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var assert = require('assert')
var crypto = require('../src/crypto')
var networks = require('../src/networks')
var sinon = require('sinon')
2014-06-13 09:58:52 +10:00
var scripts = require('../src/scripts')
var Address = require('../src/address')
2014-06-03 17:08:42 +10:00
var HDNode = require('../src/hdnode')
2014-05-16 17:12:39 +10:00
var Transaction = require('../src/transaction')
2014-07-16 22:43:40 +10:00
var TransactionBuilder = require('../src/transaction_builder')
var Wallet = require('../src/wallet')
var fixtureTxes = require('./fixtures/mainnet_tx')
var fixtureTx1Hex = fixtureTxes.prevTx
var fixtureTx2Hex = fixtureTxes.tx
function fakeTxHash(i) {
var hash = new Buffer(32)
return hash
function fakeTxId(i) {
var hash = fakeTxHash(i)
return hash.toString('hex')
describe('Wallet', function() {
var seed
seed = crypto.sha256("don't use a string seed like this in real life")
describe('constructor', function() {
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
2014-04-17 05:43:34 +10:00
it('defaults to Bitcoin network', function() {
assert.equal(wallet.getMasterKey().network, networks.bitcoin)
it("generates m/0' as the main account", function() {
var mainAccount = wallet.getAccountZero()
2014-06-03 17:08:42 +10:00
assert.equal(mainAccount.index, 0 + HDNode.HIGHEST_BIT)
assert.equal(mainAccount.depth, 1)
it("generates m/0'/0 as the external account", function() {
var account = wallet.getExternalAccount()
assert.equal(account.index, 0)
assert.equal(account.depth, 2)
it("generates m/0'/1 as the internal account", function() {
var account = wallet.getInternalAccount()
assert.equal(account.index, 1)
assert.equal(account.depth, 2)
2014-03-15 10:18:59 +08:00
describe('when seed is not specified', function(){
it('generates a seed', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet()
describe('constructor options', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
it('uses the network if specified', function() {
assert.equal(wallet.getMasterKey().network, networks.testnet)
2014-02-28 12:05:48 +08:00
describe('newMasterKey', function(){
it('resets accounts', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet()
var oldAccountZero = wallet.getAccountZero()
var oldExternalAccount = wallet.getExternalAccount()
var oldInternalAccount = wallet.getInternalAccount()
assertNotEqual(wallet.getAccountZero(), oldAccountZero)
assertNotEqual(wallet.getExternalAccount(), oldExternalAccount)
assertNotEqual(wallet.getInternalAccount(), oldInternalAccount)
it('resets addresses', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet()
var oldAddresses = wallet.addresses
var oldChangeAddresses = wallet.changeAddresses
assert.notDeepEqual(oldAddresses, [])
assert.notDeepEqual(oldChangeAddresses, [])
assert.deepEqual(wallet.addresses, [])
assert.deepEqual(wallet.changeAddresses, [])
describe('generateAddress', function(){
it('generate receiving addresses', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
var expectedAddresses = [
assert.equal(wallet.generateAddress(), expectedAddresses[0])
assert.equal(wallet.generateAddress(), expectedAddresses[1])
assert.deepEqual(wallet.addresses, expectedAddresses)
describe('generateChangeAddress', function(){
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
it('generates change addresses', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
var expectedAddresses = ["mnXiDR4MKsFxcKJEZjx4353oXvo55iuptn"]
assert.equal(wallet.generateChangeAddress(), expectedAddresses[0])
assert.deepEqual(wallet.changeAddresses, expectedAddresses)
describe('getPrivateKey', function(){
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
it('returns the private key at the given index of external account', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
assertEqual(wallet.getPrivateKey(0), wallet.getExternalAccount().derive(0).privKey)
assertEqual(wallet.getPrivateKey(1), wallet.getExternalAccount().derive(1).privKey)
describe('getInternalPrivateKey', function(){
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
it('returns the private key at the given index of internal account', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
assertEqual(wallet.getInternalPrivateKey(0), wallet.getInternalAccount().derive(0).privKey)
assertEqual(wallet.getInternalPrivateKey(1), wallet.getInternalAccount().derive(1).privKey)
describe('getPrivateKeyForAddress', function(){
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
it('returns the private key for the given address', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
2014-05-06 14:13:00 +10:00
2014-05-06 14:13:00 +10:00
2014-05-06 14:13:00 +10:00
it('raises an error when address is not found', function(){
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet)
assert.throws(function() {
}, /Unknown address. Make sure the address is from the keychain and has been generated/)
describe('Unspent Outputs', function(){
var utxo, expectedOutputKey
var wallet
utxo = {
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
"address" : "1AZpKpcfCzKDUeTFBQUL4MokQai3m3HMXv",
"hash": fakeTxId(6),
"index": 0,
"pending": true,
"value": 20000
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
expectedOutputKey = utxo.hash + ":" + utxo.index
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
describe('on construction', function(){
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.bitcoin, [utxo])
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
it('matches the expected behaviour', function(){
var output = wallet.outputs[expectedOutputKey]
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
assert.equal(output.value, utxo.value)
assert.equal(output.address, utxo.address)
describe('getBalance', function(){
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
var utxo1 = cloneObject(utxo)
utxo1.hash = fakeTxId(5)
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.bitcoin, [utxo, utxo1])
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
it('sums over utxo values', function(){
2014-03-26 20:44:07 +08:00
assert.equal(wallet.getBalance(), 40000)
2014-03-25 11:04:27 +08:00
describe('getUnspentOutputs', function(){
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.bitcoin, [utxo])
it('parses wallet outputs to the expect format', function(){
assert.deepEqual(wallet.getUnspentOutputs(), [utxo])
it("ignores pending spending outputs (outputs with 'to' property)", function(){
var output = wallet.outputs[expectedOutputKey] = fakeTxId(0) + ':' + 0
output.pending = true
assert.deepEqual(wallet.getUnspentOutputs(), [])
2014-03-22 15:09:00 +08:00
// FIXME: remove in 2.x.y
describe('setUnspentOutputs', function(){
var utxo
var expectedOutputKey
2014-03-22 15:09:00 +08:00
utxo = {
hash: fakeTxId(0),
index: 0,
address: '115qa7iPZqn6as57hxLL8E9VUnhmGQxKWi',
value: 500000
2014-03-22 15:09:00 +08:00
expectedOutputKey = utxo.hash + ":" + utxo.index
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.bitcoin)
it('matches the expected behaviour', function(){
var output = wallet.outputs[expectedOutputKey]
assert.equal(output.value, utxo.value)
assert.equal(output.address, utxo.address)
describe('required fields', function(){
['index', 'address', 'hash', 'value'].forEach(function(field){
it("throws an error when " + field + " is missing", function(){
delete utxo[field]
assert.throws(function() {
2014-03-22 15:09:00 +08:00
describe('Process transaction', function(){
var wallet
wallet = new Wallet(seed)
var addresses
2014-03-31 11:47:47 +08:00
var tx
addresses = [
tx = Transaction.fromHex(fixtureTx1Hex)
describe("processPendingTx", function(){
it("incoming: sets the pending flag on output", function(){
wallet.addresses = [addresses[0]]
verifyOutputAdded(0, true)
describe("when tx ins outpoint contains a known txhash:i", function(){
var spendTx
wallet.addresses = [addresses[0]]
spendTx = Transaction.fromHex(fixtureTx2Hex)
it("outgoing: sets the pending flag and 'to' on output", function(){
var txIn = spendTx.ins[0]
var txInId = new Buffer(txIn.hash)
txInId = txInId.toString('hex')
var key = txInId + ':' + txIn.index
assert.equal(wallet.outputs[key].to, spendTx.getId() + ':' + 0)
describe('processConfirmedTx', function(){
2014-07-28 18:13:00 +10:00
it('does not throw on scripts with no corresponding Address', function() {
var pubKey = wallet.getPrivateKey(0).pub
var script = scripts.pubKeyOutput(pubKey)
var tx2 = new Transaction()
2014-07-16 03:58:08 +10:00
tx2.addInput(fakeTxHash(1), 0)
tx2.addOutput(script, 10000)
describe("when tx outs contains an address owned by the wallet, an 'output' gets added to wallet.outputs", function(){
it("works for receive address", function(){
var totalOuts = outputCount()
wallet.addresses = [addresses[0]]
assert.equal(outputCount(), totalOuts + 1)
verifyOutputAdded(0, false)
it("works for change address", function(){
var totalOuts = outputCount()
wallet.changeAddresses = [addresses[1]]
assert.equal(outputCount(), totalOuts + 1)
verifyOutputAdded(1, false)
function outputCount(){
return Object.keys(wallet.outputs).length
describe("when tx ins outpoint contains a known txhash:i", function(){
var spendTx
wallet.addresses = [addresses[0]] // the address fixtureTx2 used as input
spendTx = Transaction.fromHex(fixtureTx2Hex)
it("does not add to wallet.outputs", function(){
assert.deepEqual(wallet.outputs, {})
it("deletes corresponding 'output'", function(){
var txIn = spendTx.ins[0]
2014-06-16 14:08:43 +10:00
var txInId = new Buffer(txIn.hash)
txInId = txInId.toString('hex')
2014-06-16 14:08:43 +10:00
var expected = txInId + ':' + txIn.index
assert(expected in wallet.outputs)
assert(!(expected in wallet.outputs))
it("does nothing when none of the involved addresses belong to the wallet", function(){
assert.deepEqual(wallet.outputs, {})
function verifyOutputAdded(index, pending) {
var txOut = tx.outs[index]
var key = tx.getId() + ":" + index
var output = wallet.outputs[key]
assert.equal(output.from, key)
assert.equal(output.value, txOut.value)
assert.equal(output.pending, pending)
var txOutAddress = Address.fromOutputScript(txOut.script).toString()
assert.equal(output.address, txOutAddress)
describe('createTx', function(){
var wallet
2014-03-31 11:47:47 +08:00
var address1, address2
var to, value
to = 'mt7MyTVVEWnbwpF5hBn6fgnJcv95Syk2ue'
value = 500000
address1 = "n1GyUANZand9Kw6hGSV9837cCC9FFUQzQa"
address2 = "n2fiWrHqD6GM5GiEqkbWAc6aaZQp3ba93X"
// set up 3 utxos
var utxos = [
"hash": fakeTxId(1),
"index": 0,
"address": address1,
2014-04-01 15:52:40 +11:00
"value": 400000 // not enough for value
"hash": fakeTxId(2),
"index": 1,
"address": address1,
2014-04-01 15:52:40 +11:00
"value": 500000 // enough for only value
"hash": fakeTxId(3),
"index": 0,
2014-04-01 15:52:40 +11:00
"address" : address2,
"value": 510000 // enough for value and fee
2014-04-01 15:52:40 +11:00
wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.testnet, utxos)
describe('transaction fee', function(){
it('allows fee to be specified', function(){
var fee = 30000
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value, fee)
assert.equal(getFee(wallet, tx), fee)
2014-03-26 20:20:58 +08:00
it('allows fee to be set to zero', function(){
value = 510000
2014-03-26 20:20:58 +08:00
var fee = 0
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value, fee)
assert.equal(getFee(wallet, tx), fee)
it('does not overestimate fees when network has dustSoftThreshold', function(){
var utxo = {
hash: fakeTxId(0),
index: 0,
address: "LeyySKbQrRRwodKEj1W4a8y3YQupPLw5os",
value: 500000
var wallet = new Wallet(seed, networks.litecoin, [utxo])
value = 200000
var tx = wallet.createTx(utxo.address, value)
assert.equal(getFee(wallet, tx), 100000)
function getFee(wallet, tx) {
var inputValue = tx.ins.reduce(function(memo, input){
var id ='hex')
return memo + wallet.outputs[id + ':' + input.index].value
}, 0)
return tx.outs.reduce(function(memo, output){
return memo - output.value
}, inputValue)
describe('choosing utxo', function(){
it('takes fees into account', function(){
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value)
2014-03-26 20:20:58 +08:00
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
2014-06-16 14:08:43 +10:00
assert.deepEqual(tx.ins[0].hash, fakeTxHash(3))
assert.equal(tx.ins[0].index, 0)
2014-03-26 20:20:58 +08:00
it('uses confirmed outputs', function(){
var tx2 = new Transaction()
tx2.addInput(fakeTxId(4), 0)
tx2.addOutput(address2, 530000)
2014-06-12 13:11:28 +08:00
2014-06-12 13:11:28 +08:00
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value)
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(tx.ins[0].hash, tx2.getHash())
2014-06-16 14:08:43 +10:00
assert.equal(tx.ins[0].index, 0)
2014-06-12 13:11:28 +08:00
2014-05-06 14:12:37 +10:00
it('ignores pending outputs', function(){
var tx2 = new Transaction()
tx2.addInput(fakeTxId(4), 0)
tx2.addOutput(address2, 530000)
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
assert.equal(tx.ins.length, 1)
assert.deepEqual(tx.ins[0].hash, fakeTxHash(3))
assert.equal(tx.ins[0].index, 0)
describe('changeAddress', function(){
it('should allow custom changeAddress', function(){
var changeAddress = 'mfrFjnKZUvTcvdAK2fUX5D8v1Epu5H8JCk'
var fromValue = 510000
var toValue = fromValue / 2
var fee = 1e3
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, toValue, fee, changeAddress)
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 2)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
var outAddress0 = Address.fromOutputScript(tx.outs[0].script, networks.testnet)
var outAddress1 = Address.fromOutputScript(tx.outs[1].script, networks.testnet)
assert.equal(outAddress0.toString(), to)
assert.equal(tx.outs[0].value, toValue)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
assert.equal(outAddress1.toString(), changeAddress)
assert.equal(tx.outs[1].value, fromValue - (toValue + fee))
describe('transaction outputs', function(){
it('includes the specified address and amount', function(){
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value)
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 1)
var out = tx.outs[0]
var outAddress = Address.fromOutputScript(out.script, networks.testnet)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
assert.equal(outAddress.toString(), to)
assert.equal(out.value, value)
describe('change', function(){
it('uses the last change address if there is any', function(){
var fee = 0
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value, fee)
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 2)
var out = tx.outs[1]
var outAddress = Address.fromOutputScript(out.script, networks.testnet)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
assert.equal(outAddress.toString(), wallet.changeAddresses[1])
assert.equal(out.value, 10000)
it('generates a change address if there is not any', function(){
var fee = 0
assert.equal(wallet.changeAddresses.length, 0)
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value, fee)
assert.equal(wallet.changeAddresses.length, 1)
var out = tx.outs[1]
var outAddress = Address.fromOutputScript(out.script, networks.testnet)
2014-05-21 11:38:03 +10:00
assert.equal(outAddress.toString(), wallet.changeAddresses[0])
assert.equal(out.value, 10000)
it('skips change if it is not above dust threshold', function(){
var fee = 14570
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value)
assert.equal(tx.outs.length, 1)
2014-03-24 01:29:10 +08:00
describe('signing', function(){
2014-07-16 22:43:40 +10:00
2014-03-24 01:29:10 +08:00
it('signes the inputs with respective keys', function(){
var fee = 30000
2014-07-16 22:43:40 +10:00
sinon.spy(TransactionBuilder.prototype, "sign")
2014-03-24 01:29:10 +08:00
var tx = wallet.createTx(to, value, fee)
2014-07-16 22:43:40 +10:00
assert(TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign.calledWith(0, wallet.getPrivateKeyForAddress(address2)))
assert(TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign.calledWith(1, wallet.getPrivateKeyForAddress(address1)))
2014-03-24 01:29:10 +08:00
describe('when value is below dust threshold', function(){
it('throws an error', function(){
var value = 546
assert.throws(function() {
wallet.createTx(to, value)
}, /546 must be above dust threshold \(546 Satoshis\)/)
2014-03-24 02:19:17 +08:00
describe('when there is not enough money', function(){
it('throws an error', function(){
var value = 1400001
assert.throws(function() {
wallet.createTx(to, value)
}, /Not enough funds \(incl. fee\): 1410000 < 1410001/)
2014-03-24 02:19:17 +08:00
function assertEqual(obj1, obj2){
assert.equal(obj1.toString(), obj2.toString())
function assertNotEqual(obj1, obj2){
assert.notEqual(obj1.toString(), obj2.toString())
2014-03-22 15:09:00 +08:00
// quick and dirty: does not deal with functions on object
function cloneObject(obj){
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))