2020-10-14 15:08:21 -04:00

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# UPnP for asyncio
`aioupnp` is a python 3.6-8 library and command line tool to interact with UPnP gateways using asyncio. `aioupnp` requires the `netifaces` and `defusedxml` modules.
## Supported devices
## Installation
Verify python is version 3.6-8
python --version
Installation for normal usage
pip install aioupnp
Installation for development
git clone
cd aioupnp
pip install -e .
## Usage
aioupnp [-h] [--debug_logging] [--interface=<interface>] [--gateway_address=<gateway_address>]
[--lan_address=<lan_address>] [--timeout=<timeout>]
[(--<case sensitive m-search header>=<value>)...]
command [--<arg name>=<arg>]...
#### Commands
* `help`
* `get_external_ip`
* `m_search`
* `add_port_mapping`
* `get_port_mapping_by_index`
* `get_redirects`
* `get_specific_port_mapping`
* `delete_port_mapping`
* `get_next_mapping`
* `gather_debug_info`
#### To get the documentation for a command
aioupnp help get_external_ip
#### To get the external ip address
aioupnp get_external_ip
#### To list the active port mappings on the gateway
aioupnp get_redirects
#### To set up a TCP port mapping
aioupnp add_port_mapping --external_port=1234 --internal_port=1234 --lan_address=<lan_addr> --description=test --protocol=TCP
#### To delete a TCP port mapping
aioupnp delete_port_mapping --external_port=1234 --protocol=TCP
#### M-Search headers
UPnP uses a multicast protocol (SSDP) to locate the gateway. Gateway discovery is automatic by default, but you may provide specific headers for the search to use to override automatic discovery.
If m-search headers are provided as keyword arguments then all of the headers to be used must be provided, in the order they are to be used. For example:
aioupnp --HOST= --MAN=\"ssdp:discover\" --MX=1 --ST=upnp:rootdevice m_search
#### Using non-default network interfaces
By default, the network device will be automatically discovered. The interface may instead be specified with the `--interface`, provided before the command to be run. The gateway used on the interface network may be specified with the `--gateway_address` argument.
aioupnp --interface=wlp4s0 --gateway_address= m_search
#### Example usage from python
from aioupnp.upnp import UPnP
async def main():
upnp = await
print(await upnp.get_external_ip())
print(await upnp.get_redirects())
print("adding a port mapping")
await upnp.add_port_mapping(1234, 'TCP', 1234, upnp.lan_address, 'test mapping')
print(await upnp.get_redirects())
print("deleting the port mapping")
await upnp.delete_port_mapping(1234, 'TCP')
print(await upnp.get_redirects())
## Troubleshooting
#### Debug logging
To enable verbose debug logging, add the `--debug_logging` argument before the command
aioupnp --debug_logging m_search
#### It really doesn't work
If aioupnp doesn't work with a device, a debugging report can be collected with `aioupnp gather_debug_info`.
This will attempt to discover the UPnP gateway, and then perform a functionality check where it will request the external address and existing port mappings before attempting to make and remove a port mapping. The final result is the zipped packet dump of these attempts, which allows writing tests replaying it.
## License
This project is MIT licensed. For the full license, see [LICENSE](LICENSE).
## Contact
The primary contact for this project is [@jackrobison](