re-)created successfully.'
except Exception as e:
print(f"ERROR in shared_models:update_model_symlinks() - Exception:\n{str(e)}")
return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)})
# promote the README
print("To get started with all features of 'shared_models', consult the comprehensive README file")
print('\t"/app/tests/README-SHARED_MODELS.txt"\nIt comes with a Test script and Test data.\n')
print('In the folder "/app/tests" you find the following files:')
print('\t- "README-SHARED_MODELS.txt" (this file)')
print('\t- "" (bash script to un-tar and expand all testdata into the "/workspace" folder)')
print('\t- "testdata_shared_models_link.tar.gz" (Testcase #1, read below)')
print('\t- "testdata_stable-diffusion-webui_pull.tar.gz" (Testcase #2, read below)')
print('\t- "testdata_installed_apps_pull.tar.gz" (Testcase #3, read below)\n')