This repository is in flux as it travels towards [version 1.0](; however its goal is to make development for and adoption of any of the LBRY appliances trivial. You should be able to clone pull fork your way to a better LBRY without having to do much more than some light reading of a README to get started.
Currently, this repository is a WIP and is under heavy construction, use at your own risk make sure you keep regular backups of your wallets. Your mileage may vary as to how far this will work for you be sure to file good and concise issues if you plan to and be mindful of we're allergic to regressions when filing PRs.
This repository aims for [Docker Best Practices]( minimalism, ephemerality, and statelessness. It will use well commented **`Shell scripts`**, Dockerfiles, and Docker-Compose which is a template that is a baseline for many other container management services such as [RancherOS]( and [Kubernetes](
Running this stuff from source should be possible if you have both [Docker]( and [docker-compose]( both installed. If these are both installed, you can proceed to run the following from within your development directory.
Once you have a local copy of the recent source, you will want to consider what containers/applications you require in your environment. At the moment since at the writing of this documentation, this comes with an assertion of [YMMV]( so if something isn't working feel free to make suggestions in the form of a PR for how we should do this better. The beauty of Open Source is learning better ways to do things as well as contributing to the world, so I'm always going to be welcoming to contributions.
Keep in mind [I am]( preferential to receiving patches over rule-following as we can always nudge you in the right direction to get things more compatible with the project ethos if it's not. Never be afraid to file a PR no one should be offended. Having said this following the next two guides will greatly improve the speed at which we can integrate your improvements.
* Have an LBC wallet ready as we want you to have some for the help! Hell, why not post it in your Commit or Merge Request for all I care but take your tips!
I'll be including a function to get a self destructing debugpaste of your LBRY appliances logs you'll be able to execute something similar to the following in all containers to export raw logs to a paste service where you can then either modify them removing sensitive data or just take that URL and create a new issue after you [(Use Issue Search)]( to make sure there isn't already an open thread for your issue.
You can then take output given in the response from the debugpaste command and put that into your github issue (This may be automated at some point to some degree).
Please be sure to fill out the [issue template]( as best as possible. This will help us answer your questions faster and fix things quicker if we have quality reports.
## License
This project is Licensed under the [MIT License](/LICENSE)
## Security
“We take security seriously. Please contact []( regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is [here]( if you need it.” LBRY is built primarily on top of proven technologies however if you find something that might increase the risk of someone losing their crypto currency [Responsible Disclosure]( is always appreciated, however, that said, we're all open-source here.
## Contact
* The primary contact for this project is @leopere feel free to reach out to **leopere [ at ] nixc [ dot ] us**