* switch herald to herald.go * update ci/cd stuff * fix issues with binary name * we're no longer building dynamically, so turn CGO back on, and fix names * update package names in proto files
124 lines
3.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
124 lines
3.1 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "github.com/lbryio/herald.go/protobuf/go/pb";
import "result.proto";
package pb;
service Hub {
rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (Outputs) {}
rpc Ping(EmptyMessage) returns (StringValue) {}
rpc Hello(HelloMessage) returns (HelloMessage) {}
rpc AddPeer(ServerMessage) returns (StringValue) {}
rpc PeerSubscribe(ServerMessage) returns (StringValue) {}
rpc Version(EmptyMessage) returns (StringValue) {}
rpc Features(EmptyMessage) returns (StringValue) {}
rpc Broadcast(EmptyMessage) returns (UInt32Value) {}
rpc Height(EmptyMessage) returns (UInt32Value) {}
rpc HeightSubscribe(UInt32Value) returns (stream UInt32Value) {}
rpc Resolve(StringArray) returns (Outputs) {}
message EmptyMessage {}
message ServerMessage {
string address = 1;
string port = 2;
message HelloMessage {
string port = 1;
string host = 2;
repeated ServerMessage servers = 3;
message InvertibleField {
bool invert = 1;
repeated string value = 2;
message StringValue {
string value = 1;
message StringArray {
repeated string value = 1;
message BoolValue {
bool value = 1;
message UInt32Value {
uint32 value = 1;
message RangeField {
enum Op {
EQ = 0;
LTE = 1;
GTE = 2;
LT = 3;
GT = 4;
Op op = 1;
repeated int32 value = 2;
message SearchRequest {
InvertibleField claim_id = 1;
InvertibleField channel_id = 2;
string text = 3;
int32 limit = 4;
repeated string order_by = 5;
uint32 offset = 6;
bool is_controlling = 7;
string last_take_over_height = 8;
string claim_name = 9;
string normalized_name = 10;
repeated RangeField tx_position = 11;
repeated RangeField amount = 12;
repeated RangeField timestamp = 13;
repeated RangeField creation_timestamp = 14;
repeated RangeField height = 15;
repeated RangeField creation_height = 16;
repeated RangeField activation_height = 17;
repeated RangeField expiration_height = 18;
repeated RangeField release_time = 19;
string short_url = 20;
string canonical_url = 21;
string title = 22;
string author = 23;
string description = 24;
repeated string claim_type = 25;
repeated RangeField repost_count = 26;
repeated string stream_type = 27;
repeated string media_type = 28;
repeated RangeField fee_amount = 29;
string fee_currency = 30;
repeated RangeField duration = 31;
string reposted_claim_id = 32;
repeated RangeField censor_type = 33;
string claims_in_channel = 34;
BoolValue is_signature_valid = 36;
repeated RangeField effective_amount = 37;
repeated RangeField support_amount = 38;
repeated RangeField trending_score = 39;
string tx_id = 43;
UInt32Value tx_nout = 44;
string signature = 45;
string signature_digest = 46;
string public_key_bytes = 47;
string public_key_id = 48;
repeated string any_tags = 49;
repeated string all_tags = 50;
repeated string not_tags = 51;
bool has_channel_signature = 52;
BoolValue has_source = 53;
int32 limit_claims_per_channel = 54;
repeated string any_languages = 55;
repeated string all_languages = 56;
bool remove_duplicates = 57;
bool no_totals = 58;
string sd_hash = 59;