Added Transaction
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 529 additions and 423 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { Transaction } from './transaction'
const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
const bcrypto = require('./crypto')
const fastMerkleRoot = require('merkle-lib/fastRoot')
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ const errorMerkleNoTxes = new TypeError('Cannot compute merkle root for zero tra
const errorWitnessNotSegwit = new TypeError('Cannot compute witness commit for non-segwit block')
const errorBufferTooSmall = new Error('Buffer too small (< 80 bytes)')
function txesHaveWitness (transactions: Array<any>): boolean {
function txesHaveWitness (transactions: Array<Transaction>): boolean {
return transactions !== undefined &&
transactions instanceof Array &&
transactions[0] &&
@ -21,8 +22,6 @@ function txesHaveWitness (transactions: Array<any>): boolean {
transactions[0].ins[0].witness.length > 0
const Transaction = require('./transaction')
export class Block {
version: number
prevHash: Buffer
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ export class Block {
witnessCommit: Buffer
bits: number
nonce: number
transactions: Array<any>
transactions: Array<Transaction>
constructor () {
this.version = 1
@ -120,12 +119,12 @@ export class Block {
return target
static calculateMerkleRoot (transactions: Array<any>, forWitness: boolean | void): Buffer {
static calculateMerkleRoot (transactions: Array<Transaction>, forWitness: boolean | void): Buffer {
typeforce([{ getHash: types.Function }], transactions)
if (transactions.length === 0) throw errorMerkleNoTxes
if (forWitness && !txesHaveWitness(transactions)) throw errorWitnessNotSegwit
const hashes = => transaction.getHash(forWitness))
const hashes = => transaction.getHash((<boolean>forWitness)))
const rootHash = fastMerkleRoot(hashes, bcrypto.hash256)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const opcodes = require('bitcoin-ops')
import { Block } from './block'
import * as ECPair from './ecpair'
import * as Transaction from './transaction'
import { Transaction } from './transaction'
import * as TransactionBuilder from './transaction_builder'
import * as address from './address'
import * as bip32 from 'bip32'
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import * as bcrypto from './crypto'
const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
const bcrypto = require('./crypto')
const bscript = require('./script')
const bufferutils = require('./bufferutils')
const opcodes = require('bitcoin-ops')
@ -7,83 +7,112 @@ const typeforce = require('typeforce')
const types = require('./types')
const varuint = require('varuint-bitcoin')
function varSliceSize (someScript) {
function varSliceSize (someScript: Buffer): number {
const length = someScript.length
return varuint.encodingLength(length) + length
function vectorSize (someVector) {
function vectorSize (someVector: Array<Buffer>): number {
const length = someVector.length
return varuint.encodingLength(length) + someVector.reduce(function (sum, witness) {
return varuint.encodingLength(length) + someVector.reduce((sum, witness) => {
return sum + varSliceSize(witness)
}, 0)
function Transaction () {
this.version = 1
this.locktime = 0
this.ins = []
this.outs = []
Transaction.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff
Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL = 0x01
Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE = 0x02
Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE = 0x03
const EMPTY_SCRIPT = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)
const EMPTY_WITNESS = []
const ZERO = Buffer.from('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex')
const ONE = Buffer.from('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', 'hex')
const VALUE_UINT64_MAX = Buffer.from('ffffffffffffffff', 'hex')
const BLANK_OUTPUT = {
const EMPTY_SCRIPT: Buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)
const EMPTY_WITNESS: Array<Buffer> = []
const ZERO: Buffer = Buffer.from('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'hex')
const ONE: Buffer = Buffer.from('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', 'hex')
const VALUE_UINT64_MAX: Buffer = Buffer.from('ffffffffffffffff', 'hex')
const BLANK_OUTPUT: BlankOutput = {
valueBuffer: VALUE_UINT64_MAX
Transaction.fromBuffer = function (buffer, __noStrict) {
let offset = 0
function readSlice (n) {
function isOutput(out: Output | BlankOutput): out is Output {
return (<Output>out).value !== undefined
export type BlankOutput = {
script: Buffer
valueBuffer: Buffer
export type Output = {
script: Buffer
value: number
export type Input = {
hash: Buffer
index: number
script: Buffer
sequence: number
witness: Array<Buffer>
export class Transaction {
version: number
locktime: number
ins: Array<Input>
outs: Array<Output | BlankOutput>
static readonly DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff
static readonly SIGHASH_ALL = 0x01
static readonly SIGHASH_NONE = 0x02
static readonly SIGHASH_SINGLE = 0x03
static readonly SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY = 0x80
static readonly ADVANCED_TRANSACTION_MARKER = 0x00
static readonly ADVANCED_TRANSACTION_FLAG = 0x01
constructor () {
this.version = 1
this.locktime = 0
this.ins = []
this.outs = []
static fromBuffer (buffer: Buffer, __noStrict: boolean): Transaction {
let offset: number = 0
function readSlice (n: number): Buffer {
offset += n
return buffer.slice(offset - n, offset)
function readUInt32 () {
function readUInt32 (): number {
const i = buffer.readUInt32LE(offset)
offset += 4
return i
function readInt32 () {
function readInt32 (): number {
const i = buffer.readInt32LE(offset)
offset += 4
return i
function readUInt64 () {
function readUInt64 (): number {
const i = bufferutils.readUInt64LE(buffer, offset)
offset += 8
return i
function readVarInt () {
function readVarInt (): number {
const vi = varuint.decode(buffer, offset)
offset += varuint.decode.bytes
return vi
function readVarSlice () {
function readVarSlice (): Buffer {
return readSlice(readVarInt())
function readVector () {
function readVector (): Array<Buffer> {
const count = readVarInt()
const vector = []
const vector: Array<Buffer> = []
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) vector.push(readVarSlice())
return vector
@ -135,25 +164,25 @@ Transaction.fromBuffer = function (buffer, __noStrict) {
if (offset !== buffer.length) throw new Error('Transaction has unexpected data')
return tx
Transaction.fromHex = function (hex) {
return Transaction.fromBuffer(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'), undefined)
static fromHex (hex: string): Transaction {
return Transaction.fromBuffer(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'), false)
Transaction.isCoinbaseHash = function (buffer) {
static isCoinbaseHash (buffer: Buffer): boolean {
typeforce(types.Hash256bit, buffer)
for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
if (buffer[i] !== 0) return false
return true
Transaction.prototype.isCoinbase = function () {
isCoinbase (): boolean {
return this.ins.length === 1 && Transaction.isCoinbaseHash(this.ins[0].hash)
Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (hash, index, sequence, scriptSig) {
addInput (hash: Buffer, index: number, sequence: number, scriptSig: Buffer): number {
@ -173,9 +202,9 @@ Transaction.prototype.addInput = function (hash, index, sequence, scriptSig) {
sequence: sequence,
}) - 1)
Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function (scriptPubKey, value) {
addOutput (scriptPubKey: Buffer, value: number): number {
typeforce(types.tuple(types.Buffer, types.Satoshi), arguments)
// Add the output and return the output's index
@ -183,47 +212,53 @@ Transaction.prototype.addOutput = function (scriptPubKey, value) {
script: scriptPubKey,
value: value
}) - 1)
Transaction.prototype.hasWitnesses = function () {
return this.ins.some(function (x) {
hasWitnesses (): boolean {
return this.ins.some((x) => {
return x.witness.length !== 0
Transaction.prototype.weight = function () {
weight (): number {
const base = this.__byteLength(false)
const total = this.__byteLength(true)
return base * 3 + total
Transaction.prototype.virtualSize = function () {
virtualSize (): number {
return Math.ceil(this.weight() / 4)
Transaction.prototype.byteLength = function () {
byteLength (): number {
return this.__byteLength(true)
Transaction.prototype.__byteLength = function (__allowWitness) {
__byteLength (__allowWitness: boolean): number {
const hasWitnesses = __allowWitness && this.hasWitnesses()
return (
(hasWitnesses ? 10 : 8) +
varuint.encodingLength(this.ins.length) +
varuint.encodingLength(this.outs.length) +
this.ins.reduce(function (sum, input) { return sum + 40 + varSliceSize(input.script) }, 0) +
this.outs.reduce(function (sum, output) { return sum + 8 + varSliceSize(output.script) }, 0) +
(hasWitnesses ? this.ins.reduce(function (sum, input) { return sum + vectorSize(input.witness) }, 0) : 0)
this.ins.reduce((sum, input) => {
return sum + 40 + varSliceSize(input.script)
}, 0) +
this.outs.reduce((sum, output) => {
return sum + 8 + varSliceSize(output.script)
}, 0) +
(hasWitnesses ? this.ins.reduce((sum, input) => {
return sum + vectorSize(input.witness)
}, 0) : 0)
Transaction.prototype.clone = function () {
clone (): Transaction {
const newTx = new Transaction()
newTx.version = this.version
newTx.locktime = this.locktime
newTx.ins = (txIn) {
newTx.ins = => {
return {
hash: txIn.hash,
index: txIn.index,
@ -233,17 +268,17 @@ Transaction.prototype.clone = function () {
newTx.outs = (txOut) {
newTx.outs = => {
return {
script: txOut.script,
value: txOut.value
value: (<Output>txOut).value
return newTx
* Hash transaction for signing a specific input.
* Bitcoin uses a different hash for each signed transaction input.
@ -251,14 +286,14 @@ Transaction.prototype.clone = function () {
* hashType, and then hashes the result.
* This hash can then be used to sign the provided transaction input.
Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, hashType) {
hashForSignature (inIndex: number, prevOutScript: Buffer, hashType: number): Buffer {
typeforce(types.tuple(types.UInt32, types.Buffer, /* types.UInt8 */ types.Number), arguments)
if (inIndex >= this.ins.length) return ONE
const ourScript = bscript.compile(bscript.decompile(prevOutScript).filter(function (x) {
const ourScript = bscript.compile(bscript.decompile(prevOutScript).filter((x) => {
return x !== opcodes.OP_CODESEPARATOR
@ -269,7 +304,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, hashT
txTmp.outs = []
// ignore sequence numbers (except at inIndex)
txTmp.ins.forEach(function (input, i) {
txTmp.ins.forEach((input, i) => {
if (i === inIndex) return
input.sequence = 0
@ -289,7 +324,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, hashT
// ignore sequence numbers (except at inIndex)
txTmp.ins.forEach(function (input, y) {
txTmp.ins.forEach((input, y) => {
if (y === inIndex) return
input.sequence = 0
@ -304,30 +339,47 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForSignature = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, hashT
// SIGHASH_ALL: only ignore input scripts
} else {
// "blank" others input scripts
txTmp.ins.forEach(function (input) { input.script = EMPTY_SCRIPT })
txTmp.ins.forEach((input) => {
input.script = EMPTY_SCRIPT
txTmp.ins[inIndex].script = ourScript
// serialize and hash
const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(txTmp.__byteLength(false) + 4)
const buffer: Buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(txTmp.__byteLength(false) + 4)
buffer.writeInt32LE(hashType, buffer.length - 4)
txTmp.__toBuffer(buffer, 0, false)
return bcrypto.hash256(buffer)
Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value, hashType) {
hashForWitnessV0 (inIndex: number, prevOutScript: Buffer, value: number, hashType: number): Buffer {
typeforce(types.tuple(types.UInt32, types.Buffer, types.Satoshi, types.UInt32), arguments)
let tbuffer, toffset
function writeSlice (slice) { toffset += slice.copy(tbuffer, toffset) }
function writeUInt32 (i) { toffset = tbuffer.writeUInt32LE(i, toffset) }
function writeUInt64 (i) { toffset = bufferutils.writeUInt64LE(tbuffer, i, toffset) }
function writeVarInt (i) {
let tbuffer: Buffer = Buffer.from([])
let toffset: number = 0
function writeSlice (slice: Buffer): void {
toffset += slice.copy(tbuffer, toffset)
function writeUInt32 (i: number): void {
toffset = tbuffer.writeUInt32LE(i, toffset)
function writeUInt64 (i: number): void {
toffset = bufferutils.writeUInt64LE(tbuffer, i, toffset)
function writeVarInt (i: number): void {
varuint.encode(i, tbuffer, toffset)
toffset += varuint.encode.bytes
function writeVarSlice (slice) { writeVarInt(slice.length); writeSlice(slice) }
function writeVarSlice (slice: Buffer): void {
let hashOutputs = ZERO
let hashPrevouts = ZERO
@ -337,7 +389,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value
tbuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(36 * this.ins.length)
toffset = 0
this.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
this.ins.forEach((txIn) => {
@ -351,7 +403,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value
tbuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4 * this.ins.length)
toffset = 0
this.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
this.ins.forEach((txIn) => {
@ -360,15 +412,15 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value
if ((hashType & 0x1f) !== Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE &&
(hashType & 0x1f) !== Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE) {
const txOutsSize = this.outs.reduce(function (sum, output) {
const txOutsSize = this.outs.reduce((sum, output) => {
return sum + 8 + varSliceSize(output.script)
}, 0)
tbuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(txOutsSize)
toffset = 0
this.outs.forEach(function (out) {
this.outs.forEach((out) => {
@ -378,7 +430,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value
tbuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8 + varSliceSize(output.script))
toffset = 0
hashOutputs = bcrypto.hash256(tbuffer)
@ -400,36 +452,62 @@ Transaction.prototype.hashForWitnessV0 = function (inIndex, prevOutScript, value
return bcrypto.hash256(tbuffer)
Transaction.prototype.getHash = function () {
return bcrypto.hash256(this.__toBuffer(undefined, undefined, false))
getHash (forWitness: boolean): Buffer {
// wtxid for coinbase is always 32 bytes of 0x00
if (forWitness && this.isCoinbase()) return Buffer.alloc(32, 0)
return bcrypto.hash256(this.__toBuffer(undefined, undefined, forWitness))
Transaction.prototype.getId = function () {
getId (): string {
// transaction hash's are displayed in reverse order
return this.getHash().reverse().toString('hex')
return Buffer.from(this.getHash(false).reverse()).toString('hex')
Transaction.prototype.toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset) {
toBuffer (buffer: Buffer | void, initialOffset: number | void): Buffer {
return this.__toBuffer(buffer, initialOffset, true)
Transaction.prototype.__toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset, __allowWitness) {
if (!buffer) buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(this.__byteLength(__allowWitness))
__toBuffer (buffer: Buffer | void, initialOffset: number | void, __allowWitness: boolean | void): Buffer {
if (!buffer) buffer = <Buffer> Buffer.allocUnsafe(this.__byteLength((<boolean>__allowWitness)))
let offset = initialOffset || 0
function writeSlice (slice) { offset += slice.copy(buffer, offset) }
function writeUInt8 (i) { offset = buffer.writeUInt8(i, offset) }
function writeUInt32 (i) { offset = buffer.writeUInt32LE(i, offset) }
function writeInt32 (i) { offset = buffer.writeInt32LE(i, offset) }
function writeUInt64 (i) { offset = bufferutils.writeUInt64LE(buffer, i, offset) }
function writeSlice (slice) {
offset += slice.copy(buffer, offset)
function writeUInt8 (i) {
offset = (<Buffer>buffer).writeUInt8(i, offset)
function writeUInt32 (i) {
offset = (<Buffer>buffer).writeUInt32LE(i, offset)
function writeInt32 (i) {
offset = (<Buffer>buffer).writeInt32LE(i, offset)
function writeUInt64 (i) {
offset = bufferutils.writeUInt64LE(buffer, i, offset)
function writeVarInt (i) {
varuint.encode(i, buffer, offset)
offset += varuint.encode.bytes
function writeVarSlice (slice) { writeVarInt(slice.length); writeSlice(slice) }
function writeVector (vector) { writeVarInt(vector.length); vector.forEach(writeVarSlice) }
function writeVarSlice (slice) {
function writeVector (vector) {
@ -442,7 +520,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.__toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset, __allowWitne
this.ins.forEach(function (txIn) {
this.ins.forEach((txIn) => {
@ -450,8 +528,8 @@ Transaction.prototype.__toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset, __allowWitne
this.outs.forEach(function (txOut) {
if (!txOut.valueBuffer) {
this.outs.forEach((txOut) => {
if (isOutput(txOut)) {
} else {
@ -461,7 +539,7 @@ Transaction.prototype.__toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset, __allowWitne
if (hasWitnesses) {
this.ins.forEach(function (input) {
this.ins.forEach((input) => {
@ -469,25 +547,23 @@ Transaction.prototype.__toBuffer = function (buffer, initialOffset, __allowWitne
// avoid slicing unless necessary
if (initialOffset !== undefined) return buffer.slice(initialOffset, offset)
if (initialOffset !== undefined) return buffer.slice((<number>initialOffset), offset)
return buffer
Transaction.prototype.toHex = function () {
return this.toBuffer().toString('hex')
toHex () {
return this.toBuffer(undefined, undefined).toString('hex')
Transaction.prototype.setInputScript = function (index, scriptSig) {
setInputScript (index, scriptSig) {
typeforce(types.tuple(types.Number, types.Buffer), arguments)
this.ins[index].script = scriptSig
Transaction.prototype.setWitness = function (index, witness) {
setWitness (index, witness) {
typeforce(types.tuple(types.Number, [types.Buffer]), arguments)
this.ins[index].witness = witness
module.exports = Transaction
export {}
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import { Transaction, Output } from './transaction'
const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer
const baddress = require('./address')
const bcrypto = require('./crypto')
@ -11,7 +13,6 @@ const classify = require('./classify')
const SCRIPT_TYPES = classify.types
const ECPair = require('./ecpair')
const Transaction = require('./transaction')
function expandInput (scriptSig, witnessStack, type, scriptPubKey) {
if (scriptSig.length === 0 && witnessStack.length === 0) return {}
@ -517,9 +518,9 @@ TransactionBuilder.prototype.addInput = function (txHash, vout, sequence, prevOu
} else if (txHash instanceof Transaction) {
const txOut = txHash.outs[vout]
prevOutScript = txOut.script
value = txOut.value
value = (<Output>txOut).value
txHash = txHash.getHash()
txHash = txHash.getHash(false)
return this.__addInputUnsafe(txHash, vout, {
@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ describe('Block', function () {
assert.strictEqual(block.version, f.version)
assert.strictEqual(block.prevHash.toString('hex'), f.prevHash)
assert.strictEqual(block.merkleRoot.toString('hex'), f.merkleRoot)
if (block.witnessCommit) {
assert.strictEqual(block.witnessCommit.toString('hex'), f.witnessCommit)
assert.strictEqual(block.timestamp, f.timestamp)
assert.strictEqual(block.bits, f.bits)
assert.strictEqual(block.nonce, f.nonce)
@ -113,6 +116,12 @@ describe('Block', function () {
it('returns ' + f.merkleRoot + ' for ' +, function () {
assert.strictEqual(Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions).toString('hex'), f.merkleRoot)
if (f.witnessCommit) {
it('returns witness commit ' + f.witnessCommit + ' for ' +, function () {
assert.strictEqual(Block.calculateMerkleRoot(block.transactions, true).toString('hex'), f.witnessCommit)
@ -129,6 +138,12 @@ describe('Block', function () {
it('returns ' + f.valid + ' for ' +, function () {
assert.strictEqual(block.checkMerkleRoot(), true)
if (f.witnessCommit) {
it('validates witness commit for ' +, function () {
assert.strictEqual(block.checkWitnessCommit(), true)
@ -119,6 +119,21 @@
"timestamp": 1231006505,
"valid": true,
"version": 1
"description": "Block with witness commit",
"bits": 388503969,
"hash": "ec61d8d62a4945034a1df40dd3dfda364221c0562c3a14000000000000000000",
"height": 542213,
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"id": "000000000000000000143a2c56c0214236dadfd30df41d4a0345492ad6d861ec",
"merkleRoot": "135e9b653aee9a70028aff2db53d4f43f4484ad52558c3ae300410b79cb6a864",
"witnessCommit": "4a657fcaa2149342376247e2e283a55a6b92dcc35d4d89e4ac7b74488cb63be2",
"nonce": 31692307,
"prevHash": "8980ebb11236bacc66c447d5ad961bc546c0f9cc385a08000000000000000000",
"timestamp": 1537429727,
"valid": true,
"version": 536870912
"invalid": [
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ const { describe, it, beforeEach } = require('mocha')
const assert = require('assert')
const bscript = require('../dist/src/script')
const fixtures = require('./fixtures/transaction')
const Transaction = require('../dist/src/transaction')
const Transaction = require('..').Transaction
describe('Transaction', function () {
function fromRaw (raw, noWitness) {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const bscript = require('../dist/src/script')
const payments = require('../dist/src/payments')
const ECPair = require('../dist/src/ecpair')
const Transaction = require('../dist/src/transaction')
const Transaction = require('..').Transaction
const TransactionBuilder = require('../dist/src/transaction_builder')
const NETWORKS = require('../dist/src/networks')
Add table
Reference in a new issue