Karl Seguin 6df1e24ae3 2 changes:
1 -
Previously, we determined if an item should be promoted in the main getter
thread. This required that we protect the item.promotions variable, as both
the getter and the worker were concurrently accessing it. This change pushes
the conditional promotion to the worker (from the getter's point of view, items
are always promoted). Since only the worker ever accesses .promotions, we no
longer must protect access to it.

2 -
The total size of the cache was being maintained by both the worker thread
and the calling code. This required that we protect access to cache.size. Now,
only the worker ever changes the size. While this simplifies much of the code,
it means that we can't easily replace an item (replacement either via Set or
Replace). A replcement now involves creating a new object and deleting the old
one (using the existing deletables and promotable infrastructure). The only
noticeable impact frmo this change is that, despite previous documentation,
Replace WILL cause the item to be promoted (but it still only does so if it
exists and it still doesn't extend the original TTL).
2014-12-28 11:11:32 +07:00

207 lines
6.9 KiB

package ccache
import (
. ""
type LayeredCacheTests struct{}
func Test_LayeredCache(t *testing.T) {
Expectify(new(LayeredCacheTests), t)
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) GetsANonExistantValue() {
cache := newLayered()
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow")).To.Equal(nil)
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) SetANewValue() {
cache := newLayered()
cache.Set("spice", "flow", "a value", time.Minute)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow").Value()).To.Equal("a value")
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "stop")).To.Equal(nil)
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) SetsMultipleValueWithinTheSameLayer() {
cache := newLayered()
cache.Set("spice", "flow", "value-a", time.Minute)
cache.Set("spice", "must", "value-b", time.Minute)
cache.Set("leto", "sister", "ghanima", time.Minute)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow").Value()).To.Equal("value-a")
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "must").Value()).To.Equal("value-b")
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "worm")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("leto", "sister").Value()).To.Equal("ghanima")
Expect(cache.Get("leto", "brother")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("baron", "friend")).To.Equal(nil)
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) ReplaceDoesNothingIfKeyDoesNotExist() {
cache := newLayered()
Expect(cache.Replace("spice", "flow", "value-a")).To.Equal(false)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow")).To.Equal(nil)
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) ReplaceUpdatesTheValue() {
cache := newLayered()
cache.Set("spice", "flow", "value-a", time.Minute)
Expect(cache.Replace("spice", "flow", "value-b")).To.Equal(true)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow").Value().(string)).To.Equal("value-b")
//not sure how to test that the TTL hasn't changed sort of a sleep..
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) DeletesAValue() {
cache := newLayered()
cache.Set("spice", "flow", "value-a", time.Minute)
cache.Set("spice", "must", "value-b", time.Minute)
cache.Set("leto", "sister", "ghanima", time.Minute)
cache.Delete("spice", "flow")
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "must").Value()).To.Equal("value-b")
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "worm")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("leto", "sister").Value()).To.Equal("ghanima")
func (_ *LayeredCacheTests) DeletesALayer() {
cache := newLayered()
cache.Set("spice", "flow", "value-a", time.Minute)
cache.Set("spice", "must", "value-b", time.Minute)
cache.Set("leto", "sister", "ghanima", time.Minute)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "flow")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "must")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("spice", "worm")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("leto", "sister").Value()).To.Equal("ghanima")
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) GCsTheOldestItems() {
cache := Layered(Configure().ItemsToPrune(10))
cache.Set("xx", "a", 23, time.Minute)
for i := 0; i < 500; i++ {
cache.Set(strconv.Itoa(i), "a", i, time.Minute)
cache.Set("xx", "b", 9001, time.Minute)
//let the items get promoted (and added to our list)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
Expect(cache.Get("xx", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("xx", "b").Value()).To.Equal(9001)
Expect(cache.Get("8", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("9", "a").Value()).To.Equal(9)
Expect(cache.Get("10", "a").Value()).To.Equal(10)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) PromotedItemsDontGetPruned() {
cache := Layered(Configure().ItemsToPrune(10).GetsPerPromote(1))
for i := 0; i < 500; i++ {
cache.Set(strconv.Itoa(i), "a", i, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10) //run the worker once to init the list
cache.Get("9", "a")
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
Expect(cache.Get("9", "a").Value()).To.Equal(9)
Expect(cache.Get("10", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("11", "a").Value()).To.Equal(11)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) TrackerDoesNotCleanupHeldInstance() {
cache := Layered(Configure().ItemsToPrune(10).Track())
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
cache.Set(strconv.Itoa(i), "a", i, time.Minute)
item := cache.TrackingGet("0", "a")
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
Expect(cache.Get("0", "a").Value()).To.Equal(0)
Expect(cache.Get("1", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("0", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) RemovesOldestItemWhenFull() {
cache := Layered(Configure().MaxSize(5).ItemsToPrune(1))
cache.Set("xx", "a", 23, time.Minute)
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
cache.Set(strconv.Itoa(i), "a", i, time.Minute)
cache.Set("xx", "b", 9001, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
Expect(cache.Get("xx", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("0", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("1", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("2", "a")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("3", "a").Value()).To.Equal(3)
Expect(cache.Get("xx", "b").Value()).To.Equal(9001)
func newLayered() *LayeredCache {
return Layered(Configure())
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) RemovesOldestItemWhenFullBySizer() {
cache := Layered(Configure().MaxSize(9).ItemsToPrune(2))
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
cache.Set("pri", strconv.Itoa(i), &SizedItem{i, 2}, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
Expect(cache.Get("pri", "0")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("pri", "1")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("pri", "2")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("pri", "3")).To.Equal(nil)
Expect(cache.Get("pri", "4").Value().(*SizedItem).id).To.Equal(4)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) SetUpdatesSizeOnDelta() {
cache := Layered(Configure())
cache.Set("pri", "a", &SizedItem{0, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Set("pri", "b", &SizedItem{0, 3}, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Set("pri", "b", &SizedItem{0, 3}, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Set("pri", "b", &SizedItem{0, 4}, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Set("pri", "b", &SizedItem{0, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Set("sec", "b", &SizedItem{0, 3}, time.Minute)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Delete("pri", "b")
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) ReplaceDoesNotchangeSizeIfNotSet() {
cache := Layered(Configure())
cache.Set("pri", "1", &SizedItem{1, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Set("pri", "2", &SizedItem{1, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Set("pri", "3", &SizedItem{1, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Replace("sec", "3", &SizedItem{1, 2})
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
func (_ LayeredCacheTests) ReplaceChangesSize() {
cache := Layered(Configure())
cache.Set("pri", "1", &SizedItem{1, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Set("pri", "2", &SizedItem{1, 2}, time.Minute)
cache.Replace("pri", "2", &SizedItem{1, 2})
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Replace("pri", "2", &SizedItem{1, 1})
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)
cache.Replace("pri", "2", &SizedItem{1, 3})
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)