101 KiB
Change Log
Fixed bugs:
- [Docker image] SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.") #1096
- NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined #1070
- Setup coverage testing #1058
- AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'glob' #1044
Closed issues:
- buildozer is choosing odd venv, and using a different python? #1080
- Buildozer just wont compile my app #1074
- Autoreconf not found? #1072
- error while buildozer android debug deploy run #1064
- Syntax error in Kivy and KivyMD dependencies file when using Buildozer to compile KivyMD app #1051
- Adding CFFI as a Buildozer requirement breaks the Android build #1050
- Is buildozer compatible with Python 3.7 #1048
- Could not resolve org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre8:1.2.0 #1042
- Error while running buildozer android debug deploy #1038
- cant able to build apk on linux with python3 #1033
- Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect #1028
- Windows support to build Android APK #1022
- How to make third party site-packages 'requests' run on Android #1021
- Crash on buildozer android debug command. Command failed: /usr/bin/python -m pythonforandroid.toolchain #1017
- Build failed: Couldn't find executable for CC #1014
- Cloning Error of python-for-android #1008
- checking whether the C compiler works... no #1007
- Kivy :How to ask for storage permission when app starts #1004
- Buildozer :No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath' #1002
- Kivy app Crashes while import openpyxl #1001
- Warning when i run "buildozer -v android debug" #982
- sdkmanager is notinstalled #927
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes missing libssl-dev dependency #1099 (AndreMiras)
- Drops Python 2 support #1094 (AndreMiras)
- Checks SDK, NDK and p4a get downloaded on first run #1093 (AndreMiras)
- Integration testing #1083 (AndreMiras)
- Also tests against macOS platform #1078 (AndreMiras)
- Fix NameError with Python 3 and iOS target #1071 (lerela)
- Unit tests TargetAndroid.build_package() #1069 (AndreMiras)
- Dedicated Docker build/run job #1068 (AndreMiras)
- F841: local variable is assigned to but never used #1066 (AndreMiras)
- PEP8 organisation and fixes #1065 (AndreMiras)
- Fixes coveralls.io on pull requests #1063 (AndreMiras)
- Coveralls TOKEN is only available on branch master #1062 (AndreMiras)
- Starts unit testing buildozer/targets/android.py #1061 (AndreMiras)
- Setup coverage testing #1060 (AndreMiras)
- Fix Dockerfile dependencies #1053 (Sirfanas)
- Updates default buildozer.spec NDK from 17c to 19b #1041 (AndreMiras)
- Fix config typo in default.spec #1026 (touilleMan)
- Android gradle build: fix apk name #1025 (SomberNight)
1.0 (2019-12-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Accept license terms prompt is not visible #916
- Unable to build release. File "/usr/lib/python3.6/shutil.py", line 96, in copyfile with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: #851
- error: cannot find -lpython3.7 #842
- android.accept_sdk_license may misbehave #816
- Python3 error with pexpect #221
Closed issues:
- Sup Req : Buildozer debug does not complete - Error threading.py, sh.py, etc.. #1000
- Buildozer failed to execute the last command #999
- Android fullscreen mode: cannot hide status bar! #989
- buildozer uses wrong python version and disrespects requirement versions #988
- The version of Kivy installed on this system is too old. #987
- Failed to download any source lists! #986
- Aidl cannot be executed error buildozer #984
- buildozer debug error "[WARNING]" when i run buildozer andriod debug #980
- Building kivy app with python3 requirement gives "No compiled python is present to zip, skipping." warning and "Unable to import kivy._clock. Have you perhaps forgotten to compile kivy? ..." error when run on android device. #977
- Java And Python-for-android toolchain errors #975
- buildozer + python3 #973
- Error while running ".buildozer.../native-build/python -OO -m compileall -b -f /.../app #972
- buildozer fails with kivymd link #968
- ndk_platform doesn't exist: /home/rr/android-ndk-r20/platforms/android-20/arch-arm #966
- Paused at Installing/updating SDK platform tools if necessary #965
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema #962
- please add aidl into Dockerfile #960
- Missing _ctypes module #955
- Kivy-Buildozer release version doesnt upload google store #953
- buildozer using wrong kivy version #943
- buildozer ndk-api=21 error #942
- app crash #939
- ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle #929
- no-issue #926
- can't find file to patch toggle_jpg_png_webp.patch #921
- No matching distribution found for io #915
- Error: No matching distribution found for io(from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) #914
- I'm also experiencing the same issue, using macOS 10.14.3 and no Docker -- just plain Buildozer from the PyPi repo. What is the recommended course of action to fix this? #913
- app crash #911
- warnings while building apk using buildozer #910
- buildozer error please help me!! #906
- My application does not open in android but if it works in geany, help please. #903
- [Docker image] Can't compile apk: /bin/tar ... "Cannot utime: Operation not permitted" #902
- Fails to call numpy fft on android #899
- Command failed: /usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain #898
- error: C compiler cannot create executables #897
- stopped at "Installing/updating SDK platform tools if necessary" #896
- ValueError: Tried to access ndk_ver but it has not been set - this should not happen, something went wrong! #893
- Buildozer not installing from custom source folders #892
- Error with build requirements PIL
Python 3
#890 - rocker plants.cvs -an active -r -p rco.png #889
- rocker plants.cvs -an active -r -p rco.png #888
- rocker plants.cvs -an active -r -p rco.png #887
- rocker plants.cvs -an active -r -p rco.png #886
- rocker plants.cvs -an active -r -p rco.png #885
- host=arm-linux-androideabi #884
- Buildozer has attribute errors and will not run #883
- buildozer on osx not working #879
- Android API Issue #877
- What is the way to add folders and files? #875
- Buildozer Error #874
- Problem with "Unpacking sdl2_image" and "Parent module 'pythonforandroid.recipes' not found" #872
- buildozer android debug deploy is stuck #870
- running autoreconf -vif #866
- Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema #862
- Can not build x86 APK file #861
- But then a lot more issues, deep in the weeds now. #858
- Create tests for PR fix bug when logcat value which cannot be decode to utf-8 #857
- Can't Cythonize pyjnius: TypeError: can't pickle Argument objects #850
- buildozer -h complains about NoneType target #849
- Building failes at compiling openssl[armeabi-v7a] #841
- Applying patches for libffi[armeabi-v7a] #840
- Errors while running buildozer android debug deploy #832
- "Command failed" when running "buildozer android debug deploy run" #829
- Build Python3 for Android with Azure-keyvault and merest #828
- Outdated Android NDK download URL in Kivy Virtual Machine #827
- App crashes on startup #826
- I found the origin of the problem mentioned in issue #694
Aidl not found
#824 - download() is not CI log friendly #823
- Application stuck in portrait mode #820
- Orientation landscape when set to portrait #818
- Certain python requirements fail due to
#815 - Running buildozer help crashes #813
- [Buildozer 0.40.dev0, Buildozer 0.39] AttributeError: 'Buildozer' object has no attribute 'translate_target' #812
- Version number failing to be added to apk #810
- Virtual machine out of date #764
- Docker doesn't build #751
- Buildozer exit code on recipe fail #674
- not able to release apk in release mode - build failed #363
- Issue with NDK r11b #308
- Feature: Create a compat.py for correct PY3 support and implement it #300
- Curl missing in KivyVM #296
- Virtual machine image could have better support for international keyboards #295
- Virtual machine image does not have enough disk space #294
- Not quite an issue, just some dependency stuff #247
- # Command failed: ./distribute.sh -m "kivy" -d "stapp" #204
- Command ./distribute.sh failed -- no buildozer.spec found when it exists #203
- buildozer -v android debug : Compile fails at fcntlmodule.c #196
- Build errors on OSX 10.10
for android
#165 - Feature Request: Vagrantfile #154
Merged pull requests:
- Feature GitHub actions #1005 (tito)
- Fixes test_p4a_recommended_android_ndk_found() mocking #983 (AndreMiras)
- Fixes packaging for current p4a develop branch #978 (misl6)
- Updates install instructions and troubleshooting #976 (AndreMiras)
- fix: show output of sdk update if auto_accept_license is false #970 (tshirtman)
- Add libs only for current arch #969 (misl6)
- Rename final apk with arch in the name #967 (tito)
- Code improvements around NDK download #961 (inclement)
- Separate build per android.arch #957 (tito)
- spec file: cast paths in source.exclude_dirs to lowercase #956 (SomberNight)
- added cmake to requirements #950 (mcroni)
- Add ability to get p4a's recommended android's NDK version #947 (opacam)
- New feature: allow to use a p4a fork #940 (opacam)
- Minor linter fix #937 (AndreMiras)
- Update installation.rst #936 (yairlempert)
- clarify overriding of config tokens #935 (brentpicasso)
- Extend add_libs to arm64-v8a #934 (misl6)
- Doc/installation updates #932 (tshirtman)
- customizability options #919 (zworkb)
- disable orientation and window option for service_only bootstrap #912 (zworkb)
- Unit test unicode decode on command output, fixes #857 #905 (AndreMiras)
- Made sure to print all lines of license question by always flushing #904 (inclement)
- Exits with error code on build exception, fixes #674 #882 (AndreMiras)
- Download Apache ANT at the same path as the buildozer.spec android.ant_path option #860 (robertpro)
- Fix for bug when logcat value which cannot be decode to utf-8 #856 (Draqun)
- Changes default log level to debug
#855 (AndreMiras) - Handles unknown command/target error gracefully, closes #812 #853 (AndreMiras)
- Updates system requirements needed to build recipes #852 (AndreMiras)
- Various Dockerfile improvements #848 (AndreMiras)
- Support p4a uses-library argument #846 (pax0r)
- Removed reference to Kivy VM #845 (Megalex42)
- Removes extra log_env() call #843 (AndreMiras)
- add missing android arch to spec file #839 (OptimusGREEN)
- feat: make unzip quiet #836 (mkg20001)
- fix: drop release-unsigned from release output path #835 (mkg20001)
- Add ci_mode to toggle download progress #833 (mkg20001)
- Unit test logger #831 (AndreMiras)
- refactor auto accept license #822 (AndreMiras)
- Unit tests buildozer --help command, refs #813 #821 (AndreMiras)
- Use getbooldefault() for boolean, fixes #806 #817 (AndreMiras)
- Update the issue template #814 (AndreMiras)
- Show envs when run2 #802 (maho)
0.39 (2019-02-04)
0.38 (2019-02-03)
Fixed bugs:
- TypeError: read() takes exactly 2 arguments
3 given
#793 - TypeError: read() takes exactly 2 arguments
3 given
#792 - AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' #756
Closed issues:
- Openssl compilation fails, '__atomic' undefined #800
- --ndk-api appears twice #798
- Error in toolchain.py and argument --ndk-api 9 #797
- Target ndk-api is 19, but the **python3 recipe supports only 21** #796
- Add support for --frameworks on iOS #790
- Hello World impossible: checking whether the C compiler works... no #785
- Buildozer 0.37 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 #782
- APK Crashes on start with no obvious cause #779
- Outdated Android NDK download URL in Kivy Virtual Machine #778
- Buildozer "gradlew failed!" #777
- Conflicting documentation Python2 versus Python3 #774
- No valid --ndk-api received, using the default of 0 = min(android-api=0, default ndk-api=21) #772
but also incompatible NDK and API settings #770- Error: minsdk argument does not match the api that is compiled against #768
- Need to support sensorLandscape #762
- minsdk argument does not match the api that is compiled against #761
- Need to be able to specify the NDK API target #758
- Buildozer cannot import name pythran_is_numpy_func_supported #753
- Python3 recipe not building, error with self.ctx.python_recipe #752
- compile error #744
- APK build failed "ndk_platform doesn't exist"
Python3.6; android.api = 27
#742 - Logo Design Proposal #734
android clean
not workingFileNotFoundError: \[Errno 2\] No such file or directory
#732- Can't Make an APK via Buildozer #712
- App build Failed #707
- ERROR: /home/kivy/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin/ant failed! #706
- APK using txt file in main.py issue. #704
- "Copying APK" fails because of wrong path used #699
- Cannot build #697
- Fail on build #692
- Cannot build "Hello World" APK #687
- Error when building an android APK using Kivy #684
- can't get audio stream from a server #683
- Continuous integration testing #679
- Post build fails because copying built apk fails #671
- Buildozer can't compile for Android on Manjaro Linux #670
- Icon/Logo Proposal #669
- Buildozer cant compile platform Ubuntu 16.04 #668
- Buildozer gets stuck at unpacking kivy #667
- Kivy window #666
- Failed building wheel for pyaudio #665
- Buildozer compilation gets stuck #663
- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/samurai-girl/python2/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/test/build/outputs/apk/test-debug.apk' #662
- Unable to build _ctypes.so #660
- error while packaging for android on macOS #659
- Command failed: /usr/bin/python2 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain #658
- Cannot build apk with buildozer android debug #656
- How to correctly build an APK package with Python 3? #655
- SDK does not have any Build Tools installed. #652
- Error building Kivy app with opencv(and numpy) - raise CommandNotFoundError(path) #651
- FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] #649
- The python3crystax recipe can only be built when using the CrystaX NDK. Exiting. #648
- build apk : error can not find the build/output folder #647
- help me building cryptography #646
- sslv3 alert handshake failure on Addroid #643
- Opening Android SDK Manager to download "Google Repository" and "Google Play services" #642
- kivy python host failed #641
- python.host failed #640
- Kivy Crashing #638
- .so lib files missing debug symbols #637
- Kivy app doesn't run #634
- "* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 * * daemon started successfully *" #633
- FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/alex/Documents/pengame/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/helloworldapp/build/outputs/apk/helloworldapp-debug.apk' #632
- Compiling Kivy app to apk fails with a pip error #631
- ERROR: /home/ubuntu/.buildozer/android/platform/apache-ant-1.9.4/bin/ant failed! #625
- Build error when building Kivy app #624
- buildozer debug is not running this error is showing #622
- unexpected e_machine: 3 #621
- buildozer matplotlib #617
- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/gauravgupta/kivy/.buildozer/android/platform/build/dists/myellipse/build/outputs/apk/myellipse-debug.apk' #613
- Build failing in final ANT stage #610
- Cannot build apk #606
- Installing buildozer for Python 3 failed #604
- FileNotFoundError at end of build when copying APK file. #602
- Error with buildozer #591
- ImportError: No module named Cython.Distutils While running buildozer android debug #587
- python 2.7 compile with NDK 15c #584
- Problem upgrade to newest version #583
- Simple Kivy test app can't compile to android apk #581
- Apple Watch Support #574
- Skip error or better error message: requirements with extra comma #562
- failed to build numpy on Mac #557
- p4a.source_dir set and android clean --> crash #556
- Kivy python android build error? #555
- python3 import networkx needs lib2to3 but cannot be imported #554
- buildozer android debug deploy run ERROR #550
- App Crashes #541
- Requirements: Requests, Ssl #539
- Error: Aidl cannot be executed #532
- Kivy and Beautifulsoup with Buildozer fail on Python 3. #529
- I'm having similar problem #528
- Awkward error while building apk #526
- The "android" command is deprecated #519
- Kivy: Permission denied
when running buildozer android on Mac OS X
#517 - Extraction of "Kivy2.7z" failed #516
- buildozer still download ndk from wrong path #506
- android-new landscape error on restart #482
- Add possibility to choose pip version for modules in the requirements section #475
- Bulldozer android_new fails when ffmpeg is added to the requirements: No C Compiler found! #463
- CalledProcessError: Command '['python', 'package_app.py', '--displayname=Music Favorites']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #448
- [Errno 13] Permission denied; Buildozer on Flask Server #445
- Error while compiling a kivy app for android
undefined reference to 'SDL\_main' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
#438 - AsyncImage not loading in .apk #433
- Big Bug, ORMs cant find sqlite3.so #426
- cp: cannot stat '~/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/src/libs/armeabi/*.so': No such file or directory #422
- using android_new causes missing packages errors #420
- Buildozer fails with "Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1" #419
- Buildozer fails to build when ffmpeg is added #418
- Build on arm64 android #412
- Building with "android_new" target fails due to missing architecture on pythonforandroid.toolchain apk #407
- Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 when building PIL library #406
- Android, Pygame backend: buildozer android debug deploy run tries to launch wrong Activity #401
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'splitlines' #400
- Pyzmq import fails on Android with python2 / kivy 1.9 / cython 0.23 #397
- Python 3: # Aidl cannot be executed AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'maxint' #392
- subprocess.CalledProcessError #391
- python.host could not find platform independent libraries #390
- Buildozer android_new fails #388
- toolchain.py: error: argument --private is required #384
- Android fails on running Kivy apk #381
- ImportError: No module named plyer with android_new as a target #379
- buildozer -v android debug runs into problem #376
- subprocess.CalledProcessError #372
- Can't install Pillow , return errors #371
- failed to load ctypes as android app built on OSX #368
- old_toolchain not shows images #367
- Buildozer deployment dlopen failed libSDL2.so has unexpected e_machine: 40 #365
- Rebuild only selected packages #226
Merged pull requests:
- Updated README for Python 3 #809 (inclement)
- Update README.md to add opencollective #808 (tito)
- Made buildozer respect user sdk dir when accessing sdkmanager #807 (inclement)
- Removed android_old and updated SDK management to work with current SDK #806 (inclement)
- Removed redundant --ndk-api argument and fixed default value #805 (inclement)
- Update for p4a master #803 (inclement)
- Unit tests read spec file, refs #793 #799 (AndreMiras)
- Support the --add-frameworks flag in kivy-ios #795 (hackalog)
- Introduces CI and tox testing, fixes #679 #794 (AndreMiras)
- Fix python 2 crash when reading config file #791 (etc0de)
- Handle buildozer.spec with unicode chars #789 (guysoft)
- Specify GitHub branches in buildozer.spec #787 (hackalog)
- Fixes minor comment typo introduced in #759 #786 (AndreMiras)
- Docker from current git #775 (maho)
- Fix output directory for gradle #766 (wo01)
- support sensorLandscape mode. resolves #762 #763 (brentpicasso)
- allow specifying of Android NDK API. Resolves #758 #759 (brentpicasso)
- Update cython version from the docs #757 (AndreMiras)
- fix android sdk/ndk information link #755 (avere001)
- this allows to build with ndk 17c
and other recent-ish ones
#754 (tshirtman) - fix ndk URLs #747 (zworkb)
0.36 (2018-11-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Error in debug, install platform, Indexerror. #731
Closed issues:
- Buildozer looking for nonexistent script #749
- Can not build APK file with buildozer. UnicodeDecodeError #746
- CrystaX no longer the preferred NDK for Python3 #745
- AKP build fails
android.py line 524
#738 - Buildozer 0.35 with IndexError: list index out of range on Mac OS #737
- cannot build pyjnius for armeabi-v7a #735
- I can't package my app the way i always did. #733
- OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link #644
Merged pull requests:
- Correctly write out a sub-process's
when using Python 3. #743 (dbrnz) - Explicitly run
when using Python 3 #741 (dbrnz) - workaround for working in WSL #740 (tshirtman)
- Allow for
line having whitespace at start. #736 (dbrnz) - Fix Support config file name #730 (dessant)
0.35 (2018-10-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Buildozer should not regex/hack install_reqs #722
Closed issues:
- Command failed: /usr/bin/python -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create... #727
- buildozer fails at installing platfrom #726
- Unable to build APK #725
- Buildozer APK not working: OS X, Docker, or fresh Ubuntu 16.04 #723
- gcc Segmentation Fault #720
- Error debugging for android #719
- ndk_platform doesn't exist
when switching to API = 28
#717 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2]
- It was Encoding Error #715 - SDL_JAVA_PACKAGE_PATH error? #714
- Python3Crystax instructions in README #710
- Bug or support request? #708
- build requirement failed #701
- I am using Virtual Machine provided in the official kivy website for building android APK, this is the part of log file #696
- App minimizes instantly after launching. #695
- Aidl not detected #694
- python 3 ssl #690
- Is there something like multiprocessing? #685
- Kivy in pyCharm #682
- Toolchain error. Help,please! #678
- virtual machine does not compile apk Fails with errors #677
- An error in Buildozer Apk
Python Kivy
Help PLZ! #676 - App crashes on android but works fine in idle window using buildozer #675
- Pyjnius exception Adbuddiz class not found #661
- Buildozer failed to execute the last command #/usr/bin/python3 -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create --dist_name=blueb --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=python3crystax,kivy --arch x86 --copy-libs --color=always --storage-dir=/home/jp/Desktop/BlueB/.buildozer/android/platform/build #654
- java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.misc.BASE64Encoder #639
- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: #636
- App crashes with aws boto3 #635
- APK Immediately Closes After Opening in Debug, Release, and Zipaligned & Signed Versions #629
- Using Python/Buildozer to compile Kivy for Android #628
- "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables See `config.log' for more details"
\# Command failed: ./distribute.sh -m "kivy" -d "pollygot"
#627 - "OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system"
\# Command failed: virtualenv --python=python2.7 ./venv
#626 - Java compiling issue: buildozer uses obsolete source value 1.5 #619
- Cloning into 'python-for-android-new-toolchain'... #618
- Failed to build application: 'WindowInfoX11' is not a type identifier #616
- Sudo issue[closed] #615
- buildozer-vm-2 installed from scratch ABENDS #611
- ASCII decode problem #608
- error: could not delete 'build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/buildozer/targets/android.py': Permission denied #607
- APK Build Failing with Python 3.6 #605
- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/kivy/buildozer/.buildozer/android/platform/build/... #603
- Feature Request: Dockerfile or image in dockerhub #589
- Buildozer debug error. #545
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #645 #729 (tito)
- Enable Support app #728 (dessant)
- Updates p4a deps parsing #724 (AndreMiras)
- Improved error handling if p4a setup.py can't be read #721 (inclement)
- Various spelling corrections #718 (Zen-CODE)
- Updates Python 3 install instructions, fixes #710 #711 (AndreMiras)
- Remove obsolete sh package dependency #705 (Cheaterman)
- Changes how is_gradle_build is detected. #700 (rammie)
- Cleans installation docs #689 (AndreMiras)
- Adds issue template with basic required info #688 (AndreMiras)
- buildozer Dockerfile, fixes #589 #681 (AndreMiras)
- Removes few unused variables #680 (AndreMiras)
- Fixed a typo pointed out by AndreMiras #664 (inclement)
- Updates installation.rst with Ubuntu 18.04 instructions #657 (AndreMiras)
- fix prerelease version #653 (marceloneil)
- allow setting launchMode for the main activity in the manifest #650 (SomberNight)
- Fixes Invalid cross-device link #645 (robertpro)
- Quote --storage-dir value #630 (ghost)
- Allow adding Java activities to the manifest #612 (bauerj)
- add comment re p4a.port in default.spec #600 (replabrobin)
- Spelling #592 (jsoref)
0.34 (2017-12-15)
Closed issues:
- IOERROR invalid directory #599
- Buidozer 0.33 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'directory' #598
- Issu with buildozer packing #596
- Gradle: path may not be null or empty string. path='null' #595
- ERROR: Trying to release a package that starts with org.test; what can I do? #593
- App crash with python3 #590
- Problem running buildozer android debug first time #586
- buildozer download some content failed #585
- complie platform failed #580
- Module OS - buildozer.spec #579
- Buildozer doesn't compile app with cryptography requirement #578
- Buildozer x psycopg2 #575
- Problem with Android API 23 #573
- App crashing on startup- ImportError: dlopen failed: _imaging.so is 64-bit #568
- Buildozer issue with latest Xcode/macOS #566
- Requests SSL error #565
- buildozer failed for
Broken toolchain
when building numpy with python.host #564 - Encountered a bad program behavior #563
- error at using pycypto in the requirements #558
- Websocket error: SSL not available. #552
- "crystax_python does not exist" with python3crystax #551
- App crashes after build #549
- Installing CyLP on windows #548
- Service notification launch intent causes app crash #547
- Application crashes on start #546
- New android target is unable to produce a python 4 android service #543
- Buildozer Build Error #538
- # Aidl not found, please install it. #537
- Error compiling Cython file on Ubuntu 14.0.4 with python 2.7 and 3.4/5 #536
- Failed compilation on ubuntu with python 2.7 configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables #535
- Remove app permissions added by default #534
- Buildozer error while packaging #531
- Buildozer failing to pack .apk #530
- toolchain fails to recognize option --sdk #524
- # Command failed: /usr/bin/python -m pythonforandroid.toolchain create --dist_name=myapp --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=kivy --arch armeabi-v7a --copy-libs --color=always --storage-dir=/home/abhipso/thembapp/.buildozer/android/platform/build #521
- apk way too large - 800mb #520
- [features] Snapcraft implementation #514
- Possibility of building in kivy virtual machine all locally #513
- Python3(crystax ndk) builds broken #511
- build fails in virtualenv #509
- password for the virtual machine? #507
- Failed to build APK with python 3.6 : [sh.CommandNotFound: python3.5] #504
- Don't Unpacking opencv for armeabi-v7a #503
- Fails to package app on OSX Sierra 10.12.4
hdiutil: attach failed - image not recognized keka
#494 - File missing building release APK #469
- Building APK using Buildozer/Kivy #459
- buildozer failed to build apk: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #373
- AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' in recipe #361
- Cant compile apk with sqlite3
using python3 crystax
Merged pull requests:
- Imported os to fix ImportError #594 (inclement)
- add p4a.port config option; to allow specifiying webview port #588 (replabrobin)
- Fix Py3 utf-8 encode error #582 (Zen-CODE)
- Fixes
comment #577 (AndreMiras) - Fix old toolchain index error #576 (Zen-CODE)
- Some fixes in old android target #572 (rnixx)
- Removed --sdk argument for p4a #571 (inclement)
- Update specifications.rst #560 (crajun)
- Changed p4a directory name for current toolchain #527 (inclement)
- Update android.py, updated recreate the project.properties section #525 (mokhoo)
- Fix unicode coding error in android build target #518 (jamalex)
- Add 404 status code handling on kivy download #508 (SecretObsession)
- Use dmg instead of 7z #505 (shivan1b)
0.33 (2017-05-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Installation of python for android is missing dependencies #501
Closed issues:
- Break buildozer if the user try to release a version with "org.test" as a domain #500
- Migrate p4a options to its own subkey #499
- Use stable branch from python-for-android #498
- Migrate android to android_new, and add android_old #497
- sh.CommandNotFound: cmake #496
- Need Help Fatal signal 11
at 0x00000000code=1
, thread 4579SDLThread
#495 - Buildozer APK Cannot LAUNCH #493
- Buildozer Error #492
- android_new target hardcodes python2 support for p4a #491
- android.arch ignored #488
- fail to install distribute #486
- sh.py raise a exception and fail to build #485
- some functionality lost when debugged with android_new command #481
- Problem when deploy to android device #480
- dlopen failed: python2.7/site-packages/grpc/_cython/cygrpc.so not 32-bit: 2 #479
- Cannot build APK with python3crystax and flask - conflicting dependencies #477
- Buildozer can't download NDK #474
- websocket-client "SSL not available." #473
- Using Cython with Kivy-iOS and Buildozer #472
- android.requirements does not merge with app.requirements #471
- buildozer fails to find Android SDK #468
- Crash of APK on start #467
- App not launching #461
- sqlite3 not working with android_new #457
- how to set path for p4a #454
- TypeError: write() argument 1 must be unicode, not str #452
- New toolchain - lxml included but not able to import #451
- sqlite3 with python2.7 and buildozer 0.33dev and new toolchain not working #450
- Update the Virtual Machine @ https://kivy.org/#download #449
- “No module named setuptools” after installing setuptools #444
- how to add --arch=armeabi-v7a to buildozer spec #443
buildozer android debug
fails withjinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: build.xml
#442- buildozer.spec - requirements - kivy == master #440
- Buildozer can't find zlib #437
- Expose kivy download source? #435
- compiling crash #431
- Buildozer unable to make apk #430
- Crash APK on start #429
- More like a noob question #428
- keka failed to download
OS X El Capitan
#427 - Buildozer fails with pure python library pint #425
- Invalid argument to arm-linux-androideabi-gcc #424
- dlopen failed: _clock.so is 64-bit instead of 32-bit #423
- how to solve the build error for "java"? #421
- Problems in patching files during building for android_new #416
- Buildozer doesn't work with multiple first-class directories #415
- Buildozer suddenly not working, Linux, Python 2.7
build.xml: Failed to find version-tag string
#414 - Buildozer not finding aidl #413
- buildozer android created apk fails if application source kept in multiple files #411
- Python 3 unicode print
/ copy to clipboard crashes app on Android #404
- checking whether the C compiler works... no #402
- configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables #395
- ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'p4a.local_recipes' in section: 'app'
#394 - Google has changed the type of archive the new NDK #393
- Why does buildozer build and pull python for android from old_toolchain branch ? #389
- buildozer android_new does not show the presplash #387
- Error when using buildozer android_new with python3crystax #386
- Command failed: tar xzf android-sdk_r20-linux.tgz #383
- When will you add requests lib to recipes? #382
- Presplash does not work with "android_new" as target. #380
- Build for Android is Inconsistent with the Linux Version #378
- [question] What are the supported OS ? #369
- AttributeError: 'AnsiCodes' object has no attribute 'LIGHTBLUE_EX' #366
- splash image not hide after kivy loaded #364
- app always crash in android #360
- Plyer not available in buildozer android_new #358
- Runs empty directory instead of binary
#357 - App built with buildozer does not open on android #356
- Error when running buildozer android_new debug #354
- ios list_identities returns no identities #353
- buildozer not working #350
- error: Cython does not appear to be installed #349
- AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'hostpython' #347
- osx packaging results in venv error #345
- Requirement example requirements = kivy,requests fails #344
- Unavailability of important packages #343
- no way to change bootstrap #341
- Apk built with buildozer and multiple python file crashes #331
- Please upgrade the documentation #255
- Buildozer doesn't recognize "profile" option anymore #254
- Try to build with caldav requirement fails #248
- Trouble building for older android versions #240
- removing old apk file seems to fail before installing the new one #238
- Build fails due to python-distribute.org being down #200
- I am struggling with building an apk #153
- fresh android sdk install requires sdk update #151
- FYI - Ubuntu 14.04 Necessary Java Path Adjustment #141
- Cannot compile
#135 - can't add django to requirement #130
- add an ssh target #1
Merged pull requests:
- close #452 as suggested by SpotlightKid #489 (pat1)
- Update README.rst #487 (matletix)
- Made buildozer run p4a using the current sys.executable #484 (inclement)
- ios: refactor deprecated PackageApplication command #483 (kived)
- android_new: change skip_update to skip all updates #465 (ZingBallyhoo)
- android_new: add "android.arch" config option #458 (ZingBallyhoo)
- Fix Py3 Incompatable str + bytes issue. #456 (FeralBytes)
- spec file: dont use fullscreen by default #447 (rafalo1333)
- spec file: use portrait orientation by default #446 (rafalo1333)
- Add presplash background color support for android_new toolchain #436 (rnixx)
- Fix file_matches to never return None #432 (inclement)
- Fixed 64 bit detection
it failed under python3
#409 (inclement) - Added p4a.local_recipes to default.spec and handled its absence #405 (inclement)
- Adding README.rst entries for how to use buildozer with python3 #403 (andyDoucette)
- Update installation.rst
#399 (FermiParadox) - Update quickstart.rst #398 (FermiParadox)
- Add p4a.local_recipes to buildozer.spec to specify a local recipe dir… #385 (cidermole)
- Always pass required args to p4a in android_new #375 (inclement)
- Changed p4a command order to work with argparse #374 (inclement)
- buildozer has no attribute builddir #351 (nilutz)
- throw error early if running in venv #346 (kived)
- allow selection of bootstrap for android_new #342 (kived)
- bump version to 0.33dev #340 (kived)
- trying to fix Kivy install for OS X builds #316 (derPinguin)
- update installation info #256 (kiok46)
v0.32 (2016-05-09)
Closed issues:
- When is the support coming to build windows .exe using buildozer? #333
- outdated openssl #332
- ios deployment fails
buildozer --verbose ios debug deploy
#330 - Can't add uuid pytz datetime time dbf to requirements #329
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith' #326
- android.p4a_dir use old toolchain? #325
- Switch from pygame to sdl2 easily #313
- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: "/home/andrew/CODE/Python/kivy-test-android/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/dist/helloworld/bin/HelloWorld-'1.0'-debug.apk" #312
- Marshmallow sdk not found #310
- Install Buildozer: Finished processing dependencies for buildozer==0.32dev #304
- Bump default min SDK to 13: Fix crash on orientation change bug #302
- Disable "Open with file manager" when USB cable is connected in virtual machine #299
- Check presence of main.py during build time #298
- Py3: 'Buildozer' object has no attribute 'critical' #297
- The splash screen isn't automatically resized #292
- buildozer don't work if whitespace in path #287
- buildozer help fail #285
- Buildozer.spec 's title of your application can not be a Chinese character #284
- How to build apk with a cython file #283
- pip no longer has a --download-cache option, so downloading requirements has stopped working #279
- Cython2 not recognized in Fedora23 ? #278
- Buildozer VIrtual Machine Error: /jni/application/src/': Not a directory #277
- buildozer android debug deploy run hangs #275
- Is it possible to move the .buildozer folder somewhere else? #273
- configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables #272
- buildozer deploy error #271
- Cannot set Android API version #268
- Support python3 #265
- App crash when changing orientation #264
- Broken update command #261
- error while deploying android #257
- jnius/jnius.c: No such file or directory #251
- Implement source.include_patterns #245
- Buildozer Python 3 Compatability Issues #175
Merged pull requests:
- prepare for release 0.32 #339 (kived)
- use p4a --color argument #338 (kived)
- fix changing android branch #337 (kived)
- use cp -a not cp -r #336 (akshayaurora)
- improve build directory handling, add values to default.spec #335 (kived)
- fix incorrect api/minapi values #334 (kived)
- fix bad placement of expanduser() #328 (kived)
- use custom source dirs for android_new #324 (kived)
- use p4a revamp --storage-dir option #323 (kived)
- add adb and p4a commands to android/android_new #322 (kived)
- fix py3 str has no decode issue #321 (kived)
- let p4a revamp handle pure python requirements #320 (kived)
- fix icons for ios target #319 (kived)
- support using custom kivy-ios source dir #318 (kived)
- disable bitcode for ios target #317 (kived)
- Add window option for target android_new #315 (pythonic64)
- fix usage exception #311 (kived)
- add python3 compatibility to verbose output for android build
#303 (pohmelie) - Allow app title to contain Unicode characters #293 (udiboy1209)
- use ios-deploy version 1.7.0 #291 (cbenhagen)
- Add spec option to skip automated update of installed android package #290 (pastcompute)
- Fix issues with android.p4a_dir spec file property #288 (pastcompute)
- Remove pip --download-cache flag
fixes \#279
#282 (cbenhagen) - put bin/ in builddir if specified in buildozer.spec #274 (jabbalaci)
- Implement source.include_patterns #269 (udiboy1209)
- Updated Licence Year #266 (CodeMaxx)
- fix android.branch option #250 (tshirtman)
v0.31 (2016-01-07)
Closed issues:
- Logo aspect ratio problem #263
- Is there a way to seperate building environment and building apk? #259
- buildozer must be ran with sudo #258
- Invalid NDK platform #253
- Q:compile error #252
- Please update SDK url #249
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: isSupportChangeBadgeByCallMethod [] #243
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' #242
- Error: Flag '-a' is not valid for 'list sdk'. #241
- Provide custom path for android SDK to buildozer #237
- kivy examples seem to need __version__ #236
- pyliblo #235
Merged pull requests:
- OS X Target for Bulldozer #262 (akshayaurora)
- kill easy_install #244 (techtonik)
- install requires virtualenv #239 (cbenhagen)
- Fixed Space in app path issue. Fixes #13 #231 (dvenkatsagar)
0.30 (2015-10-04)
Closed issues:
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #234
- Cannot use numpy with buildozer #232
- Problem downloading ndk version > r9d #229
- Error likely to missing 32 bit packages #228
- Bulldozer can't download new ndks 10x... #227
- Error while trying to install Buildozer in Windows 10 #225
- Making reverse engineering .apk harder #224
- Buildozer wont compile libraries with cython 0.23 or 0.22 #223
- These are the errors I get when I try to package the file... #222
- Buildozer installs platform despite setting ndk & sdk paths #220
- Can't find config.ini buildozer solution #219
- Ant error: SDK does not have any Build Tools installed #218
- Buildozer fails because of build-tools package name #217
- ImportError: No module named pygments #216
- buildozer android camera #215
- Error when first time Building apk #212
- cannot import name spawnu #211
- Buildozer recompiles p4a when a custom for of plyer is used. #210
- Add android.ant_path to default.spec #209
- Problems with adding wav, ogg and ttf files #208
- cython issue with kivy and buildozer development versions #207
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #205
- Buildozer isn't building if I try to include some requirements #195
- Cant build APK for android.api = 10 #193
- Doc error: "buildozer clean" does not exist #189
- Can't install pillow requirement #188
- #error from Cython compilation #150
- Space in app path path name causes ./distribute -m kivy to fail #13
Merged pull requests:
- Changed p4a download to pull old_toolchain branch #233 (inclement)
- Added support for downloading and handling android ndk r10 versions. Fixes #229 and #227 #230 (dvenkatsagar)
- make _read_version_subdir return parse('0') instead of [0], otherwise… #206 (denys-duchier)
v0.29 (2015-06-01)
Fixed bugs:
- version problem with split #201
Closed issues:
- buildozer android release hangs at "compile platform" #199
- Hang up at Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml #198
- Python 3 Import error on urllib.request. #187
Merged pull requests:
- needs testing, should fix #201 using pypa implementation of PEP440 #202 (tshirtman)
- check for complete dist instead of dist dir #197 (kived)
- fix ios targets xcode command #194 (cbenhagen)
- Windows fix #192 (jaynakus)
- some python 3 compatibility #191 (pohmelie)
- allow custom source folders in buildozer.spec #185 (kived)
- use upstream pexpect instead of shipping it #176 (tshirtman)
v0.27 (2015-03-08)
Closed issues:
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #183
- Buildozer get error during packaging for android #182
- Bug with android.p4a_whitelist in buildozer.spec file. #180
- You need an option for git https #178
- Buildozer .apk file creation issue #177
- sudo buildozer Fails #174
- Buildozer iOS Apps Won't Open #171
- always show python-for-android output on failure #170
- Buildozer tries to install android sdk every time you try to compile an android application. #169
- automatic installation of android sdk fails due to unicode parsing error #166
- Move from fruitstrap to ios-deploy #107
- buildozer ios debug build fails on MacOS Mavericks #83
- gdb doesn't work anymore with Xcode 5 #54
- buildozer ios debug deploy fails on running fruitstrap at 70% with error AMDeviceInstallApplication failed #9
Merged pull requests:
0.26 (2015-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
0.25 (2015-01-27)
0.24 (2015-01-27)
0.23 (2015-01-27)
0.22 (2015-01-27)
v0.21 (2015-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
0.19 (2014-12-17)
0.18 (2014-12-17)
Closed issues:
- buildozer can't download python libs due to ssl certificate check fail #164
- Buildozer feature redirect .buildozer folder outside your project #162
- Buildozer fails on clean build #161
- pjnius build fails on Arch Linux when requiring netifaces #159
- error compiling with buildozer #158
- C compiler cannot create executables #152
- Requirements needing commas instead of spaces
like p4a
is non-obvious #147
Merged pull requests:
- fix build error and allow redirecting build folder #163 (olymk2)
- Remove duplicated checkbin(). #160 (attakei)
- added note about buildozer not having anything to do with buildozer.io #157 (nickyspag)
- Fixed logic to compare with “non installed” with “minor version upped" #156 (attakei)
- Set "UTF-8" to java file.encoding for android update command explicitly #155 (attakei)
- added example to default.spec requirements showing comma seperation #148 (chozabu)
0.17 (2014-09-22)
0.16 (2014-09-22)
Closed issues:
is too slow to run in china. #143- Buildozer setup.py fails with Module ImportError #140
- buildozer downloads Android SDK 20 during every call to deploy app #137
- Buildozerv0.15: lib/pexpect.py is not Python 3 compatable #131
- Keep on gettting version error #129
- arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: fatal error: no input files #127
- I am new to python and buildozer, using buildozer to compile my first android app #125
- I am new to python and buildozer, using buildozer to compile my first android app, #124
- Command Failed #122
- Exception: Cython cythonnot found #120
- Enable use for packaging OSX apps #114
- Errors on 'buildozer android debug deploy run' #113
- Fail to download Android SDK in Linux and Python 3.3 #110
- Unable to add "requirements" buildozer.spec #109
- TypeError: 'encoding' is an invalid keyword argument for this function #106
- Custom activity #33
- Buildozer fails to install on Windows #27
- support blacklist changes in python-for-android #17
Merged pull requests:
- Test in file_rename if target directory exists. #144 (droundy)
- Fix for android.library_references path issue #139 (excessivedemon)
- Specs doc revision #134 (dessant)
- Make pexpect.py Python 3 Compatable #133 (FeralBytes)
- Added check for buildozer running as root #128 (inclement)
- Add link to the right android python project #119 (techtonik)
- Execute buildozer as "python -m buildozer" #118 (techtonik)
- Fix #115 #116 (manuelbua)
0.15 (2014-06-02)
Closed issues:
- Do not set permissions
if already set #115 - UTF-8 Encoding Error, __init.py__ 0.15-dev #108
- incorrect minapi android manifest value #93
- libpython wait4 linker error #92
- fcntl import error #88
- No Python 3 Support #84
- Uncaught exception on missing cython #80
- Where are custom python-for-android recipes meant to go? #76
- Error compiling Cython file: #73
- Zlib still giving issues on Ubuntu 13.04 #72
- DBAccessError permission denied in app #71
- Selective update of depencencies #70
- 32-bit SDK installed on 64-bit system #69
- wrong version regex #67
- sdk update fails on license question #66
- x86 and armeabi-v7 libs #63
- Missing dependenced during compilation #59
- Bad magic number when reading generated state.db file in VMware Ubuntu guest #42
- x86 apk support on buildozer #11
Merged pull requests:
- Ignore UTF-8 decoding errors. Closes #108 #112 (cbenhagen)
- chmod ug+x android_cmd #111 (cbenhagen)
- p4a whitelist #98 (b3ni)
0.14 (2014-04-20)
0.13 (2014-04-20)
0.12 (2014-04-20)
0.11 (2014-04-20)
Closed issues:
0.10 (2014-04-09)
Closed issues:
- Android SDK installation not working anymore #101
- Buildozer almost completes and then errors saying file exists #99
- Java compilernot found #95
- Absolute path problem #91
- Error when running: buildozer --verbose android debug deploy run #89
- buildozer.spec passing requirements #87
- debugging "Command failed" is tedious #86
- No module named sqlite3 #56
- Garden packages are unsupported #39
- python-for-android repo is hard-coded in buildozer #37
- virtualenv-2.7 hardcoded #22
- Buildozer error no build.py #21
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed garden install for newer virtualenvs #100 (brousch)
- fix ln if soft link existed #96 (pengjia)
- Added realpath modifier to p4a_dir token #94 (inclement)
- Documented env var checking and fixed a bug in the p4a_dir check #85 (inclement)
- Delete dist dir if running distribute.sh #81 (inclement)
- implement the
command. #79 (akshayaurora) - Garden requirements #41 (Ian-Foote)
0.9 (2014-02-13)
Closed issues:
- Command failed: ./distribute.sh -m "kivy" error message #77
- Error importing _scproxy #68
- Package names beginning with a number cause an obscure crash with an unclear error message #64
- failing to compile sample android app with buildozer #61
- Default android.sdk setting causes sensor rotate on Android to fail #32
- Add wakelock to options #31
Merged pull requests:
- Updated Android NDK default version to 9c #82 (brousch)
- Add 'bin' to suggested default directory excludes #78 (joseph-jnl)
- Clarified wording in README #75 (inclement)
- Check for package name starting with number #65 (inclement)
- [FIX] Detect 32/64 bit on Windows, to download Android NDK #62 (alanjds)
- Added --private and --dir Android storage option #58 (brousch)
- Added a 'serve' command to serve bin/ over SimpleHTTPServer #49 (brousch)
0.8 (2013-10-29)
Fixed bugs:
- _patch_application_sources breaks from __future__ imports #35
Closed issues:
- unresolved domain: pygame.org #34
Merged pull requests:
- Add ability to choose python-for-android directory #60 (inclement)
- Update default Android NDK to r9 #53 (brousch)
- Added android.wakelock option #51 (brousch)
- Fixed another 'Unknown' typo #48 (brousch)
- Fixed spelling of 'Unknown' #47 (brousch)
- Fixed missing 'r' on ANDROIDNDKVER environment export #46 (brousch)
- make sure android.branch works with fresh clone #44 (akshayaurora)
- Fixed a typo in setdefault description #40 (nithin-bose)
- Package paths #38 (Ian-Foote)
- add applibs in path for service too #26 (tshirtman)
- fix distribute install before installing every dependencies, fix a few i... #25 (tshirtman)
0.7 (2013-09-11)
Closed issues:
- Builds fail on Ubuntu 13.04 with zlib.h missing #18
- "buildozer android update" fails with an error about android.branch #12
- Problem Ubuntu compilation on network drive #10
- [app] "android.permission" contain an unknown permission #6
- buildozer on ios fails at: Command failed: tools/build-all.sh #5
- Automatically installing Android SDK fails in file_rename called from _install_android_sdk #4
- buildozer does not support ~ in android.sdk_path #3
Merged pull requests:
- Fix typo 'versionning' -> 'versioning'. #29 (Ian-Foote)
- Fixed hard-coded Android API 14 #23 (brousch)
- Fixed #18: Builds fail on Ubuntu 13.04 with zlib.h missing. #20 (roskakori)
- Europython sprint updates #19 (fabiankreutz)
- copy the generated apk back from remote #16 (akshayaurora)
- android.add_jars config option #15 (bob-the-hamster)
- Ouya support #14 (bob-the-hamster)
0.2 (2012-12-20)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator